Confidential British Foreign Office political correspondence. Palestine and Transjordan, 1940-1946 [mikroform] / project coordinator Paul Kesaris

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Eser Adının Farklı Biçimi
Palestine and Transjordan, 1940-1946
Yayın Bilgisi
Bethesda, MD : University Publications of America, 1983.
Fiziksel Niteleme
1 mikrofilm makarası (1068 poz) : pozitif ; 35 mm.
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Public Record Office (Kew, London) FO371/40125'de kayıtlıdır.
Bu seri 35 makaradan oluşmaktadır.
Bibliyografi, vb. Notu
Mikrofilmin indeksi B.I/6612 yer numarasında kayıtlıdır.
İçindekiler Notu
► 15-FO 371/40125. E 8114/26/31/43 : Situation in Palestine. 17. Covers renewed terrorist bombing campaigns by Irgun Zvai Leumi and Stem Group directed at British police forces in Palestine. Also includes situation reports on arrests, seizures, and specific terrorist incidents, 15-40125:2. E 17/17/31/44 : Situation in Palestine. General Officer Commanding Palestine and Transjordan, Jan-1-44 (Dec-22-43), 7 s. -- 15-40125:8. E 100/17/31/44 : Arming of Jews in Palestine: possible Jewish revolt. Bagdad Embassy, Jan-3-44 (Dec-22-43), S., 5 s. -- 15-40125:12. E 441/17/31/44 : Palestine: search of Ramat Hakovesh. High Commissioner for Palestine, Jan-20-44 (Dec-1-43), MS., 11 s. -- 15-40125:19. E 688/17/31/44 : Seizure of illegal arms in Palestine. Colonial Office, Jan-31-44 (Jan-27-44), S., 5 s. -- 15-40125:24. E 721/17/31/44 : Situation in Palestine and Transjordan. High Commissioner for Palestine, Feb-2-44 (Jan-28-44), S., 10 s. -- 15-40125:31. E 953/17/31/44 : Situation in Palestine and Transjordan. General Officer Commanding Palestine and Transjordan, Feb-11-44 (Feb-2-44), MS., 7 s. -- 15-40125:37. E 955/17/31/44 : Documents retained in department of origin under Section 3 (4) of the Public Records Act, 1958, [Feb-44], 1 s. -- 15-40125:38. E 1028/17/31/44 : Smuggling of rough diamonds into Palestine. Criminal Investigation Division, Assistant Inspector General, Feb-14-44 (Jan-11-44), S., 6 s. -- 15-40125:42. E 1234/17/31/44 : Bomb outrages in Palestine. High Commissioner for Palestine, Feb-24-44 (Feb-13-44), S., 10 s. -- 15-40125:48. E 1353/17/31/44 : Bomb outrages in Palestine. High Commissioner for Palestine, Mar-1-44 (Feb-27-44), S., 6 s. -- 15-40125:52. E 1751/17/31/44 : Situation in Palestine. General Officer Commanding Palestine and Transjordan, Mar-18-44 (Mar-6-44), S., 8 s. -- 15-40125:59. E 1958/17/31/44 : Jewish terrorization in Palestine. High Commissioner for Palestine, Mar-28-44 (Mar-24-44), MS., 3 s. -- 15-40125:61. E 1959/17/31/44 : Outrages perpetrated by Jews in Palestine. High Commissioner for Palestine, Mar-28-44 (Mar-24-44), 8 s. -- 15-40125:66. E 2017/17/31/44 : Outrages committed by Jews in Palestine. Ambassador to Egypt, Mar-30-44 (Mar-28-44), 2 s. -- 15-40125:68. E 2088/17/31/44 : Jewish terrorism in Palestine. High Commissioner for Palestine, Apr-4-44 (Mar-26-44), MS., 14 s. -- 15-40125:76. E 2089/17/31/44 : Situation in Palestine and Trans-Jordan. High Commissioner for Palestine, Apr-4-44 (Mar-27-44), S., 4 s. -- 15-40125:79. E 2090/17/31/44 : Request for information regarding Palestine and Transjordan police forces, and Jewish enlistment. Washington Embassy, Apr-4-44 (Mar-24-44), 4 s. -- 15-40125:83. E 2141/17/31/44 : Jewish outrages in Palestine. High Commissioner for Palestine, Apr-6-44 (Apr-2-44), TS., 5 s. -- 15-40125:86. E 2168/17/31/44 : Jewish terrorist outrages in Palestine. Parliament, Apr-7-44 (Apr-5-44), 3 s. -- 15-40125:88. E 2234/17/31/44 : Disturbance in Yavniel Jewish colony (near Tiberias). High Commissioner for Palestine, Apr-12-44 (Apr-7-44), 3 s. -- 15-40125:90. E 2238/17/31/44 : Jewish attacks on police in Palestine: policy of Stem Group. High Commissioner for Palestine, Apr-12-44 (Apr-6-44), TS., 3 s. -- 15-40125:92. E 2254/17/31/44 : Assaults on British police in Palestine. High Commissioner for Palestine, Apr-13-44 (Apr-10-44), S., 2 s. -- 15-40125:94. E 2277/17/31/44 : Situation in Palestine. General Officer Commanding Palestine and Transjordan, Apr-14-44 (Apr-3-44), S., 9 s. -- 15-40125:102. E 2445/17/31/44 : Documents retained in department of origin under Section 3 (4) of the Public Records Act, 1958, [Apr-44], 1 s. -- 15-40125:103. E 2525/17/31/44 : Reported arrest of Mr. Ben Eleazer in Palestine. Jeremiah Helpem, Apr-26-44 (Apr-24-44), 5 s. -- 15-40125:107. E 2639/17/31/44 : Situation in Palestine and Trans-Jordan.High Commissioner for Palestine, May- 1-44 (Apr-26-44), S., 5 s. -- 15-40125:110. E 2766/17/31/44 : Statistics in connexion with Palestine and Transjordan police forces. Colonial Office, May-6-44 (May-3-44), MS., 12 s. -- 15-40125:118. E 2933/17/31/44 : Shooting of Jewish police constable. Officer Administering the Government of Palestine, May-13-44 (May-10-44), S., 2 s.
► 15-FO 371/40126. E 3118/17/31/44 : Situation in Palestine. 17. Covers deterioration of internal security in Palestine as Stem Group and Irgun Zvai Leumi step up terrorist bombing campaigns. Details intelligence gathering of British; describes individual attacks on police and government offices, British reaction, military court sentencing for illegal arms, attack on High Commissioner for Palestine, and situation reports by General Officer Commanding and High Commissioner for Palestine -- 15-40126:2. E 3308/17/31/44 : Situation in Palestine and Trans Jordan. High Commissioner for Palestine, Jun-2-44 (May-29-44), S., 6 s. -- 15-40126:6. E 3664/17/31/44 : Documents retained in department of origin under Section 3 (4) of the Public Records Act, 1958, [Jun-44], 1 s. -- 15-40126:7. E 3805/17/31/44 : Discovery of preparations for further Jewish outrages in Palestine. High Commissioner for Palestine, Jun-29-44 (Jun-25-44), 5 s. -- 15-40126:10. E 3865/17/31/44 : Discovery of a cache of explosives in Jerusalem: trial of Rafael Levin alias Birenbaum. General Officer Commanding Palestine and Transjordan, Jul-3-44 (Jun-26-44), S., 3 s. -- 15-40126:13. E 3868/17/31/44 : Situation in Palestine and Transjordan. High Commissioner for Palestine, Jul-3-44 (Jun-28-44), TS., 6 s. -- 15-40126:17. E 3875/17/31/44 : Arrest and detention of Mr. Ben Eliezer in Palestine. Colonial Office, Jul-3-44 (Jun-29-44), S., 8 s. -- 15-40126:23. E 3989/17/31/44 : Situation in Palestine and Trans-Jordan. General Officer Commanding Palestine and Transjordan, Jul-7-44 (Jul-3-44), 3 s. -- 15-40126:26. E 4124/17/31/44 : Conviction of Rafael Birenbaum in Palestine for carriage of arms. Colonial Office, Jul-13-44 (Jul-11-44), 12 s. -- 15-40126:35. E 4135/17/31/44 : Sentence passed on Raphael Birenbaum in Palestine for carriage of arms. Washington Embassy, Jul-13-44 (Jul-7-44), 6 s. -- 15-40126:40. E 4253/17/31/44 : Detention of David Epstein in Palestine. Reginald Freed, Jul-18-44 (Jul-12-44), 5 s. -- 15-40126:44. E 4270/17/31/44 : Attack by terrorists on Jerusalem poliçe headquarters and Land Registry Office. High Commissioner for Palestine, Jul-19-44 (Jul-14-44), S., 5 s. 15-40126:48. E 4321/17/31/44 : Discrepancies between sentences awarded in Palestine to Jews and Arabs for similar offences. Secretary of State for the Colonies, Jul-21-44 (Apr-14-44), S., 7 s. -- 15-40126:54. E 4588/17/31/44 : Situation in Palestine. High Commissioner for Palestine, Jul-31-44 (Jul-27-44), TS., 6 s. -- 15-40126:58. E 4638/17/31/44 : Security in Palestine. High Commissioner for Palestine, Aug-2-44 (Jul-28-44), TS., 4 s. -- 15-40126:61. E 4735/17/31/44 : Situation in Palestine. General Officer Commanding Palestine and Transjordan, Aug-8-44 (Aug-1-44), S., 2 s. -- 15-40126:63. E 4834/17/31/44 : Situation in Palestine. General Officer Commanding Palestine and Transjordan, Aug-12-44 (Aug-7-44), S., 3 s. -- 15-40126:66. E 4837/17/31/44 : Security in Palestine. High Commissioner for Palestine, Aug-12-44 (Aug-7-44), TS., 3 s. -- 15-40126:68. E 4846/17/31/44 : Situation in Palestine - attack on Sir H. MacMichael. High Commissioner for Palestine, Aug-12-44 (Aug-8-44), 5 s. -- 15-40126:73. E 4923/17/31/44 : Attack on the H.C. for Palestine. War Cabinet, Aug-15-44 (Aug-9-44), 3 s.
► 15-FO 371/40127. E 4923/17/31/44 : Situation in Palestine. 17. Covers Zionist terrorism in Palestine. Includes attack on High Commissioner; terrorist targeting of police and British government; situation reports from High Commissioner and Officer Administering the Government; overview analyses and British responses to terrorism; official British communique on Zionist terrorism; and British efforts to influence U.S. and British public opinion on Zionist terrorism. Also deals with War Cabinet discussion of partition, internal security, and British policy to Palestine; poliçe casualties; proposed New Zionist Organisation Conference at Jerusalem; capture of two German commandos in Palestine; and other issues -- 15-40127:2. E 5032/17/31/44 : Attempted assassination of High Commissioner - local reactions to attitude of His Majesty's Government. Minister Resident in the Middle East, Aug-19-44 (Aug-18-44), 2 s. -- 15-40127:4. E 5231/17/31/44 : Terrorist activities and security in Palestine. High Commissioner for Palestine, Aug-28-44 (Aug-23-44), S., 3 s. -- 15-40127:6. E 5368/17/31/44 : Situation in Palestine. High Commissioner for Palestine, Sep-2-44 (Aug-29-44), TS., 5 s. -- 15-40127:9. E 5546/17/31/44 : Situation in Palestine. High Commissioner for Palestine, Sep-11-44 (Sep-5-44), TS., 2 s. -- 15-40127:11. E 5554/17/31/44 : Documents transferred to PRO Safe Room and closed until 1995, [Sep-44], 1 s. -- 15-40127:12. E 6013/17/31/44 : Situation in Palestine and Transjordan. Officer Administering the Government of Palestine, Oct-2-44 (Sep-28-44), TS., 5 s. -- 15-40127:15. E 6018/17/31/44 : Situation in Palestine. Ambassador to Iraq, Oct-3-44 (Oct-2-44), 2 s. -- 15-40127:17. E 6056/17/31/44 : Situation in Palestine. Officer Administering the Government of Palestine, Oct-4-44 (Oct-2-44), TS., 12 s. -- 15-40127:26. E 6059/17/31/44 : Situation in Palestine. Officer Administering the Government of Palestine, Oct-4-44 (Sep-28-44), S., 19 s. -- 15-40127:38. E 6160/17/31/44 : Proposed movement of detainees from Latrun camp. Commander in Chief Middle East, Oct-10-44 (Oct-2-44), TS., 5 s. -- 15-40127:41. E 6179/17/31/44 : Palestine: proposed issue of communique to Jewish terrorists. Officer Administering the Government of Palestine, Oct-10-44 (Oct-6-44), S., 4 s. -- 15-40127:44. E 6187/17/31/44 : Protection of Jewish informer. Richard Catling, Oct-11-44 (Oct-6-44), TS., 2 s. -- 15-40127:46. E 6200/17/31/44 : Situation in Palestine. Officer Administering the Government of Palestine, Oct-11-44 (Oct-5-44), S., 2 s. -- 15-40127:48. E 6201/17/31/44 : Situation in Palestine. Officer Administering the Government of Palestine, Oct-11-44 (Oct-7-44), S., 2 s. -- 15-40127:50. E 6224/17/31/44 : Terrorist activities in Palestine. Officer Administering the Government of Palestine, Oct-12-44 (Oct-6-44), TS., 3 s. -- 15-40127:52. E 6225/17/31/44 : Terrorist activities in Palestine. Minister Resident in the Middle East, Oct-12-44 (Oct-8-44), TS., 4 s. -- 15-40127:55. E 6269/17/31/44 : Terrorist activities in Palestine, official communique. Officer Administering the Government of Palestine, Oct-13-44 (Oct-10-44), 15 s. -- 15-40127:65. E 6271/17/31/44 : Terrorist activities in Palestine, proposed communique. Officer Administering the Government of Palestine, Oct-13-44 (Oct-9-44), TS., 7 s. -- 15-40127:69. E 6281/17/31/44 : Security in Palestine. Secretary of State for the Colonies, Oct-14-44 (Oct-7-44), 6 s. -- 15-40127:73. E 6319/17/31/44 : Parachutists dropped in Palestine. Officer Administering the Government of Palestine, Oct-17-44 (Oct-13-44), S., 4 s. -- 15-40127:76. E 6321/17/31/44 : Terrorist activities in Palestine. Parliament, Oct-18-44 (Oct-17-44), 5 s. -- 15-40127:79. E 6338/17/31/44 : Terrorist activities in Palestine. Washington Embassy, Oct-17-44 (Oct-6-44), 4 s. -- 15-40127:83. E 6352/17/31/44 : New Zionist Organisation Convention to be held in Jerusalem. Colonial Office, Oct-17-44 (Oct-12-44), S., 7 s. -- 15-40127:88. E 6363/17/31/44 : Situation in Palestine, transfer of detainees. Commander in Chief Middle East, Oct-18-44 (Oct-2-44), TS., 4 s. -- 15-40127:91. E 6368/17/31/44 : Committee on Palestine. War Cabinet Committee on Palestine, Oct-18-44 (Oct-10-44), TS., 8 s. -- 15-40127:99. E 6402/17/31/44 : Terrorist activities in Palestine: official communique. Officer Administering the Government of Palestine, Oct-20-44 (Oct-15-44), TS., 3 s. -- 15-40127:102. E 6403/17/31/44 : Terrorist activities in Palestine. Minister Resident in the Middle East, Oct-20-44 (Oct-14-44), S., 4 s. -- 15-40127:105. E 6404/17/31/44 : Parachutists dropped in Jericho. Officer Administering the Government of Palestine, Oct-20-44 (Oct-16-44), 2 s. -- 15-40127:107. E 6458/17/31/44 : Publicity for Jewish terrorist outrages.Ambassador to U.S., Oct-22-44 (Oct-21-44), 11 s. -- 15-40127:113. E 6485/17/31/44 : Terrorist activities in Palestine: publicity arrangements. Officer Administering the Government of Palestine, Oct-23-44 (Oct-18-44), S., 4 s. -- 15-40127:116. E 6486/17/31/44 : Terrorist activities in Palestine. Minister Resident in the Middle East, Oct-23-44 (Oct-18-44), S., 2 s. -- 15-40127:118. E 6487/17/31/44 : Palestine: transfer of detainees from Latrun camp. Officer Administering the Government of Palestine, Oct-23-44 (Oct-19-44), TS., 5 s. -- 15-40127:122. E 6525/17/31/44 : Palestine: use of tear gas. War Office, Oct-24-44 (Oct-23-44), TS., 13 s.
► 15-FO 371/40128. E 6535/17/31/44 : Situation in Palestine. 17. Covers Zionist terrorism in Palestine, focusing on effect of assassination of Lord Moyne. Includes summaries of terrorist incidents; War Cabinet and Parliamentary debate and discussion; effect of terrorism on Jewish organizations and attitudes, on British response, on criminal procedural issues, on Arab public opinion, and on British intelligence gathering. Also includes situation reports, appointment of Lord Gort as High Commissioner for Palestine and Transjordan, and other issues -- 15-40128:2. E 6540/17/31/44 : Suppression of terrorism; proposed press notice. Officer Administering the Government of Palestine, Oct-25-44 (Oct-20-44), 4 s. -- 15-40128:5. E 6759/17/31/44 : Situation in Palestine and Transjordan. Officer Administering the Government of Palestine, Nov-3-44 (Oct-28-44), S., 6 s. -- 15-40128:8. E 6843/17/31/44 : Appointment of Viscount Gort as High Commissioner for Palestine. Colonial Office, Establishment: Branch, Nov-7-44 (Nov-2-44), 2 s. -- 15-40128:10. E 6991/17/31/44 : Situation in Palestine. British Colonies Supply Mission (Washington), Nov-13-44 (Nov-6-44), TS., 4 s. -- 15-40128:14. E 7068/17/31/44 : Situation in Palestine. War Cabinet, Nov-16-44 (Nov-13-44), 5 s. -- 15-40128:19. E 7077/17/31/44 : Terrorist activities: murder of Lord Moyne. High Commissioner for Palestine, Nov-17-44 (Nov-14-44), S., 4 s. -- 15-40128:22. E 7137/17/31/44 : Extract for House of Commons debates. Parliament, Nov-20-44 (Nov-17-44), 2 s. -- 15-40128:24. E 7139/17/31/44 : Terrorist activities in Palestine. Parliament Nov-20-44 (Nov-16-44), 2 s. -- 15-40128:26. E 7174/17/31/44 : South African entry permits for New Zionist lecturers. High Commissioner for South Africa, Nov-22-44 (Nov-11-44), 8 s. -- 15-40128:34. E 7190/17/31/44 : Visit of Mr. Compton to United Kingdom. Washington Embassy, Nov-23-44 (Nov-16-44), 5 s. -- 15-40128:38. E 7202/17/31/44 : Situation in Palestine. Ambassador to Egypt, Nov-24-44 (Nov-23-44), TS., 7 s. -- 15-40128:43. E 7246/17/31/44 : Situation in Palestine. Ambassador to Iraq, Nov-25-44 (Nov-25-44), 2 s. -- 15-40128:45. E 7363/17/31/44 : Terrorist activities in Palestine. High Commissioner for Palestine, Dec-1-44 (Nov-28-44), 3 s. -- 15-40128:47. E 7401/17/31/44 : Situation in Palestine. Washington Embassy, Dec-4-44 (Nov-23-44), 5 s. -- 15-40128:52. E 7403/17/31/44 : Situation in Palestine. High Commissioner for Palestine, Dec-4-44 (Nov-28-44), S., 5 s. -- 15-40128:55. E 7429/17/31/44 : Situation in Palestine. Cairo Embassy, Dec-5-44 (Dec-3-44), 2 s. -- 15-40128:57. E 7585/17/31/44 : Terrorist activities in Palestine. Parliament, Dec-12-44 (Dec-6-44), 6 s. -- 15-40128:62. E 7586/17/31/44 : Irgun Zvai Leumi. Parliament, Dec-12-44 (Dec-6-44), 6 s. -- 15-40128:67. E 7639/17/31/44 : Terrorist activities in Palestine. Secretary of State for the Colonies, Dec-14-44 (Nov-28-44), S., 12 s. -- 15-40128:74. E 7716/17/31/44 : Arrest of Max Kritzman Tel Aviv. Parliament, Dec-18-44 (Dec-13-44), 2 s. -- 15-40128:76. E 7731/17/31/44 : Terrorist activities. Ambassador to Egypt, Dec-19-44 (Dec-6-44), 3 s. -- 15-40128:78. E 7732/17/31/44 : Security summary Middle East No. 210. Ambassador to Egypt, Dec-19-44 (Dec-6-44), S., 3 s. -- 15-40128:81. E 7851/17/31/44 : Reaction of Iraq to the Palestine situation. Ambassador to Iraq, Dec-23-44 (Dec-21-44), 3 s. -- 15-40128:83. E 7856/17/31/44 : Terrorist activities in Palestine. Colonial Office, Dec-23-44 (Dec-9-44), TS., 4 s. -- 15-40128:86. E 7894/17/31/44 : Visas for Max Seligman. Colonial Office, Dec-27-44 (Dec-22-44), S., 12 s. -- 15-40128:96. E 7952/17/31/44 : Jewish terrorist activities in Egyptian Consulate, Jerusalem. Ambassador to Egypt, Dec-30-44 (Dec-21-44), 9 s.
► 15-FO 371/40129. E 7890/87/31/43 : Zionist campaign in United States and elsewhere. 67. Covers Zionist and non-Zionist activities in United States. Includes U.S. press coverage of Zionism; Zionist press in United States; U.S. public opinion; British propaganda efforts in United States such as Freya Stark's visit to present Arab point of view; withdrawal of American Jewish Committee from American Jewish Conference; U.S. Jewish condemnation of White Paper of May 1939; isrepresentation of Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill's position in U.S. press; and other issues -- 15-40129:2. E 67/67/31/44 : The Zionist campaign. Washington Embassy, Jan-4-44 (Dec-28-43), 4 s. -- 15-40129:6. E 123/67/31/44 : Rumoured new Palestine partition scheme. Washington Embassy, Jan-6-44 (Dec-21-43), 3 s. -- 15-40129:9. E 150/67/31/44 : Unfriendly advertisement in New York Times by New Zionist Organisation. British Information Services, Jan-7-44 (Jan-3-44), 9 s. -- 15-40129:14. E 151/67/31/44 : Jewish Army Committee (Revisionist) activities in the United States. Chief Secretary's Office, Jerusalem, Jan-7-44 (Nov-2-43), S., 7 s. -- 15-40129:19. E 251/67/31/44 : Jewish opinion in America: diary of Miss Freya Stark's tour. Ministry of Information, Jan-12-44 (Jan-7-44), 6 s. -- 15-40129:23. E 275/67/31/44 : Zionist activities in United States: counter-publicity. Consul-General at NewYork, Jan-13-44 (Jan-8-44), 2 s. -- 15-40129:25. E 393/67/31/44 : Jewish opinion in United States: Miss Freya Stark's tour. Ministry of Information, Jan-18-44 (Jan-15-44), 6 s. -- 15-40129:29. E 486/67/31/44 : Statements by American Jewish Committee. Washington Embassy, Jan-22-44 (Jan-8-44), 25 s. -- 15-40129:45. E 487/67/31/44 : Zionism in America. "Aftermath of American Jewish Conference". Office of Strategic Services, Foreign Nationalities Branch, Jan-22-44 (Nov-20-43), 12 s. -- 15-40129:56. E 516/67/31/44 : Zionist meeting in St. Paul, Minneapolis. Consul at St. Paul-Minneapolis, Jan-24-44 (Jan-10-44), 4 s. -- 15-40129:60. E 517/67/31/44 : Emergency Committee for Palestine at St. Paul, Minneapolis. Consul at St. Paul-Minneapolis, Jan-24-44 (Jan-7-44), 5 s. -- 15-40129:64. E 629/67/31/44 : Proposal to relay speeches by Rabbi Hertz and Rabbi Herzog to public meeting of"Orthodox Jewry" in New York. Ministry of Information, Jan-28-44 (Jan-26-44), 5 s. -- 15-40129:68. E 639/67/31/44 : Agitation against White Paper by Milwaukee Zionist Emergency Council. Milwaukee Zionist Emergency Council, Jan-29-44 (Nov-28-43), 4 s. -- 15-40129:72. E 644/67/31/44 : Proposed broadcast by Rabbi Hertz and Rabbi Herzog to public meeting of Zionists in New York. Washington Embassy, Jan-29-44 (Jan-28-44), 11 s. -- 15-40129:89. E 722/67/31/44 : British policy towards Palestine: speech by Rabbi Wise. Atlanta Consulate, Jan-25-44 (Jan-14-44), 5 s. -- 15-40129:87. E 724/67/31/44 : Current Zionist opinion in United States of America. Washington Embassy, Feb-2-44 (Jan-21-44), 14 s. -- 15-40129:97. E 725/67/31/44 : Dr. Weizmann's speech to 43rd Annual Conference of Zionist Federation of Great Britain. Jewish Telegraphic Agency, Ltd., Feb-2-44 (Jan-31-44), 3 s. -- 15-40129:99. E 856/67/31/44 : Attitude of American Jewish Committee to White Paper of 1939. Ambassador to U.S., Feb-8-44 (Jan-26-44), 11 s. -- 15-40129:110. E 889/67/31/44 : Catholic, Jewish and Protestant Declaration on World Peace. Federal Council of the Churches of Christ in America; National Catholic Welfare Conference, Social Action Department; Synagogue Council of America, Feb-9-44 (Oct-3-43), 4 s. -- 15-40129:113. E 984/67/31/44 : Jewish activities in United States. New York Times, Feb-12-44 (Jan-31-44), 3 s. -- 15-40129:116. E 985/67/31/44 : Agitation in the United States against British White Paper. Manchester Guardian, Feb-12-44 (Feb-5-44), 2 s. -- 15-40129:118. E 1027/67/31/44 : Zionism in United States: diary of Miss Freya Stark's tour. Ministry of Information, Feb-14-44 (Feb-8-44), 15 s. -- 15-40129:127. E 1162/67/31/44 : Zionist agitation in United States: articles by Mr. Edgar Mowrer. Washington Embassy, Feb-21-44 (Feb-9-44), 10 s. -- 15-40129:137. E 1170/67/31/44 : Invitation of Lord Halifax to dinner of American Palestine Committee. Ambassador to U.S., Feb-21-44 (Feb-19-44), 18 s. -- 15-40129:151. E 1192/67/31/44 : Counter-propaganda against Zionists in United States. Ministry of Information, Feb-22-44 (Feb-17-44), 8 s. -- 15-40129:157. E 1214/67/31/44 : Statements falsely attributed to Mr. Churchill in article by Mr. J. 'Donnell in Washington Times Herald. American Zionist Emergency Council, Feb-23-44 (Feb-5-44), 7 s.
► 15-FO 371/40130. E 1214/67/31/44 : Zionist campaign in United States and elsewhere. 67. Covers Zionist activities and protests of White Paper of May 1939 in United States, Central and South America. Includes U.S. press coverage of Zionism; Zionist press in United States; U.S. public opinion; British propaganda efforts in United States including Freya Stark's visit; and other issues -- 15-40130:2. E 1215/67/44 : Attitude in Minneapolis to Jewish question. Consul at St. Paul-Minneapolis, Feb-23-44 (Jan-25-44), 7 s. -- 15-40130:7. E 1233/67/31/44 : Growth of (1) influence of American Palestine Committee, (2) anti-White Paper agitation in United States. Washington Embassy, Feb-24-44 (Feb-15-44), 12 s. -- 15-40130:11. E 1239/67/31/44 : Anti-White Paper agitation in United States Congress. Washington Embassy, Feb-25-44 (Feb-12-44), 6 s. -- 15-40130:15. E 1285/67/31/44 : Jewish activities in Minneapolis. Consul at St. Paul-Minneapolis, Feb-28-44 (Feb-11-44), 9 s. -- 15-40130:22. E 1286/67/31/44 : Resolution for repeal of Palestine Jewish immigration restrictions. Consul at St. Paul-Minneapolis, Feb-28-44 (Dec-15-43), 4 s. -- 15-40130:26. E 1287/67/31/44 : Lectures by Miss Freya Stark in United States: Zionist reactions. Washington Embassy, Feb-28-44 (Feb-16-44), 7 s. -- 15-40130:32. E 1334/67/31/44 : Dinner to be given by American Palestine Committee. Ambassador to U.S., Feb-29-44 (Feb-28-44), 2 s. -- 15-40130:34. E 1378/67/31/44 : Growth of agitation in United States over British Palestine policy. Washington Embassy, Mar-2-44 (Feb-15-44), 10 s. -- 15-40130:42. E 1400/67/31/44 : Jewish campaign in United States against British Palestine policy. Washington Embassy, Mar-3-44 (Feb-22-44), 11 s. -- 15-40130:51. E 1441/67/31/44 : Activities of Seattle Emergency Committee for Abrogation of Palestine White Paper. Seattle Emergency Committee for the Abrogation of the Palestine White Paper, Mar-6-44 (Feb-24-44), 7 s. -- 15-40130:58. E 1453/67/31/44 : Application by Hadassah Women's Zionist Organisation of America for facilities for telephone transmission from Palestine. Ministry of Information, Mar-6-44 (Mar-4-44), 4 s. -- 15-40130:62. E 1584/67/31/44 : Pro-Palestine movement in Cuba. Havana Legation, Mar-10-44 (Feb-29-44), 3 s. -- 15-40130:65. E 1585/67/31/44 : Agitation against British White Paper 1939. Consul at St. Paul-Minneapolis, Mar-10-44 (Feb-23-44), 4 s. -- 15-40130:68. E 1639/67/31/44 : Lectures by Miss Freya Stark in United States. Ministry of Information, Mar-14-44 (Mar-8-44), 15 s. -- 15-40130:78. E 1644/67/31/44 : Countering of Zionist propaganda in United States. Washington Embassy, Mar-14-44 (Mar-2-44), 5 s. -- 15-40130:83. E 1706/67/31/44 : Establishment of Jewish national state in Palestine: article in Washington Evening Star. Constantine Brown, Mar-16-44 (Mar-7-44), 4 s. -- 15-40130:86. E 1908/67/31/44 : Palestine and the Jews. Lima Legation, Mar-25-44 (Mar-9-44), 4 s. -- 15-40130:90. E 2122/67/31/44 : Agitation by Zionists in United States against Palestine White Paper policy.Oregon Committee for Abrogation of White Paper, Apr-5-44 (Feb-28-44), 25 s. -- 15-40130:101. E 2170/67/31/44 : Protests by Zionists in Argentina against closure of Jewish immigration into Palestine. Buenos Aires Embassy, Apr-7-44 (Apr-5-44), 2 s. -- 15-40130:103. E 2180/67/31/44 : Resolution adopted at the Rally for Palestine held at New York. Ambassador to U.S., Apr-8-44 (Mar-31-44), 6 s. -- 15-40130:109. E 2366/67/31/44 : Zionism in the United States: conversation between Dr. Nahum Goldman and Mr. Hayter. Washington Embassy, Apr-18-44 (Apr-5-44), 5 s. -- 15-40130:113. E 2381/67/31/44 : Zionist propaganda in Central America and Mexico. Tegucigalpa Legation, Apr-19-44 (Mar-30-44), 2 s. -- 15-40130:115. E 2494/67/31/44 : Zionist activities in United States: anti-British speech at meeting in Indianapolis. Washington Embassy, Apr-24-44 (Apr-18-44), 13 s. -- 15-40130:124. E 2517/67/31/44 : Anti-British propaganda by Zionists in United States. James M. Witherow, Apr-25-44 (Feb-12-44), 7 s. -- 15-40130:130. E 2588/67/31/44 : Miss Freya Stark's tour in United States. Ministry of Information, Apr-28-44 (Apr-25-44), 15 s. -- 15-40130:143. E 2674/67/31/44 : Zionist Emergency Council's memorial service for General Wingate. Ambassador to U.S., May-2-44 (May-1-44), 4 s. -- 15-40130:147. E 2685/67/31/44 : Treatment of Jews. Buenos Aires Embassy, May-3-44 (Apr-10-44), 9 s.
Reprodüksiyon Notu
Mikrofilm. Bethesda, MD : University Publications of America, 1983. 1 mikrofilm makarası : pozitif ; 35 mm. 1 January 1944(22 December 1943)-3 May 1944(10 April 1944)
Emeği Geçenler
Kesaris, Paul, prj. koord.
Kurum Adı
Great Britain. Foreign Office.
University Publications of America (UPA).