Confidential British Foreign Office political correspondence [mikroform] : Palestine, 1947-1948 / project coordinator Paul Kesaris.

Dil Kodu
Yer Numarası
Eser Adının Farklı Biçimi
Palestine, 1947-1948
Yayın Bilgisi
Bethesda, MD : University Publications of America, 1980
Fiziksel Niteleme
1 mikrofilm makarası (979 poz) : pozitif ; 35 mm.
Genel Not
Public Record Office (Kew, London) FO 371/68546'da kayıtlıdır.
Bu seri 46 makaradan oluşmaktadır.
Bibliyografi, vb. Notu
Mikrofilmin indeksi B.I/6611 yer numarasında kayıtlıdır.
İçindekiler Notu
►30-31-FO 371/68546. E 5533/4/31/48 : United Nations and Palestine: UN Political Commission. Security Council resolutions. Protection of Jerusalem. Trusteeship and immigration proposals. Food position. 4. Covers trusteeship and truce negotiations at UN; military situation in Palestine; British analysis of U.S. policy on Palestine; and other issues. Covers proceedings of UN Trusteeship Council, UN General Assembly First Committee, and UN Security Council Truce Commission. Includes truce negotiations for Jerusalem; French resolution on Jerusalem; discussion of Jerusalem trusteeship statutes; UN Trusteeship Council discussion of truce negotiations and U.S. trusteeship plan; and Jewish Agency opposition to U.S. trusteeship plan. Also includes general situation in Palestine; arrival of Palestine food imports; Arab states consideration of armed intervention, concern for British troops in Gaza and for Haifa military situation, and decision to infiltrate troops into Palestine before end of mandate and use regular armies after British withdrawal. Also includes Minister to Transjordan analysis of Palestine situation; Harold Beeley analysis of U.S. policy and proceedings of UN; British summary of Arab states' policy on Palestine; commodations in Palestine for UN Palestine Commission; and other issues -- 31-68546:98. E 5463/4/31/48 : Situation in Palestine. Minister to Transjordan, Apr-30-48 (Apr-29-48), S., 5 s. -- 31-68546:102. E 5471/4/31/48 : Palestine, truce negotiations. U.K. Delegation to the UN., Apr-30-48 (Apr-29-48), 2 s. -- 31-68546:104. E 5472/4/31/48 : Palestine truce, Jewish Agency views. U.K. Delegation to the UN., Apr-30-48 (Apr-29-48), 2 s. -- 31-68546:106. E 5475/4/31/48 : New York discussions on Palestine: message for High Commissioner. Secretary of State for the Colonies, Apr-30-48 (Apr-29-48), TS., 2 s. -- 31-68546:108. E 5477/4/31/48 : Trusteeship Council. U.K. Delegation to the UN., Apr-30-48 (Apr-29-48), 4 s. -- 31-68546:112. E 5478/4/31/48 : General Assembly, First Committee. U.K. Delegation to the UN., Apr-30-48 (Apr-29-48), 4 s. -- 31-68546:116. E 5496/4/31/48 : Notification to Arab governments of the abandonment of the mandate. Ambassador to Iraq, Apr-30-48 (Apr-30-48), S., 2 s. -- 31-68546:118. E 5497/4/31/48 : Position in Palestine. Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, Apr-30-48 (Apr-29-48), TS., 10 s.
►31-FO 371/68547. E 5598/4/31/48 : United Nations and Palestine: UN Political Commission. Security Council resolutions. Protection of Jerusalem. Trusteeship and "immigration proposals. Food position. 4. Covers proceedings in UN on Palestine and on Jerusalem truce. Includes U.S. truce plan in UN General Assembly First Committee, UN Security Council Truce Commission negotiations, and UN Trusteeship Council efforts to secure Jerusalem truce. Also includes British policies on withdrawal and truce negotiations; Jewish Agency opposition to truce; Arab states views on truce; and Arab League meeting with Security Council Truce Commission. Also includes British appeal to United States to influence Jewish Agency; formation of UN Sub-Committee on Palestine to investigate future government of Palestine; International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) municipal government plan for Jerusalem; U.S. abandonment of trusteeship plan; Arab Higher Committee memorandum to UN explaining Arab opposition to Zionism and partition of Palestine; Egypt wish to evacuate citizens from Jaffa; Abdul Rahman Azzam on protection of holy places in Jerusalem; situation in Jaffa, Haifa, and Jerusalem; and other issues -- 31-68547:2. E 5605/4/31/48 : Palestine truce. Minister to Transjordan, May-3-48 (May-2-48), S., 3 s. -- 31-68547:5. E 5606/4/31/48 : Jerusalem truce. Ambassador to Egypt, May-3-48 (May-2-48), S., 2 s. -- 31-68547:7. E 5608/4/31/48 : Palestine truce. Amman Legation, May-3-48 (May-2-48), 2 s. -- 31-68547:9. E 5609/4/31/48 : Palestine protection of holy places. Minister to Transjordan, May-3-48 (May-2-48), 2 s. -- 31-68547:[10a]. E 5610/4/31/48, E 5611/4/31/48 : Documents retained in department of origin under Section 3 (4) of the Public Records Act, 1958, [May-48.], 1 s. -- 31-68547:11. E 5612/4/31/48 : Evacuation of Egyptians from Jaffa Ambassador to Egypt, May-3-48 (May-3-48), 3 s. -- 31-68547:[13a]. E 5615/4/31/48 : Documents retained in department of origin under Section 3 (4) of the Public Records Act, 1958, [May-48], 1 s. -- 31-68547:14. E 5616/4/31/48 : Palestine: position in Jerusalem. Ambassador to U.S., May-3-48 (Apr-28-48), S., 3 s. -- 31-68547:17. E 5619/4/31/48 : Palestine: truce between Jews and Arabs. Secretary of State for the Colonies, May-3-48 (May-1-48), TS., 2 s. -- 31-68547:19. E 5620/4/31/48 : Palestine truce. Ambassador to Iraq, May-4-48 (May-3-48), S., 2 s. -- 31-68547:21. E 5623/4/31/48 : Black Paper on the Jewish Agency and Zionist terrorism. Arab Higher Committee, May-4-48 (Mar-12-48), 18 s. -- 31-68547:[30b]. E 5624/4/31/48 : Documents retained in department of origin under Section 3 (4) of the Public Records Act, 1958, [May-48], 1 s. -- 31-68547:31. E 5655/4/31/48 : General Assembly, Colonial Secretary's speech. U.K. Delegation to the UN., May-4-48 (May-2-48), 2 s. -- 31-68547:33. E 5656/4/31/48 : General Assembly, Colonial Secretary's speech. Colonial Office, Permanent Under-Secretary of State, May-4-48 (May-3-48), S., 2 s. -- 31-68547:35. E 5657/4/31/48 : Jerusalem truce. U.K. Delegation to the UN., May-4-48 (May-3-48), 2 s. -- 31-68547:37. E 5658/4/31/48 : Trusteeship Council. U.K. Delegation to the UN., May-4-48 (May-3-48), 3 s. -- 31-68547:39. E 5659/4/31/48 : Trusteeship Council. U.K. Delegation to the UN., May-4-48 (May-3-48), S., 3 s. -- 31-68547:42. E 5660/4/31/48 : General Assembly, First Committee. U.K. Delegation to the UN., May-4-48 (May-3-48), 2 s. -- 31-68547:44. E 5661/4/31/48 : Trusteeship Council. U.K. Delegation to the UN., May-4-48 (May-4-48), 3 s. -- 31-68547:47. E 5662/4/31/48 : Palestine situation. Consul-General at Haifa, May-4-48 (Apr-30-48), S., 2 s. -- 31-68547:[48a]. E 5663/4/31/48 : Documents retained in department of origin under Section 3 (4) of the Public Records Act, 1958, [May-48], 1 s. -- 31-68547:49. E 5664/4/31/48 : General Assembly, First Committee. U.K. Delegation to the UN., May-4-48 (May-3-48), 2 s. -- 31-68547:[50a]. E 5665/4/31/48 : Documents retained in department of origin under Section 3 (4) of the Public Records Act, 1958, [May-48], 1 s. -- 31-68547:51. E 5669/4/31/48 : Palestine: activities of Arab states. Secretary of State for the Colonies, May-4-48 (May-2-48), S., 5 s. -- 31-68547:56. E 5670/4/31/48 : Palestine: position of Jerusalem. Secretary of State for the Colonies, May-4-48 (May-3-48), TS., 4 s. -- 31-68547:69. E 5671/4/31/48 : U.S. truce proposals for Palestine. U.K. Delegation to the UN., May-4-48 (May-3-48), TS., 9 s. -- 31-68547:67. E 5672/4/31/48 : Palestine truce talks. U.K. Delegation to the UN., May-4-48 (May-3-48), TS., 3 s. -- 31-68547:70. E 5673/4/31/48 : Truce for Palestine. U.K. Delegation to the UN., May-4-48 (May-3-48), TS., 14 s. -- 31-68547:80. E 5680/4/31/48 : Palestine truce. Beirut Legation, May-4-48 (May-3-48), 2 s. -- 31-68547:82. E 5733/4/31/48 : First Committee, Colonial Secretary's speech. U.K. Delegation to the UN., May-5-48 (May-3-48), 3 s. -- 31-68547:84. E 5736/4/31/48 : First Committee meetings. U.K. Delegation to the UN., May-5-48 (May-4-48), 3 s. -- 31-68547:87. E 5739/4/31/48 : First Committee meetings. U.K. Delegation to the UN., May-5-48 (May-4-48), 3 s. -- 31-68547:90. E 5740/4/31/48 : Palestine truce talks. U.K. Delegation to the UN., May-5-48 (May-4-48), TS., 2 s.
►31-FO 371/68548. E 5740/4/31/48 : United Nations and Palestine: UN Political Commission. Security Council resolutions. Protection of Jerusalem. Trusteeship and immigration proposals. Food position. 4. Covers proceedings of UN Trusteeship Council and General Assembly on Palestine; discussion of proposed U.S. truce plan in UN; and Arab views on Palestine situation. Includes UN Trusteeship Council consideration of French proposal for international Jerusalem volunteer force, on U.S. trusteeship plan, appointment of Special Municipal Commissioner for Jerusalem, and Arab Higher Committee and Jewish Agency agreement to cease fire in Jerusalem. Also includes UN General Assembly consideration of Trusteeship Council report, formation of UN Security Council Truce Commission, and other issues. Also includes Arthur Creech-Jones pessimistic analysis of Palestine question and record of meeting between George C. Marshall and Lord Inverchapel on U.S. truce plan. Also covers Abdul Rahman Azzam on truce negotiations and acceptable limits ofJewish immigration for establishment of truce; Arab League on protection of holy places in Jerusalem; Arab views on U.S. truce plan; Arab protest of Jewish attacks on Arab villages in Palestine; and other issues -- 31-68548:2. E 5741/4/31/48 : Palestine truce proposals. U.K. Delegation to the UN., May-5-48 (May-4-48), TS., 4 s. -- 31-68548:5. E 5743/4/31/48 : Palestine: truce proposals. Ambassador to U.S., May-5-48 (May-4-48), TS., 4 s. -- 31-68548:9. E 5744/4/31/48 : Trusteeship Council. U.K. Delegation to the UN., May-5-48 (May-5-48), 4 s. -- 31-68548:13. E 5749/4/31/48 : Plan for interim government of Palestine. Colonial Office, May-5-48 (Apr-23-48), TS., 7 s. -- 31-68548:18. E 5753/4/31/48 : Message from King Abdullah. Minister to Transjordan, May-5-48 (May-3-48), S., 2 s. -- 31-68548:[18a]. E 5754/4/31/48 : Documents retained in department of origin under Section 3 (4) of the Public Records Act, 1958, [May-48], 1 s. -- 31-68548:19. E 5755/4/31/48 : Protection of Jaffa, (Arab Legion). British Middle East Office Cairo, May-5-48 (May-4-48), 2 s. -- 31-68548:51. E 5756/4/31/48 : Trusteeship Council. U.K. Delegation to the UN., May-5-48 (May-5-48), S., 4 s. -- 31-68548:25. E 5757/4/31/48 : Trusteeship Council. U.K. Delegation to the UN., May-5-48 (May-5-48), 2 s. -- 31-68548:27. E 5759/4/31/48 : Truce for Jerusalem. Ambassador to Egypt, May-5-48 (May-5-48), TS., 2 s. -- 31-68548:29. E 5760/4/31/48 : Palestine: Arab attitude to truce. Minister to Transjordan, May-5-48 (May-5-48), TS., 5 s. -- 31-68548:33. E 5761/4/31/48 : Palestine: position before the surrender of the mandate. Secretary of State for the Colonies, May-5-48 (May-2-48), TS., 7 s. -- 31-68548:40. E 5765/4/31/48 : Date of termination of the mandate. Minister to Transjordan, May-5-48 (May-4-48), 2 s. -- 31-68548:[41a]. E 5772/4/31/48 : Documents retained in department of origin under Section 3 (4) of the Public Records Act, 1958, [May-48], 1 s. -- 31-68548:42. E 5802/4/31/48 : Palestine truce proposals. Ambassador to Egypt, May-6-48 (May-5-48), S., 2 s. -- 31-68548:44. E 5803/4/31/48 : Palestine truce proposals. Cairo Embassy, May-6-48 (May-5-48), 2 s. -- 31-68548:46. E : 5815/4/31/48 : Palestine truce. Damascus Legation, May-6-48 (May-5-48), S., 2 s. -- 31-68548:48. E 5816/4/31/48 : Jewish attacks on Arab villages. Damascus Legation, May-6-48 (May-5-48), S., 8 s. -- 31-68548:55. E 5819/4/31/48 : Consular Truce Commission, British representation. U.K. Delegation to the UN., May-6-48 (May-5-48), 2 s. -- 31-68548:57. E 5833/4/31/48 : Palestine: Jewish activities in Arab areas. Damascus Legation May-6-48 (May-5-48), S., 3 s. -- 31-68548:59. E 5841/4/31/48 : Northern Palestine: situation at Safad Minister to Syria, May-6-48 (May-6-48), 5 s. -- 31-68548:64. E 5842/4/31/48 : United Nations officials for Palestine. U.K. Delegation to the UN., May-7-48 (May-6-48), S., 5 s. -- 31-68548:68. E 5846/4/31/48 : Proposed statement by the Colonial Secretary in the United Nations General Assembly. Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, May-7-48 (May-3-48), S., 4 s. -- 31-68548:71. E 5859/4/31/48 : Protection of holy places in Jerusalem and all Palestine. Arab League, May-7-48 (Apr-28-48), 4 s. -- 31-68548:74. E 5886/4/31/48 : Documents retained in department of origin under Section 3 (4) of the Public Records Act, 1958, [May-48], 1 s. -- 31-68548:75. E 5887/4/31/48 : United States proposal for conclusion of truce and extension of the mandate. Cairo Embassy, May-7-48 (May-6-48), 3 s. -- 31-68548:78. E 5889/4/31/48 : General Assembly meetings. U.K. Delegation to the UN., May-7-48 (May-6-48), 5 s. -- 31-68548:83. E 5890/4/31/48 : General Assembly meetings. U.K. Delegation to the UN., May-7-48 (May-6-48), 2 s.
►31-FO 371/68549. E 5890/4/31/48 : United Nations and Palestine: UN Political Commission. Security Council resolutions. Protection of Jerusalem. Trusteeship and immigration proposals. Food position. 4. Covers proceedings of UN Trusteeship Council, Security Council, General Assembly, and other UN committees on subject of Palestine; discussion and text of proposed U.S. truce plan in UN; discussion of U.S. trusteeship plan in UN; and British summary of UN proceedings on Palestine. Includes Jewish Agency position in UN Security Council; UN Palestine Commission report to UN General Assembly Sub-Committee on Palestine; UN Security Council discussion of possible Arab states intervention in Palestine; and Arthur Creech-Jones view that there will be no solution without all parties' consent. Also covers informal meeting between U.S. and British UN delegations on future of Palestine and dependence of Marshall Plan on uninterrupted supply of oil; agreement between U.S. and British Palestine policies; Arab reaction to U.S. truce proposals; discussion of appointment of Special Municipal Commissioner for Jerusalem; and other issues -- 31-68549:2. E 5891/4/31/48 : Physical assets of the Palestine government. U.K. Delegation to the UN., May-7-48 (May-6-48), 2 s. -- 31-68549:4. E 5895/4/31/48 : General Assembly meetings. U.K. Delegation to the UN., May-7-48 (May-6-48), 3 s. -- 31-68549:7. E 5900/4/31/48 : Palestine truce. Minister to Transjordan, May-7-48 (May-6-48), TS., 2 s. -- 31-68549:9. E 5901/4/31/48 : Palestine truce. Minister to Transjordan, May-8-48 (May-6-48), 2 s. -- 31-68549:11. E 5902/4/31/48 : Palestine truce. Minister to Transjordan, May-7-48 (May-6-48), TS., 2 s. -- 31-68549:13. E 5918/4/31/48 : Situation at Jaffa. Damascus Legation, May-7-48 (May-5-48), 2 s. -- 31-68549:15. E 5920/4/31/48 : Jerusalem truce. Ambassador to Saudi Arabia, May-7-48 (May-6-48), 2 s. -- 31-68549:17. E 5924/4/31/48 : Palestine truce: a leakage. Cairo Embassy, May-7-48 (May-6-48), TS., 2 s. -- 31-68549:19. E 5925/4/31/48 : Palestine truce. Minister to Syria, May-7-48 (May-6-48), S., 4 s. -- 31-68549:23. E 5926/4/31/48 : Palestine truce. Minister to Lebanon, May-7-48 (May-7-48), 6 s. -- 31-68549:27. E 5927/4/31/48 : Municipal Commissioner, Jerusalem. U.K. Delegation to the UN., May-8-48 (May-7-48), S., 3 s. -- 31-68549:30. E 5928/4/31/48 : Responsibility for Syrian losses at Haifa. Minister to Syria, May-7-48 (Apr-30-48), 4 s. -- 31-68549:33. E 5936/4/31/48 : Appointment of Special Commissioner, Jerusalem. U.K. Delegation to the UN., May-8-48 (May-7-48), S., 3 s. -- 31-68549:36. E 5937/4/31/48 : Flight of United Nations officials to Palestine. U.K. Delegation to the UN., May-8-48 (May-7-48), S., 2 s. -- 31-68549:38. E 5942/4/31/48 : Palestine truce. U.K. Delegation to the UN., May-8-48 (May-7-48), TS., 4 s. -- 31-68549:42. E 5946/4/31/48 : Possible invasion of Palestine by Arab states. U.K. Delegation to the UN., May-8-48 (May-7-48), 3 s. -- 31-68549:44. E 5948/4/31/48 : Palestine truce. Minister to Lebanon, May-8-48 (May-7-48), S., 2 s. -- 31-68549:46. E 5949/4/31/48 : Palestine truce. U.K. Delegation to the UN., May-8-48 (May-7-48), TS., 7 s. -- 31-68549:52. E 5952/4/31/48 : Sub-Committee of First Committee, Colonial Secretary. U.K. Delegation to the UN., May-10-48 (May-8-48), 3 s. -- 31-68549:55. E 5953/4/31/48 : United Nations officials for Palestine. U.K. Delegation to the UN., May-10-48 (May-8-48), 2 s. -- 31-68549:57. E 5954/4/31/48 : Sub-Committee of First Committee. U.K. Delegation to the UN., May-10-48 (May-8-48), S., 3 s. -- 31-68549:60. E 5955/4/31/48 : Special Municipal Commissioner. U.K. Delegation to the UN., May-10-48 (May-8-48), TS., 7 s. -- 31-68549:66. E 5956/4/31/48 : Special Municipal Commissioner. United Nations, Secretary-General, May-10-48 (May-8-48), 2 s. -- 31-68549:68. E 5985/4/31/48 : Emergency proposals for Palestine. Foreign Office, May-10-48 (May-5-48), 4 s. -- 31-68549:71. E 6002/4/31/48 : Palestine truce. Minister to Transjordan, May-10-48 (May-8-48), S., 3 s. -- 31-68549:74. E 6003/4/31/48 : Palestine, views of Azzam Pasha. Minister to Transjordan, May-10-48 (May-9-48), S., 2 s. -- 31-68549:76. E : 6005/4/31/48 : Handling of Palestine situation in Security Council. U.K. Delegation to the UN., May-10-48 (May-9-48), S., 5 s. -- 31-68549:80. E 6009/4/31/48 : Palestine truce proposals. Minister to Lebanon, May-10-48 (May-9-48), S., 2 s. -- 31-68549:82. E 6010/4/31/48 : Trusteeship agreement for Palestine. Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, Adviser on Palestine, May-10-48 (May-8-48), TS., 17 s. -- 31-68549:96. E 6011/4/31/48 : Palestine truce proposals. U.K. Delegation to the UN., May-10-48 (May-9-48), TS., 10 s. -- 31-68549:105. E 6012/4/31/48 : Trusteeship agreement for Palestine. U.K. Delegation to the UN., May-10-48 (May-10-48), TS., 2 s. 1-68549:107. E 6013/4/31/48 : Text of the trusteeship agreement. U.K. Delegation to the UN., May-10-48 (May-10-48), TS., 4 s. -- 31-68549:111. E 6014/4/31/48 : Palestine truce proposals. Foreign Office, May-10-48 (May-8-48), TS, 15 s.
►31-FO 371/68550. E 6014/4/31/48 : United Nations and Palestine: UN Political Commission. Security Council resolutions. Protection of Jerusalem. Trusteeship and immigration proposals. Food position. 4. Covers truce negotiations in United Nations and communication of U.S. truce proposals for Palestine to Arab governments and Arab reaction to same; proceedings ofUN Trusteeship Council and Security Council Truce Commission; UN General Assembly truce resolution; text of U.S. truce plan; and report of UN General Assembly Sub-Committee on Palestine. Also includes U.S. press on British assets in Palestine and appointment of Special Municipal Commissioner for Jerusalem. Also covers Arab reaction to Jewish capture of Safad in northern Palestine; Arab governments on Arab intervention and occupation of Arab areas of Palestine; Abdul Rahman Azzam on importation of food for Jews, on alleged Jewish violations of truce, and on truce proposals; and other issues -- 31-68550:2. E 6015/4/31/48 Palestine truce. Ambassador to Iraq , May-10-48 (May-9-48), S., 3 s. -- 31-68550:5. E 6016/4/31/48 : Palestine truce. Minister to Lebanon, May-10-48 (May-9-48), S., 2 s. -- 31-68550:7. E 6017/4/31/48 : Palestine truce. Ambassador to Egypt, May-10-48 (May-9-48), TS., 2 s. -- 31-68550:9. E 6018/4/31/48 : Palestine truce. Minister to Syria, May-10-48 (May-9-48), TS., 9 s. -- 31-68550:[15a]. E 6020/4/31/48 : Documents retained in department of origin under Section 3 (4) of the Public Records Act, 1958, [May-48], 1 s. -- 31-68550:16. E 6021/4/31/48 : Palestine, situation at Safad. Ambassador to Iraq, May-10-48 (May-8-48), 2 s. -- 31-68550:18. E 6022/4/31/48 : Palestine, communications to Arab governments. Minister to Transjordan, May-10-48 (May-8-48), TS., 2 s. -- 31-68550:20. E 6023/4/31/48 : Palestine. Communications to Arab governments. Minister to Lebanon, May-10-48 (May-8-48), TS., 3 s. -- 31-68550:23. E 6025/4/31/48 : Port of Haifa, Jewish immigration. Minister to Transjordan, May-10-48 (May-6-48), S., 2 s. -- 31-68550:25. E 6026/4/31/48 : Palestine, communications to Arab governments. Ambassador to Iraq May-10-48 (May-9-48), 2 s. -- 31-68550:27. E 6027/4/31/48 : Palestine, communications to Arab governments. Minister to Syria, May-10-48 (May-8-48), TS., 3 s. -- 31-68550:30. E 6028/4/31/48 : Palestine truce proposals. Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, May-10-48 (May-7-48), 7 s. -- 31-68550:35. E 6029/4/31/48 : Palestine truce. Minister to Syria, May-11-48 (May-10-48), 2 s. -- 31-68550:37. E 6030/4/31/48 : Truce proposals. Minister to Syria, May-11-48 (May-10-48), S., 4 s. -- 31-68550:41. E 6031/4/31/48 : Palestine, report by Moshe Shertok. U.K. Delegation to the UN., May-11-48 (May-10-48), TS., 4 s. -- 31-68550:45. E 6033/4/31/48 : Palestine truce proposals. U.K. Delegation to the UN., May-11-48 (May-10-48), S., 2 s. -- 31-68550:47. E 6034/4/31/48 : Appointment of Municipal Commissioner for Jerusalem. U.K. Delegation to the UN., May-11-48 (May-10-48), TS., 3 s. -- 31-68550:50. E 6035/4/31/48 : His Majesty's Government's interests in Palestine. U.K. Delegation to the UN., May-11-48 (May-10-48), S., 3 s. -- 31-68550:53. E 6038/4/31/48 : Palestine truce. Minister to Transjordan, May-11-48 (May-10-48), S., 6 s. -- 31-68550:58. E 6039/4/31/48 : Jerusalem, International Red Cross proposal.Minister to Transjordan, May-11-48 (May-10-48), S., 4 s. -- 31-68550:61. E 6040/4/31/48 : Truce proposals. Ambassador to Saudi Arabia, May-11-48 (May-10-48), S., 6 s. -- 31-68550:66. E 6043/4/31/48 : Appointment of Special Municipal Commissioner for Jerusalem. United Nations, Secretary-General, May-11-48 (Mar-6-48), 7 s. -- 31-68550:72. E 6071/4/31/48 : Capture of Safad by Jews. Minister to Syria, May-11-48 (May-10-48), 2 s. -- 31-68550:74. E 6072/4/31/48 : Sub-Committee of First Committee. U.K. Delegation to the UN., May-11-48 (May-10-48), S., 3 s. -- 31-68550:77. E 6075/4/31/48 : Palestine truce. Secretary of State for the Colonies, May-11-48 (May-8-48), TS., 5 s. -- 31-68550:82. E 6076/4/31/48 : Palestine: trusteeship agreement. U.K. Delegation to the UN., May-11-48 (May-10-48), TS., 6 s. -- 31-68550:87. E 6077/4/31/48 : Palestine: proposal for Special U.N. Commission. U.K. Delegation to the UN., May-11-48 (May-10-48), TS., 18 s. -- 31-68550:104. E 6081/4/31/48 : Palestine. Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, May-11-48 (May-10-48), TS., 2 s. -- 31-68550:102. E 6085/4/31/48 : Palestine truce. Minister to Transjordan, May-11-48 (May-10-48), 2 s. -- 31-68550:104. E 6087/4/31/48 : Communication of Palestine truce proposals to the Syrian government. Minister to Lebanon May-11-48 (May-10-48), S., 2 s. -- 31-68550:106. E 6089/4/31/48 : Palestine truce proposals. Ambassador to Iraq, May-11-48 (May-11-48), 3 s.
►31-FO 371/68551. E 6091/4/31/48 : United Nations and Palestine: UN Political Commission. Security Council resolutions.Protection of Jerusalem. Trusteeship and immigration proposals. Food position. 4. Covers formation and proceedings of UN General Assembly Sub-Committee on Jerusalem (Sub-Committee 10), proceedings of UN General Assembly Sub-Committee on Palestine (Sub- Committee 9), proceedings of UN Security Council, and Arab reactions to U.S.-sponsored UN truce proposals. Includes text of U.S. truce plan; Abdul Rahman Azzam on U.S. truce plan and military conflict in Palestine; Egypt approval of U.S.-sponsored UN truce proposals; discussion of Special Municipal Commissioner for Jerusalem; and security issues regarding Arab areas of Palestine. Also covers abandonment of trusteeship principle by United States in favor of policy more in line with British policy on Palestine; U.S. views on Special Municipal Commissioner for Jerusalem; and other issues -- 31-68551:2. E 6098/4/31/48 : Azzam Pasha on the Palestine truce and mandate. Washington Embassy, May-12-48 (May-7-48), S., 4 s. -- 31-68551:6. E 6118/4/31/48 : Palestine truce proposals. Minister to Lebanon, May-12-48 (May-10-48), S., 4 s. -- 31-68551:10. E 6119/4/31/48 : Palestine truce. Cairo Embassy, May-12-48 (May-11-48), S., 4 s. -- 31-68551:13. E 6120/4/31/48 : Palestine truce. Cairo Embassy, May-12-48 (May-11-48), S., 2 s. -- 31-68551:15. E 6121/4/31/48 : Palestine truce. Minister to Syria, May-12-48 (May-11-48), S., 6 s. -- 31-68551:19. E 6123/4/31/48 : Palestine truce. U.K. Delegation to the UN., May-12-48 (May-11-48), S., 5 s. -- 31-68551:22. E 6124/4/31/48 : Palestine truce. U.K. Delegation to the UN., May-12-48 (May-11-48), S., 8 s. -- 31-68551:29. E 6134/4/31/48 : General Assembly, First Committee. U.K. Delegation to the UN., May-12-48 (May-11-48), 3 s. -- 31-68551:32. E 6136/4/31/48 : Jerusalem Sub-Committee. U.K. Delegation to the UN., May-12-48 (May-11-48), 3 s. -- 31-68551:35. E 6137/4/31/48 : Palestine Sub-Committee. U.K. Delegation to the UN., May-12-48 (May-11-48), S., 3 s. -- 31-68551:38. E 6140/4/31/48 : Selection of Municipal Commissioner for Jerusalem. United Nations, Secretary-General, May-12-48 (May-11-48), 9 s. -- 31-68551:47. E 6147/4/31/48 : Appointment of Special Municipal Commissioner for Palestine. Foreign Office, Eastern Department Head, May-12-48 (May-7-48), 4 s. -- 31-68551:50. E 6183/4/31/48 : Security Council: truce discussions. U.K. Delegation to the UN., May-13-48 (May-12-48), 3 s. -- 31-68551:53. E 6184/4/31/48 : Azzam Pasha's views on Palestine.Damascus Legation, May-13-48 (May-12-48), S., 5 s. -- 31-68551:58. E 6188/4/31/48 : Meeting of Palestine Sub-Committee 9. U.K. Delegation to the UN., May-13-48 (May-12-48), S., 4 s. -- 31-68551:62. E 6189/4/31/48 : United States truce proposal. U.K. Delegation to the UN., May-13-48 (May-12-48), S., 2 s. -- 31-68551:64. E 6190/4/31/48 : Jerusalem truce proposals. Damascus Legation, May-13-48 (May-12-48), 2 s. -- 31-68551:66. E 6191/4/31/48 : United States views on Special Municipal Commissioner and Truce Commissioner. Ambassador to U.S., May-13-48 (May-12-48), S., 5 s. -- 31-68551:71. E 6193/4/31/48 : Jerusalem Sub-Committee. U.K. Delegation to the UN., May-13-48 (May-12-48), S., 7 s.
►31-FO 371/68552. E 6198/4/31/48 : United Nations and Palestine: UN Political Commission. Security Council resolutions.Protection of Jerusalem. Trusteeship and immigration proposals. Food position. 4. Covers acceptance of U.S. truce proposals by Arab League, Arab Higher Committee, and probable acceptance by Jewish gency; proceed- ings and resolutions in UN on Palestine; and Arab views on Palestine. Includes talks between Arab Legion and Haganah on Arab Legion occupation of Arab areas of Palestine; eight-day military truce in Jerusalem between Haganah and Arab Legion; views of King Abdullah Ibn El-Hussein, Abdul Rahman Azzam, Arab Higher Committee, and Arab states on truce proposals; and Jewish Agency and Arab Higher Committee agreement to appointment of Harold Evans as Municipal Commissioner for Jerusalem. Also includes proceedings of UN Sub-Committee on Jerusalem, UN Sub-Committee on Palestine and General Assembly resolutions on UN Mediator for Palestine, suspension of UN Palestine Commission, and other issues -- 31-68552:2. E 6223/4/31/48 : Jerusalem truce proposals. Minister to Syria, May-13-48 (May-13-48), S., 11 s. -- 31-68552:12. E 6224/4/31/48 : Palestine truce proposals. Minister to Syria, May-13-48 (May-13-48), S., 4 s. -- 31-68552:16. E 6228/4/31/48 : Palestine truce. U.S. Ambassador to U.K., May-13-48 (May-9-48), TS., 6 s. -- 31-68552:21. E 6230/4/31/48 : Attitude of King Abdullah towards Palestine truce. Minister to Transjordan, May-13-48 (May-12-48), S., 2 s. -- 31-68552:23. E 6246/4/31/48 : Physical assets of the Palestine government U.S. Delegation to the UN., May-14-48 (May-3-48), 3 s. -- 31-68552:24. E : 6248/4/31/48 : Municipal Commissioner for Jerusalem U.K. Delegation to the UN., May-14-48 (May-13-48), 4 s. -- 31-68552:28. E 6249/4/31/48 : Jerusalem Sub-Committee. U.K. Delegation to the UN., May-14-48 (May-13-48), 3 s. -- 31-68552:31. E 6250/4/31/48 : Palestine truce, Azzam Pasha. Minister to Syria, May-14-48 (May-13-48), 2 s. -- 31-68552:33. E 6258/4/31/48 : Palestine truce. U.K. Delegation to the UN., May-14-48 (May-13-48), S., 2 s. -- 31-68552:35. E 6260/4/31/48 : Palestine truce, Sub-Committee. U.K. Delegation to the UN., May-14-48 (May-13-48), 3 s. -- 31-68552:38. E 6261/4/31/48 : Palestine truce, Sub-Committee. U.K. Delegation to the UN., May-14-48 (May-13-48), 2 s. -- 31-68552:40. E 6263/4/31/48 : Palestine truce proposals. Ambassador to U.S., May-14-48 (May-13-48), S., 2 s. -- 31-68552:42. E 6264/4/31/48 : Palestine truce proposals. Washington Embassy, May-14-48 (May-13-48), S., 2 s. -- 31-68552:44. E 6269/4/31/48 : Palestine draft truce agreement. Minister to Transjordan, May-14-48 (May-14-48), 2 s. -- 31-68552:46. E 6279/4/31/48 : Truce in Jerusalem. Consul-General at Jerusalem, May-15-48 (May-14-48), S., 2 s. -- 31-68552:48. E 6280/4/31/48 : Palestine: Arab attitude towards partition. Ambassador to Iraq, May-15-48 (May-13-48), S., 2 s. -- 31-68552:50. E 6281/4/31/48 : Palestine truce: Iraqi attitudes. Ambassador to Iraq, May-15-48 (May-14-48), S., 2 s. -- 31-68552:52. E 6282/4/31/48 : Palestine truce: message from Iraqi Minister for Foreign Affairs to S of S. Ambassador to Iraq, May-15-48 (May-14-48), S., 2 s. -- 31-68552:54. E 6283/4/31/48 : Arab states on Palestine truce proposals.Cairo Embassy, May-15-48 (May-14-48), 2 s. -- 31-68552:56. E 6284/4/31/48 : Resolution on Palestine. U.K. Delegation to the UN., May-15-48 (May-14-48), 3 s. -- 31-68552:59. E 6285/4/31/48 : Palestine: meeting of the General Assembly U.K. Delegation to the UN., May-15-48 (May-14-48), S., 5 s. -- 31-68552:63. E 6286/4/31/48 : Arab League on Palestine truce proposals. Damascus Legation, May-15-48 (May-14-48), 2 s.
►31-FO 371/68553. E 6282/4/31/48 : United Nations and Palestine: UN Political Commission. Security Council resolutions.Protection of Jerusalem. Trusteeship and immigration proposals. Food position. 4. Covers UN Truce Commission and International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) efforts to establish Jerusalem truce; King Abdullah Ibn El-Hussein approval of eight-day cease-fire for Jerusalem; Stern Group violation of cease-fire; and situation reports on fighting and truce negotiations in Jerusalem. Also covers proceedings in UN on truce negotiations and military conflict in Palestine. Includes U.S.-sponsored resolution in Security Council on intervention of Arab states in Palestine; Security Council on breakdown of truce negotiations; and UN inquiry into appointment of Municipal Commissioner for Jerusalem. Also covers rumor that if Arabs accepted truce then Jewish state would not be proclaimed; reasons for and impact of U.S. recognition of Israel; and pressure in U.S. for lifting arms embargo against Israel. Also covers military situation in Haifa; Roman Catholic Church repurchase of Mount Carmel property near Haifa from British; Egypt armed intervention in Palestine; British protocol for communication with representatives of Arab states at Arab League meetings; and other issues -- 31-68553:2. E 6292/4/31/48 : Palestine truce. Ambassador to Egypt, May-15-48 (May-14-48), S., 2 s. -- 31-68553:4. E 6293/4/31/48 : Municipal Commissioner for Jerusalem U.K. Delegation to the UN., May-17-48 (May-15-48), 2 s. -- 31-68553:6. E 6295/4/31/48 : Situation in Palestine-Jewish protest to Security Council. U.K. Delegation to the UN., May-7-48 (May-15-48), 4 s. -- 31-68553:10. E 6298/4/31/48 : Municipal Commissioner for Jerusalem. Consul-General at Jerusalem, May-17-48 (May-15-48), 7 s. -- 31-68553:16. E 6300/4/31/48 : Possible truce in Palestine. Jerusalem Consulate-General, May-17-48 (May-16-48), 4 s. -- 31-68553:20. E 6311/4/31/48 : Situation in Jerusalem. Consul-General at Jerusalem, May-17-48 (May-15-48), S., 2 s. -- 31-68553:22. E 6312/4/31/48 : Truce Commission. Consul-General at Jerusalem, May-17-48 (May-15-48), S., 2 s. -- 31-68553:24. E 6314/4/31/48 : Truce negotiations for Jerusalem. Consul-General at Jerusalem, May-17-48 (May-15-48), 2 s. -- 31-68553:26. E 6315/4/31/48 : Jerusalem cease fire. Consul-General at Jerusalem, May-17-48 (May-16-48), S., 2 s. -- 31-68553:28. E 6316/4/31/48 : Truce for Palestine. Minister to Syria, May-17-48 (May-14-48), S., 2 s. -- 31-68553:30. E 6317/4/31/48 : Repurchase of Mount Carmel property. Holy See Legation, May-17-48 (May-13-48), S., 4 s. -- 31-68553:34. E 6322/4/31/48 : Situation in Haifa. Consul-General at Haifa, May-17-48 (May-15-48), TS., 3 s. -- 31-68553:37. E 6324/4/31/48 : Attitude of the United Nations to Egyptian action in Palestine. U.K. Delegation to the UN., May-17-48 (May-17-48), S., 10 s. -- 31-68553:45. E 6328/4/31/48 : Palestine. Minister to Transjordan, May-17-48 (May-15-48), S., 2 s. -- 31-68553:47. E 6330/4/31/48 : Palestine. Ambassador to Egypt, May-17-48 (May-14-48), S., 2 s. -- 31-68553:49. E 6331/4/31/48 : Arms embargo Palestine. U.K. Delegation to the UN., May-17-48 (May-15-48), TS., 5 s. -- 31-68553:53. E 6332/4/31/48 : Dealings with Arab leaders. Minister to Syria, May-17-48 (May-15-48), S., 2 s. -- 31-68553:55. E 6333/4/31/48 : Truce proposals for Palestine. Ambassador to U.S., May-17-48 (May-15-48), S., 5 s. -- 31-68553:60. E 6334/4/31/48 : Cease fire in Jerusalem. Consul-General at Jerusalem, May-17-48 (May-16-48), S., 3 s. -- 31-68553:63. E 6342/4/31/48 : Palestine: appointment of Mediator. U.K. Delegation to the UN., May-18-48 (May-17-48), 2 s. -- 31-68553:65. E 6343/4/31/48 : Palestine conflict: United States resolution U.K. Delegation to the UN., May-18-48 (May-17-48), S., 12 s. -- 31-68553:74. E 6344/4/31/48 : Palestine conflict: United States resolution. U.K. Delegation to the UN., May-18-48 (May-17-48), S., 3 s. -- 31-68553:77. E 6351/4/31/48 : Palestine truce proposals. Minister to Lebanon, May-18-48 (May-14-48), S., 2 s. -- 31-68553:79. E 6352/4/31/48 : Palestine conflict: United States resolution Ambassador to U.S., May-18-48 (May-17-48), S., 2 s.
►31-FO 371/68554. E 6352/4/31/48 : United Nations and Palestine: UN Political Commission. Security Council resolutions. Protection of Jerusalem. Trusteeship and immigration proposals. Food position. 4. Covers British discussion of Jerusalem truce negotiations, British policy, and Anglo-American relations; appointment of Special Municipal Commissioner for Jerusalem; proceedings of UN Security Council; and Arab views on Jewish immigration. Includes Alan Gordon Cunningham's appraisal of situation. Stern Group cease-fire violations, and tactical value of Jerusalem; British analyses of probable outcomes of Jewish-Arab war; meeting between Foreign Office and U.S. State Department on U.S. Palestine policy, Anglo-American relations, and other issues; and other informal Anglo-American discussions on U.S. arms embargo on Israel. Also includes Special Municipal Commissioner for Jerusalem acknowledgement that fulfillment of duties dependent upon success of cease-fire in Jerusalem and appointment of UN Mediator. Also covers proceedings ofUN Security Council; UN Truce Commission meeting with King Abdullah Ibn El-Hussein; and erroneous UN Secretary-General press release on British policy. Includes French views on recognition of Israel and U.S. proposals in UN Security Council; Arab concern for Arab refugees and Jewish immigration through port of Haifa during British withdrawal; and other issues -- 31-68554:2. E 6397/4/31/48 : Jerusalem truce. Consul-General at Jerusalem, May-18-48 (May-17-48), S., 2 s. -- 31-68554:4. E 6419/4/31/48 : Return to the United Kingdom of Messrs. Trafford Smith and Beeley. U.K. Delegation to the UN., May-18-48 (May-17-48), 7 s. -- 31-68554:11. E 6420/4/31/48 : Palestine: arms embargo. U.K. Delegation to the UN., May-18-48 (May-10-48), 7 s. -- 31-68554:17. E 6424/4/31/48 : Special Municipal Commissioner for Jerusalem. Permanent U.K. Representative to the UN., May-19-48 (May-8-48), 5 s. -- 31-68554:22. E 6486/4/31/48 : Palestine situation, Arab troops. Minister to Transjordan, May-19-48 (May-18-48), 2 s. -- 31-68554:24. E 6487/4/31/48 : Palestine, French policy. Ambassador to France, May-19-48 (May-18-48), S., 3 s. -- 31-68554:27. E 6499/4/31/48 : Jewish immigration, Haifa area. Minister to Lebanon, May-19-48 (May-18-48), 8 s. -- 31-68554:33. E 6504/4/31/48 : Truce proposals for Jerusalem. Colonial Office, Middle East Department, May-18-48 (May-13-48), TS., 9 s. -- 31-68554:41. E 6505/4/31/48 : Truce agreement for Jerusalem. High Commissioner for Palestine, May-18-48 (May-16-48), TS., 5 s. -- 31-68554:46. E 6416/4/31/48 : Haifa, administration. Beirut Legation, May-20-48 (May-19-48), 5 s. -- 31-68554:50. E 6518/4/31/48 : Security Council, questionnaire to Arabs. U.K. Delegation to the UN., May-20-48 (May-19-48), 4 s. -- 31-68554:54. E 6522/4/31/48 : Brazilian attitude towards Palestine partition. Ambassador to Brazil, May-20-48 (May-6-48), 2 s. -- 31-68554:56. E 6523/4/31/48 : Press memorandum of the Secretary General. U.S. Representative to the UN., May-20-48 (May-10-48), 3 s. -- 31-68554:59. E 6567/4/31/48 : Municipal Commissioner, Jerusalem. U.K. Delegation to the UN., May-20-48 (May-19-48), S., 2 s. -- 31-68554:61. E 6570/4/31/48 : Haifa, administration. Ambassador to Saudi Arabia, May-20-48 (May-19-48), 2 s. -- 31-68554:63. 6576/4/31/48 : Security Council, United States resolution.U.K. Delegation to the UN., May-20-48 (May-19-48), 3 s. -- 31-68554:66. E 6587/4/31/48 : Security Council, United States resolution. U.K. Delegation to the UN., May-20-48 (May-19-48), 2 s. -- 31-68554:68. E 6630/4/31/48 : Truce Commission in Jerusalem. Consul-General at Jerusalem, May-21-48 (May-19-48), S., 6 s. -- 31-68554:73. E 6634/4/31/48 : United Nations Mediator for Palestine. U.K. Delegation to the UN., May-21-48 (May-20-48), 2 s. -- 31-68554:75. E 6635/4/31/48 : Security Council on United States resolution. U.K. Delegation to the UN., May-21-48 (May-20-48), 6 s. -- 31-68554:[80a]. E 6641/4/31/48 : Documents transferred to PRO Safe Room and closed until [1999], [May-48], 1 s. -- 31-68554:81. E 6656/4/31/48 : Appointment of Mediator for Palestine. U.K. Delegation to the UN., May-21-48 (May-18-48), S., 2 s. -- 31-68554:83. E 6676/4/31/48 : H.M. Government's future policy at the United Nations. Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, Adviser on Palestine, May-22-48 (Apr-30-48), S., 4 s. -- 31-68554:86. E 6677/4/31/48 : Palestine: Anglo-American relations. Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, Adviser on Palestine, May-22-48 (May-3-48), S., 7 s. -- 31-68554:91. E 6678/4/31/48 : H.M. Government's future policy at the United Nations. Foreign Office, Eastern Department Head, May-22-48 (May-7-48), 14 s. -- 31-68554:99. E 6680/4/31/48 : Palestine situation. Permanent U.K. Representative to the UN., May-22-48 (May-12-48), 4 s.
► 31-32-FO 371/68555. E 6680/4/31/48 : United Nations and Palestine: UN Political Commission. Security Council resolutions. Protection of Jerusalem. Trusteeship and immigration proposals. Food position. 4. Covers U.S. and British truce resolutions in UN Security Council, Arab reaction to resolutions, proceedings of UN Security Council on issue, and British consideration of using veto in UN Security Council. Includes appointment of Special Municipal Commissioner for Jerusalem, text of U.S. truce plan for Jerusalem negotiated before end of mandate by informal talks with rabs and Jews and in consultation with UN Truce Commission; Arab states response to Ernest Bevin's personal message on Palestine; UN Secretary-General apology for his erroneous critical press release on British policy; Arab League on Jerusalem truce negotiations; repurchase of property near Haifa by Roman Catholic Church; and other issues -- 31-68555:2. E 6682/4/31/48 : Special Municipal Commissioner for Jerusalem. Permanent U.K. Representative to the UN., May-22-48 (May-16-48), 5 s. -- 31-68555:7. E 6683/4/31/48 : Truce for Palestine. Syria Ministry of Foreign Affairs, May-22-48 (May-14-48), TS., 3 s. -- 31-68555:10. E 6704/4/31/48 : Security Council discussions on Palestine.U.K. Delegation to the UN., May-22-48 (May-21-48), 3 s. -- 31-68555:13. E 6710/4/31/48 : Visits of United Nations officials to Palestine. U.K. Delegation to the UN., May-24-48 (May-22-48), 2 s. -- 31-68555:15. E 6716/4/31/48 : Security Council adoption of resolution U.K. Delegation to the UN., May-24-48 (May-22-48), 5 s. -- 31-68555:19. E 6717/4/31/48 : Adoption of resolution by the Security Council. U.K. Delegation to the UN., May-24-48 (May-23-48), S., 5 s. -- 31-68555:26. E 6789/4/31/48 : Proceedings at the Security Council on May 22. U.K. Delegation to the UN., May-24-48 (May-23-48), 3 s. -- 31-68555:27. E 6790/4/31/48 : Resolution adopted by the Security Council, May 22. U.K. Delegation to the UN., May-24-48 (May-23-48), S., 29 s. -- 31-68555:47. E 6796/4/31/48 : Palestine truce. Minister to Transjordan, May-24-48 (May-24-48), 2 s. -- 31-68555:49. E 6797/4/31/48 : Palestine truce. Minister to Transjordan, May-24-48 (May-24-48), S., 9 s. -- 31-68555:56. E 6803/4/31/48 : Truce proposals for Palestine. Permanent U.K. Representative to the UN., May-24-48 (May-20-48), S., 7 s. -- 31-68555:62. E 6805/4/31/48 : Security Council cease fire resolution. Ambassador to Iraq, May-24-48 (May-24-48), S., 3 s. -- 31-68555:65. E 6806/4/31/48 : Security Council cease fire resolution. United Nations, Secretary-General, May-24-48 (May-22-48), 3 s. -- 31-68555:68. E 6816/4/31/48 : Security Council cease fire resolution. Ambassador to Egypt, May-24-48 (May-24-48), 5 s. -- 31-32-68555:72. E 6818/4/31/48 : Security Council cease fire resolution. Minister to Syria, May-24-48 (May-24-48), S., 3 s.
Reprodüksiyon Notu
Mikrofilm. Bethesda, MD : University Publications of America, 1980. 1 mikrofilm makarası : pozitif ; 35 mm. 30 April 1948(29 April 1948)-24 May 1948
Emeği Geçenler
Kesaris, Paul, prj. koord.
Kurum Adı
Great Britain. Foreign Office.
University Publications of America (UPA)