Confidential British Foreign Office political correspondence. Palestine and Transjordan, 1940-1946 [mikroform] / project coordinator Paul Kesaris.

Dil Kodu
Yer Numarası
Eser Adının Farklı Biçimi
Palestine and Transjordan, 1940-1946
Yayın Bilgisi
Bethesda, MD : University Publications of America, 1981.
Fiziksel Niteleme
1 mikrofilm makarası (796 poz) : pozitif ; 35 mm.
Genel Not
Public Record Office (Kew, London) FO371/52598'de kayıtlıdır.
Bu seri 35 makaradan oluşmaktadır.
Bibliyografi, vb. Notu
Mikrofilmin indeksi B.I/6612 yer numarasında kayıtlıdır.
İçindekiler Notu
► 33-FO 371/52598. E 9919/6774/31/45 : Trans-Arabian pipeline. 1419. Covers proposal by Anglo-Iranian Oil Company for construction of oil pipeline from head of Gulf of Aqaba to Mediterranean Sea between Gaza and Rafah via Negeb desert and proposal by Trans-Arabian Pipeline Company for construction of oil pipeline from Saudi Arabia to Mediterranean Sea with terminus near Haifa- Athlit-Acre area. Includes discussion of strategic and defense issues, comparative merits of both plans and various terminus sites, possible pipeline through Egypt, legal issues, and other related issues -- 33-52598:2. E 1419/1419/31/46 : Trans-Arabian pipeline convention. Colonial Office, Feb-16-46 (Feb-14-46), 23 s. -- 33-52598:25. E 1420/1419/31/46 : Trans-Arabian Pipeline Company. Colonial Office, Feb-16-46 (Feb-14-46), TS., 4 s. -- 33-52598:29. E 1513/1419/31/46 : Trans-Arabian pipeline. Ministry of Fuel and Power, Petroleum Division, Feb-20-46 (Feb-13-46), 2 s. -- 33-52598:31. E 1873/1419/31/46 : Trans-Arabian pipe-line. Colonial Office, Mar-1-46 (Feb-26-46), TS., 12 s. -- 33-52598:42. E 1952/1419/31/46 : Trans-Arabian pipeline. Ministry of Fuel and Power, Petroleum Division, Mar-4-46 (Feb-28-46), TS., 2 s. -- 33-52598:44. E 2344/1419/31/46 : Trans-Arabian pipeline. Colonial Office, Mar-15-46 (Mar-14-46), TS., 8 s. -- 33-52598:52. E 2458/1419/31/46 : Trans-Arabian pipeline. Ministry of Fuel and Power, Petroleum Division, Mar-19-46 (Mar-16-46), TS., 6 s. -- 33-52598:58. E 2491/1419/31/46 : Trans-Arabian pipeline. Foreign Office, Mar-20-46 (Mar-17-46), 21 s. -- 33-52598:79. E 2589/1419/31/46 : Trans-Arabian pipeline. War Office, Mar-22-46 (Mar-20-46), TS., 6 s. -- 33-52598:85. E 3069/1419/31/46 : Trans-Arabian pipe-line. U.S. Embassy, London, Apr-5-46 (Apr-3-46), S., 3 s. -- 33-52598:88. E 3255/1419/31/46 : Arrangements for pipeline to pass through Egypt. Ambassador to Egypt, Apr-11-46 (Apr-5-46), 4 s. -- 33-52598:92. E 3368/1419/31/46 : Trans-Arabian pipeline through Egypt. Washington Embassy, Apr-15-46 (Apr-12-46), 2 s. -- 33-52598:94. E 3833/1419/31/46 : Trans-Arabian pipeline. Colonial Office, Apr-29-46 (Apr-26-46), TS., 8 s. -- 33-52598:102. E 4290/1419/31/46 : Trans-Arabian pipeline. Parliament, May-10-46 (May-8-46), 2 s. -- 33-52598:104. E 4516/1419/31/46 : Oil pipeline convention. Parliament, May-17-46 (May-15-46), 3 s. -- 33-52598:107. E 4697/1419/31/46 : Middle East oil installations. Washington Embassy, May-23-46 (May-20-46), 2 s. -- 33-52598:109. E 5094/1419/31/46 : Middle East oil installations. Ministry of Fuel and Power, Petroleum Division, Jun-4-46 (Jun-1-46), 2 s.
► 33-FO 371/52599. E 5094/1419/31/46 : Trans-Arabian pipeline. 1419. Covers proposal by Anglo-Iranian Oil Company for construction of oil pipeline from head of Gulf of Aqaba to Mediterranean Sea between Gaza and Rafah via Negeb desert and proposal by Trans-Arabian Pipeline Company for construction of oil pipeline from Saudi Arabia to Mediterranean Sea with terminus near Haifa- Athlit-Acre area. Includes discussion of strategic and defense issues, comparative merits of both plans and various terminus sites, possible pipeline through Egypt, text of concession agreement signed by Transjordan Government and Trans-Arabian Pipeline Company, and other related issues -- 33-52599:2. E 5149/1419/31/46 : Trans-Arabian Pipeline Company. Minister to Transjordan, Jun-6-46 (Jun-3-46), TS., 12 s. -- 33-52599:14. E 5552/1419/31/46 : Trans-Arabian pipeline. Colonial Office, Jun-18-46 (Jun-18-46), 9 s. -- 33-52599:23. E 5814/1419/31/46 : Trans-Arabian pipeline. High Commissioner for Palestine, Jun-25-46 (Jun-6-46), TS., 5 s. -- 33-52599:28. E 6178/1419/31/46 : Trans-Arabian pipeline concession. Minister to Transjordan, Jul-4-46 (Jun-21-46), S., 2 s. -- 33-52599:30. E 6781/1419/31/46 : Trans-Arabian pipeline. Ministry of Fuel and Power, Petroleum Division, Jul-18-46 (Jul-16-46), 2 s. -- 33-52599:32. E 6999/1419/31/46 : American oil pipeline from the Persian Gulf to the Mediterranean. Colonial Office, Jul-22-46 (Jul-19-46), TS., 9 s. -- 33-52599:41. E 7235/1419/31/46 : Arabian-American Oil Company. Colonial Office, Jul-30-46 (Jul-26-46), 6 s. -- 33-52599:46. E 7236/1419/31/46 : Arabian-American Oil Company. Ministry of Fuel and Power, Petroleum Division, Jul-30-46 (Jul-26-46), S., 2 s. -- 33-52599:47. E 7402/1419/31/46 : Trans-Arabian pipeline concession. Minister to Transjordan, Aug-2-46 (Jul-15-46), S., 3 s. -- 33-52599:50. E 7560/1419/31/46 : Trans-Arabian pipeline. Washington Embassy, Aug-7-46 (Jul-29-46), 4 s. -- 33-52599:54. E 7709/1419/31/46 : Arabian-American Oil Company.Ambassador to U.S., Aug-9-46 (Aug-7-46), 2 s. -- 33-52599:56. E 7711/1419/31/46 : Trans-Arabian Pipeline Company. Minister to Transjordan, Aug-9-46 (Aug-8-46), 2 s. -- 33-52599:58. E 7770/1419/31/46 : Trans-Arabian pipeline. Minister to Transjordan, Aug-12-46 (Aug-10-46), 2 s. -- 33-52599:60. E 7934/1419/31/46 : Trans-Arabian pipeline. Ambassador to Egypt, Aug-14-46 (Jun-9-46), 3 s. -- 33-52599:63. E 8186/1419/31/46 : Trans-Arabian pipeline. Minister to Transjordan, Aug-20-46 (Aug-12-46), S., 24 s. -- 33-52599:87. E 8343/1419/31/46 : Trans-Arabian Company's pipeline. Colonial Office, Aug-23-46 (Aug-21-46), TS., 9 s. -- 33-52599:96. E 8461/1419/31/46 : Trans-Arabian pipeline. Ministry of Fuel and Power, Petroleum Division, Aug-27-46 (Aug-24-46), 2 s. -- 33-52599:98. E 9021/1419/31/46 : Trans-Arabian pipeline. Colonial Office, Sep-11-46 (Sep-9-46), 2 s. -- 33-52599:100. E 9072/1419/31/46 : Trans-Arabian Company's pipeline. Ministry of Fyel and Power, Petroleum Division, Sep-12-46 (Sep-7-46), TS., 4 s. -- 33-52599:104. E 9146/1419/31/46 : Trans Jordan Pipeline. Ambassador to Egypt, Sep-16-46 (Sep-11-46), 2 s. -- 33-52599:106. E 9183/1419/31/46 : Trans Arabian pipeline. Ambassador to Egypt, Sep-16-46 (Sep-14-46), 2 s. -- 33-52599:108. E 9702/1419/31/46 : Trans-Arabian pipeline. Amman Legation, Sep-30-46 (Sep-7-46), 2 s. -- 33-52599:110. E 9891/1419/31/46 : Trans Arabian pipeline. Colonial Office, Oct-3-46 (Oct-1-46), 3 s. -- 33-52599:113. E 10139/1419/31/46 : Trans-Arabian pipeline. Minister to Transjordan, Oct-11-46 (Sep-24-46), 4 s. -- 33-52599:117. E 10235/1419/31/46 : Trans-Arabian pipeline. Cabinet Offices, Oct-15-46 (Oct-11-46), TS., 2 s. -- 33-52599:119. E 12366/1419/31/46 : Trans-Arabian pipe-line. Foreign Office, Dec-23-46 (Dec-13-46), 3 s.
► 33-FO 371/52600 : Desire of Jews to return to Europe. 1886. Covers Jewish emigration from Palestine to Europe, possible obstruction of their transit by Jews in Palestine, and analysis by John Wistar Shaw on low probability of emigration becoming large scale -- 33-52600:2. E 1886/1886/31/46 : Alleged return of Jews to Europe. Colonial Office, Mar-2-46 (Sep-25-45), 6 s. -- 33-52600:7. E 2527/1886/31/46 : Desire of refugees to return to Germany and Austria. Intergovernmental Committee on Refugees, Director, Mar-21-46 (Feb-13-46), 12 s. -- 33-52600:[17a]. E 12078/1886/31/46 : Documents retained in department of origin under Section 3 (4) of the Public Records Act, 1958, [1946], 1 s. -- 33-52600:18. E 12134/1886/31/46 : Exit visas for Jews from Palestine. Parliament, Dec-14-46 (Dec-11-46), 2 s.
► 33-FO 371/52601 : Purchase of arms by Palestinian Jews. 1945. Covers alleged purchase and smuggling into Palestine of large quantities of weapons and ammunition from arms factory in Italy -- 33-52601:2. E 1945/1945/31/46 : Jewish negotiations for supply of ammunition. Berne Legation, Mar-4-46 (Mar-2-46), S., 5 s. -- 33-52601:7. E 2124/1945/31/46 : Arms for Palestine Jews. Foreign Office, Mar-9-46 (Mar-6-46), S., 7 s. -- 33-52601:[13a]. E 2460/1945/31/46 : Documents retained in department of origin under Section 3 (4) of the Public Records Act, 1958., [Mar-46], 1 s. -- 33-52601:14. E 2692/1945/31/46 : Purchase of arms by Palestinian Jews. Office of the Resident Minister, Central Mediterranean at Caserta, Mar-26-46 (Mar-22-46), 2 s. -- 33-52601:16. E 2881/1945/31/46 : Purchase of arms for Palestine. War Office, Mar-30-46 (Mar-26-46), TS., 4 s. -- 33-52601:20. E 2992/1945/31/46 : Purchase of ammunition by Jews. Office of the Resident Minister, Central Mediterranean at Caserta, Apr-3-46 (Apr-2-46), S., 2 s.
► 33-FO 371/52602. E 4963/1474/31/45 : Visas for M. Neuville, French Consul-General in Jerusalem. 1945. Covers appointment of and granting of entry visa for Monsieur Rene Neuville to French diplomatic post of Consul-General at Jerusalem and for his Vice-Consul -- 33-52602:2. E 1993/1945/31/46 : Visas for M. Neuville, French Consul-General in Jerusalem. Tunis Consulate-General, Mar-5-46 (Feb-20-46), 10 s. -- 33-52602:12. E 2379/1945/31/46 : Visas for Messieurs Neuville and Vizzavona.Colonial Office, Mar-18-46 (Mar-15-46), 2 s.
► 33-FO 371/52603 : Use of German prisoner of war labour in Palestine. 2023. Covers reports alleging use of German prisoner of war labor in southern Palestine, subsequent withdrawal of proposal, and vehement Jewish protest -- 33-52603:2. E 2023/2023/31/46. Decision to employ German prisoner of war labour in Palestine. War Office, Mar-6-46 (Feb-22-46), 3 s. -- 33-52603:5. E 2030/2023/31/46 : Use of German prisoners of war in Palestine. Parliament, Mar-6-46 (Feb-27-46), 3 s. -- 33-52603:8. E 2048/2023/31/46 : Use of German prisoners of war in Palestine. Ambassador to U.S., Mar-6-46 (Mar-1-46), S., 4 s. -- 33-52603:12. E 2080/2023/31/46 : Use of German prisoners of war in Palestine. General Federation of Jewish Labour, Mar-7-46 (Feb-21-46), 3 s. -- 33-52603:15. E 2097/2023/31/46 : Report that German prisoners are to be employed in Palestine. Moscow Embassy, Mar-7-46 (Feb-26-46), 2 s.
► 33-FO 371/52604 : Use of African troops in Palestine. 2086. Covers alleged unprovoked violence perpetrated by African units of British armed forces in Palestine -- 33-52604:2. E 2086/2086/31/46 : Use of African troops in Palestine. Washington Embassy, Mar-7-46 (Feb-26-46), 6 s. -- 33-52604:8. E 2796/2086/31/46 : Use of African troops in Palestine. War Office, Mar-28-46 (Mar-26-46), 6 s.
► 33-FO 371/52606 : Complaints of the Arab Orthodox community against the Greek clergy of the Orthodox Church. 2283. Covers protest of Abdul Rahman Azzam (Arab League) of Greek Orthodox Church treatment of Arab Orthodox Christians in Palestine and Transjordan. Includes historical, ecclesiastical, and cultural background of animus as well as most pressing dispute regarding Greek Patriarchate sale of lands to Jews -- 33-52606:2. E 2283/2283/31/46 : Dispute between Orthodox Arab Executive Committee and Greek Church clergy. Cairo Embassy, Counsellor, Mar-14-46 (Feb-25-46), 6 s.
► 33-FO 371/52605 : Future of the Arab Legion. 2099. Covers organization, strength, role, deployment, and costs of present and future Transjordan Arab Legion. Includes British discussion of British subsidy to Arab League and other issues -- 33-52605:2. E 2099/2099/37/46 : Cost of the Arab Legion. Colonial Office, Mar-8-46 (Mar-5-46), S., 20 s. -- 33-52605:21. E 2306/2099/31/46 : Maintenance of Arab Legion. Treasury Chambers, Mar-14-46 (Mar-13-46), 5 s. -- 33-52605:26. E 2797/2099/31/46 : Arab Legion. Commander in Chief Middle East, Mar-28-46 (Mar-9-46), S., 3 s. -- 33-52605:29. E 3085/2099/31/46 : Subsidy to Transjordan. Treasury Chambers, Apr-5-46 (Apr-3-46), 9 s. -- 33-52605:38. E 3411/2099/31/46 : Future of Arab Legion. Colonial Office, Apr-16-46 (Apr-13-46), TS., 13 s. -- 33-52605:51. E 3427/2099/31/46 : Arab Legion. British Resident, Transjordan, Apr-17-46 (Apr-3-46), S., 2 s. -- 33-52605:53. E 3505/2099/57/46 : Retention of Arab Legion. Commander in Chief Middle East, Apr-29-46 (Apr-19-46), TS., 3 s. -- 33-52605:56. E 4108/2099/31/46 : Arab Legion. Treasury Chambers, May-7-46 (May-3-46), 3 s. -- 33-52605:59. E 4379/2099/37/46 : Future of Arab Legion. War Office, May-11-46 (May-7-46), TS., 8 s. -- 33-52605:67. E 4940/2099/37/46 : Subsidy to Transjordan. Treasury Chambers, May-30-46 (May-27-46), 3 s. -- 33-52605:70. E 5000/2099/37/46 : Expenditure on the Arab Legion. Treasury Chambers, May-31-46 (May-30-46), 6 s. -- 33-52605:76. E 5769/2099/37/46 : Military units of the Arab Legion. Minister to Transjordan, Jun-6-46 (Jun-4-46), 15 s. -- 33-52605:91. E 5797/2099/37/46 : Arab Legion. War Office, Jun-6-46 (Jun-4-46), 2 s. -- 33-52605:93. E 5192/2099/31/46 : Arab Legion. Colonial Office, Jun-6-46 (Jun-4-46), TS., 2 s.
► 33-FO 371/52607. E 10266/119/31/45 : Protest from Muslims against British Mandate in Palestine. 2749. Covers Muslim League Party of United Provinces Legislature (India) protest of British Mandate for Palestine -- 33-52607:2. E 2749/2749/37/46 : Protest from Muslims against British Mandate in Palestine. Muslim League Party of United Provinces Legislature (India), Mar-27-46 (Mar-26-46), 5 s.
► 33-FO 371/52608 Documents have been withdrawn by department of origin.
► 33-FO 371/52609 : Scheme for preserving Palestine lands in Arab hands. 2971. Covers Arab League scheme to prevent Arab lands in Palestine from being sold to Jewish settlers. Scheme includes creation of Arab limited company to loan money or buy land outright so that Arab farmers could keep their land -- 33-52609:2. E 2971/2971/31/46 : Preservation of Palestine lands in Arabhands. Cairo Embassy, Apr-2-46 (Mar-30-46), 2 s. -- 33-52609:4. E 3846/2971/31/46 : Preservation of Palestine lands. British Middle East Office at Cairo, Head, Apr-30-46 (Apr-22-46), 3 s.
► 33-FO 371/52610 : Transjordan import licensing. 3047. Covers import license control in Transjordan and other related issues -- 33-52610:2. E 3047/3047/31/46 : Import licenses for commodities from United Kingdom. Board of Trade, Apr-4-46 (Apr-3-46), 3 s. -- 33-52610:5. E 4200/3047/31/46 : Transjordan import licensing. Board of Trade, May-8-46 (May-4-46), 5 s. -- 33-52610:10. E 4457/3047/31/46 : Import licensing in Transjordan. Board of Trade, May-16-46 (May-2-46), 3 s.
► 33-FO 371/52611. E 6948/2635/31/45 : World Zionist Congress. 3269. Covers history, itinerary, and size of World Zionist Congress to be held in Palestine in August 1946. Includes support of Zionist organizations in United States and Canada for World Zionist Congress to be held in United States and their advocation of postponement of World Zionist Congress -- 33-52611:2. E 3269/3269/31/46 : World Zionist Congress. Washington Embassy, Apr-11-46 (Apr-7-46), 2 s. -- 33-52611:4. E 3426/3269/31/46 : World Zionist Congress. Jewish Agency for Palestine, Apr-17-46 (Jan-28-46), 5 s. -- 33-52611:9. E 3524/3269/31/46 : World Zionist Congress. Washington Embassy, Apr-18-46 (Apr-15-46), 2 s. -- 33-52611:11. E 4370/3269/31/46 : Postponement of World Zionist Congress. Washington Embassy, May-13-46 (May-10-46), 2 s.
► 33-FO 371/52612. E 3807/2283/31/46 : Greek Orthodox community in Palestine. 3807. Covers protest by Greek Orthodox Church to amendment of Orthodox Patriarchate Ordinance for the Orthodox Patriarchate of Jerusalem -- 33-52612:2. E 7307/3807/31/46 : Greek Church in Jerusalem. Greece Embassy, London, Jul-31-46 (Jul-29-46), 4 s. -- 33-52612:6. E 9223/3807/31/46 : Greek Orthodox community in Palestine. Colonial Office, Sep-17-46 (Sep-12-46), S., 6 s.
► 33-FO 371/52613 : Employment of British judicial adviser in Transjordan. 3821. Covers submission of resume of M. J. Abbott for legal adviser position in Transjordan government -- 33-52613:2. E 3821/3821/31/46 : Legal adviser for Transjordan. Foreign Office, Apr-29-46 (Apr-26-46), 6 s. -- 33-52613:8. E 4683/3821/31/46 : Employment of British judicial adviser.British Resident, Transjordan, May-23-46 (May-8-46), 2 s.
► 33-FO 371/52614. E 5268/1962/31/45 : Palestine double taxation relief. 3933. Covers negotiations of reciprocal agreements regarding double income tax relief between United States and Palestine and between Switzerland and Palestine -- 33-52614:2. E 3933/3933/31/46 : Palestine double taxation relief. Secretary of State for the Colonies, May-1-46 (Apr-30-46), 22 s.
► 33-FO 371/52615 : Debt owed to Turkey by Transjordan government. 4107. Includes correspondence dealing with debt owed to Turkey by Transjordan per July 29, 1936, agreement between Transjordan government and Conseil de la Dette Publique Repartie de L'Ancien Empire Ottoman -- 33-52615:2. E 4107/4107/31/46 : Debt owed to Turkey by Transjordan government. Conseil de la Dette Publique Repartie de L'Ancien Empire Ottoman, May-7-46 (Apr-30-46), 4 s.
► 33-FO 371/52616 : Economic development of Transjordan. 4286. Covers data on grants and loans issued to Transjordan by United Kingdom under Colonial Development and Welfare Act. Includes discussion on inapplicability of further subsidies under this act by British government in light of Transjordanian independence -- 33-52616:2. E 4286/4286/31/46 : Economic development of Transjordan. Colonial Office, May-10-46 (May-8-46), 7 s. -- 33-52616:9. E 4437/4286/31/46 : Economic development of Transjordan. High Commissioner for Transjordan, May-15-46 (Apr-13-46), 4 s. -- 33-52616:13. E 4531/4286/31/46 : Economic development of Transjordan.Treasury Chambers, May-18-46 (May-16-46), 5 s. -- 33-52616:18. E 4684/4286/31/46 : Economic development of Transjordan. Colonial Office, May-23-46 (May-20-46), 10 s.
► 33-FO 371/52617 : Disposal of rolling stock in Palestine. 4366. Covers disposition of lend-lease railroad equipment in Palestine in postwar period. Includes U.S. position on resale of lend-lease locomotives and rolling stock to local railways, British position on issue, status of rolling stock from Haifa-Beirut-Tripoli military railway to Palestinian Railways, and other related issues -- 33-52617:2. E 4366/4366/31/46 : Disposal of rolling stock in Palestine. Foreign Office, May-13-46 (May-10-46), 8 s. -- 33-52617:10. E 4543/4366/31/46 : Disposal of rolling stock in Palestine.Washington Embassy, May-18-46 (May-17-46), 9 s. -- 33-52617:18. E 4582/4366/31/46 : Disposal of rolling stock in Palestine. British Middle East Office at Cairo, May-20-46 (May-17-46), 4 s. -- 33-52617:22. E 4608/4366/31/46 : Disposal of rolling stock. British Middle East Office at Cairo, May-21-46 (May-20-46), 6 s. -- 33-52617:28. E 4609/4366/31/46 : Disposal of rolling stock. British Middle East Office at Cairo, May-21-46 (May-20-46), 2 s. -- 33-52617:30. E 4614/4366/31/46 : Disposal of rolling stock. Washington Embassy, May-21-46 (May-18-46), 2 s. -- 33-52617:32. E 4615/4366/31/46 : Disposal of rolling stock. Washington Embassy, May-21-46 (May-20-46), 2 s. -- 33-52617:34. E 4650/4366/31/46 : Rolling stock. British Middle East Office at Cairo, May-22-46 (May-20-46), 2 s. -- 33-52617:36. E 4651/4366/31/46 : Disposal of rolling stock. Washington Embassy, May-22-46 (May-21-46), 2 s. -- 33-52617:38. E 4933/4366/31/46 : American rolling stock on Palestine railways. Washington Embassy, May-29-46 (May-28-46), 9 s. -- 33-52617:45. E 4992/4366/31/46 : American rolling stock on Palestine railways. Ambassador to U.S., May-31-46 (May-30-46), 2 s. -- 33-52617:47. E 5022/4366/31/46 : Rolling stock on Palestine railways. British Middle East Office at Cairo, Jun-1-46 (May-31-46), 2 s. -- 33-52617:49. E 5026/4366/31/46 : Palestine rolling stock. Washington Embassy, Jun-1-46 (May-31-46), 6 s. -- 33-52617:54. E 5099/4366/31/46 : Palestine rolling stock. British Middle East Office at Cairo, June-4-46 (Jun-3-46), 2 s. -- 33-52617:56. E 5100/4366/31/46 : Palestine rolling stock. British Middle East Office at Cairo, Jun-4-46 (Jun-3-46), 3 s. -- 33-52617:59. E 5101/4366/31/46 : Palestine rolling stock. British Middle East Office at Cairo, Jun-4-46 (Jun-3-46), 2 s. -- 33-52617:61. E 5207/4366/31/46 : Palestine rolling stock. Ambassador to U.S., Jun-7-46 (Jun-5-46), 2 s. -- 33-52617:63. E 5240/4366/31/46 : Palestine rolling stock. Washington Embassy, Jun-10-46 (Jun-8-46), 5 s. -- 33-52617:67. E 6017/4366/31/46 : Palestine rolling stock. British Middle East Office at Cairo, Jun-29-46 (Jun-26-46), 2 s. -- 33-52617:69. E 6052/4366/31/46 : Palestine rolling stock. British Middle East Office at Cairo, Jul-1-46 (Jun-26-46), 5 s. -- 33-52617:73. E 6357/4366/31/46 : Palestine rolling stock. Ambassador to U.S., Jul-8-46 (Jun-26-46), 2 s. -- 33-52617:75. E 6358/4366/31/46 : Palestine rolling stock. British Middle East Office at Cairo, Jul-8-46 (Jul-6-46), 3 s. -- 33-52617:77. E 6359/4366/31/46 : Palestine rolling stock. British Middle East Office at Cairo, Jul-8-46 (Jul-6-46), 5 s. -- 33-52617:82. E 6914/4366/31/46 : Palestine rolling stock. Ambassador to U.S., Jul-22-46 (Jul-20-46), 5 s. -- 33-52617:87. E 7203/4366/31/46 : Palestine rolling stock. British Middle East Office at Cairo, Jul-29-46 (Jul-26-46), 2 s. -- 33-52617:89. E 7208/4366/31/46 : Palestine rolling stock. British Middle East Office at Cairo, Jul-29-46 (Jul-26-46), 3 s. -- 33-52617:92. E 7420/4366/31/46 : Palestine rolling stock. Washington Embassy, Aug-2-46 (Jul-31-46), 2 s. -- 33-52617:94. E 7473/4366/31/46 : Palestine rolling stock. British Middle East Office at Cairo, Aug-5-46 (Aug-2-46), 2 s. -- 33-52617:96. E 7751/4366/31/46 : Haifa Beirut Tripoli rolling stock.Ambassador to U.S., Aug-9-46 (Aug-7-46), 2 s. -- 33-52617:98. E 8115/4366/31/46 : Statement on Haifa - Tripoli railway. British Middle East Office at Cairo, Aug-19-46 (Aug-17-46), 2 s. -- 33-52617:100. E 8307/4366/31/46 : Disposal of Palestine rolling stock. British Middle East Office at Cairo, Aug-22-46 (Aug-21-46), 2 s. -- 33-52617:102. E 8846/4366/31/46 : Disposal of Palestine rolling stock.Washington Embassy, Sep-5-46 (Sep-3-46), 4 s. -- 33-52617:106. E 11167/4366/31/46 : Palestine rolling stock. British Middle East Office at Cairo, Nov-14-46 (Nov-12-46), 6 s.
► 33-FO 371/52618 : Repatriation of Germans in Palestine. 4488. Covers Jewish emigration from Palestine to Germany and other related issues -- 33-52618:2. E 4488/4488/31/46 : Union of German Returning Emigrants, Palestine. Union of German Returning Emigrants, Palestine, May-17-46 ([May-46]), 5 s.
► 33-FO 371/52619 : Protest against Lido Cafe. 4518. Covers Parliamentary questions on "Lido Cafe", a dancing and swing establishment on shores of Sea of Galilee -- 33-52619:2. E 4518/4518/31/46 : "Lido Cafe"-protest against. Parliament, May-17-46 (May-15-46), 2 s. -- 33-52619:4. E 5025/4578/37/46 : "Lido Cafe"-protest against. Parliament, Jun-3-46 (May-29-46), 4 s. -- 33-52619:7. E 5286/4578/37/46 : Dancing establishment in Palestine. Parliament, Jun-11-46 (Jun-5-46), 3 s.
► 33-FO 371/52620 : Anson aircraft for the Emir of Transjordan. 4642.Covers British gift of one refurbished secondhand Anson aircraft to King Abdullah Ibn El-Hussein. Includes discussion on maintenance, qualified pilots, wider ramifications of gift, and other related issues -- 33-52620:2. E 4642/4642/37/46 : Anson for the Emir of Trans-Jordan. Air Ministry, May-22-46 (May-17-46), S., 12 s.
► 33-FO 371/52621 : Communism in Palestine. 5683. Covers analysis of history and recent developments of communism in Palestine. Includes analysis of activities and membership of various Communist organizations and fears of Musa el Alami that Communists in Palestine would exploit failure of London Conference on Palestine, 1946-1947 -- 33-52621:2. E 4683/5683/31/46 : Communism in Palestine. Colonial Office, Jun-21-46 (Jun-20-46), S., 18 s. -- 33-52621:19. E 9676/5683/37/46 : Communist exploitation of Palestine question. Foreign Office, Sep-26-46 (Sep-26-46), 2 s.
► 33-FO 371/52622 : Communal autonomy in Palestine. 6035. Covers Foreign Office outline by Harold Beeley of communal autonomy plan for Palestine. Includes advantages of communal autonomy plan over both partition and provincial autonomy plans -- 33-52622:2. E 6035/6035/31/46 : Communal autonomy in Palestine. Foreign Office, Jun-7-46 (Jun-24-46), 6 s.
► 33-FO 371/52623 : Moslem Brethren in Palestine. 69/7. Covers worsening relationship between Egyptian government and Muslim Brotherhood, banning of Muslim Brotherhood publications in Palestine, and meeting between representatives of Muslim Brotherhood and Mufti of Jerusalem -- 33-52623:2. E 6917/6917/31/46 : Moslem Brethren in Palestine. Ambassador to Egypt, Jul-22-46 (Jul-20-46), 3 s. -- 33-52623:5. E 7110/6917/31/46 : Moslem Brotherhood. Parliament, Jul-27-46 (Jul-22-46), 4 s. -- 33-52623:8. E 7956/6917/31/46 : Moslem Brethren in Palestine. High Commissioner for Palestine, Aug-75-46 (Jul-14-46), S., 3 s. -- 33-52623:11. E 9451/6917/31/46 : Ikhwan el Muslimin. Cairo Embassy, Sep-24-46 (Sep-23-46), S., 2 s. -- 33-52623:13. E 9463/6917/31/46 : Ikhwan el Muslimin. Ambassador to Egypt, Sep-24-46 (Sep-23-46), 2 s. -- 33-52623:15. E 10397/6917/31/46 : Visits to Mufti. Cairo Embassy, Counsellor, Oct-19-46 (Oct-17-46), 2 s.
► 33-FO 371/52624 : Lieutenant Colonel E. H. R. Altounyan's views on Palestine. 7079. Covers views on Palestine of E. H. R. Altounyan, a British surgeon who served as "freelance" intelligence officer in the Middle East during Second World War -- 33-52624:2. E 7079/7079/31/46 : Lieutenant Colonel E. H. R. Altounyan,O.B.E. M.C. Lionel George Curtiss, Jul-23-46 (Jul-19-46), 4 s. -- 33-52624:6. E 7311/7079/31/46 : Lieutenant Colonel E. H. R. Altounyan's views on Palestine. Lionel George Curtiss, Jul-31-46 (Jul-25-46), 4 s.
Reprodüksiyon Notu
Mikrofilm. Bethesda, MD : University Publications of America, 1981. 1 mikrofilm makarası : pozitif ; 35 mm. 16 February 1946(14 February 1946)-31 July 1946(25 July 1946)
Emeği Geçenler
Kesaris, Paul, prj. koord.
Kurum Adı
Great Britain. Foreign Office.
University Publications of America (UPA).