Confidential British Foreign Office political correspondence. Palestine and Transjordan, 1940-1946 [mikroform] / project coordinator Paul Kesaris

Dil Kodu
Yer Numarası
Eser Adının Farklı Biçimi
Palestine and Transjordan, 1940-1946
Yayın Bilgisi
Bethesda, MD : University Publications of America, 1983.
Fiziksel Niteleme
1 mikrofilm makarası (593 poz) : pozitif ; 35 mm.
Genel Not
Public Record Office (Kew, London) FO371/35042'de kayıtlıdır.
Bu seri 35 makaradan oluşmaktadır.
Bibliyografi, vb. Notu
Mikrofilmin indeksi B.I/6612 yer numarasında kayıtlıdır.
İçindekiler Notu
► 13-14-FO 371/35042 : Immigration of Jews into Palestine. 87. Covers War Cabinet discussion of and report on partition of Palestine and long-term British policy in region; military court arms trial; Joint Anglo-United States statement on Palestine; U.S. statement on Palestine; Ministry of Information tour of Middle East Jewish communities; British analysis of Zionist propaganda in United States; and British predictions of postwar Jewish revolt. Includes internal divisions of Zionism; withdrawal of American Jewish Committee from American Jewish Conference of August 1943; Jewish Agency Executive visit to London to discuss issues with Chaim Weizmann; worldwide appraisal of New Zionist Movement; and other issues -- 14-35042:19. E 7722/87/31/43 : Palestine. Minister Resident in the Middle East, Dec-9-43 (Dec-6-43), MS., 14 s. -- 14-35042:27. E 7766/87/31/43 : Proposed visit of Mr. Goodman to Middle East. Ministry of Information, Dec-11-43 (Dec-10-43), 6 s. -- 14-35042:32. E 7767/87/31/43 : Views of Mr. Morris Ernst on Palestine problem. Secretary of State for the Colonies, Dec-11-43 (Nov-22-43), 20 s. -- 14-35042:45. E 7820/87/31/43 : Proposed public statement by United States government on Jewish question. Ambassador to U.S., Dec-14-43 (Dec-13-43), 18 s. -- 14-35042:59. E 7843/87/31/43 : Immigration of Jews into Palestine: activities of Mr. Ludwig Lewusohn. St. Paul-Minneapolis Consulate, Dec-15-43 (Nov-12-43), 5 s. -- 14-35042:64. E 7844/87/31/43 : Proposed visit to London of delegation of Jewish Agency Executive. High Commissioner for Palestine,Dec-15-43 (Dec-9-43), MS., 3 s. -- 14-35042:66. E 7847/87/31/43 : Palestine. War Cabinet Committee on Palestine, [Dec-13-43] (Dec-10-43), MS., 25 s. -- 14-35042:83. E 7890/87/31/43 : Zionist revisionist activities in United States. Palestine Censorship, Dec-17-43 (Nov-26-43), 11 s. -- 14-35042:90. E 7891/87/31/43 : Proposed visit to United Kingdom of delegation of Jewish Agency Executive. Secretary of State for the Colonies, Dec-17-43 (Dec-14-43), MS., 2 s. -- 14-35042:92. E 7977/87/31/43 : Proposed statement by Mr. Hull regarding Palestine. Ambassador to U.S., Dec-21-43 (Dec-20-43), 2 s. -- 14-35042:94. E 7984/87/31/43 : Palestine: proposed Anglo-U.S. declaration. Secretary of State for the Colonies, Dec-22-43 (Dec-10-43), MS., 9 s. -- 14-35042:102. E 8011/87/31/43 : Note by British Information Services, Washington, on Palestine questions, Washington Embassy, Dec-23-43 (Dec-9-43), 9 . -- 14-35042:111. E 8012/87/31/43 : Diary of Miss Freya Stark's tour of United States. Ministry of Information, Dec-23-43 (Dec-20-43), 5 s. -- 14-35042:114. E 8013/87/31/43 : Palestine and Arab problems. Stewart Francis Newcombe, Dec-23-43 (Dec-18-43), 7 s. -- 14-35042:118. E 8022/87/31/43 : Possibility of armed revolt by Jews in Palestine. Bagdad Embassy, Dec-23-43 (Dec-22-43), 2 s. -- 14-35042:130. E 8035/87/31/43 : American or Anglo-American declarations on Palestine. Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, Dec-23-43 (Dec-20-43), MS., 8 s. -- 14-35042:125. E 8064/87/31/43 : Proposed statement on Palestine. Minister Resident in the Middle East, Dec-25-43 (Dec-22-43), 6 s. -- 14-35042:130. E 8093/87/31/43 : Palestine policy. Arthur Rucker, [Dec-43] (Dec-21-43), MS., 16 s. -- 14-35042:143. E 8139/87/31/43 : Palestine. War Cabinet Committee on Palestine, Dec-30-43 (Dec-20-43), MS., 92 s. -- 14-35042:200. E 8140/87/31/43 : Palestine: Anglo-American declaration. Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, Dec-30-43 (Dec-20-43), MS., 5 s. -- 14-35042:204. E 8141/87/31/43 : Palestine. Secretary of State for the Colonies, Dec-30-43 (Dec-21-43), 5 s. -- 14-35042:207. E 8148/87/31/43 : Proposed visit to London of Dr. Nahum Goldman. Ambassador to U.S., Dec-31-43 (Dec-29-43), 2 s. -- 14-35042:209. E 8153/87/31/43 : Huida arms trial. High Commissioner for Palestine, Dec-31-43 (Dec-11-43), MS., 8 s. -- 14-35042:214. E 8176/87/31/43 : Palestine. Foreign Office, Dec-31-43 (Dec-23-43), 8 s.
► 14-FO 371/35043 : Income tax regulations in Palestine. 652. Covers taxation issues in British Mandate of Palestine. Includes alleged discrimination against foreign nationals by Palestine tax law and restrictions on transfer of funds in blocked accounts -- 14-35043:2. E 652/652/31/43 : Income tax payable by Swiss firms in Palestine. Switzerland Legation, London, Feb-1-43 (Jan-26-43), 7 s. -- 14-35043:9. E 3451/652/31/43 : Income tax payable by Swiss firms in Palestine. Colonial Office, Jun-16-43 (Jun-15-43), 10 s. -- 14-35043:19. E 4050/652/31/43 : Income tax payable by United States citizens in Palestine. U.S. Embassy, London, Jul-13-43 (Jul-10-43), 7 s. -- 14-35043:26. E 5643/652/31/43 : U.S. complaint of violation of provisions of article 18 of the Palestine Mandate and Art. 2 of the American British-Palestine Mandate Agreement of 3/12/24. Treasury Chambers, Sep-22-43 (Sep-17-43), 10 s. -- 14-35043:36. E 5772/652/31/43 : Exchange control in Palestine: alleged discrimination against United States Nationals. Treasury Chambers, Sep-28-43 (Sep-25-43), 3 s. -- 14-35043:38. E 5860/652/31/43 : Palestinian income tax payable by United States citizens. Colonial Office, Oct-2-43 (Oct-1-43), 18 s. -- 14-35043:56. E 6669/652/31/43 : United States complaint of violation of provisions of Article 18 of the Palestine Mandate and Art. 2 of the American British-Palestine Mandate Agreement of 3rd December, 1924. U.S. Embassy, London, Nov-4-43 (Oct-22-43), 25 s.
► 14-FO 371/35044. E 7165/541/31/42 : Anglo-Transjordan agreements. 693. Briefly covers ratification of Anglo-Transjordan supplementary agreement of July 1941 -- 14-35044:2. E 693/693/31/43 : Transjordan-United Kingdom supplementary agreement. Colonial Office, Feb-3-43 (Feb-2-43), S., 9 s. -- 14-35044:11. E 2416/693/31/43 : Text of Anglo-Transjordan agreements. Colonial Office, Apr-27-43 (Apr-23-43), 3 s.
► 14-FO 371/35045. E 7567/876/31/42 : Political situation in Transjordan. 965. Includes monthly situation reports of British Resident at Transjordan, Alec Seath Kirkbride. Covers internal and external relations, personnel changes in Council of Ministers, border incidents between Arab Legion and Syrian Druze cavalry, and other issues -- 14-35045:2. E 965/965/31/43 : Situation report on Transjordan for December, 1942. British Resident, Transjordan, Feb-17-43 (Jan-5-43), S., 7 s. -- 14-35045:9. E 2548/965/31/43 : Situation report for Transjordan, February, 1943. British Resident, Transjordan, May-4-43 (Mar-4-43), S., 8 s. -- 14-35045:17. E 2903/965/31/43 : Political situation in Transjordan. High Commissioner for Transjordan, May-19-43 (May-18-43), S., 2 s. -- 14-35045:19. E 3329/965/31/43 : Situation report on Trans-Jordan, March 1943. British Resident, Transjordan, Jun-9-43 (Apr-2-43), S., 8 s. -- 14-35045:27. E 3628/965/31/43 : New Transjordan Council of Ministers. High Commissioner for Transjordan, Jun-24-43 (Jun-22-43), S., 4 s. -- 14-35045:31. E 4093/965/31/43 : Situation report on Transjordan for the month of May, 1943. British Resident, Transjordan, Jul-15-43 (Jun-4-43), S., 9 s. -- 14-35045:40. E 4678/965/31/43 : Situation reports on Transjordan for April and June 1943. High Commissioner for Transjordan, Aug-9-43 (Jul-9-43), S., 25 s. -- 14-35045:63. E 5902/965/31/43 : Situation report on Transjordan for the month of July, 1943. British Resident, Transjordan, Oct-4-43 (Oct-1-43), S., 8 s. -- 14-35045:71. E 6195/965/31/43 : Situation report on Trans-Jordan for the month of August, 1943. British Resident, Transjordan, Oct-15-43 (Oct-13-43), S., 8 s.
► 14-FO 371/35046. E 8616/7109/31/41 : Protection of Soviet interests in Palestine. 4262. Covers visit of Soviet Consul-General (Istanbul) with Soviet citizens in Palestine. Includes ownership and legal status of Russian Church property located in Palestine and possible Soviet plans to use these properties to spread their influence in region -- 14-35046:2. E 4262/4262/31/43 : Proposal that a representative of the Soviet Consul-General in Istanbul should visit Palestine. Ambassador to Turkey, Jul-22-43 (Jul-14-43), 6 s. -- 14-35046:8. E 4277/4262/31/43 : Proposal that a representative of the Soviet Consul General in Istanbul should visit Palestine. High Commissioner for Palestine, Jul-22-43 (Jul-20-43), S., 4 s. -- 14-35046:12. E 6354/4262/31/43 : Mission from the Russian Orthodox Church to visit Jerusalem. Poland Ambassador to U.K., Oct-22-43 (Oct-7-43), 20 s.
► 14-FO 371/35047. E 4653/1331/31/42 : Jamal Hussaini. 5586. Covers Iraq Prime Minister Nuri al-Said's release requests for Arab prisoner Jamal al-Husseini for his participation in Arab unity talks in Egypt. Includes British government discussion on merits and dangers of proposed release from prison in Southern Rhodesia -- 14-35047:2. E 5586/5586/31/43 : Jamal Hussaini. Minister Resident in the Middle East, Sep-18-43 (Sep-13-43), 2 s. -- 14-35047:4. E 6740/5586/31/43 : Jamal Hussaini. Minister Resident in the Middle East, Nov-8-43 (Nov-6-43), 2 s. -- 14-35047:6. E 7233/5586/31/43 : Jamal Hussaini. High Commissioner for Palestine, Nov-22-43 (Nov-16-43), MS., 4 s. -- 14-35047:8. E 7538/5586/31/43 : Mufti of Jerusalem and President of the Moslem Supreme Council. Parliament, Dec-2-43 (Dec-1-43), 12 s. -- 14-35047:18. E 7625/5586/31/43 : Abdul Qader Husseini. High Commissioner for Palestine, Dec-6-43 (Nov-30-43), 2 s. -- 14-35047:20. E 7998/5586/31/43 : Suggested transfer of Jamal Husseini to Egypt. Minister Resident in the Middle East, Dec-22-43 (Dec-11-43), MS., 11 s.
► 14-FO 371/35048 : Italian interests in Palestine. 7666. Covers interests of and rights enjoyed by Italy in Palestine. Includes historical background of such claims, relevant texts of Anglo-Italian agreements, and how these interests and rights were affected by World War II., -- 14-35048:2. E 7666/7666/31/43 : Italian interests in Palestine. Foreign Office, Dec-7-43 (Dec-4-43), 32 s.
Reprodüksiyon Notu
Mikrofilm. Bethesda, MD : University Publications of America, 1983. 1 mikrofilm makarası : pozitif ; 35 mm. 8 December 1943(27 November 1943)-7 December 1943(4 December 1943)
Emeği Geçenler
Kesaris, Paul, prj. koord.
Kurum Adı
Great Britain. Foreign Office.
University Publications of America (UPA).