Proceedings of the First International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East, Rome, May 18ᵗʰ-23ʳᵈ 1998 / edited by Paolo Matthiae, Alessandra Enea, Luca Peyronel, Frences Pinnock.

Yer Numarası
Dil Kodu
İngilizce, Fransızca, İtalyanca, Almanca
Yayın Bilgisi
Roma : Università Degli Studi di Roma “La Sapienza”, 2000.
Fiziksel Niteleme
2 cilt (1. c. vii, 907 sayfa ; 2. c. vii sayfa, sayfa [909]-1843] : resim, çizim, plan, grafik, tablo ; 25 cm
Bibliyografi, vb. Notu
Bibliyografya bildiri sonlarındadır.
İçindekiler Notu
1. Cilt. Distributive and archaeological analysis of Susa ceramic assemblage. Typological approach and stratigraphic evidence / Enrico Ascalone -- Recently discovered Bronze Age temples: Middle Bronze Beirut and Late Bronze Tell Kazel / Leila Badre -- Les tombes du bronze moyen dans le secteur des fortifications á Ebla / F.Baffi Guardata -- Stone tools in prehistoric cypriote metallurgy / Maria Rosaria Belgiorna -- The synchronization of civilizations in the Eastern Mediterranean in the 2nd millennium BC / Manfred Bietak-Dagmar Kleinsgütl -- Metal workers of the central Black Sea Region of Turkey in the Early Bronze Age. A new perspective on the question of the indo- Europeans’ original homeland / Önder Bilgi -- The Ermenian-Italian archaeological survey in the Sevan Lake Basin, 1994-1997 / Raffaele Biscione, Simon Hmayakyan -- Achaemenid art and animal style / Burchard Brentjes -- Rues et places à Ougarit au bronze récent / Olivier Callot –Yves Calvet -- Mersin Yumuktepe from 7th through 5th millennium BC : From a rural settlement to a fortified town / Isabella Caneva -- Le lapis - lazuli de I’ Asie centrale à la Syrie au chalcolithique et à I’ âge du bronze : traits communs et particularités régionales / Michéle Casanova -- Le quartier dit “Hyksôs” dans la ville basse orientale d’ Ougarit / Corinne Castel -- Un bâtiment mystérieux sur I’ acropole de Tell Afis / Serena Maria cecchini -- L’évolution et le changement culturel à Tell ‘ Arqa après I’ invasion de Tiglath-Pileser III (Niveaux10-9) / Anis Chaaya -- Deux chaînes opératoires d’ artefacts en Pierre taillée sur un site de Mésopotamie septentrionale daté de I’Âge du bronze ancien/ Tell ‘Atij) / Jacques Chabot -- Tell Mahuz (Iraq) : una città di confine. Osservazioni su alcuni risultati della prima campagna (1997) / Joaquin M.Còrdoba -- Spazio architettonico e società ad al - Madm( Sharjah,Eau) durante I’ età del Ferro / Joaquin M.Côrdoba- Monserrat Mańé Rodriguez -- Das Hattuša / Boğazköy Surveyprojekt (Karte) / Rainer M.Czichon -- Survey and Excavation in Northern Moab / P. M. Michéle -- Tell Beydar : architecture on the acropolis, burial custom in the third millennium and environmental research / Michel Debruyne -- Tell Afis(Syria) : The Late Chalcolithic stone assemblage / Claudia de Gregorio -- The northern palace of Tell Mardikh - Ebla(Syria): Archaeozoological analysis of the refuse Pit F.5861/F.5701 / Jacopo De Grossi Mazzorin- Claudia Minniti -- Imagining ancient Israel: archaeology, social history, and the sociology of knowledge / William G. Dever -- C-14 Datings at Arslantepe and Bronze Age chronology in the Upper and Middle Euphrates / Gian Maria Di Nocera -- L’ ideologia regale nella Siria-Palestine del bronzo tardo attraverso le arti minori: la retorica del potere tra memoria del passato e ragioni politiche / Silvana Di Paolo -- Some architectural drawings on clay tablets : examples of planning activity or sketches? / Rita Dolce -- New discoveries at Tall Bazi, Syria / Berthold Einwag -- Middle Uruk poettery from area HS1. Tell Brak, aspects of cultural continuity and change / Candida Felli -- The moulds of Ebla: morphology and archaeological contexts / Silvia Festuccia -- Before seals / Enrica Fiandra -- A synthesis of ten campaigns at Tell Abu Al- Kharaz, Jordan valley: the Early, Middle, Late Bronze and Iron Ages / Peter M. Fischer -- Reconsidering the lapis lazuli working areas of Shahr-i Sokhta / Laura Foglini, Massimo Vidale -- Particularités de la céramique peinte de la moyenne vallée du Khabour au bronze ancien (période de Ninive 5) / Michel Fortin-Marie Claude Boileau -- The Roman kanatha : Results of the campaihns in 1997/1998 / Klaus S .Freyberger -- Bronze Age features in cities of the Early İron Age in the Soutern Levant / Volkmar Fritz -- The EB and Early MB chronology at the Birecik dam region (Southeastern Turkey). The Tilbes Project evidence / J. Gil Fuensanta-P.Charvàt- E.Bucak -- Three campaigns of the Argentine archaeological mission at Tell el - Ghaba, Nort Sinai, Egypt. A Salvage project / Perla Fuscaldo -- The Achaemenids and their artistic and architectural heritage: An archaeological perpective / Bruno Genito -- Tel Afis during the late Chalcolithic Period.The Late Chalcolithic levels: architecture and pottery / Deborah Giannessi -- Ekron, a late Philistine City: The impact of the Neo-Assyria Empire in the 7th century BCE / Seymour Gitin -- Amurru, Şumur (Tell Kazel) and the Mitanmi : new perspective / Eric Gubel -- The Palastinian experience in conservation of archaeological sites and architectural heritage : methodology, policies and techonology / Osama Hamdan -- Water suply in Iron Age Tel Beersheba / Ze’ev Herzog -- Tell Ziyadeh on the Middle Khabur, Syria / Frank Hole -- Excavations at Sirkeli Höyük/Turkey, 1992-1996 / Barthel Hrouda -- Remark on 3 subject A to C of the congress / Barthel Hrouda -- Ler Chaangement et la crise : réalités archéologiques et modèles interpretatils / Jean-Louis Huot -- Discovering Babylon with pietro delta valle / Antonio İnvernizzi -- Some new data on the Tell es-Sawwan human representations / Fiorella İppolitoni Strika -- Recent excavations in the Emirate of Sharjaah(UAE) .The graveyard at Jebel Al Buhais / Sabah Abboud Jasim -- Les fouilles de I’ acropole de Tel Yarmouth: la transition de I’âge du bronze à I’âge du fer / Michaël Jasmin -- The Zarqa Valley in Jordan from Lower Paleolithic to recent times : results of the 1993-1997 campaigns / Zeidan Kafafi, Paolo Matthiae, Abdel Halim al Shiyab, Fabio Parenti,Ernesto Santucci, Francesco Benedettucci, Nabil Al-Qadi, Massimiliano Munzi,Gaetano Palumbo , Alessandra peruzzeto, Martin Wilson -- Patterns of relations between Cyprus and the Near East during the second and first millennia BC / Vassos Karageorghis -- Changing settlement along the red sea coast of yemen in the Bronze Age / Edvard J.Keall -- Syro-German excavations on the Citadel of Aleppo, 1996 and 1997 / Wahid Khayyata-Kay Kohlmeyer -- Excavations at Saar, 1990-1999 / Robert Killick-Jane Moon -- achaemenidische Wasserbauten / Wolfram Kleiss -- The “red house” of the Assyrian provincial center of dur-katlimmu / Harmut Kühne -- From slab construction to wheel throwing : evolution or transformation? A journey through the history of pottery manufacturing techniques in the Near East between the V’th and the II’nd millenium BC / Nicola Laneri- Sergio di Piloto -- Some remarks on the Archaic cylender seals from Egypt, Mesopotamia and Susiana: Analogies and pattern organisation / Giovanna Lombardo -- Iron Age graves in Northern Syria: The Tell Shiukh Fawqani evidence / Marta Luciani -- On senenacherib’s Nineveh / Stephen Lumsden -- Ras Shanra- Qugarit(Syria). La population des porteurs de torques et la revision de la chronologie du bronze moyen (fin du troisième millénaire avant notre ère et première moitié du second) / Joël Mallet -- Clay figurines of the Middle Bronze Age from Northern Inner Syria: Chronology, symbolic meaning and historical relations / Nicolò Marchetti -- Preliminary report on the second season of excavations of the İtalian-Palestinian expedition at tell es-Sultan/Jericho, 1998 / Nicolò Marchetti, Lorenzo Nigro, Hamdan Taha.
2. Cilt. Mari : derniers développements des recherches conduites sur le Tell Hariri / Jean-Claude Margueron -- Restauro e valorizzazione turistica del sito di Ebla (Syria). Prime fasi sperimentali di restauro, consolidamento e protezione / Cesare Mari, Ugo Capriani, Fabrizio Finotelli, Susanna Marabini -- Archaeological survey in the Kastamonu region, Turkey : remarks on the preclassical cultural geography of the Southern Black Sea / Catherine Marro -- Paleoenvirolmental investigations in the Qazvin Plain (Iran) / Marjan Mashkour -- Le “bleu égyptien” à Ras Shamra- Qugarit (Syrie) Valérie Mantoïan-Anne Bouquillon -- Sampling an urban centre : Tell Brak excavations, 1994-1996 / Roger Matthews -- Time with the past in Paphlagonia / Roger Matthews -- Monuments séculaires et religieux dans la ville basse et fortifications d’Ebla au BM I-II : fouilles à Tell Mardikh, 1991-1997 / Paolo Matthiae -- Crisis and change : the begining of the İron Age in Syria / Stefania Mazzoni -- Basalt tools at Ebla : an example of “Ground Stone” industry in a central Syria site of the Bronze Age period / Emanuela Merluzzi -- Le processus d’ urbanisation au Levant mèridional à la lumière des fouilles de Yarmouth / Pierre de Miroschedji -- La métalurgie du bronze dans le bassin syro-mésopotamien an début du IIIe millénarire av. J.-C / Juan-Luis Montero Fenollòs -- The begining of the Early Bronze Age at Tell Shiukh Fawqani (Tishrin Dam Area) and in the Upper Syrian Euphrates Valley / Daniele Morandi Bonacossi -- An overview on recent prehistoric excavations in Syria / Sultan Muhesen -- Images d’ architecture en deux et en trois dimensions au proche-orient ancien (Mésopatamie, Syrie, Palestine) / Bèatrice Muller -- Les origines de la période Habur en Djéziré : I’apport des fouilles de Tell Mohammed Diyab / Christophe Nicolle -- Coordinating the MB I pottery horizon of Syria and Palestine / Lorenzo Nigro -- An Ubaidian burnt building from Tell Kosak Shamali, North Syria / Yoshihiro Nishiaki -- The development of the broadroom house during the Early Bronze Age and its chieftain architectural concept in Palestine / Hani Nur el-Din -- The collopse of the balance of power in the Middle of the 18th century B.C. and its reflection in Syro-Mesopotamian glyptic / Adelheid Otto -- Kanish-Nesa, the earliest international trade center of the Near East / Tahsin Özgüç -- Metal from Ebla : Chemical analyses of metal artefacts from the Bronze and Iron Age / Alberto Palmieri, Andreas Hauptmann -- Control of Sevan Lake (Armenia) during the Urartian period / Neda Parmegiani -- Digital spatial analysis of the Sevan Lake landscape (Armenia) / Neda Parmegiani-Maurizio Poscolieri -- Tell Barri- Kahat. un sito millenario nella Siria nord-orientale / Paolo Emilo Pecorella -- What happened to the Early Bronze Age III in the hinterland of Akko? Some consideration about terminology, chronology and urbanism in northern Palestine / Martin Peilstöcker -- Tel Yafo (Jaffa) : a key site of the central coastal plain re-discovered. Preliminary results from new excavations in the 1990’s / Martin Peilstöcker -- The Middle Bronze II fortress V at Tell Mardikh- Ebla (Syria) preminilary analysis of architectural contexts and archaeological materials / The production and distribution of ground stone artefacts in the Southern Levant during the 5th-4th millennia BC : some implications of Geochemical and Petrographic analysis / Graham Philip, Olwen Wiliams-Thorpe -- Some thought about the transmission of leonographies between North Syria and Cappadocia, end of the third-begining of the second millennium B.C. / Frances Pinnock -- Earthen architectures-survey and site protection : Arslantepe / Claudio Prosperi Porta -- Recent excavation at Tell Chuera and the chronology of the site / Alexander Pruss -- Survival and revivals in the art of ancient Mesopotamia / Michael Roaf -- Hana et Babylone, recherches récentes dans le Moyen-Euphrate / Olivier Rouault -- La genèse des briques plano-convexes et de I’appareil en arête de poisson : I’urbanisation de la Mèsopotamie / Martin Sauvage -- The personal name in Mesopotamia : Its impact on the evolution of writing / Denise Schmandt-Besserat -- Aspect of new research at the chalcolithic sanctuary precinct at Teleilat Ghassul / Peta Seaton -- The discovery of an Early Bronze Age cemetery in the Middle Euphrates area near Carchemish (Turkey) / Kemal Sertok, Rifat Ergeç -- Egyptian palettes in EB II and III Canaan / Karin Sowada -- Metals for the dead. Metal finds from the Birecik dam Early Bronze Age cemetery in the Middle Euphrates Area, near Carchemish (Turkey) / Filomena Fausta Squadrone -- Changing place : the transmission of Mycenacan pictorial pottery to the East / Louise Steel -- A proposal for a new periodization fort he Bronze and Iron Age in the Southern Levant (Jordan, Palestine and Israel) / John Strange -- The perception of th past in the Near East. Two case-studies : Iraq and Saudi Arabia / Vincenzo Strika -- Excavation of the water tunnel at Khirbet Belameh, 1996-1997 / Hamdan Taha -- Le peuplement de la planine du Akkar à I’âge du Bronze / Jean-Paul Thalmann -- Hama, the Middle Bronze Age reconsidered-a ceramic typology of periods J. H and G / Ingolf Thuesen-Wolfgang Ribbe -- Le matériel de broyage en basalte du Tell Ahmar (Area C, fouilles de 1989-1996) / Madeleine Trokay -- Andirons, Hut symbols and eye idols / Franca Trufelli -- Excavatations at Tell Qara Quzaq, Nortern Syria (Tišrin dam area) / Carmen Valdés Pereiro -- Earten architecture. Current techniques elucidate ancient practices / Gus W. Van Beek -- Tell Afis et la “Dark Age” (les niveaux de la fin du Bronze récent II et de I’âge du fer I) / Fabrizio Venturi -- Stratigraphy : methodology and terminology / David Warburton -- Pottery as an economical parameter between Palestine and Egypt during fourth millennium BC : from the Palestinian Presence in the Nile Delta (c. 3900-3300 BC) to the Egyptian rule of Southern Palestine (c.3300-3000 BC) / Luc Watrin -- “Zeret-Shahar on the hill in the valley”-The discovery of a new Moabite site in Jordan / Stefan Wimmer -- Babylonian archaeologists of the(ir) Mesopotamian past / Irene J. Winter -- Between the Tigris-Euphrates and the Mediterranean Sea : the oriental institute Amuq Valley regional projects, Turkey / K. Aslihan Yener -- Ougarit à la fin du bronze récent. Vingt ans d’activités de la mission Française : 1978-1997 / Marguerite Yon.
Emeği Geçenler
Matthiae, Paolo, editör.
Enea, Alessandra, editör.
Peyronel, Luca, editör.
Pinnock, Frences, editör.