Confidential British Foreign Office political correspondence. Palestine and Transjordan, 1940-1946 [mikroform] / project coordinator Paul Kesaris.

Dil Kodu
Yer Numarası
Eser Adının Farklı Biçimi
Palestine and Transjordan, 1940-1946
Yayın Bilgisi
Bethesda, MD : University Publications of America, 1983.
Fiziksel Niteleme
1 mikrofilm makarası (1178 poz) : pozitif ; 35 mm.
Genel Not
Public Record Office (Kew, London) FO371/27124'de kayıtlıdır.
Bu seri 35 makaradan oluşmaktadır.
Bibliyografi, vb. Notu
Mikrofilmin indeksi B.I/6612 yer numarasında kayıtlıdır.
İçindekiler Notu
► 6-FO 371/27124. E 3/3/31/41 : Grand Mufti of Jerusalem. 3. Covers British-sponsored campaign against ex- Mufti of Jerusalem. Discusses flight and British pursuit of ex-Mufti through Middle East and his final escape to Berlin. Provides information on ex-Mufti's secretary, immediate family members, financial backing, British difficulties in apprehending him, and problems of gathering useful and reliable intelligence -- 6-27124:[1a]. E 3/3/31/41 : Documents retained in department of origin and closed until 2017, [Jan-41] 1 s. -- 6-27124:2. E 351/3/31/41 : Campaign against the Mufti. Angora Embassy, Feb-4-41 (Feb-1-41), S., 4 s. -- 6-27124:5. E 481/3/31/41 : Funds for the Mufti from India. India Office, Feb-14-41 (Feb-11-41), S., 5 s. -- 6-27124:9. E 879/3/31/41 : The Mufti. Ambassador to Iraq, Mar-11-41 (Mar-4-41), 2 s. -- 6-27124:10a. E 1060/3/31/41 : Documents retained in department of origin and closed until 2017, [Mar-41], 1 s. -- 6-27124:11. E 1165/3/31/41 : Campaign against Mufti. Angora Embassy, Mar-29-41 (Mar-28-41), 2 s. -- 6-27124:13. E 2276/3/31/41 : Mr. George Antonius and Jemal Husseini-relations with the ex-Mufti of Jerusalem. Parliament, May-16-41 (May-9-41), 3 s. -- 6-27124:15. E 5639/3/31/41 : Question of president of Supreme Moslem Council. Colonial Office, Sep-15-41 (Sep-13-41), 7 s. -- 6-27124:21. E 6371/3/31/41 : Mufti. High Commissioner for Palestine, Oct-9-41 (Sep-24-41), S., 4 s. -- 6-27124:25. E 6494/3/31/41 : Mufti. High Commissioner for Palestine, Oct-10-41 (Oct-2-41), S., 3 s. -- 6-27124:27. E 6504/3/31/41 : Mufti. Parliament, Oct-10-41 (Oct-8-41), 5 s. -- 6-27124:31. E 6646/3/31/41 : Mufti. Commander in Chief India, Oct-15-41 (Oct-11-41), 3 s. -- 6-27124:33. E 6680/3/31/41 : Arrest of Mufti. India Government, External Affairs Department, Oct-17-41 (Oct-13-41), S., 12 s. -- 6-27124:42. E 6743/3/31/41 : Flight of the ex-Mufti. Middle East Intelligence Center, Oct-18-41 (Oct-15-41), S., 4 s. -- 6-27124:46. E 6866/3/31/41 : The Mufti. Tehran Embassy, Military Attache, Oct-23-41 (Oct-20-41), S., 2 s. -- 6-27124:48. E 6928/3/31/41 : Whereabouts of the Mufti. Commander in Chief Middle East, Oct-25-41 (Oct-22-41), S., 2 s. -- 6-27124:50. E 7023/3/31/41 : The Mufti. Ambassador to Egypt, Oct-29-41 (Oct-28-41), 2 s. -- 6-27124:52. E 7069/3/31/41 : The Mufti. Ambassador to Egypt, Oct-30-41 (Oct-29-41), 3 s. -- 6-27124:55. E 7073/3/31/41 : The Mufti. Commander in Chief Middle East, Oct-30-41 (Oct-27-41), 4 s. -- 6-27124:59. E 7229/3/31/41 : Whereabouts of the Mufti. Angora Embassy, Nov-5-41 (Nov-4-41), 2 s. -- 6-27124:61. E 7300/3/31/41 : Whereabouts of the Mufti. Tehran Legation, Nov-7-41 (Nov-6-41), 2 s. -- 6-27124:63. E 7327/3/31/41 : The Mufti. Angora Embassy, Nov-9-41 (Nov-6-41), 2 s. -- 6-27124:65. E 7328/3/31/41 : The Mufti. Angora Embassy, Nov-9-41 (Nov-8-41), 4 s. -- 6-27124:69. E 7500/3/31/41 : The Mufti. Tehran Embassy, Nov-15-41 (Nov-12-41), 2 s. -- 6-27124:71. E 7528/3/31/41 : The Mufti. Angora Embassy, Nov-15-41 (Nov-13-41), 3 s. -- 6-27124:73. E 7654/3/31/41 : The Mufti. High Commissioner for Palestine, Nov-20-41 (Nov-18-41), 4 s. -- 6-27124:76. E 7716/3/31/41 : The Mufti. Angora Embassy, Nov-23-41 (Nov-22-41), 4 s. -- 6-27124:80. E 7948/3/31/41 : The Mufti. Tehran Embassy, Dec-2-41 (Dec-1-41), MS., 5 s. -- 6-27124:84. E 8009/3/31/41 : The Mufti. Parliament, Dec-5-41 (Dec-3-41), 5 s. -- 6-27124:89. E 8122/3/31/41 : The Mufti. Bagdad Embassy, Dec-9-41 (Dec-9-41), S., 2 s. -- 6-27124:91. E 8162/3/31/41 : The Mufti. Secretary of State for the Colonies, Dec-10-41 (Dec-5-41), MS., 4 s. -- 6-27124:95. E 8295/3/31/41 : Mufti's family. Tehran Embassy, Dec-16-41 (Dec-15-41), S., 2 s. -- 6-27124:97. E 8561/3/31/41 : The Mufti. Berne Legation, Dec-27-41 (Dec-27-41), 2 s.
► 6-FO 371/27125. E 26/26/31/41 : American Jewry and Palestine. 26. Covers American Jewish public opinion, Zionist policy recommendations, and Jewish dissatisfaction with British Palestine policy. Also includes British responses to these criticisms, of which one was not to send messages to, and thus not to confer greater importance upon, Jewish conferences in United States -- 6-27125:2. E 200/26/31/41 : National conference for Palestine: question of His Majesty's Government sending message. Washington Embassy, Jan-17-41 (Jan-16-41), 3 s. -- 6-27125:5. E 216/26/31/41 : His Majesty's Government's peace aims: rights of Jews. Prime Minister's Office, Jan-20-41 (Jan-15-41), 14 s. -- 6-27125:18. E 960/26/31/41 : Statement made by Jewish delegation about His Majesty's Government's policy regarding Jews and Palestine. Ambassador to U.S., Mar-16-41 (Mar-13-41), 8 s. -- 6-27125:26. E 1318/26/31/41 : Statement made by Jewish delegation about His Majesty's Government's policy regarding Jews and Palestine. Ambassador to U.S., Apr-7-41 (Mar-14-41), 5 s. -- 6-27125:31. E 5545/26/31/41 : American Jewish Congress. American Jewish Congress, Sep-11-41 (Aug-1-41), 46 s. -- 6-27125:76. E 6334/26/31/41 : Note on Jewish opinion in United States. World Jewish Congress, Oct-5-41 (Aug-7-41), 12 s. -- 6-27125:88. E 7540/26/31/41 : National conference for Palestine: invitation to Lord Halifax. Ambassador to U.S., Nov-16-41 (Nov-13-41), 9 s. -- 6-27125:97. E 8553/26/31/41 : Extraordinary Conference of the United Palestine Appeal of America: request for a message from Mr. Eden. Zionist Federation of Great Britain and Ireland, Dec-26-41 (Dec-24-41), 8 s.
► 6-FO 371/27126. E 3141/187/31/40 : Jewish units for British Army. 60. Covers recruitment issues, terms of service, pay, organization, and limits on deployment of Jewish units in British armed forces. Includes analysis of probable German propaganda response, possible Arab reaction, British officer corps resistance, and postponement of Jewish unit creation. Discusses history of Jewish units in British armed forces, arming of Jews in Palestine for self-defense, and legal issues associated with recruitment in United States 6-27126:2. E 60/60/31/41 : Incorporation of Jewish units in British Army. Colonial Office , Jan-6-41 (Jan-3-41), 46 s. -- 6-27126:37. E 93/60/31/41 : Recruitment of Jews for British Army. Colonial Office, Jan-7-41 (Jan-7-41), 55 s. -- 6-27126:75. E 418/60/31/41 : Jewish army. War Office, Feb-10-41 (Feb-8-41), S., 15 s. -- 6-27126:88. E 467/60/31/41 : Jewish battalions serving with British Army during war 1914-1918. Foreign Office, Feb-14-41 (Feb-3-41), 5 s. -- 6-27126:92. E 495/60/31/41 : Enlistment of Jewish refugees in British Army. Ambassador to Egypt, Feb-15-41 (Feb-8-41), 6 s. -- 6-27126:96. E 496/60/31/41 : Jewish army. Ambassador to U.S., Feb-15-41 (Feb-13-41), 2 s. -- 6-27126:98. E 500/60/31/41 : Proposed Jewish contingent. Colonial Office, Feb-15-41 (Feb-14-41), 3 s. -- 6-27126:101. E 589/60/31/41 : Recruitment of a Jewish contingent. Colonial Office, Feb-20-41 (Feb-14-41), S., 7 s. -- 6-27126:106. E 590/60/31/41 : Recruitment of a Jewish contingent. Colonial Office, Feb-20-41 (Feb-17-41), S., 5 s. -- 6-27126:1 11. E 592/60/31/41 : Proposed Jewish contingent. Colonial Office, Feb-20-41 (Feb-20-41), 4 s. -- 6-27126:114. E 612/60/31/41 : Announcement regarding recruitment of Jews. Rushbrook Williams, Feb-22-41 (Feb-20-41), MS., 5 s. -- 6-27126:118. E 613/60/31/41 : Jewish contingents for British Army. Colonial Office, Feb-22-41 (Feb-20-41), 11 s. -- 6-27126:127. E 712/60/31/41 : Recruitment of Jewish contingents. War Office, Feb-28-41 (Feb-24-41), S., 3 s. -- 6-27126:130. E 737/60/31/41 : Enlistment of Jewish refugees in British Army. Colonial Office, Mar-1-41 (Feb-26-41), 3 s. -- 6-27126:133. E 739/60/31/41 : Jewish recruits for British Army. Colonial Office, Mar-1-41 (Feb-26-41), MS., 31 s. -- 6-27126:156. E 751/60/31/41 : Jewish contingents for the British Army.Colonial Office, Mar-3-41 (Feb-27-41), S., 4 s. -- 6-27126:160. E 923/60/31/41 :Recruitment of Jews in British Army. Ambassador to Egypt, Mar-13-41 (Mar-9-41), 4 s. -- 6-27126:164. E 954/60/31/41 : Enlistment of Jewish refugees in British Army. High Commissioner for Palestine, Mar-15-41 (Mar-8-41), 3 s. -- 6-27126:167. E 1100/60/31/41 : Recruitment of Jewish contingents. Colonial Office, Mar-24-41 (Mar-20-41), S., 15 s. -- 6-27126:178. E 1303/60/31/41 : Recruitment of Jews. Parliament, Apr-7-41 (Apr-1-41), 13 s. -- 6-27126:190. E 1700/60/31/41 : Jewish self defence in Palestine. Colonial Office, Apr-25-41 (Apr-23-41), S., 17 s.
► 6-FO 371/27127. E 1700/60/31/41 : Jewish units for British Army. 60. Covers delay in creating new Jewish units within British Army. Also includes expansion of various Jewish police forces in Palestine for local defense; expansion of Jewish infantry companies known as 'Buffs'; military strategy for defense of Palestine; creation of Palestine Volunteer Force; and proposals to create distinct Jewish Allied Army -- 6-27127:2. E 1778/60/31/41 : Proposed Jewish force and suggestion that Labour representatives like Colonel Wedgwood or Miss Wilkinson should visit the United States of America. Prime Minister's Office, Apr-28-41 (Apr-25-41), 4 s. -- 6-27127:6. E 1930/60/31/41 : Recruitment of Jews. High Commissioner for Palestine, May-5-41 (May-2-41), S., 4 s. -- 6-27127:10. E 2055/60/31/41 : Jewish self defence. Colonial Office, May-9-41 (May-7-41), 6 s. -- 6-27127:14. E 2075/60/31/41 : Recruitment of Jews in Palestine. Colonial Office, May-9-41 (May-7-41), S., 15 s. -- 6-27127:28. E 2158/60/31/41 : Defence of Jews in Palestine. Secretary of State for the Colonies, May-13-41 (May-9-41), S., 7 s. -- 6-27127:35. E 2255/60/31/41 : Training and arming of a Jewish Palestinian army. Parliament, May-15-41 (May-6-41), 4 s. -- 6-27127:39. E 2278/60/31/41 : Home guards in Palestine. Parliament, May-16-41 (May-11-41), 3 s. -- 6-27127:42. E 2346/60/31/41 : Recruitment of Jews in Palestine. Ambassador to U.S., May-19-41 (May-17-41), 9 s. -- 6-27127:49. E 2679/60/31/41 : Formation of volunteer force in Palestine Parliament, May-30-41 (May-28-41), 3 s. -- 6-27127:52. E 2709/60/31/41 : Recruiting of Jewish battalions in Palestine. U.S. Under-Secretary of State, May-31-41 (May-8-41), 4 s. -- 6-27127:56. E 2710/60/31/41 : Loyalty of delegates of the Tri-State Jewish National Fund Emergency Conference at Pittsburg to the Allied cause. Jewish National Fund of America, May-31-41 (May-20-41), 9 s. -- 6-27127:65. E 2798/60/31/41 : Recruitment of Jews abroad for active service in the British Army. New Zionist Organization of America, Jun-4-41 (Apr-30-41), 7 s. -- 6-27127:72. E 2864/60/31/41 : Jewish Army demonstration in Manhattan. Merlin Bergson, Jun-6-41 (May-22-41), 2 s. -- 6-27127:74. E 3263/60/31/41 : Proposal to raise Jewish units in Egypt Cairo Embassy, Jun-23-41 (May-27-41), 3 s. -- 6-27127:77. E 3362/60/31/41 : Arab and Jewish question in Palestine, Sir John Wardlaw-Milne. Parliament, Jun-27-41 (May-26-41), 3 s. -- 6-27127:80. E 3468/60/31/41 : Plea for the Jewish cause in Palestine Colonial Office, Jul-1-41 (Jun-26-41), 19 s. -- 6-27127:96. E 3542/60/31/41 : Proposal to recruit Jewish units in Palestine. Colonial Office, Jul-3-41 (Jul-2-41), S., 7 s. -- 6-27127:100. E 3579/60/31/41 : Proposal to raise Jewish units in the Middle East. High Commissioner for Palestine, Jul-5-41 (Jul-2-41), S., 9 s. -- 6-27127:107. E 3615/60/31/41 : Recruitment of Jews in Palestine and elsewhere. Washington Embassy, Jul-7-41 (Jun-27-41), 11 s. -- 6-27127:116. E 3807/60/31/41 : Recruitment of Jews in Palestine. Parliament, Jul-14-41 (Jul-10-41), 3 s. -- 6-27127:119. E 3809/60/31/41 : Jews in Palestine. Colonial Office, Jul-14-41 (Jul-2-41), 3 s. -- 6-27127:122. E 4174/60/31/41 : Jewish settlement police. High Commissioner for Palestine, Jul-28-41 (Jul-19-41), 2 s. -- 6-27127:124. E 4180/60/31/41 : Recruitment of Jewish contingents for the British Army. Colonial Office, Jul-28-41 (Jul-24-41), 8 s. -- 6-27127:130. E 4187/60/31/41 : Proposal to form a voluntary Jewish Army to join the Allies. New Zionist Organization of America, Jul-28-41 (Jul-9-41), 9 s. -- 6-27127:138. E 4289/60/31/41 : Jews in Palestine. Parliament, Jul-31-41 (Jul-30-41), 4 s. -- 6-27127:141. E 4301/60/31/41 : Proposal to employ Jewish battalions in Egypt. Ambassador to Egypt, Aug-1-41 (Jul-30-41), 5 s.
► 6-FO 371/27128. E 4301/60/31/41 : Jewish units for British Army. 60. Includes political ramifications of Jewish immigration and predictions of postwar trends and requirements of Jews from both British and Zionist viewpoints. Discussion of British policy, refugees from Russia, and U.S. general and U.S. Jewish public opinion on variety of topics. Focus on debate and final rejection of Chaim Weizmann's plan for creation of new Jewish units within framework of British Army and on expansion of size and role of Palestine units ("Buffs") of British Army -- 6-27128:la. E 4474/60/31/41 : Jews in Palestine. Colonial Office, Aug-7-41 (Aug-1-41), 9 s. -- 6-27128:9. E 4520/60/31/41 : Proposal to employ Jewish units in Egypt. Commander in Chief Middle East, Aug-9-41 (Aug-5-41), 2 s. -- 6-27128:11. E 4579/60/31/41 : Recruitment of Jewish contingents for British Army. Ambassador to Egypt, Aug-12-41 (Aug-9-41), 2 s. -- 6-27128:13. E 4615/60/31/41 : Jews in Palestine: attitude of American Jewry. Manchester Guardian; Jewish Telegraphic Agency, Ltd., Aug-13-41 (Aug-7-41), 4 s. -- 6-27128:16. E 4866/60/31/41 : Proposal to employ Jewish units in Egypt.War Office, Aug-21-41 (Aug-15-41), S., 7 s. -- 6-27128:22. E 4918/60/31/41 : Dr. Weizmann: impressions gained in United States on Jewish question. Prime Minister's Office, Aug-22-41 (Aug-13-41), 3 s. -- 6-27128:24. E 4940/60/31/41 : Jews in Palestine: Soviet views. Washington Embassy, Aug-23-41 (Jul-23-41), 5 s. -- 6-27128:29. E 5117/60/31/41 : Proposed Jewish units in Egypt. Ambassador to Egypt, Aug-29-41 (Aug-27-41), 2 s. -- 6-27128:31. E 5160/60/31/41 : Proposal to recruit Jewish units in Palestine. Colonial Office, Aug-30-41 (Aug-28-41), 9 s. -- 6-27128:38. E 5598/60/31/41 : Future of Palestine: Daily News Bulletin. Jewish Telegraphic Agency, Ltd., Sep-13-41 (Sep-8-41), 7 s. -- 6-27128:42. E 5649/60/31/41 : Formation of Jewish Army. Postal and Telegraph Censorship, Sep-15-41 (Sep-9-41), 5 s. -- 6-27128:45. E 5660/60/31/41 : Jewish contingents. Lord Moyne, Sep-14-41 (Sep-12-41), 3 s. -- 6-27128:47. E 5743/60/31/41 : Future of the Jews. Maurice Louis Perlzweig, Sep-17-41 (Aug-7-41), 5 s. -- 6-27128:52. E 5746/60/31/41 : Proposed recruitment of Jewish army. Colonial Office, Sep-17-41 (Sep-16-41), 16 s. -- 6-27128:66. E 6188/60/31/41 : Jewish policy. Colonial Office, Oct-1-41 (Sep-25-41), S., 22 s. -- 6-27128:85. E 6271/60/31/41 : "Palestine and Arab union". Judah Leon Magnes, Oct-3-41 (Jul-22-41), 7 s. -- 6-27128:90. E 6307/60/31/41 : Zionist movement: Palestine. War Cabinet, Oct-4-41 (Oct-2-41), 3 s. -- 6-27128:93. E 6632/60/31/41 : Recruitment of Jewish units. War Cabinet, Oct-14-41 (Oct-13-41), 4 s. -- 6-27128:97. E 6435/60/31/41 : Jewish policy. Colonial Office, Oct-18-41 (Oct-15-41), 6 s. -- 6-27128:102. E 6759/60/31/41 : Jewish contingents in the British Army. High Commissioner for Palestine, Oct-18-41 (Oct-16-41), S., 8 s. -- 6-27128:110. E 6899/60/31/41 : Attitude of Jews in Palestine and the war effort. Parliament, Oct-24-41 (Oct-22-41), 3 s. -- 6-27128:112. E 6900/60/31/41 : His Majesty's Government's policy in Palestine. Parliament, Oct-24-41 (Oct-22-41), 3 s.
► 6-FO 371/27129. E 6900/60/31/41 : Jewish units for British Army. 60. Covers debate on formation and recruitment of Jewish units in British armed forces and furor from Jewish circles when scheme rejected. Includes Jan Smuts' speech on anniversary of Balfour Declaration; recommendations and Parliamentary debate on British policy in Palestine; analysis of coverage of Zionism and Palestine in both German and British radio broadcasts; debate between Zionist and non-Zionist Jews on future of Jewry; and intelligence reports on Zionist plans and goals -- 6-27129:2.E 7072/60/31/41 : Future of Palestine. Anthony Gustav de Rothschild, Oct-30-41 (Oct-29-41), 16 s. -- 6-27129:14. E 7232/60/31/41 : Jewish contingents. Colonial Office, Nov-5-41 (Nov-4-41), S., 6 s. -- 6-27129:20. E 7239/60/31/41 : Balfour declaration speech by General Smuts. Reuters, Nov-5-41 (Nov-2-41), 5 s. -- 6-27129:23. E 7272/60/31/41 : Jewish contingents in the British Army. High Commissioner for Palestine, Nov-6-41 (Nov-4-41), MS., 15 s. -- 6-27129:37. E 7283/60/31/41 : Jewish policy. Cairo Embassy, Nov-7-41 (Nov-7-41), 2 s. -- 6-27129:39. E 7299/60/31/41 : Suggested Jewish Army. High Commissioner for Palestine, Nov-7-41 (Nov-6-41), S., 3 s. -- 6-27129:42. E 7349/60/31/41 : Protest by Dr. Weizmann: Jewish fighting force. Times, Nov-10-41 (Nov-10-41), 5 s. -- 6-27129:46. E 7380/60/31/41 : Jewish policy. War Cabinet, Nov-11-41 (Nov-3-41), S., 3 s. -- 6-27129:48. E 7660/60/31/41 : Jewish contingents in British army. Parliament, Nov-20-41 (Nov-18-41), 3 s. -- 6-27129:51. E 7764/60/31/41 : Balfour Declaration speech by General Smuts. Parliament, Nov-25-41 (Nov-19-41), 3 s. -- 6-27129:54. E 7789/60/31/41 : Formation of Jewish army. Washington Embassy, Nov-26-41 (Nov-11-41), 3 s. -- 6-27129:57. E 7824/60/31/41 : Proposed formation of a Jewish division Parliament, Nov-27-41 (Nov-25-41), 8 s. -- 6-27129:63. E 7825/60/31/41 : Enlistment of Jews and Arabs in the British Army and possible formation of Jewish Division. Parliament, Nov-27-41 (Nov-25-41), 4 s. -- 6-27129:66. E 7860/60/31/41 : Maintenance of policy of a national home for the Jews. Parliament, Nov-28-41 (Nov-25-41), 3 s. -- 6-27129:69. E 7955/60/31/41 : Zionism and Palestine in enemy and British Broadcasting Corporation broadcasts. Ministry of Information, Dec-2-41 (Oct-31-41), 18 s. -- 6-27129:79. E 7996/60/31/41 : Jewish contingent in British Army: telegram from Rabbi Wise to Prime Minister. Prime Minister's Office, Dec-4-41 (Dec-2-41), 7 s. -- 6-27129:84. E 8177/60/31/41 : The Balfour Declaration. Parliament, Dec-11-41 (Dec-4-41), 3 s. -- 6-27129:87. E 8354/60/31/41 : Jewish army in Palestine. Young Women's Zionist Organisation of America, Dec-18-41 (Nov-20-41), 5 s. -- 6-27129:92. E 8355/60/31/41 : Jewish army in Palestine. Zionist Organization of America, Dec-18-41 (Nov-18-41), 4 s. -- 6-27129:96. E 8385/60/31/41 : Number of Jews in Palestine who have enlisted in Royal Air Force. Parliament, Dec-19-41 (Dec-16-41), 3 s. -- 6-27129:98. E 8538/60/31/41 : Foreign Research and Press Service: paper on Jewish organisations. Foreign Research and Press Service, Dec-26-41 (Dec-20-41), 3 s. -- 6-27129:101. E 8556/60/31/41 : Zionist movement. Colonial Office, Dec-26-41 (Dec-24-41), MS., 58 s. -- 6-27129:151. E 8619/60/31/41 : Zionist movement. Chief Secretary's Office, Jerusalem, Dec-31-41 (Oct-29-41), S., 10 s.
► 6-FO 371/27130. E 1605/143/25/40; E 1626/1282/31/40 : Iraqi-Transjordan frontier. 94. Discusses boundaries of Transjordan -- 6-27130:2. E 94/94/31/41 : Iraqi-Transjordan frontier. Bagdad Embassy, Jan-8-41 (Dec-9-40), 3 s.
► 6-FO 371/27131. E 1383/26/31/41 : Zionist Movement. 149. Discusses suggestion by U.S. Minister in Cairo that British interests in Arab world were greatly damaged by Zionists -- 6-27131:1a. E 2668/149/31/41 : Zionist Movement: Palestine. Ambassador to U.S., May-30-41 (May-29-41), S., 6 s.
► 6-FO 371/27132 : Immigration into Palestine. 204. Covers illegal Jewish immigration to Palestine; reasons behind British policy in the Middle East; U.S. Jewish public reaction to quota restrictions on Jewish immigration to Palestine; and British governmental reaction to Free French statement regarding unlimited free Jewish immigration to Palestine -- 6-27132:2. E 204/204/31/41 : His Majesty's Government's policy regarding immigration into Palestine. Washington Embassy, Jan-18-41 (Dec-16-40), 32 s. -- 6-27132:34. E 1058/204/31/41 : Request for relaxation of immigration laws of Palestine. American Jewish Congress, Philadelphia Council, Mar-21-41 (Feb-20-41), 5 s. -- 6-27132:39. E 1240/204/31/41 : His Majesty's Government's policy regarding immigration into Palestine. Colonial Office, Apr-3-41 (Apr-1-41), 15 s. -- 6-27132:54. E 1701/204/31/41 : Immigration of Jews into Palestine. Colonial Office, Apr-25-41 (Apr-22-41), S., 4 s. -- 6-27132:58. E 7360/204/31/41 : Immigration of Jews into Palestine. High Commissioner for Palestine, Nov-10-41 (Nov-8-41), S., 8 s.
► 6-FO 371/27133 : Jewish question. 205. Covers development of informational interaction and exchange between Jewish Section of Foreign Research and Press Service and British Press Service in New York. Also covers other avenues for British government to gain understanding of Jewish sentiment. Includes Foreign Research and Press Service's historical analysis and policy recommendations for Palestine and the Jewish question -- 6-27133:2. E 205/205/31/41 : Foreign Research and Press Service: Jewish section. Arnold J. Toynbee, Jan-18-41 (Dec-26-40), 5 s. -- 6-27133:6. E 5142/205/31/41 : Mr. H. Beeley: representation on Jewish Committee. Arnold J. Toynbee, Aug-29-41 (Aug-25-41), 5 s. -- 6-27133:11. E 7595/205/31/41 : Jewish question and the future of Palestine. Foreign Research and Press Service, Nov-18-41 (Nov-15-41), 11 s.
► 6-FO 371/27134. E 2154/2154/31/40 : Transjordan-political situation. 259. Covers text of Amir Abdullah Ibn El-Hussein's speech; rumors of assassination attempt on Amir; Amir's political activities and differences with Syrian political leader Ragheb Bey Nashashibi; and effects of possible Syrian independence on British position in Palestine -- 6-27134:2. E 259/259/31/41 : Political situation in Transjordan. High Commissioner for Transjordan, Jan-23-41 (Dec-7-41), 7 s. -- 6-27134:9. E 2120/259/31/41 : Attempt on the life of Amir Abdullah Colonial Office, May-11-41 (May-10-41), S., 4 s. -- 6-27134:13. E 5477/259/31/41 : Aspirations of Amir Abdullah. High Commissioner for Transjordan, Sep-9-41 (Sep-1-41), S., 5 s.
► 6-FO 371/27135. E 2355/2355/37/40 : Rumour of revolt in Palestine. 309. Covers U.S. visit by Pan-Arab extremists in order to collect funds for what British believed was renewal of revolt in Palestine. Includes U.S. and British views on issuance of visas -- 6-27135:2. E 309/309/31/41 : Rumoured renewal of revolt in Palestine. Foreign Office, Jan-30-41 (Jan-26-41), 5 s. -- 6-27135:7. E 658/309/31/41 : Documents retained in department of origin and closed until 2017, [Jan-41], 1s.
► 6-FO 371/27136. E 1581/323/31/41 : Monthly Report, Transjordan. 323. Includes February, March, and September 1941 reports. Discusses Transjordan frontier issues with Saudi Arabia, Syria, Palestine, and Iraq; military and internal situation of Saudi Arabia, Syria, and Iraq; and issues relating to internal administration of Transjordan. Covers conspiracy to assassinate King Ibn Saud; smuggling in Transjordan; methods of officer selection in Arab Legion; and other diverse issues such as rainfall patterns and intelligence reports -- 6-27136:2. E 1774/323/31/41 : Monthly report on Transjordan. Officer Commanding Arab Legion, Apr-28-41 (Apr-26-41), S., 55 s.
Reprodüksiyon Notu
Mikrofilm. Bethesda, MD : University Publications of America, 1983. 1 mikrofilm makarası : pozitif ; 35 mm. January 1941-28 April 1941(26 April 1941)
Emeği Geçenler
Kesaris, Paul, prj. koord.
Kurum Adı
Great Britain. Foreign Office.