Confidential British Foreign Office political correspondence. Palestine and Transjordan, 1940-1946 [mikroform] / project coordinator Paul Kesaris.

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Eser Adının Farklı Biçimi
Palestine and Transjordan, 1940-1946
Yayın Bilgisi
Bethesda, MD : University Publications of America, 1982.
Fiziksel Niteleme
1 mikrofilm makarası (1474 poz) : pozitif ; 35 mm.
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Public Record Office (Kew, London) FO371/45389'da kayıtlıdır.
Bu seri 35 makaradan oluşmaktadır.
Bibliyografi, vb. Notu
Mikrofilmin indeksi B.I/6612 yer numarasında kayıtlıdır.
İçindekiler Notu
► 20-FO 371/45389. E 9718/15/31/45 : Anglo-American Commission: Jewish problem and its solution. 75.Covers formation of Anglo-American Committee of Enquiry including expected agenda,appointment of economists and other personnel,location and structure of hearings, informationrequests, applications and lists of interested organizations and individuals, transportation and accommodation in United States and Palestine, and communication between British and American chairmen. Includes Jewish protest of and resolutions on new British policy; repercussions of Harry S. Truman's statement on Palestine; Zionist terrorist incidents in Palestine; riots and violence at Hogla; activities of Haganah,Palmach, and Irgun Zvai Leumi; situation reports; Jewish Agency reaction to Zionist terrorism; U.S. military flights to Palestine from Germany; and other issues -- 20-45389:2. E 9760/15/31/45 : Anglo-American Committee of Enquiry. Principal Commissioner on Special Duty, Dec-14-45 (Dec-11-45), 3 s. -- 20-45389:5. E 9776/15/31/45 : Dutch Zionist Organisation's views on statement. Hague Embassy, Dec-14-45 (Dec-6-45), 3 s. -- 20-45389:8. E 9796/15/31/45 : Telegrams to the Prime Minister from Mr. Philip Murray and Mr. William Green. Colonial Office, Dec-15-45 (Dec-10-45), 21 s. -- 20-45389:29. E 9797/15/31/45 : Anglo-American Committee. Washington Embassy, Dec-15-45 (Dec-14-45), 2 s. -- 20-45389:31. E 9819/15/31/45 :Zionist reaction to statement of 13th November. High Commissioner for Palestine, Dec-15-45 (Dec-13-45), TS., 3 s. -- 20-45389:34. E 9828/15/31/45 : Anglo-American Committee. Ambassador to U.S., Dec-16-45 (Dec-15-45), 12 s. -- 20-45389:46. E 9889/15/31/45 : Palestine Committee. Foreign Office, Dec-18-45 (Dec-13-45), 4 s. -- 20-45389:50. E 9892/15/31/45 : Attacks on coast guard stations. Commander in Chief Middle East, Dec-18-45 (Dec-15-45), S., 4 s. -- 20-45389:54. E 9894/15/31/45 : Reactions to statement on Palestine. High Commissioner for Palestine, Dec-18-45 (Dec-14-45), TS., 6 s. -- 20-45389:60. E 9895/15/31/45 : United States policy towards Palestine. U.S. Embassy, London, Dec-18-45 (Dec-8-45), S., 3 s. -- 20-45389:63. E 9914/15/31/45 : Anglo American Commission. Ambassador to U.S., Dec-19-45 (Dec-18-45), 8 s. -- 20-45389:71. E 9918/15/31/45 : Priority of subjects on Palestine Committee agenda. Colonial Office, Assistant Under-Secretary, Dec-19-45 (Dec-14-45), 2 s. -- 20-45389:73. E 9920/15/31/45 : American members on the Anglo-American Commission. Ministry of Information,American Division, Dec-19-45 (Nov-30-45), 9 s. -- 20-45389:82. E 9942/15/31/45 : Flight of an American military aircraft from the American zone in Germany to Palestine. Colonial Office, Dec-19-45 (Dec-19-45), TS., 6 s. -- 20-45389:88. E 9954/15/31/45 : Subjects on Palestine Committee Agenda. Principal Commissioner on Special Duty, Dec-20-45 (Dec-17-45), 2 s. -- 20-45389:90. E 9969/15/31/45 : Anglo-US Committee on Palestine.Ambassador to U.S., Dec-20-45 (Dec-19-45), 2 s. -- 20-45389:92. E 9989/15/31/45 : Anglo American Commission. Ambassador to U.S., Dec-21-45 (Dec-20-45), 2 s. -- 20-45389:94. E 10031/15/31/45 : Anglo-American Committee. Messr. Waterhouse and Company, Solicitors, Dec-22-45 (Dec-20-45), 4 s. -- 20-45389:98. E 10056/15/31/45 : Anglo-American Committee. Ambassador to U.S., Dec-22-45 (Dec-21-45), 4 s. -- 20-45389:102. E 10058/15/31/45 : Message for Prime Minister from Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs. Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, Dec-22-45 (Dec-19-45), 2 s. -- 20-45389:104. E 10067/15/31/45 : Anglo-American Committee. Ambassador to U.S., Dec-23-45 (Dec-22-45), 3 s. -- 20-45389:107. E 10070/15/31/45 : Anglo United States Committee on Palestine. Anglo-American Committee of Enquiry, American Chairman, Dec-23-45 (Dec-22-45), 9 s. -- 20-45389:114. E 10074/15/31/45 : Anglo-American Committee interest in America. Washington Embassy, Dec-24-45 (Dec-23-45), 2 s. -- 20-45389:116. E 10087/15/31/45 : Anglo-United States Committee on Palestine. Foreign Office, Dec-26-45 (Dec-23-45), 5 s. -- 20-45389:121. E 10107/15/31/45 : Palestine situation report. Commander in Chief Middle East, Dec-27-45 (Dec-20-45), S., 3 s. -- 20-45389:124. E 10109/15/31/45 : Information for Anglo-American Committee of Enquiry. Anglo-American Committee of Enquiry, Second British Secretary, Dec-27-45 (Dec-20-45), 7 s. -- 20-45389:131. E 10111/15/31/45 : Palestine situation report. Commander in Chief Middle East, Dec-27-45 (Dec-19-45), S., 9 s. -- 20-45389:140. E 10162/15/31/45 : Reactions to Palestine statement. High Commissioner for Palestine, Dec-28-45 (Dec-1-45),3 s. -- 20-45389:143. E 10163/15/31/45 : Leicester and District Trades Council resolution on Palestine statement. Leicester and District Trades Council, Dec-28-45 (Dec-21-45), 2 s. -- 20-45389:145. E 10188/15/31/45 : Anglo-American Committee. Anglo-Jewish Association, Dec-29-45 (Dec-24-45), 4 s. -- 20-45389:149. E 10203/15/31/45 : Statement of Rabbi Abba Hillel Silver on return to United States from Palestine. Washington Embassy, Dec-30-45 (Dec-28-45), 3 s. -- 20-45389:152. E 10228/15/31/45 :Anti-Zionist League in Bagdad -memorandum. Ambassador to Iraq, Dec-31-45 (Dec-20-45), 4 s. -- 20-45389:156. E 10230/15/31/45 : Anglo American Committee. Max Apt., Dec-31-45 (Dec-27-45), 5 s. -- 20-45389:161. E 10231/15/31/45 :Palestine situation. H. W. Gardiner, Dec-20-45 (Dec-20-45), 5 s. -- 20-45389:166. E 10232/15/31/45 : Two economists for Anglo-American Committee. Foreign Office, Dec-31-45 (Dec-27-45), 8 s. -- 20-45389:174. E 10233/15/31/45 : Attack by Jews on 27th December. High Commissioner for Palestine, Dec-31-45 (Dec-27-45), S., 12 s. -- 20-45389:186. E 10234/15/31/45 : Statement on Palestine. La Dernière Charité, Dec-31-45 (Dec-7-45), 3 s. -- 20-45389:189. E 10273/15/31/45 : Situation in Palestine. High Commissioner for Palestine, Dec-31-45 (Dec-29-45), TS., 14 s.
► 20-FO 371/45390. E 6364/2091/31/44 :Soviet policy towards Zionism: Soviet State and Church property in Palestine. 26. Covers lists, history, and legal status of Soviet Union and Russian state and ecclesiastical property in Palestine. Includes Soviet Union demands for repatriation of Soviet citizens from Palestine and Soviet Union attitude towards Zionism -- 20-45390:2. E 26/26/31/45 : Soviet policy towards Zionism. Washington Embassy, Second Secretary, Jan-2-45 (Dec-23-44), 4 s. -- 20-45390:6. E 764/26/31/45 : Soviet attitude towards Zionism and Palestine question. Office of the Minister Resident in the Middle East, Feb-2-45 (Jan-24-45), 5 s. -- 20-45390:10a. E 1148/26/31/45 : Documents retained in department of origin under Section 3 (4) of the Public Records Act, 1958, [Feb-45], 1 s. -- 20-45390:11. E 1691/26/31/45 : Soviet possessions in Palestine. Soviet Union Embassy, London, Mar-12-45 (Mar-5-45), 20 s. -- 20-45390:30. E 2872/26/31/45 : Russian property in Palestine. Colonial Office, May-5-45 (May2-45), S., 18 s. -- 20-45390:48. E 3363/26/31/45 : Russian state and church property in Palestine. Colonial Office, May-25-45 (May-23-45), S., 6 s. -- 20-45390:54. E 623/26/31/45 : Russian state property in Palestine. Soviet Union Ambassador to U.K., Jun-1-45 (May-30-45), 7 s. -- 20-45390:61. E 4423/26/31/45 : Russian interests in Palestine. Foreign Office, Jun-23-45 (Jun-20-45), 2 s. -- 20-45390:63. E 5017/26/31/45 : Russian state and ecclesiastical properties in Palestine. Colonial Office, Jul-11-45 (Jul-9-45), S., 14 s. -- 20-45390:77. E 5153/26/31/45 : Soviet activities in Palestine. Moscow Embassy, Jul-16-45 (Jul-15-45), 9 s. -- 20-45390:86. E 5239/26/31/45 : Repatriation of Soviet citizens from Palestine. Colonial Office, Jul-19-45 (Jul-16-45), 33 s. -- 20-45390:119. E 5252/26/31/45 : Repatriation of Soviet citizens in Palestine. Office of the Minister Resident in the Middle East, Jul-20-45 (Jul-18-45), 7 s. -- 20-45390:126. E 5833/26/31/45 : Russian property in Palestine. Colonial Office, Aug-9-45 (Aug-7-45), S., 22 s. -- 20-45390:148. E 5949/26/31/45 : Russian property in Palestine. Soviet Union Embassy, London, Aug-14-45 (Aug-11-45), 6 s. -- 20-45390:154. E 7003/26/31/45 : Repatriation of Soviet citizens from Palestine. Moscow Embassy, Charge d'Affaires, Sep-19-45 (Sep-10-45), 4 s. -- 20-45390:158. E 7028/26/31/45 : Russian property in Palestine. Soviet Union Embassy, London, Sep-20-45 (Sep-17-45), 7 s. -- 20-45390:165. E 7721/26/31/45 : Russian property in Palestine. Soviet Union Ambassador to U.K., Oct-15-45 (Oct-12-45), S., 21 s.
► 20-FO 371/45391. E 7715/206/31/44 : Arab and Jewish claims to Palestine: Jewish problem: future of Palestine. 119. Covers various pro-Zionist and pro-Arab views and suggestions on Palestine. Includes U.S. press on various issues, Arab Feminist Congress anti-Zionist resolutions, views of King Ibn Saud, opposition of Nuri al-Said to partition, Zionist influence on U.S. public opinion, U.S. Jewish opposition to political Zionism, South Central Conference on Palestine (St. Louis), and other issues -- 20-45391:2. E 119/119/31/45 : Arab and Jewish claims to Palestine. Washington Embassy, Jan-6-45 (Dec-19-44), 4 s. -- 20-45391:6. E 133/119/31/45 : Future of Palestine. Cairo Embassy, Jan-7-45 (Dec-29-44), 2 s. -- 20-45391:8. E 161/119/31/45 : Palestine question-Ibn Saud's views. Jedda Legation, Jan-8-45 (Dec-12-44), 4 s. -- 20-45391:12. E 162/119/31/45 : Palestine question-Ibn Saud's views on the United States attitude. Jedda Legation, Jan-8-45 (Dec-21-44), 4 s. -- 20-45391:16. E 315/119/31/45 : Reaction of Iraq to Palestine situation.Bagdad Embassy, Jan-13-45 (Dec-28-44), 4 s. -- 20-45391:20. E 316/119/31/45 : Memorandum on Palestine by the Anglo-Jewish Association. Anglo-Jewish Association, Jan-13-45 (Jan-11-45), 10 s. -- 20-45391:30. E 327/119/31/45 : Request from Arab Feminist Congress to resist Zionist propaganda. Colonial Office, Jan-16-45 (Jan-11-45), 8 s. -- 20-45391:36. E 492/119/31/45 : Future of Palestine-Arab policy. Egyptian Feminist Union, Jan-20-45 (Dec-23-44), 5 s. -- 20-45391:41. E 529/119/31/45 : Situation in Palestine: ideas for improving the lot of the Arabs. J. P. Brander, Jan-22-45 (Jan-17-45), 5 s. -- 20-45391:46. E 643/119/31/45 : Palestine question: views of Nuri Pasha. Ambassador to Iraq, Jan-27-45 (Jan-16-45), TS., 3 s. -- 20-45391:49. E 881/119/31/45 : Work on behalf of the Jews by Colonel C. H. Churchill. Israelitisches Wochenblatt, Feb-6-45 (Dec-29-45), 5 s. -- 20-45391:53. E 882/119/31/45 : Partition of Palestine. High Commissioner for Palestine, Feb-6-45 (Jan-26-45), S., 7 s. -- 20-45391:60. E 897/119/31/45 : South Central Conference on Palestine.Consul at St. Louis, Feb-7-45 (Jan-30-45), 4 s. -- 20-45391:64. E 1081/119/31/45 : Jewish problem in Palestine. David R. Matlin, Feb-14-45 (Dec-23-44), 7 s. -- 20-45391:71. E 1146/119/31/45 : Jewish problem. Sadie Bernstein, Feb-16-45 (Féb-13-45), 6 s. -- 20-45391:77. E 1279/119/31/45 : Nuri Pasha's views on Palestine question. Ambassador to Iraq, Feb-23-45 (Feb-6-45), 2 s. -- 20-45391:79. E 1304/119/31/45 : American League for a Free Palestine.American League for a Free Palestine, Inc., Feb-24-45 (Jan-16-45), 7 s.
► 20-FO 371/45392. E 1304/119/31/45 : Arab and Jewish claims to Palestine: Jewish problem: future of Palestine. 119. Covers views on Palestine and opposition to Zionism by King Ibn Saud, Amir Abdullah Ibn El-Hussein, Regent of Iraq, King of Yemen, Lebanon, and Egypt. Includes binational solution by Judah L. Magnes, proposed Jewish state in Germany, Chaim Weizmann on Jewish immigration to and Arab emigration from Palestine, pressure by Jewish Agency for representation at San Francisco Conference (UN) and for Jewish state creation, and other issues -- 20-45392:2. E 1514/119/31/45 : Future of Palestine: proposed approach to President Roosevelt and Mr. Churchill. High Commissioner for Transjordan, Mar-5-45 (Feb-26-45), TS., 3 s. -- 20-45392:4. E 1634/119/31/45 : American League for a Free Palestine. Washington Embassy, First Secretary (Acting), Mar-8-45 (Mar-7-45), 8 s. -- 20-45392:9. E 1742/119/31/45 : Message from King of Yemen to Mr. Churchill, the Arab question. Prime Minister's Office, Mar-14-45 (Mar-11-45), 18 s. -- 20-45392:25. E 1747/119/31/45 : Arab claim to Palestine. Ambassador to Iraq, Mar-14-45 (Mar-13-45), 2 s. -- 20-45392:27. E 1874/119/31/45 : Jewish claims to Palestine. Prime Minister's Office, Mar-19-45 (Mar-15-45), 5 s. -- 20-45392:32. E 1875/119/31/45 : Jewish Arab co-operation in Palestine. High Commissioner for Palestine, Mar-19-45 (Nov-11-44), S., 6 s. -- 20-45392:38. E 1883/119/31/45 : Lebanese views on the Palestine question. Minister to Syria and Lebanon, Mar-20-45 (Mar-18-45), 4 s. -- 20-45392:42. E 1924/119/31/45 : Ibn Saud's views on Palestine. Minister to Saudi Arabia, Mar-21-45 (Mar-11-45), 13 s. -- 20-45392:55. E 1961/119/31/45 : Palestine question: views of the Egyptian Minister for Foreign Affairs. Ambassador to Egypt, Mar-23-45 (Mar-21-45), 2 s. -- 20-45392:57. E 2058/119/31/45 : Palestine question: views of the Regent of Iraq. Ambassador to Iraq, Mar-27-45 (Mar-13-45), 14 s. -- 20-45392:70. E 2060/119/31/45 : Proposal for an independent Jewish state.Jewish Committee, Mar-27-45 (Dec-30-45), 14 s. -- 20-45392:84. E 2209/119/31/45 : Palestine question: Dr. Weizmann's views. Ambassador to Egypt, Apr-4-45 (Mar-15-45), 7 s. -- 20-45392:91. E 2338/119/31/45 : Palestine question. Lebanon Council of Ministers, Apr-11-45 (Mar-10-45), 4 s. -- 20-45392:95. E 2391/119/31/45 : Letters from Arab rulers on the Palestine question. Secretary of State for the Colonies, Private Secretary, Apr-13-45 (Apr-9-45), TS., 26 s. -- 20-45392:121. E 2491/119/31/45 : Palestine question. Foreign Office, Eastern Department Head, Apr-18-45 (Apr-16-45), 3 s. -- 20-45392:124. E 2552/119/31/45 : Jewish claims to Palestine. Ichud Party of Romania, Apr-21-45 (Apr-14-45), 3 s. -- 20-45392:127. E 2602/119/31/45 : Jewish immigration into Palestine. Colectividad Israelita de Venezuela, Apr-13-45 (Mar-27-45), 4 s. -- 20-45392:131. E 2612/119/31/45 : Demonstrations for Jewish state. British Political Representative at Bucharest, Apr-24-45 (Apr-23-45), 6 s. -- 20-45392:137. E 2924/119/31/45 :Syrian views on Palestine question. Minister to Syria and Lebanon, May-9-45 (May-8-45), 2 s. -- 20-45392:139. E 2948/119/31/45 : Palestine question: Jewish Agency views. Jewish Telegraphic Agency, Ltd., May-10-45 (May-4-45), 3 s.
► 20-FO 371/45393. E 2948/119/31/45 : Arab and Jewish claims to Palestine: Jewish problem: future of Palestine. 119. Covers King Ibn Saud's and Iraq Chamber of Deputies' protest of Harry S. Truman's statement on Palestine. Includes Jewish Telegraphic Agency, Ltd. on Jewish immigration, Jewish Agency ommunication with Soviet delegation to San Francisco Conference (UN), irrigation and land use report, proposed Arab newspaper in London, and various concerns and recommendations by general public. Also includes Regent of Iraq and Nuri Pasha al-Said meeting with Secretary of State for the Colonies, internal divisions in Arab League, proposed meeting of Arab leaders at Red Sea, and other issues 2-45393:2. E 2952/119/31/45 : Palestine settlement. Foreign Office, May-10-45 (Apr-29-45), 5 s. -- 20-45393:7. E 3196/119/31/45 : Jewish rights in Palestine: Soviet interest. Washington Embassy May-20-45 (May-18-45), 2 s. -- 20-45393:9. E 3425/119/31/45 : Irrigation project in Palestine. Colonial Office, May-28-45 (May-24-45), S., 7 s. -- 20-45393:169. E 3669/119/31/45 : Ibn Saud's views on Palestine. Minister to Saudi Arabia, Jun-2-45 (May-21-45), 6 s. -- 20-45393:22. E 3915/119/31/45 : Future of the Jews. Walron Smithers, Jun-8-45 (Jun-3-45), 10 s. -- 20-45393:32. E 3954/119/31/45 : Treatment of Jews. Samuel M. Levy., Jun-8-45 (May-31-45), 9 s. -- 20-45393:41. E 4045/119/31/45 : Letter from Amir of Transjordan to the late President Roosevelt. U.S. Ambassador to U.K., Jun-11-45 (Jun-6-45), 10 s. -- 20-45393:51. E 4345/119/31/45 : Proposed re-introduction of statute of Jewry. Pauline Woolfe, Jun-20-45 (Jun-1-45), 5 s. -- 20-45393:56. E 6037/119/31/45 : Arab governments' views on Palestine question. Foreign Office, Eastern Department Head, Aug-20-45 (Aug-17-45), 6 s. -- 20-45393:62. E 6292/119/31/45 : Future of Palestine. Salim Constantino, Aug-28-45 (Jul-27-45), 3 s. -- 20-45393:65. E 6906/119/31/45 : Palestine: interview between Regent of Iraq and Colonial Secretary. Colonial Office, Sep-17-45 (Sep-11-45), 2 s. -- 20-45393:67. E 6947/119/31/45 : Proposed anti-Zionist declaration by Arab leaders. Jedda Legation, Sep-19-45 (Sep-17-45), S., 3 s. -- 20-45393:70. E 7023/119/31/45 : Proposed anti-Zionist declaration by Arab leaders. Jedda Legation, Sep-20-45 (Sep-19-45), S., 12 s. -- 20-45393:82. E 7032/119/31/45 : Proposed anti-Zionist declaration by Arab leaders. Office of the Minister Resident in the Middle East, Sep-21-45 (Sep-20-45), S., 3 s. -- 20-45393:85. E 7033/119/31/45 : Proposed anti-Zionist declaration by Arab leaders. Jedda Legation, Sep-21-45 (Sep-20-45), 3 s. -- 20-45393:88. E 7107/119/31/45 : Proposed meeting of heads of Arab states. Jedda Legation, Sep-24-45 (Sep-23-45), S., 3 s. -- 20-45393:91. E 7195/119/31/45 : Proposed anti-Zionist declaration by Arab leaders. Secretary of State for the Colonies, Sep-26-45 (Sep-21-45), TS., 9 s. -- 20-45393:100. E 7207/119/31/45 : Proposed anti-Zionist declaration by heads of Arab states. Minister to Saudi Arabia, Sep-27-45 (Sep-26-45), S., 5 s. -- 20-45393:105. E 7217/119/31/45 : Proposed meeting between heads of Arab states. Cairo Embassy, Charge d'Affaires, Sep-27-45 (Sep-26-45), 2 s. -- 20-45393:107. E 7258/119/31/45 : Proposed anti-Zionist declaration by Arab leaders. Minister to Saudi Arabia, Sep-28-45 (Sep-27-45), TS., 3 s. -- 20-45393:110. E 7284/119/31/45 : Proposed meeting between heads of Arab states. Cairo Embassy, Charge d'Affaires, Sep-29-45 (Sep-27-45), 6 s. -- 20-45393:116. E 7314/119/31/45 : Regent of Iraq's participation in meeting between heads of Arab states. Bagdad Embassy, Oct-1-45 (Sep-30-45), 4 s. -- 20-45393:120. E 7393/119/31/45 : Visit of King Farouk to Kamaran. Aden Legation, Oct-3-45 (Sep-30-45), S., 2 s. -- 20-45393:122. E 7409/119/31/45 : Proposed meeting between heads of Arab states. Cairo Embassy, Oct-3-45 (Oct-2-45), 2 s. -- 20-45393:124. E 7432/119/31/45 : Ibn Saud's message to President Truman. Jedda Legation, Oct-15-45 (Oct-3-45), 2 s. -- 20-45393:126. E 7506/119/31/45 : Palestine Arab Party's desire for stoppage of Jewish immigration etc. Palestine Arab Party, Oct-8-45 (Oct-6-45), 4 s. -- 20-45393:130. E 7542/119/31/45 :Proposed publication of Roosevelt-Ibn Saud communication. Minister to Saudi Arabia, Oct-8-45 (Oct-8-45), S., 3 s. -- 20-45393:133. E 7644/119/31/45 :Proposed publication of Roosevelt-Ibn Saud communication. Minister to Saudi Arabia, Oct-12-45 (Oct-11-45), 2 s. -- 20-45393:135. E 7851/119/31/45 :Proposed publication of Roosevelt-Ibn Saud communication. Minister to Saudi Arabia, Oct-18-45 (Oct-17-45), 3 s. -- 20-45393:138. E 8254/119/31/45 : Appeal from Iraqi Chamber of Deputies. Iraq Chamber of Deputies, Oct-31-45 (Oct-24-45), 12 s. -- 20-45393:152. E 8255/119/31/45 : Interview between Secretary of State for the Colonies and Azzam. Colonial Office, Oct-31-45 (Oct-23-45), 7 s.
► 20-FO 371/45394. E 8255/119/31/45 : Arab and Jewish claims to Palestine: Jewish problem: future of Palestine. 119. Covers Syrian reaction to influence of Zionist propaganda in United States, initial concerted Arab propaganda effort in United States, demonstrations and anti-Jewish riots in Arab states on anniversary of Balfour Declaration, and support for Palestinian Arabs by Muslims of India and Afghanistan government. Includes reactions of King Ibn Saud and Iraq to statement on Palestine by Harry S. Truman, notification of Arab states of new British policy and creation of Anglo-American Committee of Enquiry, situation reports, activities of Arab League, Jewish and Arab reaction to new British policy, and other issues -- 20-45394:2. E 8258/119/31/45 : Palestine situation. Syrian President to American minister. Beirut Legation, Oct-31-45 (Oct-20-45), 4 s. -- 20-45394:6. E 8348/119/31/45 : Arab demonstrations in Cairo. Cairo Embassy, Counsellor, Nov-3-45 (Nov-2-45), 5 s. -- 20-45394:11. E 8353/119/31/45 : Arab activities in Levant States. Minister to Syria and Lebanon, Nov-3-45 (Nov-2-45), 2 s. -- 20-45394:13. E 8354/119/31/45 : Arab demonstrations in Cairo. Cairo Embassy, Counsellor, Nov-3-45 (Nov-2-45), S., 4 s. -- 20-45394:17. E 8385/119/31/45 : Zionist immigration into Palestine. Iraq Chamber of Deputies, Nov-3-45 (Oct-25-45), 5 s. -- 20-45394:22. E 8416/119/31/45 : "Balfour Day" in Iraq. Bagdad Embassy, Nov-4-45 (Nov-3-45), S., 3 s. -- 20-45394:25. E 8418/119/31/45 : Arab demonstrations in Cairo. Cairo Embassy, Counsellor, Nov-4-45 (Nov-3-45), 2 s. -- 20-45394:27. E 8459/119/31/45 : Proposed visit of Amir Abdullah of Transjordan to the United Kingdom. Colonial Office, Nov-6-45 (Oct-26-45), S., 10 s. -- 20-45394:37. E 8501/119/31/45 : President Truman's message to Ibn Saud re American policy towards Palestine. U.S. Jedda Legation, Charge d'Affaires, Nov-6-45 (Oct-16-45), S., 3 s. -- 20-45394:40. E 8502/119/31/45 :Palestine situation pro-Arab support from Afghanistan. Kabul Legation, Charge d'Affaires, Nov-3-45 (Oct-27-45), 4 s. -- 20-45394:44. E 8506/119/31/45 :Muslim League of Bombay: views on Palestine. Muslim League of Bombay, Nov-6-45 (Oct-26-45), 3 s. -- 20-45394:47. E 8535/119/31/45 : Demonstrations in Egypt. Cairo Embassy, Counsellor, Nov-7-45 (Nov-6-45), 2 s. -- 20-45394:49. E 8537/119/31/45 : Iraq Senate's protest against Jewish immigration. Prime Minister's Office, Nov-7-45 (Nov-4-45), 18 s. -- 20-45394:66. E 8574/119/31/45 : Arab information office propaganda in United States press. Washington Embassy, Nov-9-45 (Nov-8-45), 6 s. -- 20-45394:72. E 8575/119/31/45 : Report on Tripoli situation. British Middle East Office at Cairo, Nov-9-45 (Nov-8-45), 2 s. -- 20-45394:74. E 8591/119/31/45 : Tripoli situation. British Middle East Office at Cairo, Nov-10-45 (Nov-9-45), 2 s. -- 20-45394:76. E 8610/119/31/45 : Anti-Jewish disturbances in Tripoli.Commander in Chief Middle East, Nov-10-45 (Nov-5-45), TS., 13 s. -- 20-45394:89. E 8647/119/31/45 : Suggested decoration for the Amir of Transjordan. Prime Minister's Office, Nov-10-45 (Nov-8-45), 2 s. -- 20-45394:91. E 8651/119/31/45 : Iraqi Prime Minister's statement at meeting of Arab League. British Middle East Office at Cairo, Nov-11-45 (Nov-10-45), 3 s. -- 20-45394:94. E 8650/119/31/45 : Arab League views on acts of violence. British Middle East Office at Cairo, Nov-11-45 (Nov-10-45), 2 s. -- 20-45394:96. E 8696/119/31/45 : Arab League memorandum to His Majesty's government. Cairo Embassy, Counsellor, Nov-13-45 (Nov-12-45), 2 s. -- 20-45394:98. E 8707/119/31/45 : Arab rights in Palestine. Paris Embassy, Nov-13-45 (Nov-3-45), 49 s. -- 20-45394:145. E 8714/119/31/45 : Presentation of statement to Egyptian Prime Minister. Ambassador to Egypt, Nov-14-45 (Nov-13-45), TS., 12 s. -- 20-45394:156. E 8713/119/31/45 : Presentation of statement to the Regent. Ambassador to Iraq, Nov-14-45 (Nov-13-45), TS., 4 s. -- 20-45394:160. E 8715/119/31/45 : Meeting of Arab League to consider statement on Palestine. Cairo Embassy, Nov-14-45 (Nov-12-45), 2 s. -- 20-45394:162. E 8717/119/31/45 : Proposed Arab League approach to British and U.S. governments. British Middle East Office at Cairo, Nov-14-45 (Nov-12-45), 6 s. -- 20-45394:168. E 8730/119/31/45 : Accusation that Palestine government has been arming Arabs. Washington Embassy, Nov-14-45 (Nov-13-45), 6 s. -- 20-45394:174. E 8736/119/31/45 : Presentation of statement on Palestine to Syrian President. Minister to Syria and Lebanon, Nov-14-45 (Nov-13-45), TS., 9 s. -- 20-45394:183. E 8737/119/31/45 : Presentation of statement on Palestine to Amir of Transjordan. Officer Administering the Government of Palestine, Nov-14-45 (Nov-13-45), TS., 4 s. -- 20-45394:187. E 8741/119/31/45 : Palestine problem. Petition from Iraq Legation on behalf of Arab governments. Iraq Legation, London, Nov-14-45 (Nov-12-45), 6 s. -- 20-45394:193. E 8764/119/31/45 : Submission of Palestine problem to an international organisation. Cairo Embassy, Counsellor, Nov-15-45 (Nov-5-45), 3 s.
► 20-FO 371/45395. E 8764/119/31/45 : Arab and Jewish claims to Palestine: Jewish problem: future of Palestine. 119. Covers Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, and Arab League reaction to Foreign Secretary Ernest Bevin's November 13, 1945, Palestine policy statement calling for formation of Anglo-American Committee of Enquiry and interim immigration quotas. Includes Arab League protest of Harry S. Truman statement on Palestine, opposition to Balfour Declaration by Arab feminist organizations and Arab communities in Honduras, anti-Jewish and anti-British disorders in Egypt and anti-Jewish disorders in Tripolitania, Zionist propaganda in United States, and other issues -- 20-45395:2. E 8774/119/31/45 : Suggestion that Palestine government has been assuring [arming] the Arabs.Ambassador to U.S., Nov-15-45 (Nov-13-45), 4 s. -- 20-45395:6. E 8780/119/31/45 : Meeting of Arab League to discuss statement on Palestine. Cairo Embassy, Counsellor, Nov-14-45 (Nov-14-45), 6 s. -- 20-45395:12. E 8786/119/31/45 : Views on Palestine statement. Minister to Syria and Lebanon, Nov-16-45 (Nov-15-45), 4 s. -- 20-45395:16. E 8795/119/31/45 : Arab League meeting on 20th November.Cairo Embassy, Nov-16-45 (Nov-15-45), 6 s. -- 20-45395:22. E 8813/119/31/45 : Views of Syrian and Lebanese governments on Palestine statement. Minister to Syria and Lebanon, Nov-17-4S (Nov-16-45), 4 s. -- 20-45395:26. E 8816/119/31/45 : Syrian government's statement on Palestine. Syria Minister to U.K., Nov-17-45 (Nov-15-45), 7 s. -- 20-45395:33. E 8842/119/31/45 : Arabs League memorandum on Palestine to the Secretary of State. Arab League Secretariat, Nov-17-45 (Nov-12-45), 12 s. -- 20-45395:45. E 8845/119/31/45 : Arab League meeting to discuss Palestine statement. Cairo Embassy, Nov-18-45 (NOv-17-45), 2 s. -- 20-45395:47. E 8847/119/31/45 : Levant States views on Palestine statement. Beirut Legation, Nov-18-45 (Nov-16-45), 4 s. -- 20-45395:51. E 8859/119/31/45 : Levant States communique on Palestine statement. Minister to Syria and Lebanon, Nov-19-45 (Nov-17-45), 4 s. -- 20-45395:55. E 8889/119/31/45 : Iraqi reaction to statement on Palestine. Ambassador to Iraq, Nov-19-45 (Nov-18-45), 2 s. -- 20-45395:57. E 8907/119/31/45 : King Farouk's reaction to Palestine statement. Ambassador to Egypt, Nov-20-45 (Nov-19-45), 4 s. -- 20-45395:61. E 8963/119/31/45 : Anti-Jewish outbreaks. Foreign Office, Nov-21-45 (Nov-18-45), 27 s. -- 20-45395:88. E 8974/119/31/45 : Palestine: Arab League views. Cairo Embassy, Nov-22-45 (Nov-20-45), 2 s. -- 20-45395:90. E 8975/119/31/45 : Palestine statement: Levant States views. Minister to Syria and Lebanon, Nov-22-45 (Nov-20-45), 4 s. -- 20-45395:94. E 8978/119/31/45 : Palestine question. Cairo Embassy, Counsellor, Nov-22-45 (Nov-12-45), 3 s. -- 20-45395:97. E 8988/119/31/45 : Arab League's views on statement. Cairo Embassy, Nov-22-45 (Nov-17-45), 2 s. -- 20-45395:99. E 9000/119/31/45 : Anti Jewish demonstrations in Mansourah. Cairo Embassy, Counsellor, Nov-23-45 (Nov-10-45), 3 s. -- 20-45395:102. E 9003/119/31/45 : Arab views on Palestine. Colonial Office, Nov-25-45 (Nov-19-45), 5 s. -- 20-45395:107. E 9014/119/31/45 : Interview with Egyptian Ambassador. Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, Nov-23-45 (Nov-16-45), 3 s. -- 20-45395:110. E 9072/119/31/45 : Arab activities re Palestine question. Ambassador to Egypt, Nov-24-45 (Nov-13-45), 4 s. -- 20-45395:114. E 9130/119/31/45 : Arab League note to United States government. Minister to Saudi Arabia, Nov-26-45 (Nov-25-45), 2 s. -- 20-45395:116. E 9131/119/31/45 : Proposed "Arab Palestinian Youth" delegation to Iraq. Minister to Saudi Arabia, Nov-26-45 (Nov-24-45), 2 s. -- 20-45395:118. E 9134/119/31/45 : Arab protest against Balfour declaration. Ambassador to Egypt, Nov-26-45 (Nov-14-45), 3 s. -- 20-45395:121. E 9180/119/31/45 : Arab League meeting on 24th November.Cairo Embassy, Nov-27-45 (Nov-26-45), 2 s. -- 20-45395:123. E 9191/119/31/45 : King Farouk's views on Palestine. Ambassador to Egypt, Nov-27-45 (Nov-26-45), 2 s. -- 20-45395:125. E 9196/119/31/45 : Arab League views on immigration rate. Cairo Embass, Nov-28-45 (Nov-27-45), 2 s. -- 20-45395:127. E 9261/119/31/45 : Arab League reply to Foreign Secretary's statement. Cairo Embassy, Nov-29-45 (Nov-28-45), S., 3 s. -- 20-45395:130. E 9266/119/31/45 : Anti-Jewish disorders in Egypt. Ambassador to Egypt, Nov 29-45 (Nov-13-45), 4 s. -- 20-45395:134. E 9267/119/31/45 : Arab protests against Balfour Declaration. Guatemala Legation, Nov-29-45 (Nov-7-45), 3 s. -- 20-45395:137. E 9268/119/31/45 : Palestine statement from Lebanese government. Lebanon Minister to U.K., Nov-29-45 (Nov-26-45), 7 s. -- 20-45395:144. E 9287/119/31/45 : Views of Iraqi government on statement. Ambassador to Iraq, Nov-30-45 (Nov-28-45), 4 s.
► 20-FO 371/45396. E 9287/119/31/45 : Arab League views. 119. Covers reaction of Syria, Lebanon, Egypt, and Saudi Arabia to British policy statement of November 1945 and formation of Arab League reply to this new British policy. Includes conflict between Abdul Rahman Azzam and Nuri Pasha al-Said in Arab League Council, proposed Arab League boycott of Zionist industries. King Ibn Saud views on British policy and opposition to Zionism, proposed visit to Great Britain of Amir Abdullah Ibn El-Husseini, anti-Jewish riots in Tripolitania, and other issues -- 20-45396:2. E 9290/119/31/45 : [?] memorandum on Palestine to Secretary of State. Ambassador to Egypt, Nov-30-45 (Nov-29-45), 5 s. -- 20-45396:7. E 9306/119/31/45 : Arab League decision on His Majesty's Government statement. Minister to Syria and Lebanon, Dec-1-45 (Nov-30-45), 5 s. -- 20-45396:12. E 9354/119/31/45 : Arab League's reply to Secretary of State statement. Cairo Embassy, Dec-3-45 (Dec-1-45), 2 s. -- 20-45396:14. E 9368/119/31/45 : Anti-Jewish riots in Tripoli. World Jewish Congress, Dec-3-45 (Nov-27-45), 11 s. -- 20-45396:25. E 9412/119/31/45 : Arab League's discussions on Palestine. Cairo Embassy, Dec-4-45 (Dec-3-45), 3 s. -- 20-45396:28. E 9419/119/31/45 : Arab League discussions on statement. Cairo Embassy, Dec-4-45 (Dec-3-45), 2 s. -- 20-45396:30. E 9430/119/31/45 : Arab League. Communique of 3rd December. Cairo Embassy, Dec-5-45 (Dec-4-45), 4 s. -- 20-45396:33. E 9431/119/31/45 : Arab League discussion on Palestine statement. Cairo Embassy, Dec-5-45 (Dec-4-45), 5 s. -- 20-45396:38. E 9488/119/31/45 : Reply of Arab League to Palestine statement. Cairo Embassy, Dec-6-45 (Dec-5-45), 3 s. -- 20-45396:41. E 9489/119/31/45 : Arab League reply to statement on Palestine. Cairo Embassy, Dec-6-45 (Dec-5-45), 2 s. -- 20-45396:43. E 9494/119/31/45 : Ibn Saud's statement on relations between Arabs and Jews. Minister to Saudi Arabia, Dec-6-45 (Dec-5-45), 3 s. -- 20-45396:46. E 9495/119/31/45 : Text of Arab League reply to His Majesty's government from Syrian and Lebanese ministers. Minister to Syria and Lebanon, Dec-6-45 (Dec-5-45), 2 s. -- 20-45396:48. E 9499/119/31/45 : Nuri Pasha's remarks about Azzam Bey. Ambassador to Egypt, Dec-6-45 (Dec-5-45), 2 s. -- 20-45396:50. E 9521/119/31/45 : Arab League reply to Palestine statement. Ambassador to Iraq, Dec-7-45 (Dec-6-45), 2 s. -- 20-45396:52. E 9526/119/31/45 : Visit of Amir Abdullah of Transjordan to United Kingdom. High Commissioner for Transjordani, Dec-7-45 (Nov24-45), S., 2 s. -- 20-45396:54. E 9550/119/31/45 : Arab League reply to Palestine statement. Minister to Syria and Lebanon, Dec-8-45 (Dec-6-45), 2 s. -- 20-45396:56. E 9559/119/31/45 : Muslims of Namakkal views on Palestine policy. Society of the Servants of Islam Namakkal, Dec-8-45 (Dec-4-45), 4 s. -- 20-45396:60. E 9560/119/31/45 : Arab League communique issue to the press. Dominions Office, Dec-8-45 (Dec-8-45), 3 s. -- 20-45396:63. E 9562/119/31/45 : Ibn Saud's reply to statement on Palestine. King Ibn Saud, Dec-8-45 (Nov-13-45), 3 s. -- 20-45396:66. E 9597/119/31/45 : Memorandum on Palestine from Arab League. Egypt Ambassador to U.K., Dec-8-45 (Dec-6-45), 8 s. -- 20-45396:73. E 9618/119/31/45 : Anti-Jewish attacks on Tripolitania. Tunis Consulate-General, Dec-10-45 (Nov-28-45), 2 s. -- 20-45396:75. E 9626/119/31/45 : Anti Jewish outbreaks in Tripoli. Parliament, Dec-10-45 (Dec-4-45), 5 s. -- 20-45396:80. E 9657/119/31/45 : Irrigation project in Palestine. Colonial Office, Dec-11-45 (Dec-8-45), 6 s. -- 20-45396:86. E 9759/119/31/45 : Boycotting of goods of Zionist origin.Ambassador to Egypt, Dec-14-45 (Dec-5-45), 3 s. -- 20-45396:89. E 9821/119/31/45 : Anti-Jewish violence at Tripoli. Hugh Lucas, Dec-15-45 (Dec-12-45), 12 s. -- 20-45396:101. E 9833/119/31/45 : Ibn Saud's views on Arab League reply to Palestine statement. Minister to Saudi Arabia, Dec-17-45 (Dec-15-45), 2 s. -- 20-45396:103. E 9852/119/31/45 : Reply of Arab League to Palestine statement. Ambassador to Egypt, Dec-18-45 (Dec-5-45), 13 s. -- 20-45396:116. E 9888/119/31/45 : Arab Union reply to statement on Palestine. Cairo Embassy, Dec-18-45 (Nov-30-45), 6 s. -- 20-45396:121. E 9890/119/31/45 : Arab League communique on Palestine question. Cairo Embassy, Dec-18-45 (Dec-8-45), 3 s. -- 20-45396:124. E 10003/119/31/45 : Arab views on Palestine. Cairo Embassy, First Secretary (Acting), Dec-21-45 (Dec-10-45), 2 s. -- 20-45396:126. E 10034/119/31/45 : Palestine (law and order). Parliament, Dec-22-45 (Dec-18-45), 3 s. -- 20-45396:129. E 10060/119/31/45 : Egyptian reply to Palestine statement. Egypt Ambassador to U.K., Dec-22-45 (Dec-21-45), 2 s. -- 20-45396:131. E 10164/119/31/45 : Arab League's reply to Palestine statement. Colonial Office, Dec-28-45 (Dec-22-45), 2 s. -- 20-45396:133. E 10225/119/31/45 : Anti-Jewish riots in Tripolitania. Commander in Chief Middle East, Dec-31-45 (Nov-10-45), S., 4 s. -- 20-45396:137. E 10226/119/31/45 : Disturbances in Tripolitania. Parliament, Dec-31-45 (Nov-27-45), 3 s.
► 20-FO 371/45397. E 7868/628/31/44 : Recruiting for Jewish Brigade Group. 192. Covers creation, recruitment, combat evaluation, and postwar deployment of Jewish Brigade Group; data by ethnicity, unit, and location of Palestine armed forces. Includes transfer of Jewish terrorists from detention in Eritrea to Sudan and associated legal issues, arrest and deportation of admitted Irgun Zvai Leumi terrorist Wolf Evensky, and other issues -- 20-45397:2. E 192/192/31/45 : Arrangements for custody of Jewish internees in transit. Ambassador to Egypt, Jan-9-45 (Dec-23-44), S., 5 s. -- 20-45397:7. E 266/192/31/45 : Recruitment for Jewish Brigade: application of Mr. Noher. Dominions Office, Jan-11-45 (Jan-45), 6 s. -- 20-45397:13. E 295/192/31/45 : Detention of Jews in Eritrea. High Commissioner for Palestine, Jan-12-45 (Jan-8-45), TS., 3 s. -- 20-45397:16. E 297/192/31/45 : Detention of Wolf Evensky in Palestine. Washington Embassy, Jan-12-45 (Dec-29-44), 6 s. -- 20-45397:22. E 413/192/31/45 : Transfer of Jewish internees. Commander in Chief Middle East, Jan-18-45 (Jan-14-45), S., 2 s. -- 20-45397:24. E 528/192/31/45 : Enlistment of Palestinians. High Commissioner's Deputy, Jan-22-45 (Dec-29-44), TS., 5 s. -- 20-45397:29. E 766/192/31/45 : Recruitment and equipment for Jewish Brigade Group. Supreme Allied Commander, Meditteranean, Feb-2-45 (Jan-28-45), MS., 4 s. -- 20-45397:33. E 812/192/31/45 : Transfer of Jewish internees. Ambassador to Egypt, Feb-4-45 (Feb-3-45), 2 s. -- 20-45397:35. E 1144/192/31/45 : Action to be taken against Lord Moyne's murderers. Parliament, Feb-16-45 (Feb-14-45), 3 s. -- 20-45397:38. E 1447/192/31/45 : Detention of Jews in Sudan. High Commissioner for Palestine, Mar-1-45 (Feb-24-45), TS., 2 s. -- 20-45397:40. E 1512/192/31/45 : Arms control. Parliament, Mar-5-45 (Feb-28-45), 3 s. -- 20-45397:43. E 1543/192/31/45 : Release of Jewish detainees. High Commissioner for Palestine, Mar-6-45 (Feb-26-45), 2 s. -- 20-45397:45. E 2020/192/31/45 : Detention of Wolf Evensky. Chief Secretary's Office, Jerusalem, Mar-26-45 (Mar-22-45), S., 7 s. -- 20-45397:51. E 3044/192/31/45 : Detention of Wolf Evensky. Washington Embassy, First Secretary (Acting), May-15-4S (May-3-45), 4 s. -- 20-45397:55. E 3217/192/31/45 : Jewish Brigade Group. War Office, May-22-45 (May-16-45), S., 2 s. -- 20-45397:57. E 3272/192/31/45 : Recruiting for Jewish Brigade Group. War Office, May-22-45 (May-16-45), TS., 17 s. -- 20-45397:74. E 3313/192/31/45 : Enlistment of Palestinians. High Commissioner for Palestine, May-23-45 (Apr-15-45), TS., 3 s. -- 20-45397:77. E 3588/192/31/45 : Recruiting for Jewish Brigade Group. Allied Force Headquarters, Jun-1-45 (May-25-45), TS., 6 s. -- 20-45397:83. E 4511/192/31/45 : Detention of Jews in the Sudan. High Commissioner for Palestine, Jun-26-45 (Jun-19-45), TS., 3 s. -- 20-45397:86. E 5015/192/31/45 : Recruiting for Jewish Brigade Group. EXFOR, Jul-11-45 (Jul-45), TS., 10 s. -- 20-45397:96. E 5370/792/37/45 : Activities of the Jewish Brigade. Twenty-One Army Group, Jul-23-45 (Jul-17-45), TS., 2 s. -- 20-45397:98. E 5425/192/31/45 : Activities of the Jewish Brigade. War Office, Jul-25-45 (Jul-30-45), TS., 5 s. -- 20-45397:103. E 5667/192/31/45 : Enlistment of Palestinians. High Commissioner for Palestine, Aug-3-45 (Jul-3-45), TS., 11 s. -- 20-45397:114. E 6299/792/37/45 : Jewish detainees in the Sudan. Governor-General of the Sudan (Acting), Aug-28-45 (Jul-23-45), TS., 7 s. -- 20-45397:121. E 6438/192/31/45 : Detention of Wolf Evensky. Colonial Office, Sep-1-45 (Aug-27-45), 5 s. -- 20-45397:126. E 6667/192/31/45 : Jewish detainees in the Sudan. Cairo Embassy, Sep-8-45 (Sep-2-45), S., 7 s. -- 20-45397:133. E 7159/192/31/45 : Palestinian servicemen detained without trial. M. Shaer, Sep-25-45 (Sep-21-45), 7 s. -- 20-45397:140. E 7334/192/31/45 : Detention of Wolf Evensky. Washington Embassy, First Secretary (Acting), Oct-1-45 (Sep-21-45), 7 s. -- 20-45397:147. E 7652/192/31/45 : Detention of Wolf Evensky. Chief Secretary's Office, Jerusalem, Oct-12-45 (Oct-7-45), S., 6 s. -- 20-45397:153. E 8137/192/31/45 : Palestine detainees in the Sudan. Colonial Office, Oct-27-45 (Oct-22-45), S., 4 s. -- 20-45397:157. E 9568/192/31/45 : Behaviour of the Jewish Brigade. Parliament, Dec-8-45 (Dec-4-45), 3 s. -- 20-45397:160. E 9780/192/31/45 : Jewish personnel in British Army. Parliament, Dec-14-45 (Dec-11-45), 3 s. -- 20-45397:163. E 10105/192/31/45 : Palestinian forces. Parliament, Dec-27-45 (Dec-20-45), 4 s.
Reprodüksiyon Notu
Mikrofilm. Bethesda, MD : University Publications of America, 1982. 1 mikrofilm makarası : pozitif ; 35 mm. 14 December 1945(11 December 1945)-27 December 1945(20 December 1945)
Emeği Geçenler
Kesaris, Paul, prj. koord.
Kurum Adı
Great Britain. Foreign Office.
University Publications of America (UPA).