Confidential British Foreign Office political correspondence [mikroform] : Palestine, 1947-1948 / project coordinator Paul Kesaris.

Dil Kodu
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Eser Adının Farklı Biçimi
Palestine, 1947-1948
Yayın Bilgisi
Bethesda, MD : University Publications of America, 1980
Fiziksel Niteleme
1 mikrofilm makarası (980 poz) : pozitif ; 35 mm.
Genel Not
Public Record Office (Kew, London) FO 371/68564'de kayıtlıdır.
Bu seri 46 makaradan oluşmaktadır.
Bibliyografi, vb. Notu
Mikrofilmin indeksi B.I/6611 yer numarasında kayıtlıdır.
İçindekiler Notu
►33-FO 371/68564. E 7896/4/31/48 : United Nations and Palestine: UN Political Commission. Security Council resolutions. Protection of Jerusalem. Trusteeship and immigration proposals. Food position. 4.Covers activities, equipment needs, establishment, and formation of Jerusalem office and Rhodes headquarters for UN Mediator. Includes UN Mediator's need for various equipment and request to British for naval and air support during truce. Also covers UN Mediator's alleged de facto recognition of Israel, his visit to Damascus, short meeting with British Consul-General at Jerusalem, view on UN inspection of Jewish convoys to Jerusalem, and possible future meeting with Commander of Arab Legion. Also covers reports of Jewish violations of cease-fire and truce agreements including diversion of Jewish supply convoys to Jerusalem around UN inspection of convoys. Also covers definition and lists of "war material" as specified in UN Security Council truce resolution of 29 May 1948; British analysis of British policy toward Arab states and probable outcome of renewed hostilities; position of Italy on recognition of Israel; repurchase of property near Haifa by Roman Catholic Church; and other issues -- 33-68564:2. E 7898/4/31/48 : Equipment required by Mediator for communications. United Nations, Secretary-General, Jun-12-48(Jun-11-48), 2 s. -- 33-68564:4. E 7899/4/31/48 : Belgian views on obtaining speedy solution in Palestine. Brussels Embassy, Jun-12-48 (Jun-10-48), 5 s. -- 33-68564:8. E 7901/4/31/48 : Addressing of messages from Mediator to "Government of Israel". Jerusalem Consulate-General, Jun-12-48 (Jun-11-48), 2 s. -- 33-68564:10. E 7903/4/31/48 : Respecting of truce in Jerusalem. Jerusalem Consulate-General, Jun-12-48 (Jun-11-48), 3 s. -- 33-68564:13. E 7927/4/31/48 : Statement made by Italian Foreign Minister on relations with Jews and Arabs. Rome Embassy, Jun-14-48 (Jun-12-48), 2 s. -- 33-68564:15. E 7928/4/31/48 : Security Council cease fire resolution. U.K. Delegation to the UN., Jun-14-48 (Jun-12-48), 9 s. -- 33-68564:21. E 7929/4/31/48 : Press conference by Dr. Weizmann. Ambassador to France, Jun-14-48 (Jun-11-48), 3 s. -- 33-68564:23. E 7931/4/31/48 : Auster aircraft for the Mediator Ambassador to Egypt, Jun-14-48 (Jun-12-48), S., 5 s. -- 33-68564:28. E 7933/4/31/48 : Visit of Count Bernadotte to Damascus. Jerusalem Consulate-General, Jun-14-48 (Jun-12-48), 2 s. -- 33-68564:30. E 7934/4/31/48 : Equipment for the Mediator. Haifa Consulate-General, Jun-14-48 (Jun-12-48), 2 s. -- 33-68564:32. E 7935/4/31/48 : Count Bernadotte's headquarters, island of Rhodes. Athens Embassy, Jun-14-48 (Jun-11-48), 2 s. -- 33-68564:34. E 7936/4/31/48 : Carmelite property in Palestine. Cairo Embassy, Jun-14-48 (Jun-9-48), 2 s. -- 33-68564:36. E 7937/4/31/48 : Visit of Count Bernadotte to Damascus completed. Damascus Legation, Jun-14-48 (Jun-13-48), 2 s. -- 33-68564:38. E 7941/4/31/48 : Details of the bombing of Damascus. Minister to Syria, Jun-14-48 (Jun-11-48), 2 s. -- 33-68564:40. E 7950/4/31/48 : Reported Zionist breech of truce, on 11 Jun 48. Cairo Embassy, Jun-14-48 (Jun-12-48), 2 s. -- 33-68564:42. E 7953/4/31/48 : Violation of the cease fire. Minister to Syria, Jun-14-48 (Jun-12-48), 2 s. -- 33-68564:44. E 7954/4/31/48 : Syria's views on Palestine problem and menace of communism in the Middle East. Minister to Syria, Jun-14-48 (Jun-13-48), 2 s. -- 33-68564:46. E 7963/4/31/48 : Activities of Sir Hugh Dow. Consul-General at Jerusalem, Jun-14-48 (Jun-13-48), S., 4 s. -- 33-68564:50. E 7998/4/31/48 : Inspection of convoys by Jewish authorities. Cairo Embassy, Jun-15-48 (Jun-14-48), 2 s. -- 33-68564:52. E 8002/4/31/48 : Request from Mediator for British vessels and aircraft to assist in observing truce terms. Ambassador to Egypt, Jun-15-48 (Jun-11-48), 3 s. -- 33-68564:55. E 8026/4/31/48 : Possible outcome of the four weeks truce. British Middle East Office Cairo, Head, Jun-15-48 (Jun-11-48), S., 8 s. -- 33-68564:61. E 8027/4/31/48 : Movements of Sir H. Dow and his proposed meeting with the Mediator. Consul-General at Jerusalem, Jun-15-48 (Jun-14-48), 2 s. -- 33-68564:63. E 8028/4/31/48 : United Nations headquarters in Jerusalem.Jerusalem Consulate-General, Jun-15-48 (Jun-14-48), 6 s. -- 33-68564:69. E 8034/4/31/48 : Use of British transport to assist Mediator in observing of truce. Foreign Office Eastern Department, Head, Jun-15-48 (Jun-7-48), S., 6 s. -- 33-68564:74. E 8058/4/31/48 : Palestine government car. Consul-General at Jerusalem, Jun-15-48 (Jun-13-48), 4 s. -- 33-68564:78. E 8060/4/31/48 : Palestine cease fire. Jerusalem Consulate-General, Jun-15-48 (Jun-13-48), 2 s. -- 33-68564:80. E 8062/4/31/48 : Definition of "war material". Washington Embassy, Jun-15-48 (Jun-14-48), S., 24 s. -- 33-68564:99. E 8063/4/31/48 : Definition of "miscellaneous equipment" to be included in list of "war material". Washington Embassy, Jun-15-48 (Jun-14-48), 3 s. -- 33-68564:102. E 8067/4/31/48 : Clearance by Mediator's staff of Jewish convoys proceeding to Jerusalem. Jerusalem Consulate-General, Jun-15-48 (Jun-14-48), S., 3 s. -- 33-68564:104. E 8070/4/31/48 : Meeting of chief observer and Glubb Pasha. Cairo Embassy, Jun-16-48 (Jun-13-48), 2 s.
►33-FO 371/68565. E 8070/4/31/48 : United Nations and Palestine: UN Political Commission. Security Council resolutions. Protection of Jerusalem. Trusteeship and immigration proposals. Food position. 4. Covers activities UN Mediator, proceedings of UN Security Council, Arab representation at UN Security Council and at proposed Rhodes truce conference, and other issues. Includes Iraq Minister of Defence on establishment of Jewish state and on possible solution to Palestine problem; Syria protest of arms ship Altalena; and suggestion that Musa Alami represent Arab League in UN Security Council. Also covers UN Mediator visit to Tel Aviv and Haifa; British policy on British assistance to Mediator; and UN inspection of Jewish convoys to Jerusalem. Also includes debate on inclusion of Jerusalem in UN Trusteeship Council agenda; proceedings of UN Security Council on truce resolution and on military observers in Palestine; Minister to Transjordan on Arab reluctance to renew hostilities and on support of King Abdullah Ibn El-Hussein for partition; U.S. State Department efforts to prevent immigration of military-age Jews to Palestine during truce; and other issues -- 33-68565:2. E 8071/4/31/48 : Settlement of the Palestine problem. Ambassador to Iraq, Jun-16-48 (Jun-14-48), 5. 5 s. -- 33-68565:6. E 8072/4/31/48 : Implementation of the cease fire resolution. Minister to Syria, Jun-16-48 (Jun-15-48), 4 s. -- 33-68565:10. E 8075/4/31/48 : Details of Count Bernadotte's visit to Haifa and Tel Aviv on 31 May 48. Consul-eneral at Haifa, Jun-16-48 (Jun-3-48), 2 s. -- 33-68565:12. E 8119/4/31/48 : Supply of four Auster type aircraft and crew for Mediator. Foreign Office, Jun-16-48 (Jun-10-48), 2 s. -- 33-68565:14. E 8135/4/31/48 : Rhodes; British observer to advise Arabs. Minister to Transjordan, Jun-16-48 (Jun-14-48), S., 4 s. -- 33-68565:18. E 8137/4/31/48 : Rhodes discussions: Arab Committee. Minister to Lebanon, Jun-16-48 (Jun-15-48), S., 6 s. -- 33-68565:24. E 8141/4/31/48 : Movements of Count Bernadotte and party. Cairo Embassy, Jun-16-48 (Jun-16-48), 2 s. -- 33-68565:26. E 8146/4/31/48 : Arab representation in the Security Council. U.K. Delegation to the UN., Jun-17-48 (Jun-15-48), 2 s. -- 33-68565:28. E 8184/4/31/48 : Liaison officers for the Mediator. Cairo Embassy, Jun-17-48 (Jun-16-48), S., 2 s. -- 33-68565:30. E 8186/4/31/48 : Jerusalem statute: Trusteeship Council. U.K. Delegation to the UN., Jun-17-48 (Jun-16-48), 4 s. -- 33-68565:34. E 8190/4/31/48 : Position of the Arab states with regard to the truce. Minister to Transjordan, Jun-17-48 (Jun-16-48), S., 3 s. -- 33-68565:37. E 8199/4/31/48 : Views on the outcome of the Palestinian truce. Minister to Lebanon, Jun-18-48 (Jun-15-48), S., 3 s.-- 33-68565:40. E 8200/4/31/48 : Report on Security Council meeting of 15 Jun 48. U.K. Delegation to the UN., Jun-18-48 (Jun-15-48), 5 s. -- 33-68565:44. E 8201/4/31/48 : 320th meeting of the Security Council, 15 Jun 48. United Nations, Secretary-General, Jun-18-48 (Jun-15-48), 5 s. -- 33-68565:48. E 8203/4/31/48 : Clearance by Mediators staff of Jewish convoys proceeding to Jerusalem. Jerusalem Consulate-General, Jun-18-48 (Jun-16-48), 2 s. -- 33-68565:50. E 8210/4/31/48 : Views of Dr. Garcia Granados on Palestine. Mexico City Embassy, Jun-18-48 (Jun-9-48), 2 s. -- 33-68565:52. E 8218/4/31/48 : Settlement of the Palestine problem; Count Bernadette. Cairo Embassy, Jun-18-48 (Jun-17-48), 3 s. -- 33-68565:55. E 8219/4/31/48 : His Majesty's Government's representations to Arab states. Ambassador to China, Jun-18-48 (Jun-15-48), 5 s. -- 33-68565:60. E 8241/4/31/48 : Breach of truce between Jews and Syrians. Beirut Legation, Jun-18-48 (Jun-12-48), 2 s. -- 33-68565:62. E 8247/4/31/48 : Palestine: assistance to the Mediator. War Office, Jun-18-48 (Jun-16-48), TS., 6 s. -- 33-68565:67. E 8280/4/31/48 : Palestine truce. United Nations communications. U.K. Delegation to the UN., Jun-19-48 (Jun-18-48), 2 s. -- 33-68565:69. E 8281/4/31/48 : Auster aircraft for Mediator's observers. Cairo Embassy, Minister, Jun-19-48 (Jun-18-48), S., 6 s. -- 33-68565:74. E 8299/4/31/48, Rhodes discussions; Arab Sub-Committee. Haifa Consulate-General, Jun-21-48 (Jun-17-48), 2 s. -- 33-68565:76. E 8304/4/31/48 : Arab League political committee meeting. Minister to Transjordan, Jun-21-48 (Jun-19-48), 3 s. -- 33-68565:79. E 8314/4/31/48 : State Department implementation of the agreed Anglo-American interpretation of "fighting personnel".Washington Embassy, Jun-21-48 (Jun-15-48), 2 s. -- 33-68565:81. E 8395/4/31/48 : Liaison between Sir Hugh Dow and Mr. Marriott. Consul-General at Haifa, Jun-22-48 (Jun-19-48), 3 s. -- 33-68565:84. E 8396/4/31/48 : Message for Count Bernadette. Jerusalem Consulate-General, Jun-22-48 (Jun-22-48), 2 s. -- 33-68565:86. E 8403/4/31/48 : Liaison between various representatives of Mediator. Cairo Embassy, Jun-22-48 (Jun-21-48), 2 s.
►33-FO 371/68566. E 8403/4/31/48 : United Nations and Palestine: UN Political Commission. Security Council resolutions. Protection of Jerusalem. Trusteeship and immigration proposals. Food position. 4. Includes UN Mediator report to UN Secretary- General on truce and arrival of Arab delegates to Rhodes truce conference; U.S. State Department report that Secretary-General plans to visit Rhodes to meet with Mediator; views of Secretary-General on formation of UN armed force; and proceedings of truce negotiations. Also covers Arab League discussion of Rhodes truce conference; conversations between Abdul Rahman Azzam and Mediator on Arab opposition to partition; internal politics of Arab League; and meeting between Azzam and members of British Middle East Office in Cairo. Also includes relocation of Mediator's headquarters from Cairo to Haifa; payment for British equipment loaned to Mediator; and British military liaison with Mediator. Also covers British policy on four-week cease-fire and Rhodes truce conference; British Consul-General at Jerusalem view on international regime forJerusalem; date for final British withdrawal from Haifa; and Foreign Office views on solutions to Palestine problem. Also includes U.S. embargo on military weapons and aircraft to Middle East; definition of "war material" in UN Security Council truce resolution; and Moshe Shertok on borders of Israel, return of Arab refugees, and summary of military conflict. Also includes allegations of Jewish violations of cease-fire; and other issues -- 33-68566:2. E 8404/4/31/48 : Agreement now reached between service authorities and Mediator's staff regarding basing of Auster aircraft in Palestine, previous report on which was incorrect. Cairo Embassy, Jun-22-48 (Jun-21-48), 2 s. -- 33-68566:4. E 8405/4/31/48 : Proposed visit of Trygve Lie to Mediator in Rhodes. Washington Embassy, Jun-22-48 (Jun-21-48), S., 2 s. -- 33-68566:6. E 8406/4/31/48 : Arab representation at Rhodes. Ambassador to Iraq, Jun-22-48 (Jun-18-48), S., 2 s. -- 33-68566:8. E 8419/4/31/48 : Payment for personnel and stores loaned to Count Bernadotte. War Office, Finance Branch, Jun-22-48 (Jun-19-48), S., 9 s. -- 33-68566:15. E 8426/4/31/48 : Arab attitude to future of Palestine. British Middle East Office Cairo, Jun-23-48 (Jun-19-48), 2 s. -- 33-68566:17. E 8431/4/31/48 : Request to ascertain if there will be British representation at the Rhodes Conference, and whether any arrangements should be made or instructions passed to Mr. Hoyland. Athens Embassy, Jun-23-48 (Jun-14-48), 7 s. -- 33-68566:24. E 8442/4/31/48 : Date of final withdrawal from Haifa. Cairo Embassy, Jun-23-48 (Jun-16-48), TS., 9 s. -- 33-68566:32. E 8443/4/31/48 : Presentation of an agreed Anglo-American plan for future of Palestine. Foreign Office, Assistant Under-Secretary of State, Jun-23-48 (Jun-17-48), S., 4 s. -- 33-68566:35. E 8448/4/31/48 : Palestine truce. Damascus Legation, Jun-23-48 (Jun-17-48), S., 3 s. -- 33-68566:38. E 8449/4/31/48 : Cooperation for the Mediator. United Nations, Secretary-General Personal Representative to UN Mediator, Jun-23-48 (Jun-10-48), 3 s. -- 33-68566:41. E 8494/4/31/48 : Liaison with Palestine Mediator. British Middle East Office Cairo, Head, Jun-23-48 (Jun-22-48), 4 s. -- 33-68566:45. E 8495/4/31/48 : Policy during the four week cease fire. Consul-General at Jerusalem, Jun-23-48 (Jun-20-48), S., 15 s. -- 33-68566:57. E 8499/4/31/48 : Definition of war material for purposes of Security Council resolution on Palestine. Ambassador to Egypt, Jun-23-48 (Jun-22-48), 2 s. -- 33-68566:59. E 8501/4/31/48 : Security Council documents: circulation U.K. Delegation to the UN., Jun-23-48 (Jun-22-48), 3 s. -- 33-68566:62. E 8502/4/31/48 : Arms embargo. Washington Embassy, Jun-23-48 (Jun-22-48), 8 s. -- 33-68566:68. E 8519/4/31/48 : Mr. Shertok's review of Israel's political and military position. Foreign Office, Jun-24-48 (Jun-22-48), 4 s. -- 33-68566:71. E 8524/4/31/48 : Notes on the ultimate settlement of Palestine. Foreign Office, Eastern Department Head, Jun-24-48 (Jun-10-48), 12 s. -- 33-68566:81. E 8526/4/31/48 : Probable solutions to the Palestine problem. Foreign Office, Assistant Under-Secretary of State, Jun-24-48 (Jun-10-48), 8 s. -- 33-68566:86. E 8540/4/31/48 : Arab representation on the Security Council.British Middle East Office Cairo, Jun-24-48 (Jun-21-48), 2 s. -- 33-68566:88. E 8541/4/31/48 : Establishment of small British military body to assist Count Bernadotte. Cairo Embassy, Jun-24-48 (Jun-22-48), 2 s. -- 33-68566:90. E 8548/4/31/48 : Arrival in Rhodes of Arab experts for Bernadotte. Rhodes Consulate, Jun-24-48 (Jun-22-48), 2 s. -- 33-68566:92. E 8549/4/31/48 : Removal of headquarters United Nations observer organisation from Cairo to Haifa. Cairo Embassy, Minister Jun-24-48 (Jun-23-48), 3 s. -- 33-68566:94. E 8550/4/31/48 : American Flying Fortresses for Palestine. Syria Minister to U.K., Jun-24-48 (Jun-20-48), 2 s. -- 33-68566:96. E 8578/4/31/48 : Meeting in Cairo of the Political Committee of the Arab League. Amman Legation, Jun-25-48 (Jun-21-48), 7 s. -- 33-68566:103. E 8579/4/31/48 : Note from Syrian Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the breach of truce between Jews and Syrians. Syria Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Jun-25-48 (Jun-13-48), 4 s. -- 33-68566:107. E 8580/4/31/48 : Report on the breach of truce between Jews and Syrians. Minister to Syria, Jun-25-48 (Jun-16-48), 4 s. -- 33-68566:111. E 8611/4/31/48 : Palestine situation: report from the Mediator to the Secretary General, United Nations.U.K. Delegation to the UN., Jun-25-48 (Jun-24-48), 2 s. -- 33-68566:113. E 8627/4/31/48 : Arab attitude to future of Palestine. British Middle East Office Cairo, Jun-25-48 (Jun-18-48), 4 s.
►33-FO 371/68567. E 8627/4/31/48 : United Nations and Palestine: UN Political Commission. Security Council resolutions. Protection of Jerusalem. Trusteeship and immigration proposals. Food position. 4. Covers arms embargo stipulated in UN Security Council truce resolution; Arab views of Palestine situation; and other issues. Includes arms embargo and prevention of immigration of military age Jews during truce; possible replacement of Jamal al- Husseini by Musa Alami as Arab representative to UN Security Council; and departure of Jewish and Arab experts from Rhodes truce conference. Also covers Abba Hillel Silver and Mapai (Jewish Labour Party) on borders of Israel; Iltyd Nicholl Clayton analysis of reaction of Amir Feisal to disappointing news from British government; Arab views on extension of truce in Jerusalem; British Consul- General at Jerusalem on U.S. recognition of Israel, hostilities between Haganah and Irgun Zvai Leumi, and security of Haifa Consulate- General; Arab reaction to partition plan; and King Abdullah Ibn El-Hussein's plans to annex Arab Palestine and his waning popularity there. Also covers British aircraft for UN Mediator; attack on UN military observer aircraft by Egyptian Spitfire; report on Iraq observance of truce by UN military observers; expected date of arrival of French naval vessel at Haifa; Arab health services in Jerusalem; and other issues -- 33-68567:2. E 8764/4/31/48 : Palestine: possible frontier revisions. Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, Adviser on Palestine, Jun-29-48 (Jun-17-48), 1 s. -- 33-68567:3. E 8634/4/31/48 : Italian assistance in implementing Security Council resolution. Washington Embassy, Jun-25-48 (Jun-22-48), 2 s. -- 33-68567:5. E 8643/4/31/48 : Jewish territorial claims. Foreign Office, Jun-26-48 (Jun-24-48), 2 s. -- 33-68567:7. E 8644/4/31/48 : Security Council cease fire resolution Italian attitude. Italy Minister for Foreign Affairs, Jun-26-48 (Jun-10-48), 3 s. -- 33-68567:10. E 8646/4/31/48 : Brigadier Clayton's views on philosophy of Arab leaders when faced with unpleasant prospect. British Middle East Office Cairo, Head, Jun-26-48 (Jun-19-48), 3 s. -- 33-68567:13. E 8652/4/31/48 : Prolongation of the truce; Arab views. Consul-General at Jerusalem, Jun-26-48 (Jun-23-48), S., 3 s. -- 33-68567:16. E 8653/4/31/48 : Rhodes: Jewish experts for the Mediator. Rhodes Consulate, Jun-26-48 (Jun-23-48), 3 s. -- 33-68567:19. E 8657/4/31/48 : Definition of war material. Ambassador to Italy, Jun-26-48 (Jun-23-48), 2 s. -- 33-68567:21. E 8662/4/31/48 : Palestine: Auster aircraft for Mediator's observers. Cairo Embassy, Minister, Jun-26-48 (Jun-20-48), 5 s. -- 33-68567:26. E 8665/4/31/48 : French Embassy, Cairo, inform that French warship Aviso (despatch boat) Elan will reach Haifa on 27 Jun 48. Cairo Embassy, Jun-28-48 (Jun-26-48), 2 s. -- 33-68567:28. E 8688/4/31/48 : Palestine Conference at Rhodes: cypher facilities afforded to Mr. Hoyland. Athens Embassy, Jun-28-48 (Jun-24-48), S., 3 s. -- 33-68567:31. E 8692/4/31/48 : Sir H. Dow's views on the present Palestine situation. Beirut Legation, Jun-28-48 (Jun-25-48), S., 3 s. -- 33-68567:34. E 8695/4/31/48 : Arab representation on the Security Council: proposed appointment of Musa el Alami. Consul-General at Jerusalem, Jun-28-48 (Jun-23-48), S., 5 s. -- 33-68567:38. E 8703/4/31/48 : Palestine truce: incident at Negba in Negeb on 25 th June. U.K. Delegation to the UN., Jun-28-48 (Jun-27-48), 4 s. -- 33-68567:41. E 8704/4/31/48 : American decision regarding items for embargo. Washington Embassy, Jun-28-48 (Jun-26-48), 3 s. -- 33-68567:43. E 8727/4/31/48 : Visit of two observers to Iraq on 17/20 Jun 48. Bagdad Embassy, Jun-29-48 (Jun-23-48), 3 s. -- 33-68567:46. E 8753/4/31/48 : Palestine arms embargo: State Department proposals of policy to be adopted. Washington Embassy, Jun-29-48 (Jun-28-48), 18 s. -- 33-68567:60. E 8759/4/31/48 : Rhodes: departure of Jewish and Arab experts. Rhodes Consulate, Jun-29-48 (Jun-28-48), S., 2 s. -- 33-68567:62. E 8761/4/31/48 : British opinion in regard to the eventual solution of the Palestine question: summary of private conversations between Sir H. Mack and members of the Iraqi Government and other personalities in Bagdad. Ambassador to Iraq, Jun-29-48 (Jun-15-48), 5 s. -- 33-68567:67. E 8762/4/31/48 : Definition of war material: aide-memoire to Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Rome Embassy, Jun-29-48 (Jun-23-48), 11 s. -- 33-68567:74. E 8796/4/31/48 : Palestine truce: replies to telegram from Secretary-General of United Nations requesting governments to report on steps taken to implement resolution of 29th May U.K. Delegation to the UN., Jun-30-48 (Jun-29-48), 5 s. -- 33-68567:78. E 8805/4/31/48 : Arab attitude to Bernadotte's proposals for settlement in Palestine. British Middle East Office Cairo, Jun-30-48 (Jun-29-48), S., 2 s. -- 33-68567:80. E 8807/4/31/48 : Union of Arab areas in Palestine with Transjordan. Consul-General at Jerusalem, Jun-30-48 (Jun-29-48), 3 s. -- 33-68567:83. E 8815/4/31/48 : State of Arab health services in Jerusalem.Consul-General at Jerusalem, Jun-30-48 (Jun-29-48), 9 s.
►33-FO 371/68568. E 8815/4/31/48 : United Nations and Palestine: UN Political Commission. Security Council resolutions. Protection of Jerusalem. Trusteeship and immigration proposals. Food position. 4. Covers resolution of UN Trusteeship Council suspending further action by Council until Palestine situation ameliorates; UN Truce Commission representation at Rhodes truce conference; biographies of two members of Arab delegation to Rhodes truce conference; composition of UN Mediator's military observers; Arab rejection of Mediator's plan of union; and efforts by Mediator to extend truce. Also covers Arab leaders view that Arab public should be kept optimistic even while leaders privately pessimistic of Arab fortunes in resumption of hostilities; Egypt reticence to renew hostilities; Syria contention that appointment of U.S. Ambassador to Israel and early British military withdrawal constitute breaches of truce; and Commander of Arab Legion on Palestine military situation. Also covers forcible removal and concentration of Haifa Arabs by Jewish military; passage of Jewish food convoys through Egyptian lines in Negeb; and discussion of Middle East arms embargo. Also covers British and U.S. efforts to formulate joint Palestine policy; British policy on conclusion of four-week truce, resumption of hostilities, and abstaining from UN votes on Palestine; Belgium policy on Palestine; Roman Catholic Church repurchase of Mount Carmel property near Haifa; and other issues -- 33-68568:2. E 8816/4/31/48 : Draft resolution on Jerusalem. Permanent U.K. Representative to the UN Trusteeship Council, Jun-30-48 (Jun-29-48), 11 s. -- 33-68568:11. E 8834/4/31/48 : Constitution of the Palestine Truce Commission. Parliament, Jul-1-48 (Jun-28-48), 4 s. -- 33-68568:15. E 8844/4/31/48 : Belgian views on settlement of the Palestine problem. Ambassador to Belgium, Jul-1-48 (Jun-26-48), 2 s. -- 33-68568:17. E 8857/4/31/48 : Anglo-American agreed plan for the future of Palestine. Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, Adviser on Palestine, Jul-1-48 (Jun-25-48), 2 s. -- 33-68568:19. E 8858/4/31/48 : Representation of the Truce Commission at the Rhodes Conferences. Foreign Office, Eastern Department Head, Jul-1-48 (Jun-22-48), 2 s. -- 33-68568:21. E 8861/4/31/48 : Mediators suggestion for settlement of the Palestine problem. Ambassador to Egypt, Jul-1-48 (Jun-30-48), S., 2 s. -- 33-68568:23. E 8882/4/31/48 : Palestine: discussion with King Abdullah on United Nations Mediator's proposals. Ambassador to Iraq, Jul-2-48 (Jul-1-48), S., 12 s. -- 33-68568:33. E 8883/4/31/48 : Palestine: discussion with the President of Lebanon on the possible outcome of the four weeks truce. Minister to Lebanon, Jul-2-48 (Jun-29-48), S., 3 s. -- 33-68568:36. E 8884/4/31/48 : Palestine: discussion with the Emir Feisal on United Nations Mediator's proposals. Ambassador to Egypt, Jul-2-48 (Jun-30-48), S., 3 s. -- 33-68568:38. E 8885/4/31/48 : United Nations Mediator's proposals for the future of Palestine: comments by editor of newspaper Zamane. Ambassador to Egypt, Jul-2-48 (Jul-1-48), 2 s. -- 33-68568:40. E 8891/4/31/48 : Syrian allegations of American and British breaches of the Palestine truce. Minister to Syria, Jul-2-48 (Jun-30-48), 2 s. -- 33-68568:42. E 8895/4/31/48 : Selection of four experts by the Political Committee of the Arab League for attachment to ediator's office in Rhodes: notes on Ahmad Shuqeri and Henri Cattan.Consul-General at Jerusalem, Jul-2-48 (Jun-24-48), 4 s. -- 33-68568:46. E 8897/4/31/48 : United Nations Mediator's staff: particulars of numbers employed and their nationalities. Haifa Consulate-General, Jul-2-48 (Jul-2-48), 2 s. -- 33-68568:48. E 8903/4/31/48 : Clearance of Palestine questions between United States Ambassador and the Secretary of State. Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, Private Secretary, Jul-2-48 (Jun-29-48), 2 s. -- 33-68568:50. E 8927/4/31/48 : Request to Haifa (FO telegram 214) to telegraph number and nationality of observers attached to Mediator for reply on 5 July to Parliamentary question. Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, Adviser on Palestine, Jul-2-48 (Jul-1-48), 3 s. -- 33-68568:[52a]. E 8928/4/31/48 : Documents retained in department of origin under Section 3 (4) of the Public Records Act, 1958, [Jun-48], 1 s. -- 33-68568:53. E 8937/4/31/48 : Arab attitude to resumption of hostilities. British Middle East Office Cairo, Jul-3-48 (Jun-30-48), 2 s. -- 33-68568:55. E 8939/4/31/48 : Quotes extract which Egyptian newspaper Misri of 1 July 48 has published as being Count Bernadotte's proposals for the solution in Palestine, according to Misri correspondent at Lake Success. Cairo Embassy, Jul-3-48 (Jul-1-48), 3 s. -- 33-68568:57. E 8941/4/31/48 : Text of cablegram of 30 Jun from Count Bernadotte to Secretary General concerning suggestions for Palestine settlement,circulated as document S/860. U.K. Delegation to the UN., Jul-3-48 (Jul-2-48), 3 s. -- 33-68568:60. E 8945/4/31/48 : Visit of Count Bernadotte to Jerusalem on 1 July. Rhodes Consulate, Jul-3-48 (Jul-2-48), 2 s. -- 33-68568:62. E 8946/4/31/48 : Line to be taken by His Majesty's Government in dealing with Arab states in closing stages of truce. British Middle East Office Cairo, Head, Jul-3-48 (Jul-2-48), S., 3 s. -- 33-68568:65. E 8954/4/31/48 : Palestine truce: conversation between Count Bonde and Brigadier Glubb at Amman. Minister to Transjordan, Jul-5-48 (Jul-3-48), 3 s. -- 33-68568:67. E 8955/4/31/48 : Suggestion that B.M.E.O. ask for copies of Bernadotte's proposals, as text will not be available at Amman until the Minister's return from Cairo. Minister to Transjordan, Jul-5-48 (Jul-4-48), S., 2 s. -- 33-68568:69. E 8956/4/31/48 : Disappearance of need for liaison groups of officers to enter Palestine. British Middle East Office Cairo, Jul-5-48 (Jul-4-48), 2 s. -- 33-68568:71. E 8957/4/31/48 : Palestine: conversation with King Abdullah on 2nd July. Ambassador to Iraq, Jul-5-48 (Jul-2-48), 2 s. -- 33-68568:73. E 8959/4/31/48 : Views of Gallad Bey on solution in Palestine. Ambassador to Egypt, Jul-5-48 (Jul-3-48), S., 3 s. -- 33-68568:76. E 8960/4/31/48 : Suggested attitude to be adopted by His Majesty's Government in implementing any United Nations decision on Palestine. Ambassador to Egypt, Jul-5-48 (Jul-3-48), S., 3 s. -- 33-68568:79. E 8961/4/31/48 : Apparent Egyptian unwillingness to renew hostilities. Ambassador to Egypt, Jul-5-48 (Jul-2-48), S., 2 s. -- 33-68568:81. E 8963/4/31/48 : Status of Arabs electing to stay in Haifa. Consul-General at Haifa, Jul-5-48 (Jul-3-48), 4 s. -- 33-68568:84. E 8965/4/31/48 : Carmalite property in Palestine. Holy See Legation, Jul-5-48 (Jul-1-48), 2 s. -- 33-68568:86. E 8968/4/31/48 : Jewish food convoys in the Negeb area. U.K. Delegation to the UN., Jul-S-48 (Jul-2-48), 2 s. -- 33-68568:88. E 8969/4/31/48 : Enquiries regarding possible extension of truce. U.K. Delegation to the UN., Jul-5-48 (Jul-2-48), 5 s. -- 33-68568:92. E 8970/4/31/48 : Departure of the United Nations Mediator for Cairo. Consul at Rhodes, Jul-5-48 (Jul-3-48), 2 s. -- 33-68568:94. E 8971/4/31/48 : Palestine truce: question of Security Council approval if the parties concerned could be persuaded to extend the truce. U.K. Delegation to the UN., Jul-5-48 (Jul-4-48), 4 s. -- 33-68568:98. E 8994/4/31/48 : Transfer of Arabs in Haifa to concentration areas: Arab deputation. Consul-General at Haifa, Jul-5-48 (Jul-3-48), S., 3 s. -- 33-68568:100. E 9004/4/31/48 : Views of Egyptian Minister for Foreign Affairs on Bernadotte's proposals and Palestine situation. Ambassador to Egypt, Jul-5-48 (Jul-2-48), S., 5 s. -- 33-68568:104. E 9009/4/31/48 : Text of Mediator's suggestions. Ambassador to Egypt, Jul-5-48 (Jul-5-48), 3 s. -- 33-68568:107. E 9021/4/31/48 : Arms embargo: American decision to exclude certain items from the ban. Washington Embassy, Jul-6-48 (Jun-26-48), 3 s.
►33-FO 371/68569. E 9021/4/31/48 : United Nations and Palestine: UN Political Commission. Security Council resolutions. Protection of Jerusalem. Trusteeship and immigration proposals. Food position. 4. Covers Arab rejection of extension of truce; proceedings ofUN Security Council; activities of UN Mediator; British policy on Palestine; and other issues. Includes text of Mediator's plan of union and Arab and Jewish rejection of plan; efforts of Mediator to extend truce; Security Council approval of extension of truce; possibility that UN Security Council would brand Arab states as "aggressors" if they rejected prolongation of truce; Arab attitude toward Mediator; and meeting between Mediator and King Abdullah. Also covers Count Bonde communication to Arab Legion that UN military observers will soon cease operations, UN clarification that message actually referred to redeployment of observers, and UN Truce Commission inspection of Jewish food convoys to Jerusalem. Also covers Belgium, Czechoslovakia, Colombia, and Brazil on implementation ofUN Security Council truce resolution; Italian efforts to prevent Jews of military age from reaching Palestine during truce; and Jewish preparation for resumption of hostilities -- 33-68569:2. E 9027/4/31/48 : Information regarding the observation of the Palestine truce. British Middle East Office Cairo, Head, Jul-6-48 (Jun-30-48), 2 s. -- 33-68569:4. E 9031/4/31/48 : Future of Palestine: reactions of Jews and Arabs to the proposals presented by the United Nations Mediator, and suggested measures to be taken by HM Government. Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, Adviser on Palestine, Jul-6-48 (Jul-2-48), TS., 4 s. -- 33-68569:8. E 9055/4/31/48 : Misri report of Arab reply, signed by Azzam Pasha, to Bernadotte's proposals for Palestine settlement. Cairo Embassy, Jul-6-48 (Jul-5-48), 2 s. -- 33-68569:10. E 9057/4/31/48 : Text of Mediator's proposals. U.K. Delegation to the UN., Jul-6-48 (Jul-5-48), 5 s. -- 33-68569:15. E 9064/4/31/48 : Count Bonde's pessimism regarding prolongation of truce and eventual settlement, and treatment accorded Mr. Marriott. Consul-General at Haifa, Jul-6-48 (Jul-5-48), 2 s. -- 33-68569:17. E 9066/4/31/48 : Arab attitude to Bernadette and his staff. Ambassador to Egypt, Jul-6-48 (Jul-5-48), S., 4 s. -- 33-68569:20. E 9068/4/31/48 : Count Bernadotte's visit to Tel Aviv on 5 July. Rhodes Consulate, Jul-6-48 (Jul-5-48), 2 s. -- 33-68569:22. E 9071/4/31/48 : Cessation of operations by observers in Palestine. Amman Legation, Jul-6-48 (Jul-6-48), 4 s. -- 33-68569:26. E 9077/4/31/48 : Definition of war material: Jews of military age leaving Italy for Palestine ports. Ambassador to Italy, Jul-6-48 (Jul-2-48), 2 s. -- 33-68569:28. E 9079/4/31/48 : Impression held by Secretariat of United Nations is that, pending any agreement about prolonging truce, Bernadette intends to maintain observers in Palestine until the last possible moment. U.K. Delegation to the UN., Jul-7-48 (Jul-6-48), 2 s. -- 33-68569:30. E 9083/4/31/48 : Report of Jewish armed strength in Palestine. Daily Telegraph (newspaper), Jul-7-48 (Jul-3-48), 2 s. -- 33-68569:32. E 9112/4/31/48 : King Abdullah informed, in reply to his query, that no doubt His Majesty's Government would wish a resumption of hostilities to be avoided. Minister to Transjordan, Jul-7-48 (Jul-6-48), 2 s. -- 33-68569:34. E 9113/4/31/48 : Denial of report that observers are to be withdrawn. Consul-General at Jerusalem, Jul-7-48 (Jul-7-48), 2 s. -- 33-68569:36. E 9114/4/31/48 : Considerations affecting Arab attitude to resumption of hostilities. British Middle East Office Cairo, Head, Jul-7-48 (Jul-6-48), S., 5 s. -- 33-68569:40. E 9117/4/31/48 : Palestine truce: Security Council approval for a prolongation of the truce. U.K. Delegation to the UN., Jul-7-48 (Jul-6-48), 3 s. -- 33-68569:43. E 9120/4/31/48 : Withdrawal of United Nations observers from Palestine: inspection of food convoys for Jerusalem by Truce Commission.Minister to Transjordan, Jul-7-48 (Jul-7-48), 2 s. -- 33-68569:45. E 9123/4/31/48 : Text of cablegram from Bernadette to President of Security Council dated 5 July concerning prolongation of truce. United Nations Mediator, Jul-7-48 (Jul-6-48), 3 s. -- 33-68569:48. E 9130/4/31/48 : Egyptian press statement by Azzam Pasha on settlement of the Palestine problem. Cairo Embassy, Jul-7-48 (Jul-7-48), 2 s. -- 33-68569:50. E 9131/4/31/48 : Denial of report on withdrawal of observers. Haifa Consulate-General, Jul-7-48 (Jul-7-48), 2 s. -- 33-68569:52. E 9134/4/31/48 : Reply to the reported withdrawal of observers. Consul at Rhodes, Jul-8-48 (Jul-7-48), S., 2 s. -- 33-68569:54. E 9147/4/31/48 : Palestine: outline of HM Government's policy towards Palestine. Foreign Office, Jul-8-48 (Jul-7-48), 3 s. -- 33-68569:56. E 9152/4/31/48 : Number of observers, and their nationalities, attached by the Security Council to the United Nations Mediator in Palestine. Parliament, Jul-8-48 (Jul-5-48), 6 s. -- 33-68569:60. E 9161/4/31/48 : Replies from Belgium, Czechoslovakia, Brazil and Colombia to Secretary General's request for report on implementation of 29 May resolution have been received and circulated as S/855/ADD1 of 2 July 48. U.K. Delegation to the UN., Jul-8-48 (Jul-6-48), 2 s. -- 33-68569:62. E 9164/4/31/48 : Conversation between Sir R. Campbell, Sir J. Troutbeck and Prime Minister of Iraq on 7 July 48. Ambassador to Egypt, Jul-8-48 (Jul-7-48), S., 3 s. -- 33-68569:65. E 9166/4/31/48 : Visit of Sir Hugh Dow to London on 8 July 48. Ambassador to Egypt, Jul-8-48 (Jul-7-48), 2 s. -- 33-68569:67. E 9173/4/31/48 : Transjordanian Prime Minister's acceptance of decision not to prolong truce, contrary to wishes of Abdullah. Minister to Transjordan, Jul-8-48 (Jul-8-48), S., 8 s. -- 33-68569:73. E 9174/4/31/48 : Views on prolongation of truce as understood by Senor Azcarate. British Middle East Office Cairo, Head, Jul-8-48 (Jul-7-48), 3 s. -- 33-68569:76. E 9176/4/31/48 : Palestine truce: possibility of United Nations pronouncement in favour of partition. U.K. Delegation to the UN., Jul-8-48 (Jul-7-48), S., 6 s. -- 33-68569:81. E 9177/4/31/48 : Account of meeting of Security Council in which United Kingdom proposal regarding prolongation of truce was accepted. U.K. Delegation to the UN., Jul-8-48 (Jul-7-48), 2 s. -- 33-68569:83. E 9179/4/31/48 : Palestine truce: conversation with Senor Azcarate on possible outcome of an Arab refusal to prolong the truce. British Middle East Office Cairo, Head, Jul-8-48 (Jul-7-48), S., 2 s. -- 33-68569:85. E 9181/4/31/48 : Visit of Sir Hugh Dow to the United Kingdom. Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, Adviser on Palestine, Jul-8-48 (Jul-5-48), 3 s. -- 33-68569:88. E 9184/4/31/48 : Reported conversation between Azzam Pasha and Senor Azcarate on the Arab attitude towards the Palestine truce and the future of the holy places and Haifa. Ambassador to Egypt, Jul-8-48 (Jul-8-48), S., 2 s. -- 33-68569:90. E 9187/4/31/48 : Emergency call from King Abdullah to Azcarate at Cairo and Bernadotte, requesting Mediator to come to Amman on 9 July without delay. Amman Legation, Jul-9-48 (Jul-8-48), 2 s. -- 33-68569:92. E 9188/4/31/48 : Transmits message to Bernadotte from Fouzi Mulki, stating that King Abdullah wishes to see Mediator at Amman at 1000 hours on 9 July, or as soon after as possible. Rhodes Consulate, Jul-9-48 (Jul-8-48), 2 s. -- 33-68569:94. E 9189/4/31/48 : Attitude to be adopted by His Majesty's Government if truce is not to be prolonged U.K. Delegation to the UN., Jul-9-48 (Jul-8-48), S., 9 s. -- 33-68569:102. E 9190/4/31/48 : Mediator's return to Rhodes on afternoon of 8 July 48. Rhodes Consulate, Jul-9-48 (Jul-8-48), 2 s. -- 33-68569:104. E 9191/4/31/48 : Transmits message from Bernadotte to Fouzi Mulki, Transjordan Minister of Foreign Affairs, stating that Bernadotte will arrive at Amman airfield early on morning of 9 July, if King Abdullah still wishes. Consul at Rhodes, Jul-9-48 (Jul-8-48), 2 s.
►33-FO 371/68570. E 9191/4/31/48 : United Nations and Palestine: UN Political Commission. Security Council resolutions. Protection of Jerusalem. Trusteeship and immigration proposals. Food position. 4. Covers draft UN Security Council cease-fire resolution; Egyptian truce violations; Soviet objection to UN Mediator proposal for UN police force in Jerusalem; and British recommendation that Jewish truce violations be investigated. Also covers Mediator on Arab refusal and Jewish approval of truce extension; conditions for UN military observers' withdrawal; death of French UN military observer; Arab views on Mediator's treatment of Jewish truce violations; Syrian view that appointment of U.S. ambassador to Israel constituted breach of truce; and planned visit by Mediator to UN in New York. Also covers Transjordan efforts to extend truce and Palestinian Arab views on resumption of hostilities. Includes discussion of Middle East arms embargo; reported shoot on sight order by Abdul Rahman Azzam for Jews burning Arab crops; Ben-Gurion's statement on Jewish military improvement during truce; British view on breakdown of truce; and British Minister to Lebanon plan to purchase all copies of British magazine in Lebanon because of unfavorable coverage of Jewish immigration. Also includes Minister to Transjordan views on Palestinian Arab reticence to join with Transjordan in union, financial situation of Transjordan, relations between Transjordan and Mufti of Jerusalem, and resettlement of Arab refugees -- 33-68570:2. E 9201/4/31/48 : Withdrawal for United Nations observers from Palestine. British Middle East Office Cairo, Head, Jul-9-48 (Jul-7-48), 2 s. -- 33-68570:4. E 9202/4/31/48 : Syrian assertion of United States contravention of the truce in appointing a diplomatic representative to the Jewish authorities in Palestine. U.K. Delegation to the UN., Jul-9-48 (Jul-8-48), 2 s. -- 33-68570:6. E 9204/4/31/48 : Report of emergency meeting of Security Council on 8 July. U.K. Delegation to the UN., Jul-9-48 (Jul-8-48), 3 s. -- 33-68570:9. E 9205/4/31/48 : Text of cable to Secretary General from Provisional Government of Israel dated 8 July 48, accepting maximum and minimum prolongation of truce. U.K. Delegation to the UN., Jul-9-48 (Jul-8-48), 2 s. -- 33-68570:11. E 9209/4/31/48 : Soviet exception to the dispatch of United Nations guards to Palestine on the grounds that they were almost exclusively United States citizens. U.K. Delegation to the UN., Jul-9-48 (Jul-8-48), S., 6 s. -- 33-68570:16. E 9210/4/31/48 : Text of Jewish reply to proposals of Bernadotte for prolongation of truce. U.K. Delegation to the UN., Jul-9-48 (Jul-8-48), 3 s. -- 33-68570:19. E 9211/4/31/48 : Text of cable from Bernadotte giving statement about Jewish and Arab replies to his truce extension proposals. U.K. Delegation to the UN., Jul-9-48 (Jul-8-48), 3 s. -- 33-68570:22. E 9212/4/31/48 : Withdrawal of United Nations observers from Palestine. Washington Embassy, Jul-9-48 (Jul-8-48), S., 2 s. -- 33-68570:24. E 9218/4/31/48 : Communication between Sir H. Mack and the Iraqi Government on the Palestine truce. Ambassador to Iraq, Jul-9-48 (Jul-8-48), S., 2 s. -- 33-68570:26. E 9219/4/31/48 : Arab refusal to agree to extension of the Palestine truce: conversation with Acting Minister for Foreign Affairs. Ambassador to Iraq, Jul-9-48 (Jul-8-48), 2 s. -- 33-68570:28. E 9220/4/31/48 : Arab refusal to agree to extension of the Palestine truce: conversation with Nokrashi Pasha. Ambassador to Egypt, Jul-9-48 (Jul-8-48), 2 s. -- 33-68570:30. E 9221/4/31/48 : Count Bernadotte's statement that report attributed to Colonel Bonde is incorrect, and the question of withdrawal of observers depends on outcome of extension of truce proposals. Rhodes Consulate, Jul-9-48 (Jul-8-48), 2 s. -- 33-68570:32. E 9239/4/31/48 : Attitude of the inhabitants of the occupied areas of Palestine towards union with Transjordan. Minister to Transjordan, Jul-9-48 (Jul-2-48), 5 s. -- 33-68570:36. E 9245/4/31/48 : Present Arab view on reporting breaches of truce. Ambassador to Egypt, Jul-9-48 (Jul-8-48), S., 2 s. -- 33-68570:38. E 9253/4/31/48 : Palestine truce: suggestion that reports on alleged breaches of the truce should be studied by the Security Council. Ambassador to Egypt, Jul-9-48 (Jul-9-48), S., 4 s. -- 33-68570:42. E 9241/4/31/48 : Illustrated London News report of Jewish immigration in 29th May edition. Bagdad Embassy, Jul-9-48 (Jul-1-48), 6 s. -- 33-68570:46. E 9254/4/31/48 : Arab refusal to agree to extension of the Palestine truce: conversation with Syrian Prime Minister. Minister to Syria, Jul-9-48 (Jul-8-48), S., 3 s. -- 33-68570:48. E 9257/4/31/48 : Arab League's reply to the Mediator's proposals for settlement of the Palestine problem. Ambassador to Egypt, Jul-9-48 (Jul-7-48), 14 s. -- 33-68570:62. E 9258/4/31/48 : Replies of Arab states to Mediator's proposals on extension of the truce, demilitarisation of Jerusalem, and the militarisation of Haifa. Ambassador to Egypt, Jul-9-48 (Jul-9-48), 2 s. -- 33-68570:64. E 9260/4/31/48 : Palestine: Arab attitude to establishment of Jewish state. Ambassador to Egypt, Jul-9-48 (Jul-8-48), S., 4 s. -- 33-68570:67. E 9261/4/31/48 : Palestine: a denial of the report that Egyptian troops have made attacks in southern Palestine. Ambassador to Egypt, Jul-9-48 (Jul-9-48), S., 3 s. -- 33-68570:70. E 9269/4/31/48 : Steps taken by HM Government to implement the Security Council resolution of 29th May for a truce in Palestine. U.K. Delegation to the UN., Jul-10-48 (Jul-3-48), 4 s. -- 33-68570:74. E 9282/4/31/48 : Conversation with Azzam Pasha on the possible consequences of the breakdown of the truce in Palestine. British Middle East Office Cairo, Head, Jul-10-48 (Jul-9-48), S., 5 s. -- 33-68570:79. E 9283/4/31/48 : Proposed Arab treatment of Jews caught burning Arab crops. British Middle East Office Cairo, Jul-10-48 (Jul-9-48), 2 s. -- 33-68570:81. E 9284/4/31/48 : Conversation with Azzam Pasha on the breakdown of the Palestine truce. British Middle East Office Cairo, Head, Jul-10-48 (Jul-9-48), S., 2 s. -- 33-68570:83. E 9285/4/31/48 : Use made of the truce by the Jews Bernadotte's request. Cairo Embassy, Jul-10-48 (Jul-9-48), 6 s. -- 33-68570:88. E 9286/4/31/48 : Official attitude which may be adopted by Arabs and Jews, to explain any resumption of hostilities. Consul-General at Jerusalem, Jul-10-48 (Jul-6-48), 4 s. -- 33-68570:91. E 9287/4/31/48 : Jewish and Arab moods at prospects of resumption of hostilities. Consul-General at Jerusalem, Jul-10-48 (Jul-7-48), 3 s. -- 33-68570:94. E 9289/4/31/48 : Death of Commandant Labarriere, French observer in Palestine. U.K. Delegation to the UN., Jul-10-48 (Jul-8-48), 2 s. -- 33-68570:96. E 9290/4/31/48 : Possibility of a decision by the Security Council that a breach of the peace has taken place at the breakdown of the truce. U.K. Delegation to the UN., Jul-10-48 (Jul-9-48), TS., 16 s. -- 33-68570:110. E 9293/4/31/48 : Palestine: the reported resumption of hostilities by Egyptian troops. Ambassador to Egypt, Jul-10-48 (Jul-9-48), S., 2 s. -- 33-68570:112. E 9294/4/31/48 : Palestine: arguments used in effort to persuade Arabs to prolong the truce. Ambassador to Egypt, Jul-10-48 (Jul-10-48), S., 3 s. -- 33-68570:115. E 9295/4/31/48 : Palestine: effort of Trans-Jordan Government to prolong truce. Minister to Transjordan, Jul-10-48 (Jul-9-48), 5 s.
►33-FO 371/68571. E 9295/4/31/48 : United Nations and Palestine: UN Political Commission. Security Council resolutions.Protection of Jerusalem. Trusteeship and immigration proposals. Food position. 4. Covers UN Security Council truce resolution that states Palestine situation constitutes breach of peace under Article 39 and threatens possible action by UN under Chapter 7 of UN charter. Includes British, U.S., Jewish, and Arab views on these Security Council proceedings; Israel acceptance and Arab rejection of ten-day truce extension; Israel rejection ofUN Mediator's plan of union; and Mediator visit to UN at New York. Also covers Arab League meeting on truce extension; Arab League political divisions; Iraq and Transjordan reluctance to continue fighting;and Minister to Transjordan on political implications of Transjordan's refusal to accede to Arab League rejection of truce extension. Also includes occupation of King David Hotel by Haganah and Haganah threats to UN Truce Commission; and security of British consulatesgeneral in Haifa and Jerusalem. Also covers Egypt denial of truce violations; report on Egyptian air force; appeal to release Jewish detainees in Kenya and Cyprus camps; reports of fighting in Syrian sector of Palestine; and request by Jews in Jerusalem for incorporation in state of Israel -- 33-68571:2. E 9297/4/31/48 : Second version of draft Security Council decision that situation in Palestine constitutes a threat to peace within Article 39. U.K. Delegation to the UN., Jul-10-48 (Jul-9-48), S., 9 s. -- 33-68571:11. E 9302/4/31/48 : Meeting of the Political Committee of the Arab League at Aley on 12 July 48. Minister to Transjordan, Jul-12-48 (Jul-10-48), 4 s. -- 33-68571:15. E 9303/4/31/48 : Response of Iraqi Cabinet to intimation of attitude which His Majesty's Government will have to adopt to Arab states if Chapter VII is invoked. Ambassador to Iraq, Jul-12-48 (Jul-10-48), S., 3 s. -- 33-68571:18. E 9304/4/31/48 : Lebanese Prime Minister's resignation to attitude that His Majesty's Government will have to adopt to Arab states if Chapter Vu of Charter is invoked. Minister to Lebanon, Jul-12-48 (Jul-10-48), S., 3 s. -- 33-68571:21. E 9305/4/31/48 : Press report (10 July) giving text of note said to have been sent by Azzam Pasha to UN Secretary General on Arab attitude to truce. Cairo Embassy, Jul-12-48 (Jul-10-48), 3 s. -- 33-68571:24. E 9306/4/31/48 : Egyptian Prime Minister's views on demilitarization of Jerusalem, and fact on Jewish breaches of truce. Ambassador to Egypt, Jul-12-48 (Jul-11-48), S., 2 s. -- 33-68571:26. E 9307/4/31/48 : Conversation with Syrian Prime Minister on future of the truce. Minister to Syria, Jul-12-48 (Jul-10-48), S., 2 s. -- 33-68571:28. E 9309/4/31/48 : Request to the 'Provisional Government' from the Committee for Municipal Affairs of the Jerusalem Community Council to incorporate Jerusalem in the State of Israel. Jerusalem Consulate-General, Jul-12-48 (Jul-9-48), 2 s. -- 33-68571:30. E 9313/4/31/48 : Text of reply from Provisional Government of Israel to Mediator's proposals for future settlement of Palestine (circulated to Security Council as S/870). U.K. Delegation to the UN., Jul-12-48 (Jul-9-48), 8 s. -- 33-68571:38. E 9314/4/31/48 : First version of United States delegation's draft, regarding action to be taken by Security Council to deal with situation in Palestine. U.K. Delegation to the UN., Jul-12-48 (Jul-9-48), 3 s. -- 33-68571:41. E 9315/4/31/48 : Text of telegram from Bernadette dated 9 July to Secretary General concerning appeal for 10 day extension of truce. U.K. Delegation to the UN., Jul-12-48 (Jul-10-48), 2 s. -- 33-68571:43. E 9316/4/31/48 : Replies from Lebanon, Transjordan, and Iraq to the Security Council's appeal for a prolongation of the Palestine truce. U.K. Delegation to the UN., Jul-12-48 (Jul-10-48), 2 s. -- 33-68571:45. E 9317/4/31/48 : Occupation by Haganah force of King David Hotel. U.K. Delegation to the UN., Jul-12-48 (Jul-10-48), 2 s. -- 33-68571:47. E 9318/4/31/48 : Text of Arab League reply to Bernadotte concerning proposals for prolongation of truce. U.K. Delegation to the UN., Jul-12-48 (Jul-10-48), 5 s. -- 33-68571:52. E 9319/4/31/48 : Palestine truce: implementation of resolution of 29th May: replies from South Africa, Austria, Ecuador, and the Dominican Republic. U.K. Delegation to the UN., Jul-12-48 (Jul-10-48), 2 s. -- 33-68571:54. E 9320/4/31/48 : Text of letter to Secretary General of 10 July from representative of Provisional Government of Israel, concerning proposal for 10 day extension of truce. U.K. Delegation to the UN., Jul-12-48 (Jul-10-48), 2 s. -- 33-68571:56. E 9321/4/31/48 : State Department views on invoking Chapter VII. Washington Embassy, Jul-12-48 (Jul-9-48), S., 3 s. -- 33-68571:59. E 9328/4/31/48 : Iraqi attitude to resumption of hostilities.Ambassador to Iraq, Jul-12-48 (Jul-9-48), S., 2 s. -- 33-68571:61. E 9330/4/31/48 : Points which the Security Council will have to consider when deciding if Arabs are to be declared aggressors. Minister to Lebanon Jul-12-48 (Jul-9-48), S., 5 s. -- 33-68571:66. E 9331/4/31/48 : Guarantee of the Arab frontier with the Jewish state. Minister to Lebanon, Jul-12-48 (Jul-9-48), S., 3 s. -- 33-68571:69. E 9332/4/31/48 : Conversation with Iraqi Prime Minister on future of the truce. Minister to Lebanon, Jul-12-48 (Jul-10-48), S., 4 s. -- 33-68571:72. E 9333/4/31/48 : Proposals for the settlement of the Palestine question. Ambassador to Egypt, Jul-12-48 (Jul-10-48), S., 3 s. -- 33-68571:75. E 9334/4/31/48 : Egyptian denial that Egyptian forces opened fire before the expiry of the Palestine truce. Ambassador to Egypt, Jul-12-48 (Jul-10-48), 2 s. -- 33-68571:77. E 9335/4/31/48 : Gallad Bey's views on Azzam Pasha's actions reflecting split in Arab League. Ambassador to Egypt, Jul-12-48 (Jul-11-48), S., 3 s. -- 33-68571:80. E 9337/4/31/48 : Prolongation of the Palestine truce: reply from King Ibn Saud to message from H.M. Government. Ambassador to Saudi Arabia, Jul-12-48 (Jul-10-48), 2 s. -- 33-68571:82. E 9338/4/31/48 : Possibility of Consulate General, Jerusalem, being involved in renewed fighting. Consul-General at Jerusalem (Acting), Jul-12-48 (Jul-10-48), TS., 10 s. -- 33-68571:90. E 9351/4/31/48 : Position of Jewish detainees in Cyprus and Kenya. Samuel Segal, Jul-12-48 (Jun-24-48), 4 s. -- 33-68571:94. E 9357/4/31/48 : Palestine: Transjordan's relations with the Arab League. Minister to Transjordan, Jul-12-48 (Jul-9-48), TS., 3 s. -- 33-68571:97. E 9359/4/31/48 : Arrangements for safety of British subjects in Palestine. Consul-General at Haifa, Jul-12-48 (Jul-8-48), TS., 3 s. -- 33-68571:100. E 9360/4/31/48 : Message for Air Ministry: strength of Royal Egyptian Air Force. Ambassador to Egypt, Jul-12-48 (Jul-9-48), TS., 2 s. -- 33-68571:102. E 9362/4/31/48 : Palestine: Mediator's proposals. Cabinet, Jul-12-48 (Jul-5-48), 2 s. -- 33-68571:104. E 9367/4/31/48 : Conversation with the Egyptian Prime Minister on the extension of the Palestine truce. Ambassador to Egypt, Jul-12-48 (Jul-11-48), S., 5 s.
►33-34-FO 371/68572. E 9367/4/31/48 : United Nations and Palestine: UN Political Commission. Security Council resolutions.Protection of Jerusalem. Trusteeship and Immigration proposals. Food position. 4.Covers Arab rejection of truce extension;activities and criticism of UN Mediator;possibility that UN Security Council truce resolution might brand Arabs as "aggressors"under Article 39 of UN charter; British Middle East policy; Arab resentment and suspicion of King Abdullah Ibn El-Hussein's activities; activities ofUN Mediator; and other issues. Also includes statement by Ben-Gurion on Jewish military improvement during truce and Arab and Israeli summaries of military conflict, truce period, withdrawal ofUN military observers, and truce violations. Also covers Arab Legion ammunition shortage and implications of collapse of Arab front. Also includes Harold Beeley on conditions that would allow arms shipments to Arabs and proceedings of Security Council. Also covers British discussion of Mediator's plans for Palestine, difference between truce and cease-fire, and of role of Azzam in Arab rejection of truce extension; Pablo Azcarate criticism of truce. Mediator, and possibility that Arabs might be branded as "aggressors"; and King Abdullah's efforts to extend truce. Also includes Egypt view of Mediator; Iraq view that UN is biased toward Jewish position; Soviet press on Palestine situation and activities of Mediator; and other issues -- 33-68572:2. E 9368/4/31/48 : Extension of the truce. Cairo Embassy, Jul-12-48 (Jul-10-48), S., 2 s. -- 33-68572:4. E 9369/4/31/48 : Statement by Nokrashi. Ambassador to Egypt, Jul-12-48 (Jul-11-48), 2 s. -- 33-68572:6. E 9370/4/31/48 : Extension of the truce. Ambassador to Egypt, Jul-12-48 (Jul-11-48), S., 3 s. -- 33-68572:8. E 9372/4/31/48 : Mediator's return to Rhodes from Amman on 9 July. Rhodes Consulate, Jul-12-48 (Jul-9-48), 2 s. -- 33-68572:10. E 9380/4/31/48 : Count Bernadotte's views on the Palestine situation. Consul-General at Haifa, Jul-12-48 (Jul-8-48), 2 s. -- 33-68572:12. E 9381/4/31/48 : Use made of the truce by the Jews: reported statement by Ben Gurion. Ambassador to Egypt, Jul-12-48 (Jul-12-48), 7 s. -- 33-68572:18. E 9382/4/31/48 : Bernadette leaving Rhodes on 10 July, stating that he was going to Lake Success and expected to return on 18 July. Consul at Rhodes, Jul-12-48 (Jul-10-48), 12 s. -- 33-34-68572:29. E 9383/4/31/48 : Text of cablegram of 9 July from Israeli Minister for Foreign Affairs in reply to cable from President of Security Council of 8 July (presumably informing him of resolution of 7 July 48). U.K. Delegation to the UN., Jul-12-48 (Jul-10-48), 4 s.
Reprodüksiyon Notu
Mikrofilm. Bethesda, MD : University Publications of America, 1980. 1 mikrofilm makarası : pozitif ; 35 mm. 12 January 1948(11 January 1948)-12 July 1948(10 July 1948)
Emeği Geçenler
Kesaris, Paul, prj. koord.
Kurum Adı
Great Britain. Foreign Office.
University Publications of America (UPA)