The papers of Sir Mark Sykes, 1879-1919 [mikroform] : with special reference to the Sykes-Picot Agreement and the Middle East.

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Yayın Bilgisi
Wakefield, UK : Microform Academic Publishers, 2006.
Fiziksel Niteleme
1 mikrofilm makarası (598 poz) : pozitif ; 35 mm
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Bu seri 8 makaradan oluşmaktadır.
Bibliyografi, vb. Notu
Mikrofilmin indeksi A.VIII/7456 yer numarasında kayıtlıdır.
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DDSY2/4 Foreign affairs and travel (1888-1919) -- 4/206 : Map. Western Asia Minor (scale 2 1/8 inches to 100 miles), poz 6-7 -- 4/207a : Map. The countries between Constantinople and Calcutta (Western half only, i.e. Asia Minor and Turkey in Asia (scale 1 inch to 110 miles) (4). Variously marked up (railways, roads, military dispositions, oil, submarine bases etc.), poz 8-26 -- 4/207b : Map. Turkey in Asia (scale 1 7/8 inches to 200 miles) (4). Variously marked up (railways, roads, military dispositions, oil, submarine bases etc.), poz 27-29 -- 4/208 : Map. Turkey in Asia (from ‘ Times’ history of the war’) (scale 1 5/8 inches to 100 miles), poz 30-31 -- 4/209 : Map. Turkey in Asia, Arabia and Persia (scale 1 inch to 100 miles), poz 32-34 -- 210 : Map. Red Sea littoral: part of Arabia and North part of the Persian Gulf, poz 35-41 -- 4/211 : Map. The Middle East (scale 2 1/8 inches to 500 miles)Marked up (3), poz 42-46 -- 4/212 : Map. Turkey in Asia , Syria and Western Persia (scale 1 inch to 31.56 miles). Marked up in connection with Sykes-Picot Agreement, 1916 (3), poz 47-62 -- 4/213 : Map. ’L’ Empire Ottaman’ (scale 1 : 3,000,000).Marked up with railways to 1916, 1892, poz 63-68 -- 4/214 : Map.Berlin-Baghdad or ‘Mittel Europa’, September 1916, poz 69-71 -- 4/215 : Outline map of the Turkish Empire (scale 1 : 10,000,000), poz 72-74 -- 4/216 : Maps, variously marked up. With draft letter from Mark Sykes to Lord Curzon, sending the maps ‘for your paper’, 7 December 1917. Comprising : a) Turkey in Asia (as DDSY(2)/4/206b) -- 4/216 : Maps, variously marked up. With draft letter from Mark Sykes to Lord Curzon, sending the maps ‘for your paper’, 7 December 1917. Comprising : b) Asia Minor, Arabia Persia (part only, small scale) -- 4/216 : Maps, variously marked up. With draft letter from Mark Sykes to Lord Curzon, sending the maps ‘for your paper’, 7 December 1917. Comprising : c) British frontiers in Africa (scale 1 inch to 500 miles), poz 75-80.
DDSY2/11 Papers relating to the Sykes-Picot Agreement, the Zionist movement and the British policy in Islamic countries (1914-1918) -- 11/1 : Note by the India Office on Arabia (2), 26 April 1915, poz 81-86 -- 11/2 : Arrangement concluded in 1914 between the Ottoman Government and teh Powers in regard to the administration of the Armenian vilayets, 30 April 1915, poz 87-89 -- 11/3 : Note by Mark Sykes on the proposed maintenance of a Turkish empire in Asia without spheres of influence, 3 May 1915, poz 90-92 -- 11/4 : Note on the Khalifate, by Mark Sykes See also DDSY(2)/4/85, 25 May 1915, poz 93-96 -- 11/5 : ‘ Nos droits en Syrie et en Palestine’, by Etienne Flandin. Extract from ‘La Revue Hebdomadaire’, French, 5 June 1915, poz 97-106 -- 11/6 : Memorandum by Sir Valentine Chirol (enclosure in Mark Syke’s despatch No.9 of 7 July ) about Baghdad railway; Asiastic Turkey; Khalifate; extension of Bristish Territory, July 1915, poz 107-115 -- 11/7 : Despatch [by Mark Sykes?] from Aden about military situation; Turkish prisoners; public feeling in Aden; Imam Yahya; Sheikh Idris; Arab Caliphate; policy, 23 July 1915, poz 116-124 -- 11/8 : Memorandum on the Indian Moslems, 11 October 1915, poz 125-128 -- 11/9 : Printed letter. Mark Sykes, S.S. Khyber, Red Sea to Major General C. E. Callwell DMO, with his impressions gained on his tour of the Eastern theatre See also DDSY (2)/4/141, 15 November 1915, poz 129-131 -- 11/10 : Letter. G. F. Clayton, Cairo to Mark Sykes, with a copy of his letter to Parker (10 December 1915) about forward policy and Near Eastern Bureau; views on F. George-Picot; Arab movement, 13 December 1915, poz 132-140 -- 11/11 : Report by Mark Sykes about propaganda needed for Bristish forces in Egypt and Aden; work of CID, 5 June 1915, poz 141-143 -- 11/12 : Ms. and ts. report by Mark Sykes aboutattitude of, and comments on, Kurdish tribes, 13 June 1916, poz 144-152 -- 11/13 : Memorandum.’ The problem of the Near East’, by Mark Sykes, 20 June 1916, poz 153-155 -- 11/14 : Memorandum. ’ The Sherif of Mecca and the Arab movement ‘, 1 July 1916, poz 156-159 -- 11/15 : Transcript of evidence of Mark Sykes to War Committee about political side of the Arab situation, 6 July 1916, poz 160-166 -- 11/16 : Draft telegram from War Committee [drafted by Mark Sykes?] ordering a more vigorous attitude and policy by the civil administration, 7 July 1916, poz 167-171 -- 11/17 : Copy. Letter from Mark Sykes [to Col. Davies, War Office?] about set up [of Arab Bulletin?], 31 July 1916, poz 172-176 -- 11/18 : Copy. Letter from Mark Sykes to Director of Military Operations, sending copy of despatch to Foreign Secretary about military situation in Syria, 8 August 1916, poz 177-179 -- 11/19 : Letter. Austen Chamberlain to Mark Sykes, enclosing a letter from Sir Joseph Meston on Indian Moslem opinion. Including: a) Copy of reply by Mark Sykes about need to circulate propaganda, on political situation in Turkey and the Arab movement, among British officials in India, 21 August 1916 See also DDSY (2)/4/114, 17 August 1916-21 August 1916, poz 180-185 -- 11/20 : Summary of the Arab situation, by Mark Sykes, 30 August 1916, poz 186-203 -- 11/21 : Copies of letters and telegrams relating to Saiyid Talib Bey in India [incomplete] Remainder at DDSY (2)/4/135 See also DDYS (2)/11/26, August 1916- September 1916, poz 204-210 -- 11/22 : Memorandum by Mark Sykes on rebellious elements in Syria (2), 4 October 1916, poz 211-218 -- 11/23 : Draft and copy letter. Mark Sykes to Lord Hardinge, Under Secretary for Foreign Affairs ,against contact with Turks: ‘we should…stick entirely to the Arabs’ 15 October 1916, poz 219-223 -- 11/24 : Ms. and ts. memorandum on Ottoman Empire by Mark Sykes, 12 October 1916-25 October 1916, poz 224-233 -- 11/25 : Memorandum. W R Robertson, CIGS, to War Committee against sending an expeditionary force to Rabegh, 13 November 1916, poz 234-240 -- 11/26 : Correspondence relating to Saiyid Talib Bey See also DDSY(2)/4/135; 11/21, poz 241-245 -- 11/27 : Condemnation of the French in Tunis, by Sheikh Saleh el Sherif el Tunisi (anti-Ally and pro-German Turkish) Estimated date, 1916, poz 246-254 -- 11/28 : Correspondence relating to Dr Parodi and Egyptians in Switzerland (10), July 1916 – January 1917, poz 255-267 -- 11/29 : Letter. J. Trumpeldor, Chelsea to Mark Sykes with a scheme for raising a Jewish regiment; enclosing copies of letters relating to the Zion Mule Corps, which refer to W. Jabotinsky, 15 February 1917, poz 268-279 -- 11/30 : ‘Renseignements géneraux sur les communautés orientales non musulmanes‘. French, 27 February 1917, poz 280-294 -- 11/31 : Military bulletin; Arab operations near Wejh [first page missing], poz 295-300 -- 11/32 : Form of proclamation to people of Baghdad; amendment by Austen Chamberlain; and memorandum by Mark Sykes, March 1917, poz 301-324 -- 11/33 : File.’ Miscellaneous correspondence’. Comprising letters from: a) R.Wingate, Cairo -- 11/33 : File.’ Miscellaneous correspondence’. Comprising letters from: b) Gwen Herbert, Cairo -- 11/33 : File. ’Miscellaneous correspondence’. Comprising letters from: c) M.P.A Hankey -- 11/33 : File. ’Miscellaneous correspondence’. Comprising letters from: d) George Peel, Gezirah -- 11/33 : File. ’Miscellaneous correspondence’. Comprising letters from: e) J. N. Alexander, Cairo -- 11/33 : File. ’Miscellaneous correspondence’. Comprising letters from: f) R. Stoors, Karachi -- 11/33 : File. ’Miscellaneous correspondence’. Comprising letters from: g) Francis Todd, Cairo -- 11/33 : File. ’Miscellaneous correspondence’. Comprising letters from: h) Norman Bray, Cairo -- 11/33 : File. ’Miscellaneous correspondence’. Comprising letters from: i) George Lloyd -- 11/33 : File. ’Miscellaneous correspondence’. Comprising letters from: j) G. W. Kerr-Boyd -- 11/33 : File. ’Miscellaneous correspondence’. Comprising letters from: k) Guy Lawrence, Gezirah -- 11/33 : File. ’Miscellaneous correspondence’. Comprising letters from: l) Philip Graves -- 11/33 : File. ’Miscellaneous correspondence’. Comprising letters from: m) R.E. Wemyss -- 11/33 : File. ’Miscellaneous correspondence’. Comprising letters from: n) ‘Arab Bulletin’, no. 48, February 1917-May 1917, poz 325-374 -- 11/34 : Letter. Greenberg, Jewish Chronicle, to Mark Sykes, enclosing copy of an address by Lucien Wolf on the Jewish National Movement, 21 March 1917, poz 375-384 -- 11/35 : File of copies of telegrams from Mark Sykes on Arab and Zionist affairs; F. George-Picot, April 1917 – May 1917, poz 385-436 -- 11/36 : Letter. J. Hussey Walsh, Paris to Mark Sykes about French interests and claims in the Holy Land, 17 April 1917, poz 437-443 -- 11/37 : Letter. R. Graham, Foreign Office, to Mark Sykes about Dr Weitzmann; French, American, British and Zionist views on future o Palestine; P[rime] M[inister] intends to give S to the Italians’; Russians and Constantiople, 19 April 1917, poz 444-446 -- 11/38 : Letter. R. E. Wemyss, Vice Admiral, Commander-in –Chief East Indies and Egypt, to Mark Sykes, with report that Germans are pressing Turks to grant autonomy to Syria and Egypt, poz 447-449 -- 11/39 : File relating to Arab Legion. Mainly copies of telegrams, April 1917- June 1917, poz 450-465 -- 11/40 : Letter. William Ormesby-Gore to Mark Sykes about withdrawal from Salonika; Greece; Zionism; Arab Bureau; Russian affairs; Ireland; pogroms in Palestine as propaganda; Western front, 8 May 1917, poz 466-469 -- 11/41 : Incomplete report [by Mark Sykes?] on a visit to Mesopotamia, 10 May 1917, poz 470-472 -- 11/42 : Copy. Letter from J. De Salis, Rome, to Drummond about visit of Sokolow to the Pope, 11 May 1917, poz 473-475 -- 11/43 : Statement of policy in regard to the Arab question, by G. F. Clayton, 14 May 1917, poz 476-477 -- 11/44 : Military report by G F Clayton about plans and needs of Emir Feisal (2), 29 May 1917, poz 478-484 -- 11/45 : Observations on Arab policy as a result of visits to Red Sea ports, Jeddah, Yembo, Wejh, Kamaran and Aden [by Mark Sykes?], 5 June 1917, poz 485-496 -- 11/46 : Copy. Telegram from R Wingate, Ramleh, to King and War Cabinet with his views ‘on general situation here’, 10 June 1917, poz 497-498 -- 11/47 : Copy. Telegram from R. Wingate, Ramleh, to King and War Cabinet about Arab Legion; Sykes-Picot proposals, 10 June 1917, poz 499-500 -- 11/48 : Report by Mark Sykes on Arab situation, 17 June 1917, poz 501-507 -- 11/49 : Letter. Harry Verney, Foreign Office, to Mark Sykes, arranging a meeting with the King the following day, 27 June 1917, poz 508-510 -- 11/50: Copies of papers. Some items in French. Comprising: a) Letter. Horace Rumbold, Berne, to Arthur Balfour, forwarding the following documents -- 11/50 : Copies of papers. Some items in French. Comprising: b) Letter. Dr H Parodi to Rumbold about constitution of a committee, ‘Ligue ottomane de paix et liberation’ -- 11/50 : Copies of papers. Some items in French. Comprising: c) Manifesto of the committee -- 11/50 : Copies of papers. Some items in French. Comprising: d)’L’avenir de l’Empire Ottoman’, by Kemal Midhat Be, 28 June 1917- 30 June 1917, poz 511-524 -- 11/51 : Proposals for offensives for breaking the Baghdad and Palestine Railways, by Lt. Cdr. H. Pirie-Gordon, 8 July 1917, poz 525- 548 -- 11/52 : Copy. Telegram to Sir R. Rodd, Rome about interview between Italian ambassador and Lord Robert Cecil on Italy£s aspirations in Asia Minor, 3 July 1917, poz 549-551 -- 11/53 : Copy. Telegram from Reginald Wingate, Cairo to King and War Cabinet Proposing amendment of Sykes-Picot Agreement , 3 July 1917, poz 552-553 -- 11/54 : Memorandum [by Roy Glen?] on Bri
Reprodüksiyon Notu
Mikrofilm. Wakefield, UK : Microform Academic Publishers, 2006. 1 mikrofilm makarası : pozitif ; 35 mm.
Orijinal Versiyon Notu
Mikrofilmin orjinali : Microform Academic Publishers film no; R50041.
Kurum Adı
Hull University Archives