Confidential U.S. state department special files [mikroform] : Arab-Israeli conflict 1951-1976

Dil Kodu
Yer Numarası
Yayın Bilgisi
Bethesda, MD : University Puclications of America (UPA), [t.y.]
Fiziksel Niteleme
1 mikrofilm makarası (927 poz) : pozitif ; 35 mm.
Genel Not
Bu seri 22 makaradan oluşmaktadır.
Bibliyografi, vb. Notu
Mikrofilmin indeksi B.I/6614 yer numarasında kayıtlıdır.
İçindekiler Notu
0001 : Authentication Policy : Saudi Arabian boycott of Israeli companies, and U.S. refusal to identify the race or religion of individuals employed by U.S. companies, 1956–1965 -- 0088 : HAIFA Clause-Suez Canal Boycott : U.S. construction of Saudi military training facility, 1960 -- 0092 : FT-11-2-Arab Economic Boycott-Anti-Boycott Law : U.S. anti-boycott legislation, 1965 -- 0095 : FT-11-2-Arab Economic Boycott-Hearings on HR 627/S948 1965 : Congressional hearings on anti-boycott legislation, aimed at Arab states’ economic boycott of Israeli and Israel-affiliated businesses, 1965 -- 0105 : FT-11-2-Arab Economic Boycott 1969 : Arab economic boycott of Israel, and legal consequences for U.S. company National Telefilm Associates, Inc.’s refusal to comply with the boycott, 1969 -- 0114 : FT-11-2-Arab Economic Boycott 1975 : U.S. exporter compliance with anti-Arab-boycott regulations / Rogers C. B. Morton, 1975 -- 0137 : FT-11-2d-Foreign Trade 1964 : Arab boycott of American Machine and Foundry Company / Carter L. Burgess; principal correspondents Phillips Talbot, 1964 -- 0150 : FT-11-2h-Chase Manhattan Bank 1964 : Arab boycott threat to Chase Manhattan Bank / David Rockefeller, Rodger P. Davies, Mustafa Kemal; principal correspondents Russell H. Dorr, 1964 -- 0169 : FT-12 Trade Liberalization/FT-13 Duties 1970 -- Israeli economic development and eligibility for U.S. trade preferences, 1970 -- 0187 : FT-12 Trade Liberalization 1971 : Arab boycott of Israel and U.S. trade preference system, 1971 -- 0197 : FT-13 GATT Consult. Duties 1971 : U.S.-Israel economic relations, 1971 -- 0200 : FT-18 Munitions Control 1966 : Munitions export control cases involving Israel, 1966 -- 0280 : FT-18 Munitions Control 1969 : State Department Office of Munitions Control interaction with KMS Industries regarding technology information transfer to Israel / William Weitzen, Keeve M. Siegel, 1969 -- 0292 : INCO-1 General Policy. Plans 1971 : Maritime Fruit Carriers development plans in Israel, 1971 -- 0292 : INCO-1 General Policy. Plans 1971 : Maritime Fruit Carriers development plans in Israel, 1971 -- 0295 : INCO-1 Industries and Commodities General Policy. Plans 1972 : Corruption and mismanagement charges against Israeli industries, 1972 -- 0317 : INCO-1 General Policy. Plans. Tourism 1973 : Israeli water flow restrictions and Allied Chemical Corp. dispute with Israel Chemical Industries Ltd. in Arad, Israel, 1972 -- 0336 : LAB-Labor and Manpower 1968 : Israeli position on Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty / Walter Reuther, Victor G. Reuther, 1968 -- 0342 : LAB-1 General Policy. Plans 1971 : Tel Aviv University labor relations seminar, 1971 -- 0357 : LAB-1 Labor and Manpower-General Policy. Plans 1972 : International Confederation of Free Trade Unions official visit to Israel, 1972 -- 0360 LAB-1 General Policy. Plans 1973 -- 0362 : OS-1 Ocean Shipping-General Policy. Plans 1972 : U.S. military cargo shipment to Israel, 1972 -- 0366 : OS-1 Ocean Shipping-General Policy. Plans 1973 : International Ice Patrol costs, 1972 -- 0375 : PET-Petroleum 1968 -- 0378 : PET-Occupied Areas 1969 : Oil company operations in Gulf of Suez, 1969 -- 0382 : PET-1-1 General Policy. Plans 1973 : European response to Arab oil embargo, 1973 -- 0385 : PET-1-2-Egypt-Oil 1975, 1975 -- 0387 : PO-Postal Affairs 1968 : U.S. consulate in Jerusalem mail delivery problems / principal correspondents James H. Bahti, 1968 -- 0399 : STR-7 Export Control-Computers 1969 : Computers in Israel, 1969 -- 0402 : STR-7 Export Control-Misc. 1969 : United Aircraft Corp. export to Israel, 1969 -- 0409 : STR-7 Strategic Trade Control 1971 -- 0411 : STR-7 Strategic Trade Control 1972 -- Cuban interest in Israeli ship production, 1972 -- 0413 : STR-7 Strategic Trade Control 1973 : U.S. technology company plan to manufacture electron tubes in Israel, 1973 -- 0422 : TEL-Telecommunications 1968 : Global commercial communications satellite system agreement, 1968 -- 0424 : TEL-Telecommunications 1969 : Israeli invitation to INTELSAT conference, 1969 -- 0427 : TEL-1 Telecommunications-General Policy. Plans 1972 -- Israeli satellite communications facility inauguration, 1972 -- 0435 : TEL-1 Telecommunications General Policy 1974 : Signal jamming of Israel high frequency broadcasting signals, 1974 -- 0438 : TP-Trade Promotion and Assistance 1968 : U.S. trade and investment program for Israel, 1968 -- 0447 : TP-1 Gen. Policy. Plans. Coord. 1971 : Israeli fishing fleet proposal, 1971 -- 0455 : TP-1 Gen. Policy. Plans. Coord. 1973 : American-Israel Chamber of Commerce and Industry annual dinner, 1973 -- 0457 : TP-8-Tel Aviv International Trade Fair 1969 : U.S. trade and investment program for Israel, 1969 -- 0466 : TP-8-Fairs and Exhibitions-Tel Aviv 1973 -- 0468 : TP-19 Assistance to/Protection of US Firms 1973 : Exchange National Bank of Chicago West Bank branch proposal, 1973 -- 0473 : DEF-Project Egg Roll-AI Anti-Infiltration Technology 1968 : Israeli plans for. anti-infiltration mines to use along Jordanian border / principal correspondents Jr. Alfred L. Atherton, 1968 -- 0482 : DEF-US Commitment to Israel 1971 : U.S. security commitment to Israel, 1971 -- 0485 : DEF-1 Defense Affairs-General Policy 1968 -- 0487 : DEF-1 USS Liberty 1968 : Israeli attack on USS Liberty during Six Day War, and U.S.-Israeli conflict over claims settlement / William McGonagle, 1968 -- 0582 : DEF-1 Policy, Plans, Readiness 1969, 1969 -- 0598 : DEF-1 Policy, Plans, Readiness 1971, 1971 -- U.S. contingency planning for Arab-Israeli war, 1973 -- 0777 : DEF-1-3 Military Capabilities -- 0781 : DEF-2-Arms Sales to Israel: General Reports 1970 : U.S. arms sales to Israel / principal correspondents J. William Fulbright, 1970 -- 0801 : Def-2 General Reports and Statistics (Budget) 1972 -- 0803 : DEF-4-NATO : NATO meeting on Arab-Israeli conflict, 1972 -- 0807 : DEF-6-Dakar (missing sub) 1968 : Missing Israeli submarine “Dakar”, 1968 -- 0816 : DEF-6-Armed Forces Aug. thru Dec. : Israeli military strength following Six-Day War, August-December 1968 -- 0822 : DEF-6-Armed Forces Israeli and Arab Oct. thru Dec. 1971 : Israeli overflights of ceasefire lines and incidents in the Suez Canal sector : October-December 1971 -- 0829 : DEF-6 Armed Forces Israeli and Arab/Air Balance : Document transmittal slip, 1972 -- 0831 : DEF-7-Visits. Missions, 1968 -- 0840 : DEF-7 Visits 1970 -- 0842 : DEF-7 Visits 1974 : Israeli arms requests and Department of Defense personnel visits to Israel, 1974 -- 0847 : DEF-9-Military Personnel-Defense Attache Matters 1972 : Israel-Syria incursions and Israeli attack on fedayeen base in Libya, 1972 -- 0864 : DEF-10 Exchange of Military Info 1973 : U.S.-Israel naval information exchange, 1973 -- 0869 : DEF-12 Armaments: General : U.S. M-16 rifle sales to Lebanon and speedboats for Israel, 1972 -- 0873 : DEF-12-1 Armaments: Missiles : Israeli missile request, 1972 -- 0875 : DEF-12-4 Armaments: Production. Repair 1971 : Israeli arms requests, 1971 -- 0880 : DEF-12-4 Armaments: Production. Repair 1972 -- 0882 : DEF-12-4 Armaments: Production. Repair. Sale 1973 : Israel Aircraft Industry repair facilities, 1973 -- 0885 : DEF-12-4 Armaments: Production. Repair. Sale 1974 : U.S. Army Mohawk aircraft loan to Israel, 1974 -- 0887 : DEF-12-4 Armaments: Aircraft Production 1971 : Israeli fighter plane development, 1971 -- 0890 DEF-12-4-1 Armaments: Aircraft Production. Repair-Misc. 1972 -- 0892 : DEF-12-4-2 Armaments: Tank/Aircraft Production. Repair. 1964–65/72 : U.S. aid for Israeli tank and aircraft production, 1964–1972 -- 0906 : DEF-12-4-2 Armaments: Tank/Aircraft Production. Repair. 6/72-7/72 : Israeli request for U.S. aid in tank and aircraft production, June-July 1972.
Reprodüksiyon Notu
Mikrofilm. Bethesda, MD : University Puclications of America (UPA), [t.y.]. 1 mikrofilm makarası : pozitif ; 35 mm. 1951-1976.
Kurum Adı
University Puclications of America (UPA)