Confidential British Foreign Office political correspondence [mikroform] : Palestine, 1947-1948 / project coordinator Paul Kesaris.

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Eser Adının Farklı Biçimi
Palestine, 1947-1948
Yayın Bilgisi
Bethesda, MD : University Publications of America, 1980
Fiziksel Niteleme
1 mikrofilm makarası (831 poz) : pozitif ; 35 mm.
Genel Not
Public Record Office (Kew, London) FO 371/68540'de kayıtlıdır.
Bu seri 46 makaradan oluşmaktadır.
Bibliyografi, vb. Notu
Mikrofilmin indeksi B.I/6611 yer numarasında kayıtlıdır.
İçindekiler Notu
►29-30-FO 371/68540. E 3959/4/31/48 : United Nations and Palestine: UN Political Commission. Security Council resolutions.Protection of Jerusalem. Trusteeship and immigration proposals. Food position. 4. Covers effect of termination of mandate on procurement of foodstuffs and general food supply of Palestine and text of new U.S. trusteeship plan for Palestine submitted to UN Security Council. Includes British analysis ofand policy toward new U.S. trusteeship plan; Canada policy on the plan in UN Security Council; proceedings and debates in UN Security Council on U.S. plan; and U.S. State Department on plan and British policy in Palestine. Also covers official and working languages for Jerusalem government set down in UN Trusteeship Council statute for Jerusalem and other issues -- 30-68540:87. E 4077/4/31/48 : Palestine situation, Security Council. U.K. Delegation to the UN., Apr-1-48 (Mar-22-48), 4 s. -- 30-68540:91. E 4094/4/31/48 : Palestine: Canadian policy. Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, Assistant Private Secretary, Apr-1-48 (Mar-27-48), S., 9 s. -- 30-68540:98. E 4165/4/31/48 :Security Council meetings. U.K. Delegation to the UN., Apr-2-48 (Apr-1-48), 6 s. -- 30-68540:103. E 4173/4/31/48 : Security Council meetings. U.K. Delegation to the UN., Apr-2-48 (Apr-1-48), 4 s. -- 30-68540:107. E 4188/4/31/48 : Palestine situation. U.S. Secretary of State, Apr-2-48 (Mar-26-48), S., 4 s. -- 30-68540:111. E 4198/4/31/48 : Statute for Jerusalem, equality in use of English and French languages. Foreign Office, Assistant Under-Secretary of State, Apr-3-48 (Feb-25-48), 8 s. -- 30-68540:117. E 4202/4/31/48 : Attitude to be adopted regarding trusteeship U.K. Delegation to the UN., Apr-3-48 (Apr-2-48), 2 s. -- 30-68540:119. E 4203/4/31/48 : Informal meeting April 5th to discuss trusteeship. U.K. Delegation to the UN., Apr-3-48 (Apr-2-48), TS., 17 s.
►30-FO 371/68541 : United Nations and Palestine: UN Political Commission. Security Council resolutions.Protection of Jerusalem. Trusteeship and immigration proposals. Food position. 4. Covers U.S. Congressional resolutions on export licenses for military weapons bound for Jewish state and authorizing Committee on Foreign Relations to investigate formulation of U.S. foreign policy. Includes statement by Mufti of Jerusalem outlining Palestinian Arab position; British summary of proceedings on Palestine at UN and views of Alan Gordon Cunningham; implications of withdrawal for Iraq Oil Company pipeline concessions in Palestine; and Jewish Agency allegation of British refusal to escort Jewish food convoys into Jerusalem. Also covers proceedings of and debate on U.S. trusteeship plan in informal meetings of UN Security Council; text of U.S. plan of trusteeship; British policy toward U.S. trusteeship plan; and other issues -- 30-68541:[1a]. E 4248/4/31/48 : Documents retained in department of origin under Section 3 (4) of the Public Records Act, 1958, [Apr-48], 1 s. -- 30-68541:2. E 4249/4/31/48 : Comments on United States trusteeship proposal. Washington Embassy, Apr-5-48 (Mar-26-48), 25 s. -- 30-68541:16. E 4263/4/31/48 : "An Arab Charter for Palestine" by the Mufti. U.K. Delegation to the UN., Apr-5-48 (Mar-30-48), 5 s. -- 30-68541:21. E 4283/4/31/48 : Palestine situation. Foreign Office, Apr-6-48 (Apr-5-48), 3 s. -- 30-68541:23. E 4315/4/31/48 : Iraq Petroleum Company's pipelines negotiations. U.K. Delegation to the UN., Apr-6-48 (Apr-5-48), TS., 9 s. -- 30-68541:31. E 4321/4/31/48 : Informal meeting regarding United States proposals. U.K. Delegation to the UN., Apr-6-48 (Apr-5-48), S., 15 s. -- 30-68541:41. E 4322/4/31/48 : Informal meeting regarding United States proposals. U.K. Delegation to the UN., Apr-6-48 (Apr-5-48), 4 s. -- 30-68541:45. E 4323/4/31/48 : Informal meeting regarding United States proposals. U.K. Delegation to the UN., Apr-6-48 (Apr-5-48), 4 s. -- 30-68541:49. E 4338/4/31/48 : Attitude of His Majesty's Government towards United States trusteeship proposal. U.K. Delegation to the UN., Apr-7-48 (Apr-6-48), 2 s. -- 30-68541:51. E 4339/4/31/48 : United States trusteeship roposal. U.K. Delegation to the UN., Apr-7-48 (Apr-6-48), S., 5 s. -- 30-68541:54. E 4340/4/31/48 : United Nations police force for Jerusalem. U.K. Delegation to the UN., Apr-7-48 (Apr-6-48), 3 s. -- 30-68541:57. E 4341/4/31/48 : Security force for Jerusalem. U.K. Delegation to the UN., Apr-7-48 (Apr-6-48), 14 s. -- 30-68541:69. E 4404/4/31/48 : Palestine situation, responsibility of the Mandatory power. U.K. Delegation to the UN., Apr-8-48 (Apr-7-48), S., 7 s. -- 30-68541:[74a]. E 4405/4/31/48 : Documents retained in department of origin under Section 3 (4) of the Public Records Act, 1958, [Apr-48], 1 s. -- 30-68541:75. E 4413/4/31/48 : Further informal meeting to discuss United States proposals. U.K. Delegation to the UN., Apr-8-48 (Apr-7-48), S., 7 s. -- 30-68541:81. E 4419/4/31/48 : Informal meeting discussing United States proposals. U.K. Delegation to the UN., Apr-8-48 (Apr-7-48), 2 s.
►30-FO 371/68542. E 4447/4/31/48 : United Nations and Palestine: UN Political Commission. Security Council resolutions. Protection of Jerusalem. Trusteeship and immigration proposals. Food position. 4. Covers debate on U.S. trusteeship plan in informal meetings of UN Security Council; draft text of U.S. trusteeship plan; Egypt support of U.S. plan; British policy on U.S. plan; and discussion and draft of UN Security Council truce resolution. Includes effect of termination of mandate on general food supply of Palestine and food situation of Jerusalem; information on and transfer of assets, liabilities, and authority to UN Palestine Commission; evacuation directive for General Officer Commanding British troops in Palestine; Swedish minister in Cairo allegation that British discriminating in favor of Arabs in Palestine on issue of weapons; and other issues -- 30-68542:2. E 4453/4/31/48 : Trusteeship agreement. U.K. Delegation to the UN., Apr-9-48 (Apr-8-48), TS., 5 s. -- 30-68542:6. E 4474/4/31/48 : Palestine food situation, responsibility of the Mandatory power. U.K. Delegation to the UN., Apr-10-48 (Apr-9-48), S., 2 s. -- 30-68542:8. E 4494/4/31/48 : Palestine situation. United Nations Commission. U.K. Delegation to the UN., Apr-10-48 (Apr-9-48), 3 s. -- 30-68542:11. E 4502/4/31/48 : Palestine situation, Palestine Commission U.K. Delegation to the UN., Apr-12-48 (Apr-9-48), S., 8 s. -- 30-68542:17. E 4503/4/31/48 : Informal meetings of members of the Security Council. U.K. Delegation to the UN., Apr-12-48 (Apr-9-48), 4 s. -- 30-68542:21. E 4504/4/31/48 : Palestine food supplies. U.K. Delegation to the UN., Apr-12-48 (Apr-10-48), 2 s. -- 30-68542:23. E 4521/4/31/48 : Trusteeship proposal, Egyptian support. Cairo Embassy, Apr-12-48 (Apr-9-48), 3 s. -- 30-68542:26. E 4580/4/31/48 : Draft trusteeship agreements for Palestine. Permanent U.K. Representative to the UN., Apr-13-48 (Apr-9-48), TS., 4 s. -- 30-68542:30. E 4581/4/31/48 : Palestine, and the Mandatory power. Ambassador to Egypt, Apr-13-48 (Apr-10-48), 2 s. -- 30-68542:32. E 4592/4/31/48 : Trusteeship agreement for Palestine. Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, Adviser on Palestine, Apr-13-48 (Apr-9-48), 35 s. -- 30-68542:66. E 4632/4/31/48 : Informal meetings of members of Security Council. U.K. Delegation to the UN., Apr-14-48 (Apr-13-48), 9 s. -- 30-68542:74. E 4633/4/31/48 : Informal meetings of members of Security Council. U.K. Delegation to the UN., Apr-14-48 (Apr-13-48), 3 s. -- 30-68542:77. E 4634/4/31/48 : Palestine. Truce resolution. U.K. Delegation to the UN., Apr-14-48 (Apr-13-48), 3 s. -- 30-68542:80. E 4635/4/31/48 : Palestine financial position. U.K. Delegation to the UN., Apr-14-48 (Apr-13-48), S., 3 s. -- 30-68542:82. E 4682/4/31/48 : Draft Security Council truce resolution U.K. Delegation to the UN., Apr-15-48 (Apr-14-48), 3 s. -- 30-68542:85. E 4684/4/31/48 : Palestine food situation. U.K. Delegation to the UN., Apr-15-48 (Apr-14-48), S., 16 s. -- 30-68542:98. E 4685/4/31/48 : Palestine food situation. British Middle East Office Cairo, Apr-15-48 (Apr-14-48), S., 9 s. -- 30-68542:106. E 4690/4/31/48 : General Assembly, American plan. U.K. Delegation to the UN., Apr-15-48 (Apr-14-48), TS., 4 s. -- 30-68542:110. E 4691/4/31/48 : Draft Security Council truce resolution U.K. Delegation to the UN., Apr-15-48 (Apr-14-48), 6 s.
►30-FO 371/68543. E 4640/4/31/48 : United Nations and Palestine: UN Political Commission. Security Council resolutions. Protection of Jerusalem. Trusteeship and immigration proposals. Food position. 4. Covers British policy on Palestine; UN Security Council truce resolution; U.S. trusteeship plan; and proceedings on Palestine in UN. Includes draft instructions to U.K. Delegation to the UN on British Palestine policy; British policy on Jerusalem trusteeship; information on Jewish immigration to Palestine; and British analysis of UN General Assembly proceedings on U.S. trusteeship plan. Also covers Jewish Agency opposition to UN Security Council truce resolution; Abdul Rahman Azzam and Arab League on trusteeship, truce negotiations, and impending war in Palestine; France proposal for international police force in Jerusalem; and Palestine food situation including successful Jewish convoys to Jerusalem. Includes proceedings of UN General Assembly First Committee; UN Palestine Commission report to UN General Assembly; Commission allegation of British obstructionism; and other issues -- 30-68543:2. E 4708/4/31/48 : Palestine: brief for the U.K. Delegation to the General Assembly, April 1948. Foreign Office, Eastern Department Head, Apr-15-48 (Apr-12-48), S., 19 s. -- 30-68543:13. E 4734/4/31/48 : Report by Commission to General Assembly. U.K. Delegation to the UN., Apr-16-48 (Apr-14-48), 4 s. -- 30-68543:17. E 4738/4/31/48 : Trusteeship for Palestine. Washington Embassy, Apr-16-48 (Mar-30-48), TS., 3 s. -- 30-68543:20. E 4756/4/31/48 : Palestine trusteeship. Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs., pr-16-48 (Apr-15-48), TS., 6 s. -- 30-68543:25. E 4757/4/31/48 : Palestine truce. U.K. Delegation to the UN., Apr-16-48 (Apr-15-48), 4 s. -- 30-68543:29. E 4765/4/31/48 : Palestine food supplies. U.K. Delegation to the UN., Apr-17-48 (Apr-16-48), S., 2 s. -- 30-68543:31. E 4766/4/31/48 : Palestine, views of Azzam Pasha. British Middle East Office Cairo, Apr-17-48 (Apr-15-48), S., 5 s. -- 30-68543:36. E 4771/4/31/48 : French proposal for an international poliçe force. U.K. Delegation to the UN., Apr-19-48 (Apr-17-48), 2 s. -- 30-68543:38. E 4772/4/31/48 : General Assembly, United States proposals U.K. Delegation to the UN., Apr-19-48 (Apr-17-48), 2 s. -- 30-68543:40. E 4773/4/31/48 : Jerusalem statute. Trusteeship Council meeting. U.K. Delegation to the UN., Apr-19-48 (Apr-17-48), S., 10 s. -- 30-68543:47. E 4774/4/31/48 : nformation for Colonial Secretary's speech at General Assembly. U.K. Delegation to the UN., Apr-19-48 (Apr-17-48), S., 3 s. -- 30-68543:50. E 4775/4/31/48 : Palestine truce. U.K. Delegation to the UN., Apr-19-48 (Apr-17-48), 8 s. -- 30-68543:56. E 4776/4/31/48 : Palestine truce. U.K. Delegation to the UN., Apr-19-48 (Apr-17-48), 4 s. -- 30-68543:60. E 4777/4/31/48 : Food supply to Jerusalem. British Middle East Office Cairo, Apr-19-48 (Apr-17-48), S., 13 s. -- 30-68543:70. E 4828/4/31/48 : Palestine situation. Foreign Office, Apr-20-48 (Apr-15-48), 7 s. -- 30-68543:74. E 4862/4/31/48 : Palestine, General Assembly. Secretary of State for the Colonies, Apr-20-48 (Apr-19-48), TS., 15 s. -- 30-68543:86. E 4863/4/31/48 : Palestine, views of Arab League.Ambassador to Egypt, Apr-20-48 (Apr-17-48), 3 s. -- 30-68543:89. E 4864/4/31/48 : Palestine, General Assembly U.K. Delegation to the UN., Apr-20-48 (Apr-19-48), 2 s. -- 30-68543:91. E 4873/4/31/48 : Jerusalem food supplies. British Middle East Office Cairo, Apr-20-48 (Apr-19-48), S., 5 s. -- 30-68543:94. E 4875/4/31/48 : Palestine trusteeship. High Commissioner for New Zealand, Apr-20-48 (Apr-13-48), TS., 8 s. -- 30-68543:100. E 4920/4/31/48 : H.M.G. Palestine policy. Prime Minister; Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, Apr-21-48 (Apr-15-48), S., 2 s. -- 30-68543:102. E 4921/4/31/48 : Palestine truce, statement by Moshe Shertok. U.K. Delegation to the UN., Apr-21-48 (Apr-16-48), 9 s. -- 30-68543:107. E 4926/4/31/48 : Trusteeship Council, United Kingdom representative. U.K. Delegation to the UN., Apr-21-48 (Apr-20-48), 2 s. -- 30-68543:109. E 4933/4/31/48 : General Assembly meetings. U.K. Delegation to the UN., Apr-21-48 (Apr-20-48), 3 s. -- 30-68543:112. E 4934/4/31/48 : Truce resolution. U.K. Delegation to the UN., Apr-21-48 (Apr-20-48), 2 s. -- 30-68543:114. E 4947/4/31/48 : General Assembly, Special Session. U.K. Delegation to the UN., Apr-21-48 (Apr-20-48), 4 s.
►30-F0 371/68544. E 4862/4/31/48 : United Nations and Palestine: UN Political Commission. Security Council resolutions.Protection of Jerusalem. Trusteeship and immigration proposals. Food position. 4. Covers truce resolution adopted by UN Security Council; formation of UN Security Council Truce Commission; proceedings of UN Trustee- ship Council; and debates in UN General Assembly First Committee including French proposals in for international Jerusalem poliçe force. Includes Harry S. Truman on possibility of U.S. troops contributing to UN police force; British policy on U.S. trusteeship plan and UN trusteeship statute for Jerusalem; Jewish Agency agreement to truce if Arabs first cease fire; and Abdul Rahman Azzam on situation in Palestine, deployment of Syrian troops near Palestine, and other issues. Covers battle for Haifa including British situation reports; actions of British armed forces; Arab proposals for truce in Haifa; concern of Carmalite Christians that Carmalite monastary would fall into Jewish hands after British withdrawal from Palestine; and other issues -- 30-68544:2. E 4949/4/31/48 : Palestine trusteeship position in Security Council. U.K. Delegation to the UN., Apr-21-48 (Apr-20-48), TS., 13 s. -- 30-68544:11. E 4984/4/31/48 : Palestine, truce proposals. Parliament, Apr-22-48 (Apr-19-48), 8 s. -- 30-68544:19. E 4991/4/31/48 : Discussion, Colonial Secretary and Dominion delegates. U.K. Delegation to the UN., Apr-22-48 (Apr-20-48), 3 s. -- 30-68544:22. E 4993/4/31/48 : Trusteeship Council. U.K. Delegation to the UN., Apr-22-48 (Apr-21-48), S., 4 s. -- 30-68544:26. E 4994/4/31/48 : Trusteeship Council. U.K. Delegation to the UN., Apr-22-48 (Apr-21-48), 3 s. -- 30-68544:28. E 4995/4/31/48 : General Assembly, First Committee. U.K. Delegation to the UN., Apr-22-48 (Apr-21-48), 4 s. -- 30-68544:32. E 4998/4/31/48 : Trusteeship Council, statement by Fletcher Cooke. U.K. Delegation to the UN., Apr-22-48 (Apr-21-48), 3 s. -- 30-68544:35. E 5019/4/31/48 : Situation at Haifa. Minister to Syria, Apr-22-48 (Apr-22-48), S., 8 s. -- 30-68544:43. E 5024/4/31/48 : Situation at Haifa. Minister to Lebanon, Apr-23-48 (Apr-22-48), 2 s. -- 30-68544:45. E 5025/4/31/48 : Situation at Haifa. Ambassador to Egypt, Apr-23-48 (Apr-22-48), S., 5 s. -- 30-68544:49. E 5026/4/31/48 : His Majesty's Government's Palestine policy. Washington Embassy, Apr-23-48 (Apr-22-48), 8 s. -- 30-68544:54. E 5027/4/31/48 : Situation at Haifa. U.K. Delegation to the UN., Apr-23-48 (Apr-22-48), 2 s. -- 30-68544:56. E 5028/4/31/48 : Situation at Haifa. Minister to Syria, Apr-23-48 (Apr-22-48), S., 3 s. -- 30-68544:[58a]. E 5029/4/31/48 : Documents retained in department of origin under Section 3 (4) of the Public Records Act, 1958, [Apr-48], 1 s. -- 30-68544:59. E 5072/4/31/48 : Palestine, truce resolution. U.K. Delegation to the UN., Apr-23-48 (Apr-22-48), 2 s. -- 30-68544:61. E 5073/4/31/48 : General Assembly meetings. U.K. Delegation to the UN., Apr-23-48 (Apr-22-48), 3 s. -- 30-68544:64. E 5074/4/31/48 : French proposal for an international poliçe force. U.K. Delegation to the UN., Apr-23-48 (Apr-22-48), S., 5 s. -- 30-68544:69. E 5076/4/31/48 : Palestine British policy. U.K. Delegation to the UN., Apr-23-48 (Apr-22-48), 3 s. -- 30-68544:72. E 5077/4/31/48 : General Assembly meetings. U.K. Delegation to the UN., Apr-23-48 (Apr-22-48), 4 s. -- 30-68544:76. E 5079/4/31/48 : Palestine, Arab military intentions. Minister to Syria, Apr-23-48 (Apr-23-48), S., 4 s. -- 30-68544:80. E 5102/4/31/48 : Situation at Haifa. Consul-General at Haifa, Apr-24-48 (Apr-23-48), S., 4 s. -- 30-68544:83. E 5104/4/31/48 : Situation at Haifa. British Middle East Office Cairo, Apr-24-48 (Apr-23-48), 2 s. -- 30-68544:85. E 5110/4/31/48 : United Nations Palestine Commission. U.K. Delegation to the UN., Apr-24-48 (Apr-23-48), 2 s. -- 30-68544:87. E 5112/4/31/48 : General Assembly meetings. U.K. Delegation to the UN., Apr-24-48 (Apr-23-48), 3 s. -- 30-68544:90. E 5113/4/31/48 : Security Council, truce resolution. U.K. Delegation to the UN., Apr-24-48 (Apr-23-48), 8 s. -- 30-68544:97. E 5116/4/31/48 : General Assembly meetings. First Committee. U.K. Delegation to the UN., Apr-24-48 (Apr-23-48), 4 s. -- 30-68544:101. E 5117/4/31/48 : Security Council. U.K. Delegation to the UN., Apr-24-48 (Apr-23-48), 4 s. -- 30-68544:105. E 5118/4/31/48 : General Assembly meetings. U.K. Delegation to the UN., Apr-24-48 (Apr-23-48), 6 s. -- 30-68544:111. E 5119/4/31/48 : Situation at Haifa. Minister to Syria, Apr-26-48 (Apr-23-48), S., 2 s. -- 30-68544:113. E 5120/4/31/48 : Situation at Haifa. Minister to Syria, Apr-26-48 (Apr-24-48), S., 2 s. -- 30-68544:115. E 5121/4/31/48 : Situation at Haifa. Minister to Syria, Apr-26-48 (Apr-24-48), S., 2 s. -- 30-68544:117. E 5122/4/31/48 : Situation at Haifa. Minister to Syria, Apr-26-48 (Apr-24-48), S., 2 s. -- 30-68544:119. E 5123/4/31/48 : Situation at Haifa. Minister to Syria, Apr-26-48 (Apr-24-48), S., 2 s. -- 30-68544:121. E 5124/4/31/48 : Situation at Haifa. Minister to Syria, Apr-26-48 (Apr-24-48), 2 s. -- 30-68544:123. E 5125/4/31/48 : Situation at Haifa. Minister to Syria, Apr-26-48 (Apr-24-48), 2 s. -- 30-68544:125. E 5126/4/31/48 : International police force, United States troops. Washington Embassy, Apr-26-48 (Apr-23-48), 2 s. -- 30-68544:127. E 5127/4/31/48 : Palestine, statement by Azzam Pasha. Cairo Embassy, Apr-26-48 (Apr-23-48), 2 s. -- 30-68544:129. E 5130/4/31/48 : Future of Carmalite monastery at Haifa. Ambassador to Egypt, Apr-26-48 (Apr-24-48), 2 s. -- 30-68544:131. E 5132/4/31/48 : Situation at Haifa. Consul-General at Haifa, Apr-26-48 (Apr-24-48), S., 2 s.
►30-FO 371/68545. E 5132/4/31/48 : United Nations and Palestine: UN Political Commission. Security Council resolutions. Protection of Jerusalem. Trusteeship and immigration proposals. Food position. 4. Covers reports of disorders in Haifa and Jaffa. Includes security situation in Jerusalem; situation reports on Haifa and updates on situation in Jaffa; evacuation plans for Egyptian citizens in Palestine; and Abdul Rahman Azzam on armed Arab intervention in Palestine. Also covers Syrian withdrawal from UN Consular Commission on trusteeship; proceedings on Palestine of UN Security Council, UN Trusteeship Council, and UN General Assembly First Committee; text of U.S.-sponsored truce agreement; UN discussion of truces for Palestine, trusteeship plans, French resolution on international poliçe force for Jerusalem; and other issues -- 30-68545:2. E 5133/4/31/48 : French resolution for international poliçe force. U.K. Delegation to the UN., Apr-26-48 (Apr-24-48), S., 4 s. -- 30-68545:5. E 5134/4/31/48 : Trusteeship implementation. Consular Commission. U.K. Delegation to the UN., Apr-26-48 (Apr-24-48), 2 s. -- 30-68545:7. E 5135/4/31/48 : Palestine situation. Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, Adviser on Palestine, Apr-26-48 (Apr-25-48), S., 3 s. -- 30-68545:10. E 5136/4/31/48 : Situation at Haifa. British Middle East Office Cairo, Apr-26-48 (Apr-24-48), 7 s. -- 30-68545:15. E 5194/4/31/48 : Situation at Haifa. Consul-General at Haifa, Apr-26-48 (Apr-25-48), S., 5 s. -- 30-68545:[19a]. E 5166/4/31/48 : Documents retained in department of origin under Section 3 (4) of the Public Records Act, 1958, [Apr-48], 1 s. -- 30-68545:20. E 5270/4/31/48 : Palestine: discussions in the Security Council. U.K. Delegation to the UN., Apr-27-48 (Apr-24-48), S., 4 s. -- 30-68545:24. E 5277/4/31/48 : French resolution on Jerusalem. U.K. Delegation to the UN., Apr-27-48 (Apr-26-48), S., 6 s. -- 30-68545:30. E 5278/4/31/48 : General Assembly debates. U.K. Delegation to the UN., Apr-27-48 (Apr-26-48), 3 s. -- 30-68545:33. E 5280/4/31/48 : Evacuation of Egyptian colony in Haifa. Ambassador to Egypt, Apr-27-48 (Apr-26-48), 3 s. -- 30-68545:36. E 5281/4/31/48 : Syrians in Haifa. Minister to Syria, Apr-27-48 (Apr-26-48), 2 s. -- 30-68545:38. E 5300/4/31/48 : Evacuation of Egyptian nationals from Palestine. Ambassador to Egypt, Apr-28-48 (Apr-27-48), 3 s. -- 30-68545:41. E 5307/4/31/48 : Visit by the Syrian Minister in connexion with recent events in Haifa. Foreign Office, Permanent Under-Secretary of State, Apr-28-48 (Apr-24-48), 7 s. -- 30-68545:47. E 5316/4/31/48 : U.S. interpretation of British policy in Palestine. Foreign Office, Eastern Department Head, Apr-28-48 (Apr-22-48), 7 s. -- 30-68545:[50b]. E 5317/4/31/48 : Documents retained in department of origin under Section 3 (4) of the Public Records Act, 1958, [Apr-48], 1 s. -- 30-68545:51. E 5318/4/31/48 : United Nations Palestine Commission. High Commissioner for Palestine, Apr-28-48 (Apr-22-48), S., 4 s. -- 30-68545:54. E 5343/4/31/48 : Palestine discussions in New York: U.S. truce agreement. U.K. Delegation to the UN., Apr-28-48 (Apr-27-48), TS., 17 s. -- 30-68545:68. E 5357/4/31/48 : Trusteeship Council. U.K. Delegation to the UN., Apr-28-48 (Apr-27-48), 4 s. -- 30-68545:72. E 5358/4/31/48 : General Assembly, First Committee. U.K. Delegation to the UN., Apr-28-48 (Apr-27-48), 4 s. -- 30-68545:76. E 5359/4/31/48 : General Assembly, First Committee. U.K. Delegation to the UN., Apr-28-48 (Apr-27-48), 4 s. -- 30-68545:80. E 5360/4/31/48 : Trusteeship Council. U.K. Delegation to the UN., Apr-28-48 (Apr-27-48), S., 3 s. -- 30-68545:83. E 5376/4/31/48 : Situation at Haifa. Ambassador to Egypt, Apr-29-48 (Apr-24-48), 3 s. -- 30-68545:86. E 5390/4/31/48 : Situation at Haifa. Minister to Syria, Apr-29-48 (Apr-27-48), S., 2 s. -- 30-68545:88. E 5399/4/31/48 : Situation at Jaffa. British Middle East Office Cairo, Apr-29-48 (Apr-28-48), 6 s. -- 30-68545:93. E 5404/4/31/48 : Trusteeship Council. U.K. Delegation to the UN., Apr-29-48 (Apr-28-48), 3 s. -- 30-68545:96. E 5406/4/31/48 : Evacuation of Egyptian nationals from Palestine. Ambassador to Egypt, Apr-29-48 (Apr-29-48), 4 s. -- 30-68545:100. E 5407/4/31/48 : General Assembly, First Committee meetings. U.K. Delegation to the UN., Apr-29-48 (Apr-28-48), 3 s. -- 30-68545:102. E 5408/4/31/48 : General Assembly meetings. First Committee. U.K. Delegation to the UN., Apr-29-48 (Apr-28-48), 2 s. -- 30-68545:104. E 5409/4/31/48 : General Assembly, First Committee meetings. U.K. Delegation to the UN., Apr-29-48 (Apr-28-48), 3 s.
► 30-FO 371/68541 : United Nations and Palestine: UN Political Commission. Security Council resolutions. Protection of Jerusalem. Trusteeship and immigration proposals. Food position. 4. Covers U.S. Congressional resolutions on export licenses for military weapons bound for Jewish state and authorizing Committee on Foreign Relations to investigate formulation of U.S. foreign policy. Includes statement by Mufti of Jerusalem outlining Palestinian Arab position; British summary of proceedings on Palestine at UN and views of Alan Gordon Cunningham; implications of withdrawal for Iraq Oil Company pipeline concessions in Palestine; and Jewish Agency allegation of British refusal to escort Jewish food convoys into Jerusalem. Also covers proceedings of and debate on U.S. trusteeship plan in informal meetings of UN Security Council; text of U.S. plan of trusteeship; British policy toward U.S. trusteeship plan; and other issues -- 30-68541:[1a]. E 4248/4/31/48 : Documents retained in department of origin under Section 3 (4) of the Public Records Act, 1958, [Apr-48], 1 s. -- 30-68541:2. E 4249/4/31/48 : Comments on United States trusteeship proposal. Washington Embassy, Apr-5-48 (Mar-26-48), 25 s. -- 30-68541:16. E 4263/4/31/48 :"An Arab Charter for Palestine" by the Mufti. U.K. Delegation to the UN., Apr-5-48 (Mar-30-48), 5 s. -- 30-68541:21. E 4283/4/31/48 : Palestine situation. Foreign Office, Apr-6-48 (Apr-5-48), 3 s. -- 30-68541:23. E 4315/4/31/48 : Iraq Petroleum Company's pipelines negotiations. U.K. Delegation to the UN., Apr-6-48 (Apr-5-48), TS., 9 s. -- 30-68541:31. E 4321/4/31/48 : Informal meeting regarding United States proposals. U.K. Delegation to the UN., Apr-6-48 (Apr-5-48), S., 15 s. -- 30-68541:41. E 4322/4/31/48 : Informal meeting regarding United States proposals. U.K. Delegation to the UN., Apr-6-48 (Apr-5-48), 4 s. -- 30-68541:45. E 4323/4/31/48 : Informal meeting regarding United States proposals. U.K. Delegation to the UN., Apr-6-48 (Apr-5-48), 4 s. -- 30-68541:49. E 4338/4/31/48 : Attitude of His Majesty's Government towards United States trusteeship proposal. U.K. Delegation to the UN., Apr-7-48 (Apr-6-48), 2 s. -- 30-68541:51. E 4339/4/31/48 : United States trusteeship proposal. U.K. Delegation to the UN., Apr-7-48 (Apr-6-48), S., 5 s. -- 30-68541:54. E 4340/4/31/48 : United Nations police force for Jerusalem. U.K. Delegation to the UN., Apr-7-48 (Apr-6-48), 3 s. -- 30-68541:57. E 4341/4/31/48 : Security force for Jerusalem. U.K. Delegation to the UN., Apr-7-48 (Apr-6-48), 14 s. -- 30-68541:69. E 4404/4/31/48 : Palestine situation, responsibility of the Mandatory power. U.K. Delegation to the UN., Apr-8-48 (Apr-7-48), S., 7 s. -- 30-68541:[74a]. E 4405/4/31/48 : Documents retained in department of origin under Section 3 (4) of the Public Records Act, 1958, [Apr-48], 1 s. -- 30-68541:75. E 4413/4/31/48 : Further informal meeting to discuss United States proposals. U.K. Delegation to the UN., Apr-8-48 (Apr-7-48), S., 7 s. -- 30-68541:81. E 4419/4/31/48 : Informal meeting discussing United States proposals. U.K. Delegation to the UN., Apr-8-48 (Apr-7-48), 2 s.
►30-FO 371/68542. E 4447/4/31/48 :United Nations and Palestine: UN Political Commission. Security Council resolutions. Protection of Jerusalem. Trusteeship and immigration proposals. Food position. 4. Covers debate on U.S. trusteeship plan in informal meetings of UN Security Council; draft text of U.S. trusteeship plan; Egypt support of U.S. plan; British policy on U.S. plan; and discussion and draft of UN Security Council truce resolution. Includes effect of termination of mandate on general food supply of Palestine and food situation of Jerusalem; information on and transfer of assets, liabilities, and authority to UN Palestine Commission; evacuation directive for General Officer Commanding British troops in Palestine; Swedish minister in Cairo allegation that British discriminating in favor of Arabs in Palestine on issue of weapons; and other issues -- 30-68542:2. E 4453/4/31/48 : Trusteeship agreement. U.K. Delegation to the UN., Apr-9-48 (Apr-8-48), TS., 5 s. -- 30-68542:6. E 4474/4/31/48 : Palestine food situation, responsibility of the Mandatory power. U.K. Delegation to the UN., Apr-10-48 (Apr-9-48), S., 2 s. -- 30-68542:8. E 4494/4/31/48 : Palestine situation. United Nations Commission. U.K. Delegation to the UN., Apr-10-48 (Apr-9-48), 3 s. -- 30-68542:11. E 4502/4/31/48 : Palestine situation, Palestine Commission. U.K. Delegation to the UN., Apr-12-48 (Apr-9-48), S., 8 s. -- 30-68542:17. E 4503/4/31/48 : Informal meetings of members of the Security Council. U.K. Delegation to the UN., Apr-12-48 (Apr-9-48), 4 s. -- 30-68542:21. E 4504/4/31/48 : Palestine food supplies. U.K. Delegation to the UN., Apr-12-48 (Apr-10-48), 2 s. -- 30-68542:23. E 4521/4/31/48 : Trusteeship proposal, Egyptian support Cairo Embassy, Apr-12-48 (Apr-9-48), 3 s. -- 30-68542:26. E 4580/4/31/48 : Draft trusteeship agreements for Palestine. Permanent U.K. Representative to the UN., Apr-13-48 (Apr-9-48), TS., 4 s. -- 30-68542:30. E 4581/4/31/48 : Palestine, and the Mandatory power. Ambassador to Egypt, Apr-13-48 (Apr-10-48), 2 s. -- 30-68542:32. E 4592/4/31/48 : Trusteeship agreement for Palestine Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, Adviser on Palestine, Apr-13-48 (Apr-9-48), 35 s. -- 30-68542:66. E 4632/4/31/48 : Informal meetings of members of Security Council. U.K. Delegation to the UN., Apr-14-48 (Apr-13-48), 9 s. -- 30-68542:74. E 4633/4/31/48 : Informal meetings of members of Security Council. U.K. Delegation to the UN., Apr-14-48 (Apr-13-48), 3 s. -- 30-68542:77. E 4634/4/31/48 : Palestine. Truce resolution. U.K. Delegation to the UN., Apr-14-48 (Apr-13-48), 3 s. -- 30-68542:80. E 4635/4/31/48 : Palestine financial position. U.K. Delegation to the UN., Apr-14-48 (Apr-13-48), S., 3 s. -- 30-68542:82. E 4682/4/31/48 : Draft Security Council truce resolution U.K. Delegation to the UN., Apr-15-48 (Apr-14-48), 3 s. -- 30-68542:85. E 4684/4/31/48 : Palestine food situation. U.K. Delegation to the UN., Apr-15-48 (Apr-14-48), S., 16 s. -- 30-68542:98. E 4685/4/31/48 : Palestine food situation. British Middle East Office Cairo, Apr-15-48 (Apr-14-48), S., 9 s. -- 30-68542:106. E 4690/4/31/48 : General Assembly, American plan. U.K. Delegation to the UN., Apr-15-48 (Apr-14-48), TS., 4 s. -- 30-68542:110. E 4691/4/31/48 : Draft Security Council truce resolution. U.K. Delegation to the UN., Apr-15-48 (Apr-14-48), 6 s.
►30-FO 371/68543. E 4640/4/31/48 : United Nations and Palestine: UN Political Commission. Security Council resolutions. Protection of Jerusalem. Trusteeship and immigration proposals. Food position. 4. Covers British policy on Palestine; UN Security Council truce resolution; U.S. trusteeship plan; and proceedings on Palestine in UN. Includes draft instructions to U.K. Delegation to the UN on British Palestine policy; British policy on Jerusalem trusteeship; information on Jewish immigration to Palestine; and British analysis of UN General Assembly proceedings on U.S. trusteeship plan. Also covers Jewish Agency opposition to UN Security Council truce resolution; Abdul Rahman Azzam and Arab League on trusteeship, truce negotiations, and impending war in Palestine; France proposal for international police force in Jerusalem; and Palestine food situation including successful Jewish convoys to Jerusalem. Includes proceedings of UN General Assembly First Committee; UN Palestine Commission report to UN General Assembly; Commission allegation of British obstructionism; and other issues -- 30-68543:2. E 4708/4/31/48 : Palestine: brief for the U.K. Delegation to the General Assembly, April 1948. Foreign Office, Eastern Department Head, Apr-15-48 (Apr-12-48), S., 19 s. -- 30-68543:13. E 4734/4/31/48 : Report by Commission to General Assembly. U.K. Delegation to the UN., Apr-16-48 (Apr-14-48), 4 s. -- 30-68543:17. E 4738/4/31/48 : Trusteeship for Palestine. Washington Embassy, Apr-16-48 (Mar-30-48), TS., 3 s. -- 30-68543:20. E 4756/4/31/48 : Palestine trusteeship. Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, Apr-16-48 (Apr-15-48), TS., 6 s. -- 30-68543:25. E 4757/4/31/48 : Palestine truce. U.K. Delegation to the UN., Apr-16-48 (Apr-15-48), 4 s. -- 30-68543:29. E 4765/4/31/48 : Palestine food supplies. U.K. Delegation to the UN., Apr-17-48 (Apr-16-48), S., 2 s. -- 30-68543:31. E 4766/4/31/48 : Palestine, views of Azzam Pasha. British Middle East Office Cairo, Apr-17-48 (Apr-15-48), S., 5 s. -- 30-68543:36. E 4771/4/31/48 : French proposal for an international poliçe force. U.K. Delegation to the UN., Apr-19-48 (Apr-17-48), 2 s. -- 30-68543:38. E 4772/4/31/48 : General Assembly, United States proposals U.K. Delegation to the UN., Apr-19-48 (Apr-17-48), 2 s. -- 30-68543:40. E 4773/4/31/48 : Jerusalem statute. Trusteeship Council meeting. U.K. Delegation to the UN., Apr-19-48 (Apr-17-48), S., 10 s. -- 30-68543:47. E 4774/4/31/48 : Information for Colonial Secretary's speech at General Assembly. U.K. Delegation to the UN., Apr-19-48 (Apr-17-48), S., 3 s. -- 30-68543:50. E 4775/4/31/48 : Palestine truce. U.K. Delegation to the UN., Apr-19-48 (Apr-17-48), 8 s. -- 30-68543:56. E 4776/4/31/48 : Palestine truce. U.K. Delegation to the UN., Apr-19-48 (Apr-17-48), 4 s. -- 30-68543:60. E 4777/4/31/48 : Food supply to Jerusalem. British Middle East Office Cairo, Apr-19-48 (Apr-17-48), S., 13 s. -- 30-68543:70. E 4828/4/31/48 : Palestine situation. Foreign Office, Apr-20-48 (Apr-15-48), 7 s. -- 30-68543:74. E 4862/4/31/48 : Palestine, General Assembly. Secretary of State for the Colonies, Apr-20-48 (Apr-19-48), TS., 15 s. -- 30-68543:86. E 4863/4/31/48 : Palestine, views of Arab League. Ambassador to Egypt, Apr-20-48 (Apr-17-48), 3 s. -- 30-68543:89. E 4864/4/31/48 : Palestine, General Assembly. U.K. Delegation to the UN., Apr-20-48 (Apr-19-48), 2 s. -- 30-68543:91. E 4873/4/31/48 : Jerusalem food supplies. British Middle East Office Cairo, Apr-20-48 (Apr-19-48), S., 5 s. -- 30-68543:94. E 4875/4/31/48 : Palestine trusteeship. High Commissioner for New Zealand, Apr-20-48 (Apr-13-48), TS., 8 s. -- 30-68543:100. E 4920/4/31/48 : H.M.G. Palestine policy. Prime Minister; Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, Apr-21-48 (Apr-15-48), S., 2 s. -- 30-68543:102. E 4921/4/31/48 : Palestine truce, statement by Moshe Shertok. U.K. Delegation to the UN., Apr-21-48 (Apr-16-48), 9 s. -- 30-68543:107. E 4926/4/31/48 : Trusteeship Council, United Kingdom representative. U.K. Delegation to the UN., Apr-21-48 (Apr-20-48), 2 s. -- 30-68543:109. E 4933/4/31/48 : General Assembly meetings. U.K. Delegation to the UN., Apr-21-48 (Apr-20-48), 3 s. -- 30-68543:112. E 4934/4/31/48 : Truce resolution. U.K. Delegation to the UN., Apr-21-48 (Apr-20-48), 2 s. -- 30-68543:114. E 4947/4/31/48 : General Assembly, Special Session. U.K. Delegation to the UN., Apr-21-48 (Apr-20-48), 4 s.
►30-F0 371/68544. E 4862/4/31/48 : United Nations and Palestine: UN Political Commission. Security Council resolutions. Protection of Jerusalem. Trusteeship and immigration proposals. Food position. 4. Covers truce resolution adopted by UN Security Council; formation of UN Security Council Truce Commission; proceedings of UN Trustee- ship Council; and debates in UN General Assembly First Committee including French proposals in for international Jerusalem poliçe force. Includes Harry S. Truman on possibility of U.S. troops contributing to UN police force; British policy on U.S. trusteeship plan and UN trusteeship statute for Jerusalem; Jewish Agency agreement to truce if Arabs first cease fire; and Abdul Rahman Azzam on situation in Palestine, deployment of Syrian troops near Palestine, and other issues. Covers battle for Haifa including British situation reports; actions of British armed forces; Arab proposals for truce in Haifa; concern of Carmalite Christians that Carmalite monastary would fall into Jewish hands after British withdrawal from Palestine; and other issues -- 30-68544:2. E 4949/4/31/48 : Palestine trusteeship position in Security Council. U.K. Delegation to the UN., Apr-21-48 (Apr-20-48), TS., 13 s. -- 30-68544:11. E 4984/4/31/48 : Palestine, truce proposals. Parliament, Apr-22-48 (Apr-19-48), 8 s. -- 30-68544:19. E 4991/4/31/48 : Discussion, Colonial Secretary and Dominion delegates. U.K. Delegation to the UN., Apr-22-48 (Apr-20-48), 3 s. -- 30-68544:22. E 4993/4/31/48 : Trusteeship Council. U.K. Delegation to the UN., Apr-22-48 (Apr-21-48), S., 4 s. -- 30-68544:26. E 4994/4/31/48 : Trusteeship Council. U.K. Delegation to the UN., Apr-22-48 (Apr-21-48), 3 s. -- 30-68544:28. E 4995/4/31/48 : General Assembly, First Committee. U.K. Delegation to the UN., Apr-22-48 (Apr-21-48), 4 s. -- 30-68544:32. E 4998/4/31/48 : Trusteeship Council, statement by Fletcher Cooke. U.K. Delegation to the UN., Apr-22-48 (Apr-21-48), 3 s. -- 30-68544:35. E 5019/4/31/48 : Situation at Haifa. Minister to Syria, Apr-22-48 (Apr-22-48), S., 8 s. -- 30-68544:43. E 5024/4/31/48 : Situation at Haifa. Minister to Lebanon, Apr-23-48 (Apr-22-48), 2 s. -- 30-68544:45. E 5025/4/31/48 : Situation at Haifa. Ambassador to Egypt, Apr-23-48 (Apr-22-48), S., 5 s. -- 30-68544:49. E 5026/4/31/48 : His Majesty's Government's Palestine policy. Washington Embassy, Apr-23-48 (Apr-22-48), 8 s. -- 30-68544:54. E 5027/4/31/48 : Situation at Haifa. U.K. Delegation to the UN., Apr-23-48 (Apr-22-48), 2 s. -- 30-68544:56. E 5028/4/31/48 : Situation at Haifa. Minister to Syria, Apr-23-48 (Apr-22-48), S., 3 s. -- 30-68544:[58a]. E 5029/4/31/48 : Documents retained in department of origin under Section 3 (4) of the Public Records Act, 1958, [Apr-48], 1 s. -- 30-68544:59. E 5072/4/31/48 : Palestine, truce resolution. U.K. Delegation to the UN., Apr-23-48 (Apr-22-48), 2 s. -- 30-68544:61. E 5073/4/31/48 : General Assembly meetings. U.K. Delegation to the UN., Apr-23-48 (Apr-22-48), 3 s. -- 30-68544:64. E 5074/4/31/48 : French proposal for an international poliçe force. U.K. Delegation to the UN., Apr-23-48 (Apr-22-48), S., 5 s. -- 30-68544:69. E 5076/4/31/48 : Palestine British policy. U.K. Delegation to the UN., Apr-23-48 (Apr-22-48), 3 s. -- 30-68544:72. E 5077/4/31/48 : General Assembly meetings. U.K. Delegation to the UN., Apr-23-48 (Apr-22-48), 4 s. -- 30-68544:76. E 5079/4/31/48 : Palestine, Arab military intentions. Minister to Syria, Apr-23-48 (Apr-23-48), S., 4 s. -- 30-68544:80. E 5102/4/31/48 : Situation at Haifa. Consul-General at Haifa, Apr-24-48 (Apr-23-48), S., 4 s. -- 30-68544:83. E 5104/4/31/48 : Situation at Haifa. British Middle East Office Cairo, Apr-24-48 (Apr-23-48), 2 s. -- 30-68544:85. E 5110/4/31/48 : United Nations Palestine Commission. U.K. Delegation to the UN., Apr-24-48 (Apr-23-48), 2 s. -- 30-68544:87. E 5112/4/31/48 : General Assembly meetings. U.K. Delegation to the UN., Apr-24-48 (Apr-23-48), 3 s. -- 30-68544:90. E 5113/4/31/48 : Security Council, truce resolution. U.K. Delegation to the UN., Apr-24-48 (Apr-23-48), 8 s. -- 30-68544:97. E 5116/4/31/48 : General Assembly meetings. First Committee. U.K. Delegation to the UN., Apr-24-48 (Apr-23-48), 4 s. -- 30-68544:101. E 5117/4/31/48 : Security Council. U.K. Delegation to the UN., Apr-24-48 (Apr-23-48), 4 s. -- 30-68544:105. E 5118/4/31/48 : General Assembly meetings. U.K. Delegation to the UN., Apr-24-48 (Apr-23-48), 6 s. -- 30-68544:111. E 5119/4/31/48 : Situation at Haifa. Minister to Syria, Apr-26-48 (Apr-23-48), S., 2 s. -- 30-68544:113. E 5120/4/31/48 : Situation at Haifa. Minister to Syria, Apr-26-48 (Apr-24-48), S., 2 s. -- 30-68544:115. E 5121/4/31/48 : Situation at Haifa. Minister to Syria, Apr-26-48 (Apr-24-48), S., 2 s. -- 30-68544:117. E 5122/4/31/48 : Situation at Haifa. Minister to Syria, Apr-26-48 (Apr-24-48), S., 2 s. -- 30-68544:119. E 5123/4/31/48 : Situation at Haifa. Minister to Syria, Apr-26-48 (Apr-24-48), S., 2 s. -- 30-68544:121. E 5124/4/31/48 : Situation at Haifa. Minister to Syria, Apr-26-48 (Apr-24-48), 2 s. -- 30-68544:123. E 5125/4/31/48 : Situation at Haifa. Minister to Syria, Apr-26-48 (Apr-24-48), 2 s. -- 30-68544:125. E 5126/4/31/48 : International police force, United States troops. Washington Embassy, Apr-26-48 (Apr-23-48), 2 s. -- 30-68544:127. E 5127/4/31/48 : Palestine, statement by Azzam Pasha. Cairo Embassy, Apr-26-48 (Apr-23-48), 2 s. 30-68544:129. E 5130/4/31/48 : Future of Carmalite monastery at Haifa. Ambassador to Egypt, Apr-26-48 (Apr-24-48), 2 s. -- 30-68544:131. E 5132/4/31/48 : Situation at Haifa. Consul-General at Haifa, Apr-26-48 (Apr-24-48), S., 2 s.
►30-FO 371/68545. E 5132/4/31/48 : United Nations and Palestine: UN Political Commission. Security Council resolutions. Protection of Jerusalem. Trusteeship and immigration proposals. Food position. 4. Covers reports of disorders in Haifa and Jaffa. Includes security situation in Jerusalem; situation reports on Haifa and updates on situation in Jaffa; evacuation plans for Egyptian citizens in Palestine; and Abdul Rahman Azzam on armed Arab intervention in Palestine. Also covers Syrian withdrawal from UN Consular Commission on trusteeship; proceedings on Palestine of UN Security Council, UN Trusteeship Council, and UN General Assembly First Committee; text of U.S.-sponsored truce agreement; UN discussion of truces for Palestine, trusteeship plans, French resolution on international poliçe force for Jerusalem; and other issues -- 30-68545:2. E 5133/4/31/48 : French resolution for international poliçe force. U.K. Delegation to the UN., Apr-26-48 (Apr-24-48), S., 4 s. -- 30-68545:5. E 5134/4/31/48 : Trusteeship implementation. Consular Commission. U.K. Delegation to the UN., Apr-26-48 (Apr-24-48), 2 s. -- 30-68545:7. E 5135/4/31/48 : Palestine situation. Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, Adviser on Palestine, Apr-26-48 (Apr-25-48), S., 3 s. -- 30-68545:10. E 5136/4/31/48 : Situation at Haifa. British Middle East Office Cairo, Apr-26-48 (Apr-24-48), 7 s. -- 30-68545:15. E 5194/4/31/48 : Situation at Haifa. Consul-General at Haifa, Apr-26-48 (Apr-25-48), S., 5 s. -- 30-68545:[19a]. E 5166/4/31/48 : Documents retained in department of origin under Section 3 (4) of the Public Records Act, 1958, [Apr-48], 1 s. -- 30-68545:20. E 5270/4/31/48 : Palestine: discussions in the Security Council. U.K. Delegation to the UN., Apr-27-48 (Apr-24-48), S., 4 s. -- 30-68545:24. E 5277/4/31/48 : French resolution on Jerusalem. U.K. Delegation to the UN., Apr-27-48 (Apr-26-48), S., 6 s. -- 30-68545:30. E 5278/4/31/48 : General Assembly debates. U.K. Delegation to the UN., Apr-27-48 (Apr-26-48), 3 s. -- 30-68545:33. E 5280/4/31/48 : Evacuation of Egyptian colony in Haifa. Ambassador to Egypt, Apr-27-48 (Apr-26-48), 3 s. -- 30-68545:36. E 5281/4/31/48 : Syrians in Haifa. Minister to Syria, Apr-27-48 (Apr-26-48), 2 s. -- 30-68545:38. E 5300/4/31/48 : Evacuation of Egyptian nationals from Palestine. Ambassador to Egypt, Apr-28-48 (Apr-27-48), 3 s. -- 30-68545:41. E 5307/4/31/48 : Visit by the Syrian Minister in connexion with recent events in Haifa. Foreign Office, Permanent Under-Secretary of State, Apr-28-48 (Apr-24-48), 7 s. -- 30-68545:47. E 5316/4/31/48 : U.S. interpretation of British policy in Palestine. Foreign Office, Eastern Department Head, Apr-28-48 (Apr-22-48), 7 s. -- 30-68545:[50b]. E 5317/4/31/48 : Documents retained in department of origin under Section 3 (4) of the Public Records Act, 1958, [Apr-48], 1 s. -- 30-68545:51. E 5318/4/31/48 : United Nations Palestine Commission. High Commissioner for Palestine, Apr-28-48 (Apr-22-48), S., 4 s. -- 30-68545:54. E 5343/4/31/48 : Palestine discussions in New York: U.S. truce agreement. U.K. Delegation to the UN., Apr-28-48 (Apr-27-48), TS., 17 s. -- 30-68545:68. E 5357/4/31/48 : Trusteeship Council. U.K. Delegation to the UN., Apr-28-48 (Apr-27-48), 4 s. -- 30-68545:72. E 5358/4/31/48 : General Assembly, First Committee. U.K. Delegation to the UN., Apr-28-48 (Apr-27-48), 4 s. -- 30-68545:76. E 5359/4/31/48 : General Assembly, First Committee. U.K. Delegation to the UN., Apr-28-48 (Apr-27-48), 4 s. -- 30-68545:80. E 5360/4/31/48 : Trusteeship Council. U.K. Delegation to the UN., Apr-28-48 (Apr-27-48), S., 3 s. -- 30-68545:83. E 5376/4/31/48 : Situation at Haifa. Ambassador to Egypt, Apr-29-48 (Apr-24-48), 3 s. -- 30-68545:86. E 5390/4/31/48 : Situation at Haifa. Minister to Syria, Apr-29-48 (Apr-27-48), S., 2 s. -- 30-68545:88. E 5399/4/31/48 : Situation at Jaffa. British Middle East Office Cairo, Apr-29-48 (Apr-28-48), 6 s. -- 30-68545:93. E 5404/4/31/48 : Trusteeship Council. U.K. Delegation to the UN., Apr-29-48 (Apr-28-48), 3 s. -- 30-68545:96. E 5406/4/31/48 : Evacuation of Egyptian nationals from Palestine. Ambassador to Egypt, Apr-29-48 (Apr-29-48), 4 s. -- 30-68545:100. E 5407/4/31/48 : General Assembly, First Committee meetings. U.K. Delegation to the UN., Apr-29-48 (Apr-28-48), 3 s. -- 30-68545:102. E 5408/4/31/48 : General Assembly meetings. First Committee. U.K. Delegation to the UN., Apr-29-48 (Apr-28-48), 2 s. -- 30-68545:104. E 5409/4/31/48 : General Assembly, First Committee meetings. U.K. Delegation to the UN., Apr-29-48 (Apr-28-48), 3 s.
►30-31-FO 371/68546. E 5533/4/31/48 : United Nations and Palestine: UN Political Commission. Security Council resolutions. Protection of Jerusalem. Trusteeship and immigration proposals. Food position. 4. Covers trusteeship and truce negotiations at UN; military situation in Palestine; British analysis of U.S. policy on Palestine; and other issues. Covers proceedings of UN Trusteeship Council, UN General Assembly First Committee, and UN Security Council Truce Commission. Includes truce negotiations for Jerusalem; French resolution on Jerusalem; discussion of Jerusalem trusteeship statutes; UN Trusteeship Council discussion of truce negotiations and U.S. trusteeship plan; and Jewish Agency opposition to U.S. trusteeship plan. Also includes general situation in Palestine; arrival of Palestine food imports; Arab states consideration of armed intervention, concern for British troops in Gaza and for Haifa military situation, and decision to infiltrate troops into Palestine before end of mandate and use regular armies after British withdrawal. Also includes Minister to Transjordan analysis of Palestine situation; Harold Beeley analysis of U.S. policy and proceedings of UN; British summary of Arab states' policy on Palestine; ccommodations in Palestine for UN Palestine Commission; and other issues -- 30-68546:2. E 5534/4/31/48 : Palestine food supplies. U.K. Delegation to the UN., May-3-48 (May-1-48), S., 5 s. -- 30-68546:7. E 5535/4/31/48 : Trusteeship Council. U.K. Delegation to the UN., May-3-48 (May-1-48), S., 3 s. -- 30-68546:10. E 5542/4/31/48 : Jerusalem truce. Ambassador to Egypt, May-3-48 (May-1-48), 2 s. -- 30-68546:12. E 5544/4/31/48 : Jerusalem truce. Minister to Syria, May-3-48 (May-2-48), S., 2 s. -- 30-68546:14. E 5545/4/31/48 : Situation at Jerusalem. Minister to Syria, May-3-48 (May-2-48), S., 2 s. -- 30-68546:16. E 5576/4/31/48 : The French resolution on Jerusalem.Washington Embassy, Minister, May-3-48 (Apr-28-48), 2 s. -- 30-68546:18. E 5594/4/31/48 : Situation in Palestine: activities of Arab states. Minister to Transjordan, May-3-48 (May-1-48), S., 3 s. -- 30-68546:21. E 5595/4/31/48 : Situation in Palestine: activities of Arab states. Minister to Transjordan, May-3-48 (May-2-48), TS., 3 s. -- 30-68546:24. E 5598/4/31/48 : New York discussions on Palestine. Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, Adviser on Palestine, May-3-48 (Apr-24-48), 3 s. -- 30-68546:27. E 5520/4/31/48 : Palestine. Statement by Senor Azcarate. Secretary of State for the Colonies, May-1-48 (Apr-30-48), 2 s. -- 30-68546:29. E 5521/4/31/48 : General Assembly, First Committee meetings. U.K. Delegation to the UN., May-1-48 (Apr-30-48), 4 s. -- 30-68546:33. E 5524/4/31/48 : Trusteeship Council. U.K. Delegation to the UN., May-1-48 (Apr-30-48), 14 s. -- 30-68546:41. E 5529/4/31/48 : Palestine, Arab intervention. Minister to Transjordan, May-3-48 (May-1-48), S., 2 s. -- 30-68546:43. E 5531/4/31/48 : Trusteeship Council. U.K. Delegation to the UN., May-3-48 (May-1-48), 4 s. -- 30-68546:47. E 5532/4/31/48 : Palestine First Committee discussions. U.K. Delegation to the UN., May-3-48 (May-1-48), 3 s. -- 30-68546:50. E 5533/4/31/48 : Trusteeship Council. U.K. Delegation to the UN., May-3-48 (May-1-48), 6 s. -- 30-68546:56. E 5499/4/31/48 : Palestine: position in New York. Secretary of State for the Colonies, Apr-30-48 (Apr-28-48), TS., 6 s. -- 30-68546:60. E 5509/4/31/48 : Palestine: position in Jerusalem. Ambassador to U.S., May-1-48 (May-29-48), S., 3 s. -- 30-68546:63. E 5515/4/31/48 : King Abdullah's reply to Truce Commission. Amman Legation, May-1-48 (Apr-30-48), 2 s. -- 30-68546:65. E 5519/4/31/48 : General Assembly, First Committee meetings. U.K. Delegation to the UN., May-1-48 (Apr-30-48), 3 s. -- 30-68546:68. E 5423/4/31/48 : United Nations discussions on Palestine: position of Jerusalem. Minister to Syria, Apr-29-48 (Apr-28-48), S., 3 s. -- 30-68546:71. E 5424/4/31/48 : Palestine: position in Jerusalem. Ambassador to Egypt, Apr-29-48 (May-28-48), S., 2 s. -- 30-68546:73. E 5425/4/31/48 : Palestine: position in Jerusalem. Ambassador to U.S., Apr-29-48 (Apr-28-48), TS., 13 s. -- 30-68546:83. E 5429/4/31/48 : Arab truce proposal, for Jerusalem. Cairo Embassy, Apr-29-48 (Apr-29-48), 2 s. -- 30-68546:85. E 5458/4/31/48 : Situation in Haifa. Ambassador to Iraq, Apr-30-48 (Apr-27-48), S., 2 s. -- 30-31-68546:87. E 5460/4/31/48 : United Nations Consular Commission. U.K. Delegation to the UN., Apr-30-48 (Apr-29-48), S., 13 s.
Reprodüksiyon Notu
Mikrofilm. Bethesda, MD : University Publications of America, 1980. 1 mikrofilm makarası : pozitif ; 35 mm. 1 April 1948(22 March 1948)-30 April 1948(29 April 1948)
Emeği Geçenler
Kesaris, Paul, prj. koord.
Kurum Adı
Great Britain. Foreign Office.
University Publications of America (UPA)