Confidential British Foreign Office political correspondence. Palestine and Transjordan, 1940-1946 [mikroform] / project coordinator Paul Kesaris.

Dil Kodu
Yer Numarası
Eser Adının Farklı Biçimi
Palestine and Transjordan, 1940-1946
Yayın Bilgisi
Bethesda, MD : University Publications of America, 1983.
Fiziksel Niteleme
1 mikrofilm makarası (896 poz) : pozitif ; 35 mm.
Genel Not
Public Record Office (Kew, London) FO371/35038'de kayıtlıdır.
Bu seri 35 makaradan oluşmaktadır.
Bibliyografi, vb. Notu
Mikrofilmin indeksi B.I/6612 yer numarasında kayıtlıdır.
İçindekiler Notu
► 12-13-FO 371/35038. E 5161/87/31/43 : Palestine arms case. 87. Covers jurisdiction and sentencing practices of military court in Palestine; military trial in Palestine on illegal arms traffic allegedly linked to Jewish Agency for Palestine and Jewish units of Palestinian armed forces; U.S. press reports of trial; Jewish Agency for Palestine response. Includes British strategy to educate U.S. public opinion; U.S. press coverage of Mideast; U.S. Jewish opposition to Zionism; Presidential envoy Harold B. Hoskins' visit with King Ibn Saud; Joint Anglo-United States statement on Palestine; and other issues -- 13-35038:98. E 5543/87/31/43 : Zionist activities in the Middle East. Washington Embassy, Sep-16-43 (Sep-15-43), S., 2 s. -- 13-35038:100. E 5544/87/31/43 : Immigration of Jews into Palestine. High Commissioner for Palestine, Sep-16-43 (Sep-10-43), S., 6 s. -- 13-35038:105. E 5545/87/31/43 : Anti-Zionist articles in Bagdad press. Bagdad Embassy, Sep-16-43 (Sep-14-43), 2 s. -- 13-35038:107. E 5554/87/31/43 : Conversations between Ibn Saud and Colonel Hoskins at Riyadh. Jedda Legation, Sep-16-43 (Aug-31-43), 9 s. -- 13-35038:115. E 5555/87/31/43 : Situation in Palestine and the Palestine arms trial. Jewish Telegraphic Agency, Ltd., Sep-16-43 (Sep-8-43), 3 s. -- 13-35038:117. E 5583/87/31/43 : Emergency Committee to Save the Jewish people of Europe. Washington Embassy, Sep-18-43 (Sep-9-43), 10 s. -- 13-35038:124. E 5594/87/31/43 : Anti-Zionist campaign in the Bagdad press. Bagdad Embassy, Sep-18-43 (Sep-17-43), 5 s. -- 13-35038:129. E 5667/87/31/43 : Enlistment of Palestinians. High Commissioner for Palestine, Sep-23-43 (Aug-28-43), MS., 3 s. -- 13-35038:131. E 5697/87/31/43 : Future of Palestine. Minister Resident in the Middle East, Sep-24-43 (Sep-22-43), 4 s. -- 13-35038:134. E 5702/87/31/43 : Palestine arms trial. Washington Embassy, Sep-24-43 (Sep-22-43), 7 s. -- 13-35038:139. E 5758/87/31/43 : Question of Miss Freya Stark visiting the United States of America to state the Arab viewpoint on the Palestinian question. Ministry of Information, Sep-27-43 (Sep-22-43), 2 s. -- 13-35038:141. E 5763/87/31/43 : Situation in Palestine: arms and ammunition held by Jews and Arabs. Ralph Glyn, Sep-27-43 (Sep-10-43), 14 s. -- 13-35038:152. E 5773/87/31/43 : Palestine arms trial. Washington Embassy, Sep-28-43 (Sep-18-43), 2 s. -- 13-35038:154. E 5782/87/31/43 : Palestine arms trial. General Officer Commanding Palestine and Transjordan, Sep-28-43 (Sep-22-43), S., 3 s.
►13-FO 371/35039. E 5697/87/31/43 : Activities of Zionists in Middle East. 87. Covers military court proceedings, sentencing, and subsequent Jewish outcry over arms trials. Includes discussion of Joint Anglo-United States statement on Palestine; immigration quotas; speeches, proceedings, organization, and resolutions of American Jewish Conference of August 1943; formation of British gendarmerie; and other issues -- 13-35039:1a. E 5810/87/31/43 : Documents retained in department of origin under Section 3 (4) of the Public Records Act, 1958, [Sep-43], 1 s. -- 13-35039:1b. E 5811/87/31/43 : Palestine: proposal to carry a canal from the Litani or Upper Jordan to the Beersheba sub-district. High Commissioner for Palestine, Sep-30-43 (Aug-16-43), 8 s. -- 13-35039:7. E 5824/87/31/43 : Palestine arms trial. High Commissioner for Palestine, Sep-30-43 (Sep-27-43), MS., 7 s. -- 13-35039:13. E 5826/87/31/43 : Palestine arms trial. Stephen S. Wise, Sep-30-43 (Sep-16-43), 12 s. -- 13-35039:25. E 5825/87/31/43 : Immigration into Palestine. High Commissioner for Palestine, Sep-30-43 (Sep-22-43), S., 16 s. -- 13-35039:40. E 5835/87/31/43 : Information about the Jews for Miss Freya Stark. Foreign Office, Sep-30-43 (Sep-23-43), 21 s. -- 13-35039:54. E 5836/87/31/43 : Conference of religious youth held in Burford regarding Palestine. Colonial Office, Sep-30-43 (Sep-29-43), 9 s. -- 13-35039:61. E 5853/87/31/43 : Palestine gendarmerie. Secretary of State for the Colonies, Oct-1-43 (Sep-28-43), MS., 12 s. -- 13-35039:69. E 5926/87/31/43 : American Jewish Conference held in New York 29th August to 2nd September. Washington Embassy, Oct-5-43 (Sep-23-43), 91 s. -- 13-35039:147. E 5955/87/31/43 : Palestine arms trial. Colonial Office, Oct-6-43 (Oct-4-43), 10 s. -- 13-35039:156. E 5988/87/31/43 : Proposed Anglo-United States statement on the question of Palestine. U.S. Ambassador to U.K., Oct-7-43 (Oct-2-43), 6 s. -- 13-35039:161. E 5989/87/31/43 : Jewish arms cases. High Commissioner for Palestine, Oct-8-43 (Oct-6-43), MS., 5 s. -- 13-35039:165. E 5999/87/31/43 : Discovery of ammunition at the Jewish settlement of Huida. High Commissioner for Palestine, Oct-8-43 (Oct-5-43), S., 2 s. -- 13-35039:167. E 6009/87/31/43 : Jewish arms cases - trial of Sacherov. High Commissioner for Palestine, Oct-8-43 (Oct-7-43), S., 4 s. -- 13-35039:171. E 6027/87/31/43 : The Palestine settlement and the question of a Greater Syria. Lord Moyne, Oct-9-43 (Sep-43), MS., 38 s.
► 13-FO 371/35040. E 6027/87/31/43 : Plan for the partition of Palestine. 87. Covers War Cabinet discussion of British policy in Middle East; various partition plans of members of British government; population and land use data; and resettlement schemes in Tripolitania, Cyrenaica, Eritrea, Somaliland, Ethiopia, and Madagascar. Documents Jewish and Arab reaction to Jewish illegal arms trial; formation of British gendarmerie; and Joint Anglo-United States statement on Palestine. Includes Zionist activities in U.S.; U.S. public opinion on Zionism; U.S. press on Jewish life in Palestine; and other issues, -- 13-35040:1a. E 6028/87/31/43 : Palestine question in its relation to our Middle Eastern policy. Foreign Office, [Oct-3-43] ([Oct-43]), MS., 40 s. -- 13-35040:25. E 6135/87/31/43 : Discovery of ammunition at Huida settlement. High Commissioner for Palestine, Oct-13-43 (Oct-8-43), MS., 5 s. -- 13-35040:30. E 6196/87/31/43 : Proposed tour of Middle Eastern Jewish communities by Ministry of Information Jewish representative. Ministry of Information, Oct-15-43 (Oct-11-43), 9 s. -- 13-35040:36. E 6270/87/31/43 : Zionist activity in the United States of America. Chief Secretary's Office, Jerusalem, Oct-19-43 (Aug-13-43), S., 11 s. -- 13-35040:44. E 6282/87/31/43 : Palestine arms cases. Commander in Chief Middle East, Oct-20-43 (Oct-16-43), MS., 5 s. -- 13-35040:48. E 6311/87/31/43 : Palestine. High Commissioner for Palestine, Oct-21-43 (Oct-11-43), MS., 8 s. -- 13-35040:53. E 6318/87/31/43 : Immigration into Palestine. High Commissioner for Palestine, Oct-21-43 (Oct-17-43), S., 11 s. -- 13-35040:59. E 6328/87/31/43 : Revisionist Zionist activity in the United States. Washington Embassy, Oct-21-43 (Oct-14-43), 27 s. -- 13-35040:69. E 6338/87/31/43 : Alleged banning of the New Palestine from delivery in Palestine. Colonial Office, Oct-21-43 (Oct-21-43), 7 s. -- 13-35040:75. E 6378/87/31/43 : Foreign Office memorandum on the joint Anglo-United States statement on Palestine. Foreign Office, Oct-22-43 (Oct-13-43), MS., 8 s. -- 13-35040:82. E 6390/87/31/43 : Attitude of Arabs towards the Jewish arms trials in Palestine. High Commissioner for Palestine, Oct-23-43 (Oct-22-43), S., 16 s. -- 13-35040:97. E 6405/87/31/43 : Palestine: possibility of Jewish satellite colonies in Tripolitania, Cyrenaica, Eritrea, Somaliland, Ethiopia, and Madagascar. Foreign Office, Oct-25-43 (Oct-19-43), 9 s. -- 13-35040:105. E 6497/87/31/43 : Proposed tour of the Middle East by Ministry of Information Jewish representative. Colonial Office, Oct-28-43 (Oct-26-43), 4 s. -- 13-35040:108. E 6531/87/31/43 : Possibility of Jewish settlement in Cyrenaica, Tripolitania, and Eritrea after the war. Foreign Office Research Department, Oct-29-43 (Oct-21-43), MS., 16 s. -- 13-35040:116. E 6543/87/31/43 : Survey of American opinions on Zionism. Washington Embassy, Oct-30-43 (Oct-14-43), 12 s. -- 13-35040:127. E 6558/87/31/43 : Zionist organisation of America. Consul-General at New York, Oct-30-43 (Oct-23-43), 4 s. -- 13-35040:130. E 6591/87/31/43 : Jewish emigration to Palestine. Washington Embassy, Nov 1-43 (Oct-15-43, 11 s. -- 13-35040:137. E 6608/87/31/43 : Palestine arms trial. Washington Embassy, Nov-2-43 (Oct-14-43), 5 s. -- 13-35040:142. E 6611/87/31/43 : Palestine gendarmerie. Colonial Office, Nov-2-43 (Nov-1-43), S., 4 s. -- 13-35040:146. E 6616/87/31/43 : Palestine. Secretary of State for the Colonies, Nov-2-43 (Nov-1-43), MS., 48 s. -- 13-35040:180. E 6618/87/31/43 : Ben Gurion's resignation from the chairmanship of the Jewish Agency executive. High Commissioner for Palestine, Nov-2-43 (Oct-30-43), S., 6 s. -- 13-35040:184. E 6629/87/31/43 :Harrar Council - Council for an Autonomous Jewish province in the Harrar. Council for an Autonomous Jewish province in Harrar, Nov-3-43 (Sep-43), 2 s.
► 13-FO 371/35041. E 6642/87/31/43 : British propaganda in Palestine. 87. Covers War Cabinet discussion of various partition plans; military court arms trial implicating Jewish organizations; formation of British gendarmerie; Joint Anglo-United States statement on Palestine; Jewish immigration quotas; internal divisions of Zionism; American Jewish Conference; proposed tour of Middle East Jewish communities by Ministry of Information; enlistment data on Palestinian armed forces; presidential envoy Harold B. Hoskins' visit with King Ibn Saud; and other issues, -- 13-35041:1a. E 6642/87/31/43 : Documents retained in department of origin under Section 3 (4) of the Public Records Act, 1958, [Nov-43], 1 s. -- 13-35041:2. E 6651/87/31/43 : Proposed tour of the Middle East by Minister of State Jewish representative. Bagdad Embassy, Nov-4-43 (Nov-2-43), 2 s. -- 13-35041:4. E 6679/87/31/43 : nlistment of Palestinians. High Commissioner for Palestine, Nov-4-43 (Nov-2-43), MS., 3 s. -- 13-35041:6. E 6723/87/31/43 : Palestine arms trial. High Commissioner for Palestine, Nov-6-43 (Nov-2-43), S., 3 s. -- 13-35041:9. E 6785/87/31/43 : Immigration quota into Palestine. High Commissioner for Palestine, Nov-9-43 (Nov-8-43), 3 s. -- 13-35041:11. E 6786/87/31/43 : Postponement of Dr. Weizmann's proposed visit to Palestine; reaction of Ben Gurion's resignation. High Commissioner for Palestine, Nov-9-43 (Nov-5-43), MS., 3 s. -- 13-35041:13. E 6788/87/31/43 : Palestine. Foreign Office, Nov-9-43 (Nov-5-43), 13 s. -- 13-35041:23. E 6801/87/31/43 : Rabbi Silver; termination of Jewish immigration in Palestine. Washington Embassy, Nov-10-43 (Nov-8-43), 2 s. -- 13-35041:25. E 6822/87/31/43 : American Jewish Committee attitude on conference explained at press parley. Harold B. Hoskins, Nov-10-43 (Nov-9-43), 6 s. -- 13-35041:30. E 6877/87/31/43 : Palestine. War Cabinet Committee on Palestine, Nov-12-43 (Nov-4-43), MS., 15 s. -- 13-35041:42. E 6880/87/31/43 : Harrar Council - Council for an autonomous Jewish Province in the Harrar. Addis Ababa Legation, Nov-12-43 (Oct-25-43), 3 s. -- 13-35041:44. E 6895/87/31/43 : Jewish immigration into Palestine. Secretary of State for the Colonies, Nov-13-43 (Nov-10-43), S., 10 s. -- 13-35041:51. E 6896/87/31/43 : Proposed Anglo-United States statement on Palestine. Office of the Minister Resident in the Middle East, Nov-13-43 (Nov-6-43), S., 2 s. -- 13-35041:53. E 6916/87/31/43 : Palestine: Joint Anglo-United States statement. Office of the Minister Resident in the Middle East, Nov-13-43 (Nov-8-43), 10 s. -- 13-35041:60. E 6945/87/31/43 : U.S. mission to Saudi Arabia regarding Palestine. Harold B. Hoskins, Nov-4-43 (Nov-3-43), 20 s. -- 13-35041:75. E 6951/87/31/43 : Jewish immigration into Palestine. Ambassador to U.S., Nov-14-43 (Nov-12-43), 6 s. -- 3-35041:80. E 6985/87/31/43 : Recent anti-Jewish agitation in Bagdad. Foreign Office, Nov-15-43 (Nov-9-43), 5 s. -- 13-35041:84. E 7039/87/31/43 : Mr. A. Abraham's proposed visit to Palestine. Secretary of State for the Colonies, Nov-16-43 (Oct-27-43), S., 7 s. -- 13-35041:89. E 7074/87/31/43 : Palestine arms trial. Secretary of State for the Colonies, Nov-17-43 (Nov-15-43), S., 12 s. -- 13-35041:99. E 7075/87/31/43 : Jewish propaganda in the United States of America. Ben Hecht, Nov-17-43 (Nov-6-43), 10 s. -- 13-35041:103. E 7082/87/31/43 : Jewish immigration into Palestine. Secretary of State for the Colonies, Nov-17-43 (Oct-25-43), S., 5 s. -- 13-35041:107. E 7128/87/31/43 : Jewish immigration into Palestine and Jewish attitude towards the Lebanese crisis. High Commissioner for Palestine, Nov-19-43 (Nov-15-43), S., 3 s. -- 13-35041:110. E 7157/87/31/43 : Recent anti-Jewish agitation in Bagdad. Ambassador to U.S., Nov-19-43 (Nov-17-43), 2 s. -- 13-35041:112. E 7236/87/31/43 : Palestine gendarmerie. Secretary of State for the Colonies, Nov-22-43 (Nov-19-43), 4 s. -- 13-35041:116. E 7276/87/31/43 : Violent reaction to search carried out at Ramat Ha Kovesh. Commander in Chief Middle East, Nov-23-43 (Novl8-43), MS., 12 s. -- 13-35041:124. E 7277/87/31/43 : Riot in Tel Aviv. High Commissioner for Palestine, Nov-23-43 (Nov-20-43), MS., 8 s. -- 13-35041:130. E 7321/87/31/43 : Search of Ramet Hakovesh. High Commissioner for Palestine, Nov-24-43 (Nov-22-43), MS., 10 s. -- 13-35041:136. E 7344/87/31/43 : Palestine: settlement of the Jewish question. War Cabinet Committee on Palestine, Nov-25-43 (Nov-16-43), MS., 21 s. -- 13-35041:152. E 7355/87/31/43 : Conversation between Nahum Goldman and Isaiah Berlin. Washington Embassy, Nov-25-43 (Nov-15-43), S., 7 s. -- 13-35041:159. E 7419/87/31/43 : Search of Jewish settlement of Ramat Hakovesh. High Commissioner for Palestine, Nov-27-43 (Nov-20-43), MS., 4 s. -- 13-35041:162. E 7420/87/31/43 : Search of Jewish settlement of Ramat Hakovesh. High Commissioner for Palestine, Nov-27-43 (Nov-24-43), MS., 6 s. -- 13-35041:166. E 7468/87/31/43 : Banning of New Palestine. Colonial Office, Nov-29-43 (Nov-26-43), 7 s. -- 13-35041:171. E 7469/87/31/43 : Arms smuggled into Palestine. Arab Union, Nov-29-43 (Nov-10-43), 3 s. -- 13-35041:174. E 7511/87/31/43 : Proposed visit to England of Dr. David Bergman. Ambassador to U.S., Dec-1-43 (Nov-29-43), 12 s. -- 13-35041:184. E 7536/87/31/43 : Discovery of ammunition at Huida settlement. High Commissioner for Palestine, Dec-2-43 (Nov-29-43), MS., 2 s. -- 13-35041:186. E 7640/87/31/43 : Enlistment of Palestinians. High Commissioner for Palestine, Dec-6-43 (Nov-23-43), MS., 3 s. -- 13-35041:189. E 7649/87/31/43 : Searches of Jewish settlements for Polish deserters. High Commissioner for Palestine, Dec-7-43 (Nov-27-43), MS., 3 s. -- 13-35041:191. E 7665/87/31/43 : Proposed visit of Mr. Goodman to Palestine. Colonial Office, Dec-7-43 (Dec-4-43), 3 s. -- 13-35041:193. E 7667/87/31/43 : Attitude of American Zionists towards British policy in Palestine. Washington Embassy, Dec-7-43 (Nov-29-43), 9 s.
► 13-14-FO 371/35042 : Immigration of Jews into Palestine. 87. Covers War Cabinet discussion of and report on partition of Palestine and long-term British policy in region; military court arms trial; Joint Anglo-United States statement on Palestine; U.S. statement on Palestine; Ministry of Information tour of Middle East Jewish communities; British analysis of Zionist propaganda in United States; and British predictions of postwar Jewish revolt. Includes internal divisions of Zionism; withdrawal of American Jewish Committee from American Jewish Conference of August 1943; Jewish Agency Executive visit to London to discuss issues with Chaim Weizmann; worldwide appraisal of New Zionist Movement; and other issues -- 13-35042:2. E 7689/87/31/43 : Jewish opinion in United States, October 1942-October 1943. Foreign Office Research Department, Dec-8-43 (Nov-29-43), 6 s. -- 13-14-35042:5. E 7690/87/31/43 : Withdrawal of American Jewish Committee from American Jewish Conference. Ambassador to U.S., Dec-8-43 (Nov-27-43), 18 s.
Reprodüksiyon Notu
Mikrofilm. Bethesda, MD : University Publications of America, 1983. 1 mikrofilm makarası : pozitif ; 35 mm. 13 September 1943(3 September 1943)-8 December 1943(27 November 1943)
Emeği Geçenler
Kesaris, Paul, prj. koord.
Kurum Adı
Great Britain. Foreign Office.
University Publications of America (UPA).