Confidential British Foreign Office political correspondence [mikroform] : Palestine, 1947-1948 / project coordinator Paul Kesaris.

Dil Kodu
Yer Numarası
Eser Adının Farklı Biçimi
Palestine, 1947-1948
Yayın Bilgisi
Bethesda, MD : University Publications of America, 1980
Fiziksel Niteleme
1 mikrofilm makarası (1031 poz) : pozitif ; 35 mm.
Genel Not
Public Record Office (Kew, London) FO 371/61811'de kayıtlıdır.
Bu seri 46 makaradan oluşmaktadır.
Bibliyografi, vb. Notu
Mikrofilmin indeksi B.I/6611 yer numarasında kayıtlıdır.
İçindekiler Notu
► 10-FO 371/61811. E 4947/48/31/47 : Illegal immigration into Palestine: control of suspect shipping. 48. Covers British efforts to prevent illegal Jewish immigration to Palestine. Includes British Cabinet discussion of problem and deportation of illegal Jewish immigrants to port of origin; British appeal to foreign countries to prevent ships suspected of illegal immigration from leaving port; legal discussion of use of Load Lines and Safety of Life at Sea maritime agreements in this regard; illegal immigration from Italy; transit of Jewish refugees from American and French Zones of Austria to Italy; and other related issues -- 10-61811:2. E 5001/48/31/47 : Illegal immigration. Foreign Office, Jun-11-47 ([Jun-9-47]), S., 55 s. -- 10-61811:[3a]. E 4989/48/31/47 : Documents retained in department of origin under Section 3 (4) of the Public Records Act, 1958, [Jun-47.], 1 s. -- 10-61811:55. E 5012/48/31/47 : Illegal immigration. Rome Embassy, Charge d'Affaires, Jun-12-47 (May-30-47), S., 4 s. -- 10-61811:[58a]. E 5015/48/31/47 : Documents retained in department of origin under Section 3 (4) of the Public Records Act, 1958, [Jun-47.], 1 s. -- 10-61811:59. E 5016/48/31/47 : Illegal immigration. Paris Embassy, Minister, Jun-12-47 (Jun-5-47), 5 s. -- 10-61811:64. E 5018/48/31/47 : Illegal immigration. Athens Embassy, Jun-12-47 (Jun-3-47), 4 s. -- 10-61811:[67a]. E 5035/48/31/47 : Documents retained in department of origin under Section 3 (4) of the Public Records Act, 1958, [Jun-47.], 1 s. -- 10-61811:68. E 5049/48/31/47 : Illegal immigration. United Nations, Secretary-General, Jun-13-47 (Jun-5-47), S., 7 s. -- 10-61811:74. E 5051/48/31/47 : Ben Hecht's letter to terrorists. Washington Embassy, Jun-13-47 (Jun-7-47), 2 s. -- 10-61811:76. E 5119/48/31/47 : Illegal immigration: Belgium. Brussels Embassy, Jun-16-47 (Jun-13-47), 2 s. -- 10-61811:[77a]. E 5120/48/31/47 : Documents retained in department of origin under Section 3 (4) of the Public Records Act, 1958, [Jun-47.], 1 s. -- 10-61811:78. E 5121/48/31/47 : Suspect shipping. Brussels Embassy, Jun-16-47 (Jun-13-47), 2 s. -- 10-61811:80. E 5142/48/31/47 : Illegal immigration. Ambassador to Italy, Jun-16-47 (Jun-13-47), 7 s. -- 10-61811:87. E 5143/48/31/47 : Suspect ships: Paducah. Ambassador to Portugal, Jun-16-47 (Jun-13-47), 3 s. -- 10-61811:90. E 5144/48/31/47 : Illegal immigration. Ambassador to Portugal, Jun-16-47 (Jun-15-47), 3 s. -- 10-61811:93. E 5150/48/31/47 : Illegal immigration. Waldron Smithers, Jun-17-47 (Jun-9-47), S., 14 s. -- 10-61811:107. E 5174/48/31/47 : Illegal immigration. Athens Embassy, Jun-17-47 (Jun-4-47), 3 s. -- 10-61811:110. E 5175/48/31/47 : Illegal immigration. Rome Embassy, Jun-17-47 (Jun-3-47), S., 4 s. -- 10-61811:114. E 5176/48/31/47 : Illegal immigration. Italy Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Jun-17-47 (Apr-10-47), 3 s. -- 10-61811:[116a]. E 5177/48/31/47 : Documents transferred to PRO Safe Room and closed until 1998, [Jun-47.], 1 s.
► 10-FO 371/61812. E 5177/48/31/47 : Illegal immigration into Palestine: control of suspect shipping. 48. Covers British efforts to prevent illegal Jewish immigration to Palestine. Includes Greek suspension of registry of suspect ships; lists of suspect shipping in French ports; and British investigations into Jean Pandelis' role in illegal Jewish immigration. Includes U.S. Zionist reaction to speech by Harry S. Truman opposing inflammatory U.S. Zionist propaganda; illegal immigration from Italy, France, and Romania; transit of Jewish refugees from American and French Zones of Austria to Italy; refitting of suspect ships in French ports; denial of U.S. labor unions of support for illegal Jewish immigration to Palestine; Egypt denial of coal to suspect ships; and other issues -- 10-61812:2. E 5187/48/31/47 : Suspect shipping: President Warfield. Paris Embassy, Jun-17-47 (Jun-16-47), 2 s. -- 10-61812:4. E 5188/48/31/47 : Illegal immigration. Ambassador to U.S. Jun-17-47 (Jun-16-47), 2 s. -- 10-61812:6. E 5230/48/31/47 : Suspect ships: S.S. Paducah. Consul at Bordeaux, Jun-18-47 (Jun-17-47), S., 5 s. -- 10-61812:11. E 5231/48/31/47 : Illegal immigration. Office of the British Political Representative, Bucharest, Jun-18-47 (Jun-11-47), S., 2 s. -- 10-61812:13. E 5239/48/31/47 : Suspect shipping: President Warfield. Marseilles Consulate-General, Jun-18-47 (Jun-16-47), S., 3 s. -- 10-61812:16. E 5261/48/31/47 : Illegal immigration activities of Pandelis. Paris Embassy, Jun-19-47 (Jun-16-47), 9 s. -- 10-61812:24. E 5263/48/31/47 : President Truman's statement on Palestine. Washington Embassy, Jun-19-47 (Jun-13-47), 3 s. -- 10-61812:[26a]. E 5295/48/31/47 : Documents retained in department of origin under Section 3 (4) of the Public Records Act, 1958, [Jun-47.], 1 s. -- 10-61812:[26b]. E 5296/48/31/47, E 5297/48/31/47 : Documents transferred to PRO Safe Room and closed until 1998, [Jun-47.], 1 s. -- 10-61812:27. E 5328/48/31/47 : Illegal immigration. Egypt Council of Ministers, President, Jun-20-47 (Jun-11-47), 3 s. -- 10-61812:[29a]. E 5338/48/31/47 : Documents retained in department of origin under Section 3 (4) of the Public Records Act, 1958, [Jun-47.], 1 s. -- 10-61812:30. E 5348/48/31/47 : Suspect shipping: S.S. Paducah. Consul at Bordeaux, Jun-20-47 (Jun-19-47), S., 5 s. -- 10-61812:[34a]. E 5378/48/31/47 : Documents retained in department of origin under Section 3 (4) of the Public Records Act, 1958, [Jun-47.], 1 s. -- 10-61812:35. E 5374/48/31/47 : Illegal immigration. Ambassador to U.S., Jun-21-47 (Jun-19-47), S., 2 s. -- 10-61812:37. E 5381/48/31/47 : Illegal immigration. Ambassador to U.S., Jun-21-47 (Jun-20-47), S., 5 s. -- 10-61812:42. E 5402/48/31/47 : Illegal immigration: Italy. Ambassador to Italy, Jun-23-47 (Jun-19-47), S., 4 s. -- 10-61812:46. E 5406/48/31/47 : Suspect shipping: S.S. Paducah and Northlands. Bordeaux Consulate Jun-23-47 (Jun-20-47), S., 5 s. -- 10-61812:51. E 5407/48/31/47 : Suspect shipping. Marseilles Consulate-General, Jun-23-47 (Jun-18-47), S., 7 s. -- 10-61812:58. E 5408/48/31/47 : Illegal immigration: Pandelis. Washington Embassy, Jun-23-47 (Jun-20-47), S., 2 s.
► 10-FO 371/61813 : Illegal immigration into Palestine: control of suspect shipping. 48. Covers British efforts to prevent illegal Jewish immigration to Palestine. Includes coaling of President Warfield (ship) at Marseilles and British plans to shadow her to Palestine; legal issues surrounding search and seizure of Panamanianflagged vessels; illegal Jewish immigration from Italy; United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration support of illegal Jewish immigration from Italy; and other issues -- 10-61813:[1a]. E 5420/48/31/47, E 5421/48/31/47 : Documents transferred to PRO Safe Room and closed until 1998, [Jun-47.], 1 s. -- 10-61813:2. E 5425/48/31/47 : Suspect shipping: Lee Sang. Ambassador to Egypt, Jun-23-47 (Jun-19-47), S., 7 s. -- 10-61813:[8a]. E 5481/48/31/47 : Documents retained in department of origin under Section 3 (4) of the Public Records Act, 1958, [Jun-47.], 1 s. -- 10-61813:9. E 5496/48/31/47 : Palestine, advertisements in U.S. press. Washington Embassy, Jun-25-47 (Jun-23-47), 2 s. -- 10-61813:11. E 5499/48/31/47 : Suspect ships: President Warfield. Consul-General at Marseilles, Jun-25-47 (Jun-23-47), S., 10 s. -- 10-61813:21. E 5500/48/31/47 : S.S. President Warfield. Paris Embassy, Jun-25-47 (Jun-23-47), TS., 3 s. -- 10-61813:[23a]. E 5501/48/31/47, E 5502/48/31/47 :Documents transferred to PRO Safe Room and closed until 1998, [Jun-47.], 1 s. -- 10-61813:24. E 5513/48/31/47 : Jewish immigration to Palestine from Roumania. Office of the British Political Representative, Bucharest, Jun-27-47(Jun-11-47), 5 s. -- 10-61813:24. E 5514/48/31/47 : Illegal immigration. Panama Legation, Jun-25-47 (Jun-9-47), S., 4 s. -- 10-61813:33. E 5520/48/31/47 : Suspect shipping: S.S. Kara. Genoa Consulate-General, Jun-25-47 (Jun-23-47), S., 2 s. -- 10-61813:35. E 5536/48/31/47 : Anti 'Ben Hecht' article. Maurice Gordon Liverman, Jun-26-47 (Jun-23-47), 5 s. -- 10-61813:40. E 5551/48/31/47 : Jewish illegal immigration: Pandelis, Washington Embassy, Jun-26-47 (Jun-23-47), S., 2 s. -- 10-61813:[41a]. E 5552/48/31/47, E 5553/48/31/47 : Documents transferred to PRO Safe Room and closed until 1998, [Jun-47.], 1 s. -- 10-61813:42. E 5556/48/31/47 : Dlegal immigration: Pandelis. Ambassador to U.S., Jun-26-47 (Jun-24-47), 2 s. -- 10-61813:44. E 5557/48/31/47 : Illegal immigration: Orenstein. British Political Representative at Sofia, Jun-26-47 (Jun-23-47), S., 4 s. -- 10-61813:[47a]. E 5558/48/31/47 : Documents retained in department of origin under Section 3 (4) of the Public Records Act, 1958, [Jun-47.], 1 s. -- 10-61813:48. E 5583/48/31/47 : Illegal immigration. Ambassador to Denmark, Jun-27-47 (Jun-24-47), 2 s. -- 10-61813:50. E 5596/48/31/47 : Jewish illegal immigration. Rome Embassy, Jun-27-47 (Jun-20-47), S., 15 s.
► 10-FO 371/61814. E 5598/48/31/47 : Illegal immigration into Palestine: control of suspect shipping. 48. Covers British efforts to stem illegal Jewish immigration to Palestine. Topics include British intelligence on United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration involvement; updates on suspect ships in French ports; responses of various nations to British appeal to UN on subject; and porous Italian-Austrian border and subsequent appointment of British immigration officer to prevent illegal Jewish immigration through Italy. Also covers Denmark use of Load Lines and Safety of Life at Sea maritime agreements to prevent departure of suspected immigrant ship and possible precedent for other countries; British appeal to oil companies and French government to prevent sale of oil to such ships; U.S. State Department on illegal Jewish immigration to Palestine; return of Jewish refugees from Italy to Poland; possible transit of Jews from Germany to Palestine via Sweden; and other related issues -- 10-61814:2. E 5598/48/31/47 : Illegal immigration, Austria into Italy. M.I.S., Jun-27-47 (Jun-23-47), S., 2 s. -- 10-61814:4. E 5623/48/31/47 : Jewish illegal immigration. Ambassador to Italy, Jun-27-47 (Jun-24-47), 2 s. -- 10-61814:6. E 5624/48/31/47 : Suspect shipping: Northlands and Paducah. Bordeaux Consulate, Jun-27-47 (Jun-25-47), 3 s. -- 10-61814:8. E 5640/48/31/47 : Illegal immigration. Athens Embassy, Jun-28-47 (Jun-24-47), S., 2 s. -- 10-61814:10. E 5641/48/31/47 : Illegal immigration, note by Sec' Gen. Permanent U.K. Representative to the UN., Jun-28-47 (Jun-26-47), 5 s. -- 10-61814:15. E 5647/48/31/47 : British policy in Palestine, U.S. press. Parliament, Jun-30-47 (Jun-25-47), 9 s. -- 10-61814:24. E 5669/48/31/47 : Suspect shipping: President Warfield. Consul-General at Marseilles, Jun-30-47 (Jun-26-47), 4 s. -- 10-61814:28. E 5670/48/31/47 : S.S. Aegean Star. Consul-General at Marseilles, Jun-30-47 (Jun-27-47), S., 2 s. -- 10-61814:30. E 5671/48/31/47 : Suspect shipping: S.S. Yilderan. Rome Embassy, Charge d'Affaires, Jun-30-47 (Jun-27-47), S., 2 s. -- 10-61814:32. E 5672/48/31/47 : Illegal immigration: suspect shipping. Brussels Embassy, Jun-30-47 (Jun-27-47), S., 11 s. -- 10-61814:42. E 5673/48/31/47 : Oil bunkers for illegal immigrant ships. Washington Embassy, Jun-30-47 (Jun-28-47), 5 s. -- 10-61814:47. E 5724/48/31/47 : Suspect shipping: President Warfield. Paris Embassy, Jul-1-47 (Jun-28-47), 4 s. -- 10-61814:50. E 5729/48/31/47 : Suspect shipping: S.S. Bruna. Marseilles Consulate-General, Jul-1-47 (Jun-30-47), S., 4 s. -- 10-61814:54. E 5730/48/31/47 : Illegal immigration: Pandelis. Washington Embassy, Jul-1-47 (Jun-30-47), S., 2 s. -- 10-61814:56. E 5731/48/31/47 : Illegal immigration. Washington Embassy, Jul-1-47 (Jun-30-47), S., 4 s. -- 10-61814:60. E 5762/48/31/47 : Illegal immigration. Marseilles Consulate-General, Jul-2-47 (Jun-30-47), S., 2 s. -- 10-61814:62. E 5809/48/31/47 : Illegal immigration. Paris Embassy, Jul-3-47 (Jun-27-47), 2 s. -- 10-61814:64. E 5818/48/31/47 : Illegal immigration: employment of an expert. British Diplomatic Representative in Austria, Jul-3-47 (Jul-1-47), S., 5 s. -- 10-61814:69. E 5819/48/31/47 : Illegal immigration: Orenstein. Prague Embassy, Jul-3-47 (Jun-1-47), 2 s. -- 10-61814:[70a]. E 5820/48/31/47 : Documents retained in department of origin under Section 3 (4) of the Public Records Act, 1958, [Jun-47.], 1 s. -- 10-61814:71. E 5821/48/31/47 : Paducah and Northlands. Consul at Bordeaux, Jul-3-47 (Jun-30-47), 2 s. -- 10-61814:[70a]. E 5820/48/31/47 : Documents retained in department of origin under Section 3 (4) of the Public Records Act, 1958, [Jun-47.], 1 s. -- 10-61814:73. E 5840/48/31/47 : Illegal immigration, assistance from American organisations. Washington Embassy, Jul-4-47 (Jun-27-47), 30 s. -- 10-61814:103. E 5845/48/31/47 : Illegal immigration, replies from member states. United Nations, Department of Public Information, Press Division, Jul-4-47 (Jun-197), 6 s. -- 10-61814:109. E 5881/48/31/47 : "Refoulement" of illegal immigrants. France Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Jul-5-47 (Jun-26-47), 7 s. -- 10-61814:[115a]. E 5882/48/31/47 : Documents retained in department of origin under Section 3 (4) of the Public Records Act, 1958, [Jun-47.], 1 s. -- 10-61814:116. E 5919/48/31/47 : Jewish activities in Germany. British Military Governor of Berlin, Jul-8-47 (Jul-4-47), 2 s. -- 10-61814:118. E 5939/48/31/47 : Suspect shipping. Cairo Embassy, Jul-7-47 (Jul-3-47), S., 13 s. -- 10-61814:131. E 5940/48/31/47 : Illegal immigration. Cairo Embassy, Jul-17-47 (Jul-4-47), S., 2 s. -- 10-61814:133. E 5956/48/31/47 : Illegal immigration. Ambassador to Denmark, Jul-8-47 (Jul-3-47), 12 s. -- 10-61814:145. E 5979/48/31/47 : Illegal immigration, Sweden. Stockholm Legation, Jul-9-47 (Jun-30-47), 5 s. -- 10-61814:150. E 6015/48/31/47 : Suspect ships in French ports. Commander in Chief Mediterranean, Jul-9-47 (Jul-30-47), TS., 8 s. -- 10-61814:158. E 6023/48/31/47 : Jewish illegal immigration. Rome Embassy, Jul-9-47 (Jul-3-47), 2 s. -- 10-61814:160. E 6041/48/31/47 : Jewish activities, Poland. Katowice Consulate, Jul-10-47 (Jun-27-47), 3 s. -- 10-61814:163. E 6043/48/31/47 : Illegal immigration. Romania Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Jul-10-47 (Jun-30-47), 3 s. -- 10-61814:166. E 6044/48/31/47 : Illegal immigration, Roumania. British Political Representative at Bucharest, Jul-10-47 (Jun-26-47), 4 s. -- 10-61814:170. E 6075/48/31/47 : Jewish illegal immigration. Ambassador to Italy, Jul-10-47 (Jul-5-47), S., 5 s.
► 10-FO 371/61815 : Illegal immigration into Palestine: control of suspect shipping. 48. Covers illegal Jewish immigration to Palestine including shipping, British policy, and President Warfield (ship) incident. Includes British discussions with French on prevention of illegal immigration from France; British support of French request that U.S. Zone of Germany accept return of illegal immigrants and U.S. refusal to do so; and separate quota of Palestine immigration certificates for British zone of Germany and Austria. Coverage of President Warfield (ship) incident includes Ernest Bevin's protest of its departure from France and British decision to make an example of ship and to demonstrate validity of refoulement principle -- 10-61815:[1a]. E 6082/48/31/47, E 6110/48/31/47, E 6131/48/31/47 : Documents retained in department of origin under Section 3 (4) of the Public Records Act, 1958, [Jul-47.], 1 s. -- 10-61815:2. E 6133/48/31/47 : Illegal immigration: President Warfield. Consul-General at Marseilles, Jul-11-47 (Jul-10-47), S., 2 s. -- 10-61815:4. E 6135/48/31/47 : Illegal immigration: employment of an expert. Control Commission for Austria (British Element), Political Division, Jul-12-47 (Jul-10-47), 6 s. -- 10-61815:[9a]. E 6136/48/31/47 : Documents transferred to PRO Safe Room and closed until 1998, [Jul-47.], 1 s. -- 10-61815:10. E 6155/48/31/47 : Illegal immigration. Paris discussions. Paris Embassy, Jul-12-47 (Jul-7-47), TS., 19 s. -- 10-61815:28. E 6158/48/31/47 : Pandelis family. Paris Embassy, Jul-12-47 (Jul-5-47), 9 s. -- 10-61815:37. E 6197/48/31/47 : Control of Jewish illegal entry into Italy. Rome Embassy, Jul-14-47 (Jul-12-47), 2 s. -- 10-61815:39. E 6198/48/31/47 : Control of Jewish illegal entry in Italy. Ambassador to Italy, Jul-14-47 (Jul-12-47), 2 s. -- 10-61815:41. E 6215/48/31/47 : Illegal immigration: Baltsan. Ambassador to Czechoslovakia, Jul-14-47 (Jul-9-47), 3 s. -- 10-61815:44. E 6216/48/31/47 : Suspect shipping. Brussels Embassy, Jul-14-47 (Jul-11-47), S., 2 s. -- 10-61815:46. E 6217/48/31/47 : S.S. President Warfield. Paris Embassy, Jul-14-47 (Jul-11-47), TS., 2 s. -- 10-61815:48. E 6218/48/31/47 : S.S. President Warfield. Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, Jul-14-47 (Jul-12-47), TS., 12 s. -- 10-61815:60. E 6219/48/31/47 : Oil bunkers for illegal immigrant ships. Washington Embassy, Minister, Jul-14-47 (Jul-12-47), 2 s. -- 10-61815:62. E 6222/48/31/47 : Suspect shipping. Marseilles Consulate-General, Jul-14-47 (Jul-9-47), S., 4 s. -- 10-61815:66. E 6223/48/31/47 : Suspect shipping. Consul-General at Marseilles (Acting), Jul-14-47 (Jul-9-47), 2 s. -- 10-61815:68. E 6235/48/31/47 : Suspect shipping. Stockholm Legation, Naval Attache, Jul-14-47 (Jul-12-47), S., 2 s. -- 10-61815:[69a]. E 6278/48/31/47 : Documents transferred to PRO Safe Room and closed until 1998, [Jul-47.], 1 s. -- 10-61815:[69b]. E 6279/48/31/47 : Documents retained in department of origin under Section 3 (4) of the Public Records Act, 1958, [Jul-47.], 1 s. -- 10-61815:70. E 6277/48/31/47 : S.S. President Warfield. Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, Jul-15-47 (Jul-12-47), 5 s.
► 10-FO 371/61816. E 6278/48/31/47 : Illegal immigration into Palestine: control of suspect shipping. 48. Covers illegal Jewish immigration to Palestine including Italian-Austrian border situation; British policy; and President Warfield (ship) incident. Coverage of President Warfield incident includes British decision to send illegal immigrants back to France, negotiations with France on issue, legality of seizure of ship on high seas, preparation for British guards to forcibly remove illegal immigrants from ships on arrival in France, British preparation for publicity of event, and British secrecy of final destination. Also includes updates on suspected illegal immigrant ships); British discussion with French on prevention of illegal immigration from France; M.I.5 intelligence report on shipping involved in illegal Jewish immigration; and other issues, 10-61816:2. E 6311/48/31/47 : Illegal Jewish immigration. Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, Jul-16-47 (Jul-13-47), S., 9 s. -- 10-61816:11. E 6313/48/31/47 : S.S. President Warfield. Ambassador to France, Jul-16-47 (Jul-15-47)., S., 5 s. -- 10-61816:16. E 6315/48/31/47 : Illegal immigration: Pandelis. Washington Embassy, Jul-16-47 (Jul-10-47), S., 2 s. -- 10-61816:18. E 6333/48/31/47 : Jewish illegal immigration into Italy. Ambassador to Italy, Jul-16-47 (Jul-15-47), 6 s. -- 10-61816:24. E 6357/48/31/47 : Illegal immigration: Mr. Ruck. Rome Embassy, Charge d'Affaires, Jul-17-47 (Jul-14-47), 5 s. -- 10-61816:29. E 6358/48/31/47 : S.S. President Warfield. Ambassador to France, Jul-17-47 (Jul-16-47), TS., 12 s. -- 10-61816:41. E 6360/48/31/47 : S.S. President Warfield. High Commissioner for Palestine, Jul-17-47 (Jul-15-47), TS., 22 s. -- 10-61816:[62a]. E 6361/48/31/47 : Documents retained in department of origin under Section 3 (4) of the Public Records Act, 1958, [Jul-47.], 1 s. -- 10-61816:[62b]. E 6361/48/31/47 : Documents transferred to PRO Safe Room and closed until 1998, [Jul-47.], 1 s. -- 10-61816:[62c]. E 6370/48/31/47 : Documents transferred to PRO Safe Room and closed until 1998, [Jul-47.], 1 s. -- 10-61816:63. E 6371/48/31/47 : "Refoulement" of illegal immigrants. Paris Embassy, Minister, Jul-18-47 (Jul-11-47), 3 s. -- 10-61816:66. E 6374/48/31/47 : Illegal immigration, France. Paris Embassy, Jul-18-47 (Jul-11-47), 3 s. -- 10-61816:[68a]. E 6398/48/31/47 : Documents retained in department of origin under Section 3 (4) of the Public Records Act, 1958, [Jul-47.], 1 s. -- 10-61816:69. E 6406/48/31/47 : S.S. President Warfield. Ambassador to France, Jul-18-47 (Jul-17-47), S., 2 s. -- 10-61816:71. E 6446/48/31/47 : S.S. President Warfield. Paris Embassy, Jul-19-47 (Jul-18-47), TS., 5 s. -- 10-61816:76. E 6448/48/31/47 : S.S. President Warfield. Ambassador to France, Jul-19-47 (Jul-18-47), S., 20 s. -- 10-61816:95. E 6476/48/31/47 : Jewish illegal entry into Italy. British Diplomatic Representative in Austria, Jul-21-47 (Jul-18-47), 3 s. -- 10-61816:98. E 6487/48/31/47 : Suspect shipping. M.I.S., Jul-22-47 ([Jul-47.]), S., 11 s. -- 10-61816:109. E 6489/48/31/47 : Suspect ships in French ports. Bordeaux Consulate, Jul-21-47 (Jul-18-47), S., 12 s. -- 10-61816:121. E 6490/48/31/47 : Suspect shipping: Albertina. Marseilles Consulate-General, Jul-21-47 (Jul-18-47), S., 3 s. -- 10-61816:124. E 6498/48/31/47 : Illegal immigrant ships from France. Vice Chief of the Imperial General Staff, Jul-21-47 (Jul-17-47), TS., 8 s.
► 10-FO 371/61817 : Illegal immigration into Palestine: control of suspect shipping. 48. Covers illegal Jewish immigration to Palestine including Italian-Austrian border situation; British policy; and President Warfield (ship) incident. Coverage of President Warfield (ship) incident includes British accounts and U.S. Zionist press on its seizure, negotiations with France on its return to France, legality of seizure of ship on high seas, and forged Colombian visas of passengers. Includes maritime law on seizure of ships on high seas; M.I.S intelligence report on ships involved in illegal Jewish immigration to Palestine; alleged illegal immigration from Sweden and Tripolitania; and other issues -- 10-61817:[1a]. E 6499/48/31/47 : Documents retained in department of origin under Section 3 (4) of the Public Records Act, 1958, [Jul-47.], 1 s. -- 10-61817:2. E 6500/48/31/47 : Interception of immigrant ships. Colonial Office, Jul-21-47 (Jul-17-47), 9 s. -- 10-61817:11. E 6501/48/31/47 : S.S. President Warfield. COMPAL [Commodore, Palestine], Jul-21-47 (Jul-18-47), S., 8 s. -- 10-61817:[18a]. E 6502/48/31/47 : Documents transferred to PRO Safe Room and closed until 1998, [Jul-47.], 1 s. -- 10-61817:19. E 6513/48/31/47 : Suspect shipping. Brussels Embassy, Jul-21-47 (Jul-19-47), S., 2 s. -- 10-61817:21. E 6518/48/31/47 : Illegal immigration. Stockholm Legation, Jul-22-47 (Jul-9-47), 7 s. -- 10-61817:28. E 6534/48/31/47 : S.S. President Warfield. Paris Embassy, Jul-22-47 (Jul-21-47), S., 5 s. -- 10-61817:33. E 6535/48/31/47 : S.S. President Warfield. Paris Embassy, Jul-22-47 (Jul-21-47), S., 6 s. -- 10-61817:39. E 6539/48/31/47 : Illegal immigration: Sir G. Shakespeare. M.I.5., Jul-22-47 (Jul-18-47), S., 2 s. -- 10-61817:[40a]. E 6540/48/31/47 : Documents retained in department of origin under Section 3 (4) of the Public Records Act, 1958, [Jul-47.], 1 s. -- 10-61817:41. E 6451/48/31/47 : Suspect ships: Sweden. Stockholm Legation, Jul-22-47 (Jul-12-47), S., 4 s. -- 10-61817:45. E 6542/48/31/47 : S.S. President Warfield. Washington Embassy, Minister, Aug-7-47 (Jul-21-47), S., 9 s. -- 10-61817:[53a]. E 6559/48/31/47 : Documents retained in department of origin under Section 3 (4) of the Public Records Act, 1958, [Jul-47.], 1 s. -- 10-61817:54. E 6583/48/31/47 : S.S. President Warfield. Paris Embassy, Jul-23-47 (Jul-22-47), S., 3 s. -- 10-61817:57. E 6584/48/31/47 : S.S. President Warfield. Ambassador to Colombia, Jul-23-47 (Jul-22-47), S., 2 s. -- 10-61817:59. E 6588/48/31/47 : S.S. President Warfield. Athens Embassy, Jul-23-47 (Jul-21-47), 2 s. -- 10-61817:61. E 6589/48/31/47 : Illegal entries into Italy. Ambassador to Italy, Jul-23-47 (Jul-22-47), 3 s. -- 10-61817:[63a]. E 6591/48/31/47 : Documents retained in department of origin under Section 3 (4) of the Public Records Act, 1958, [Jul-47.], 1 s. -- 10-61817:64. E 6598/48/31/47 : Suspect shipping to Tunisia. Consul-General at Tunis (Acting), Jul-23-47 (Jul-22-47), S., 5 s. -- 10-61817:69. E 6599/48/31/47 : S.S. Kara. Consul-General at Genoa, Jul-23-47 (Jul-21-47), S., 8 s.
► 10-FO 371/61818. E 6600/48/31/47 : Illegal immigration into Palestine: control of suspect shipping. 48. Covers illegal Jewish immigration to Palestine including Italian-Austrian border situation and President Warfield (ship) incident. President Warfield (ship) coverage includes official British and various press accounts of its seizure, negotiations with France on its return to France, tactical considerations for forced disembarkation, and forged Colombian visas for passengers. Includes updates on suspect ships; shipping requirements for "refoulement" and transit of detainees from Cyprus to Palestine; sabotage of British ship involved in Cyprus-Palestine transport of illegal immigrants; illegal immigration of Separdic Jews from North Africa; and other issues -- 10-61818:2. E 6603/48/31/47 : Proposed meeting of Jewish Agency Executive Committee in Rome. Rome Embassy, Charge d'Affaires, Jul-24-47 (Jul-16-47), 3 s. -- 10-61818:5. E 6604/48/31/47 : Illegal immigration through Italy. Italy Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Jul-24-47 (Jul-9-47), 3 s. -- 10-61818:8. E 6609/48/31/47 : Illegal immigration. United Nations, Department of Public Information, Press Division, Jul-24-47 (Jul-9-47), 3 s. -- 10-61818:11. E 6638/48/31/47 : S.S. President Warfield. Ambassador to Czechoslovakia, Jul-24-47 (Jul-23-47), 2 s. -- 10-61818:13. E 6643/48/31/47 : S.S. President Warfield. Ambassador to France, Jul-24-47 (Jul-23-47), 2 s. -- 10-61818:[14a]. E 6647/48/31/47 : Documents transferred to PRO-Safe Room and closed until 1998, [Jul-47.], 1 s. -- 10-61818:15. E 6648/48/31/47 : Illegal immigration into Palestine. Commonwealth Relations Office, Jul-24-47 (Jul-21-47), S., 8 s. -- 10-61818:23. E 6650/48/31/47 : S.S. Warfield. Ambassador to Italy, Jul-24-47 (Jul-22-47), S., 16 s. -- 10-61818:39. E 6651/48/31/47 : Suspect shipping: Paducah and Northlands. Ambassador to Portugal, Jul-24-47 (Jul-23-47), 2 s. -- 10-61818:41. E 6652/48/31/47 : Suspect shipping: Paducah and Northlands. Madrid Embassy, Jul-24-47 (Jul-22-47), S., 12 s. -- 10-61818:[52a]. E 6654/48/31/47 : Documents retained in department of origin under Section 3 (4) of the Public Records Act, 1958, [Jul-47.], 1 s. -- 10-61818:53. E 6689/48/31/47 : S.S. President Warfield. Ambassador to France, Jul-25-47 (Jul-24-47), S., 2 s. -- 10-61818:55. E 6690/48/31/47 : S.S. President Warfield. Madrid Embassy, Jul-25-47 (Jul-22-47), 2 s. -- 10-61818:57. E 6697/48/31/47 : Suspect ships in French ports. Bordeaux Consulate, Jul-25-47 (Jul-24-47), S., 5 s. -- 10-61818:62. E 6698/48/31/47 : S.S. President Warfield. Ambassador to France, Jul-25-47 (Jul-24-47), S., 7 s. -- 10-61818:69. E 6199/48/31/47 : S.S. Empire Lifeguard. High Commissioner for Palestine, Jul-25-47 (Jul-23-47), S., 7 s. -- 10-61818:76. E 6700/48/31/47 : Illegal immigrant ships. High Commissioner for Palestine, Jul-25-47 (Jul-21-47), TS., 17 s. -- 10-61818:[92a]. E 6701/48/31/47 : Documents transferred to PRO Safe Room and closed until 1998, [Jul-47.], 1 s. -- 10-61818:93. E 6711/48/31/47 : S.S. President Warfield. Ambassador to France, Jul-25-47 (Jul-22-47), TS., 3 s. -- 10-61818:96. E 6712/48/31/47 : S.S. President Warfield. Ambassador to France, Jul-25-47 (Jul-22-47), 2 s. -- 10-61818:98. E 6713/48/31/47 : S.S. President Warfield. Ambassador to France, Jul-25-47 (Jul-25-47), TS., 11 s. -- 10-61818:109. E 6714/48/31/47 : Suspect shipping off Tunisia. Consul-General at Tunis (Acting), Jul-25-47 (Jul-22-47), S., 9 s. -- 10-61818:118. E 6717/48/31/47 : Illegal immigration Roumania. Washington Embassy, Jul-25-47 (Jul-19-47), 5 s. -- 10-61818:123. E 6732/48/31/47 : S.S. President Warfield. Ambassador to France, Jul-26-47 (Jul-25-47), S., 2 s. -- 10-61818:125. E 6733/48/31/47 : S.S. President Warfield. Ambassador to France, Jul-26-47 (Jul-25-47), S., 4 s.
► 10-FO 371/61819. E 6733/48/31/47 : Illegal Immigration into Palestine: control of suspect shipping. 48. Covers illegal Jewish immigration to Palestine including Italian-Austrian border situation and President Warfield (ship) incident. Coverage of President Warfield (ship) includes French press accounts of attempted return of illegal immigrants, illegal Jewish immigrant refusal to disembark, and French reluctance to force disembarkation, forged Colombian visas of passengers, need for victuals aboard transit ships and French deadline for stopping further food shipments. Also includes Greek agreement to assist in preventing illegal Jewish immigration; and updates on suspected illegal immigrant ships -- 10-61819:2. E 6759/48/31/47 : S.S. President Warfield. Ambassador to France, Jul-28-47 (Jul-25-47), S., 2 s. -- 10-61819:4. E 6760/48/31/47 : Instructions regarding President Warfield. Ambassador to France, Jul-28-47 (Jul-26-47), TS., 24 s. -- 10-61819:27. E 6761/48/31/47 : President Warfield. Paris Embassy, Jul-28-47 (Jul-26-47), TS., 6 s. -- 10-61819:33. E 6762/48/31/47 : President Warfield. Paris Embassy, Jul-28-47 (Jul-27-47), S., 2 s. -- 10-61819:35. E 6763/48/31/47 : Talk with Prefect's deputy regarding President Warfield. Marseilles Consulate-General, Jul-28-47 (Jul-27-47), 5 s. -- 10-61819:[39a]. E 6765/48/31/47 : Documents retained in department of origin under Section 3 (4) of the Public Records Act, 1958, [Jul-47.], 1 s. -- 10-61819:40. E 6784/48/31/47 : Illegal immigration. Brussels Embassy, Jul-28-47 (Jul-26-47), S., 4 s. -- 10-61819:44. E 6785/48/31/47 : Jewish immigrants from Sweden. Stockholm Legation, Naval Attache, Jul-28-47 (Jul-26-47), S., 2 s. -- 10-61819:46. E 6786/48/31/47 : Information regarding activities of Panamanian owned steamer, Valena. Casablanca Consulate, Jul-31-47 (Jul-16-47), S., 2 s. -- 10-61819:[47a]. E 6787/48/31/47 : Documents transferred to PRO Safe Room and closed until 1998, [Jul-47.], 1 s. -- 10-61819:48. E 6788/48/31/47 : Illegal immigration: Colony Trader. Ministry of Transport, Jul-28-47 (Jul-24-47), S., 5 s. -- 10-61819:53. E 6795/48/31/47 : Illegal immigration. U.K. Delegation to the UN., Jul-29-47 (Jul-25-47), 3 s. -- 10-61819:[55a]. E 6827/48/31/47 : Documents transferred to PRO Safe Room and closed until 1998, [Jul-47.], 1 s. -- 10-61819:56. E 6831/48/31/47 : President Warfield. Ambassador to France, Jul-29-47 (Jul-28-47), S., 2 s. -- 10-61819:58. E 6832/48/31/47 : Suspect ships in French ports. Bordeaux Consulate, Jul-29-47 (Jul-28-47), S., 2 s. -- 10-61819:60. E 6837/48/31/47 : Jews attempting to cross into Italy from British zone of Austria. British Diplomatic Representative in Austria, Jul-29-47 (Jul-28-47), 2 s. -- 10-61819:62. E 6838/48/31/47 : Suspect ships in French ports. Minister to Panama, Jul-29-47 (Jul-28-47), S., 8 s. -- 10-61819:70. E 6859/48/31/47 : Paducah and Northlands at Bayonne. Consul at Bordeaux, Jul-30-47 (Jul-28-47), S., 3 s. -- 10-61819:73. E 6860/48/31/47 : President Warfield. Ambassador to France, Jul-30-47 (Jul-29-47), 2 s. -- 10-61819:75. E 6862/48/31/47 : President Warfield. Marseilles Consulate-General, Jul-31-47 (Jul-29-47), S., 8 s. -- 10-61819:83. E 6863/48/31/47 : President Warfield. High Commissioner for Palestine, Jul-30-47 (Jul-23-47), TS., 10 s. -- 10-61819:93. E 6867/48/31/47 : Return of illegal immigrants to France. Paris Embassy, Jul-30-47 (Jul-30-47), 5 s. -- 10-61819:98. E 6870/48/31/47 : President Warfield. Paris Embassy, Jul-30-47 (Jul-30-47), S., 4 s. -- 10-61819:102. E 6871/48/31/47 : S.S. President Warfield. Ambassador to France, Jul-30-47 (Jul-30-47), 2 s. -- 10-61819:104. E 6898/48/31/47 : Return of illegal immigrants to France, Admiralty, D.3., Jul-31-47 (Jul-29-47), TS., 7 s. -- 10-61819:111. E 6912/48/31/47 : Return of immigrants to France. Marseilles Consulate-General, Jul-31-47 (Jul-30-47), 2 s. -- 10-61819:113. E 6915/48/31/47 : Food for three transports: warning by Prefecture. Marseilles Consulate-General, Jul-31-47 (Jul-30-47), 3 s. -- 10-61819:116. E 6917/48/31/47 : Illegal immigration: J.J. Coney. Washington Embassy, Jul-31-47 (Jul-22-47), S., 3 s. -- 10-61819:[118a]. E 6928/48/31/47 : Documents retained in department of origin under Section 3 (4) of the Public Records Act, 1958, [Jul-47.], 1 s. -- 10-61819:119. E 6965/48/31/47 : Greek co-operation in prevention of illegal immigration. Athens Embassy. Aug-1-47 (Jul-26-47), 4 s. -- 10-61819:123. E 6966/48/31/47 : Greek co-operation in prevention of illegal immigration. Athens Embassy, Aug-1-47 (Jul-26-47), 2 s. -- 10-61819:125. E 6969/48/31/47 : Refoulement of immigrants. Foreign Office, Aug-1-47 (Jul-21-47), 4 s. -- 10-61819:129. E 6978/48/31/47 : Food for immigrants on President Warfield. Marseilles Consulate-General, Aug-1-47 (Jul-31-47), S., 4 s. -- 10-61819:133. E 6979/48/31/47 : President Warfield. Paris Embassy, Aug-1-47 (Jul-31-47), 2 s. -- 10-61819:[134a]. E 6982/48/31/47 : Documents retained in department of origin under Section 3 (4) of the Public Records Act, 1958, [Aug-47.], 1 s.
Reprodüksiyon Notu
Mikrofilm. Bethesda, MD : University Publications of America, 1980. 1 mikrofilm makarası : pozitif ; 35 mm. 11 January 1947(9 January 1947)-August 1947
Emeği Geçenler
Kesaris, Paul, prj. koord.
Kurum Adı
Great Britain. Foreign Office.
University Publications of America (UPA)