Confidential British Foreign Office political correspondence. Palestine and Transjordan, 1940-1946 [mikroform] / project coordinator Paul Kesaris.

Dil Kodu
Yer Numarası
Eser Adının Farklı Biçimi
Palestine and Transjordan, 1940-1946
Yayın Bilgisi
Bethesda, MD : University Publications of America, 1972.
Fiziksel Niteleme
1 mikrofilm makarası (320 poz) : pozitif ; 35 mm
Genel Not
Public Record Office (Kew, London) FO371/24569'da kayıtlıdır.
Bu seri 35 makaradan oluşmaktadır.
Bibliyografi, vb. Notu
Mikrofilmin indeksi B.I/6612 yer numarasında kayıtlıdır.
İçindekiler Notu
► 5-FO 371/24569 : Meeting between Regent of Iraq and Amir of Transjordan at Rutbah. 1282. Covers meeting between Regent of Iraq (Abd al-IUah) and Amir Abdullah Ibn El-Hussein (Amir of Transjordan) at Rutbah in Iraq. Through various intelligence sources, this documents different Arab factions and touches upon differing motives and goals of King Ibn Saud, Amir Abdullah Ibn El-Hussein, and Nuri al-Said. Includes differing Arab conceptions of Arab federation of Palestine, Transjordan, and Iraq -- 5-24569:1. E 1282/1282/31/40 : Meeting between Regent of Iraq and Amir of Transjordan at Rutbah. Foreign Office, Mar-21-40 (Mar-19-40), 8 s. -- 5-24569:5. E 1285/1282/31/40 : Meeting between Regent of Iraq and Amir of Transjordan at Rutbah. Jedda Legation, Mar-21-40 (Mar-20-40), 4 s. -- 5-24569:7. E 1296/1282/31/40 : Meeting between Regent of Iraq and Amir of Transjordan at Rutbah. High Commissioner for Palestine, Mar-21-40 (Mar-15-40), 8 s. -- 5-24569:11. E 1437/1282/31/40 : Meeting between Regent of Iraq and Amir of Transjordan. High Commissioner for Transjordan, Apr-1-40 (Mar-26-40), 6 s. -- 5-24569:14. E 1586/1282/31/40 : Correspondence between Amir of Transjordan and General Nuri. Colonial Office, Apr-10-40 (Apr-9-40), 8 s. -- 5-24569:18. E 1626/1282/31/40 : Meeting between Regent of Iraq and Amir of Transjordan. Jedda Legation, Apr-12-40 (Apr-1-40), 14 s.
► 5-FO 371/24569. E 6568/1063/31/39 : Jurisdiction in Palestine of Maronite Patriarchal Tribunal. 1381. Covers jurisdictional bounds of Maronite Patriarchal Tribunal at Bekorki in Lebanese Republic. Discusses tribunal's previous appellate jurisdiction for Palestinian Maronites during years of Ottoman Empire and its resultant eradication with creation of distinct states of Palestine and Lebanon -- 5-24569:25. E 1381/1381/31/40 : Jurisdiction in Palestine of Maronite Patriarchal Tribunal. Colonial Office, Mar-28-40 (Mar-23-40), 20 s.
► 5-FO 371/24569 : Proposal that Egyptian Government should contribute towards Arab Information Bureau in London. 1674. Covers various issues surrounding often inflammatory and now defunct Arab Information Bureau in London. Interesting to note differing British attitudes toward this organization -- 5-24569:34. E 1674/1674/31/40 : Proposal that Egyptian Government should contribute towards Arab Information Bureau in London. Ambassador to Egypt, Apr-16-40 (Apr-14-40), 27 s.
► 5-FO 371/24569 : Amir of Transjordan's proposed visit to Turkey. 1675. Covers diplomatic maneuvers behind Amir Abdullah Ibn El- Hussein's (Amir of Transjordan) proposed visit to Turkey. Includes coverage of proposed visit in Arab press, French reactions in Syria and Lebanon to his proposed transit, and touches upon differing approaches toward dissent (specifically on issue of Arab federation) by French and by British -- 5-24569:47. E 1675/1675/31/40 : Amir of Transjordan's proposed visit to Turkey. Colonial Office, Apr-16-40 (Apr-15-40), 58 s. -- 5-24569:75. E 2132/1675/31/40 : Amir of Transjordan's proposed visit to Turkey. High Commissioner for Transjordan, Jun-12-40 (May-21-40), 28 s.
► 5-FO 371/24569 : British commitments in Middle East, 1914-1918. 1897. Discusses Professor Arnold Toynbee's Middle East policy recommendations. Includes brief discussion ofboth history of British policy and its change in British policy between 1918 and 1922 -- 5-24569:89. E 1897/1897/31/40 : British commitments in Middle East, 1914-1918. Foreign Office, Apr-29-40 (Apr-18-40), 18 s.
► 5-FO 371/24569. E 511/350/89/40 : Proposals for sovereign state in Jerusalem. 2012. Discusses Kadmi Cohen's proposal for creation of sovereign state in Jerusalem -- 5-24569:98. E 2012/2012/31/40 : Proposals for creation of sovereign state in Jerusalem. Kadmi Cohen, May-15-40 (May-5-40), 24 s.
► 5-FO 371/24569 : Recruitment of Jewish units for general service in British Army. 2062. Covers proposal and adoption of Chaim Weizmann's plan to recruit 10,000 Jews to constitute certain Jewish units within existing structure of British Army. Includes legal standing of U.S. Jews who would enlist, terms of service, and dangers to British policy if these troops were deployed in Middle East -- 5-24569:110. E 2062/2062/31/40 : Question of bringing back to England regular units from Palestine. Colonial Office, May-27-40 (May-23-40), S., 44 s. -- 5-24569:132. E 2766/2062/31/40 : Recruitment of Jewish units for general service in the British Army. War Cabinet, Oct-12-40 (Oct-8-40), S., 68 s. -- 5-24569:166. E 3025/2062/31/40 : Jewish units for British Army. Ambassador to U.S., Dec-3-40 (Nov-29-40), 58 s.
► 5-FO 371/24569 : Fifth Column activities in Palestine. 2090. Covers Chaim Weizmann's belief that pro- German Arabs in Palestine are planning campaign of sabotage and rebellion -- 5-24569:193. E 2090/2090/31/40 : Fifth Column activities in Palestine. Chaim Weizmann, Jun-3-40 (Jun-3-40), 16 s.
► 5-FO 371/24569 : Alleged Anglo-Zionist Treaty. 2258. Covers issues surrounding erroneous German propaganda broadcast alleging that Zionists and British government had signed treaty that acknowledged state status to Jews. Refuted by both British government and Zionists on British Broadcasting Corporation Arabic program -- 5-24569:200. E 2258/2258/31/40 : Alleged Anglo-Zionist treaty. Foreign Office, Jul-10-40 (Jul-7-40), 24 s.
► 5-FO 371/24569. E 6097/29/31/39 : Professor H.A.R. Gibbs' plan for solution of Palestine problem. 2289. Covers issue surrounding H.A.R. Gibbs' (Laudian Professor of Arabic at Oxford) solution to the Arab-Jewish problem, advocating Arab federation, Jewish autonomy within certain area, and Arab-Jewish military cooperation -- 5-24569:210. E 2289/2289/31/40 : Professor H.A.R. Gibbs' plan for solution of Palestine problem. Colonial Office, Jul-17-40 (Jul-15-40), 48 s.
► 5-FO 371/24569 : Threatened revival of rebellion in Palestine with Iraqi support. 2355. Covers issues resulting from capture of two Palestinians in Transjordan. Evidence suggests Palestinians received military training directly from Iraq Army to renew rebellion in Palestine. Includes Iraq government denial -- 5-24569:234. E 2355/2355/31/40 : Threatened revival of rebellion in Palestine with Iraqi support. High Commissioner for Palestine, Aug-9-40 (Aug-7-40), 34 s.
► 5-FO 371/24569 : Broadcasting in Palestine. 2448. Briefly discusses advisability, from propaganda standpoint, of reducing strength of Jerusalem radio broadcasts for military reasons -- 5-24569:251. E 2448/2448/31/40 : Broadcasting in Palestine. Foreign Office, Aug-20-40 (Aug-16-40), 8 s.
► 5-FO 371/24569. E 953/65/31/40; E 2289/31/31/40 : Arab Federation and a Jewish autonomous area. 2635. Discussion of ramifications of Balfour Declaration and policy considerations of implementation of White Paper of May 1939. Includes Chaim Weizmann's plan for creation of Jewish autonomous area in Palestine and how this Jewish area would interact within larger federation of Arab states -- 5-24569:255. E 2635/2635/31/40 : Arab federation and a Jewish autonomous area. Foreign Office, Sep-18-40 (Sep-5-40), 24 s.
Reprodüksiyon Notu
Mikrofilm. Bethesda, MD : University Publications of America, 1972. 1 mikrofilm makarası : pozitif ; 35 mm. 21 March 1940(19 March 1940)-18 September 1940(5 September 1940)
Emeği Geçenler
Kesaris, Paul, prj. koord.
Kurum Adı
Great Britain. Foreign Office.
University Publications of America (UPA).