U.S. State Department Office of the Executive Secretariat crisis files. Part 2, The Middle East Crisis, 1967 [mikroform] : lot files 68D135, 69D218, 70D20 / project editor Robert E. Lester.
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Eser Adının Farklı Biçimi
Crisis files. Part 2, The Middle East Crisis, 1967
Middle East Crisis, 1967
Middle East Crisis, 1967
Yayın Bilgisi
Bethesda, MD : UPA collection from LexisNexis, [t.y.]
Fiziksel Niteleme
1 mikrofilm makarası (1050 poz) : pozitif ; 35 mm
Genel Not
Bu seri 19 makaradan oluşmaktadır.
Bibliyografi, vb. Notu
Mikrofilmin indeksi B.I/6613 yer numarasında kayıtlıdır.
İçindekiler Notu
► 0001 : Memorandums of conversations : USSR policy in Middle East; position of Jews in USSR; status of Jerusalem; Thai views on crisis; U.S.-USSR summit meeting; Moroccan, Italian, Polish, and Turkish views on crisis; USSR role in crisis; Yugoslav views on crisis; Vietnam War; U.S.-USSR strategic arms control talks; nonproliferation treaty; UAR views on crisis; freedom of passage through Gulf of Aqaba; U.S. policy in Middle East; Danish position on maritime declaration; Arab and Israeli military capabilities; proposed naval task force for Gulf of Aqaba; USSR admission that charges of U.S.-UK involvement in war on behalf of Israel were unfounded; NATO ministerial meeting; USSR, Israeli, Norwegian, Iranian, UK, and Japanese views on crisis; Ryukyu Islands; UN role in crisis; use of poison gas in Yemen; attack on USS Liberty; withdrawal of Israeli troops from Egypt in 1957; visit of UN Secretary General U Thant to Cairo, Egypt; U.S. assurances and commitments to Israel by administrations of Harry S. Truman, Dwight D. Eisenhower, John F. Kennedy, and Lyndon Baines Johnson; tripartite declaration of 1950; U.S.- Canada relations; Canadian foreign policy; Vietnam War; nonproliferation; admission of communist China to UN security council; Romanian views on crisis; four-power consultation proposal of Charles de Gaulle / principal correspondents Thomas L. Hughes, Patrick Dean, [February 26 and 28, 1957; November 25, 1966; and May 18–June 28, 1967]
► 0193 : History of MADEC [maritime declaration] : Guatemalan views on crisis; Costa Rican position on maritime declaration; freedom of passage through Gulf of Aqaba; UN role in crisis; activities of task force subcommittee on the maritime declaration; chronology of events concerning draft declaration; question whether Israel should sign declaration; tally of countries asked to sign declaration; assessment of reactions to proposed declaration; positions on declaration of countries approached; activities of Eugene V. Rostow in support of declaration; U.S. objectives; draft declaration; position on declaration of Australia and Spain; importance of secrecy about specifics of declaration and countries approached; contingency planning; NATO and declaration; differences between U.S. and UK approaches to potential declaration signers; New Zealand position on declaration; suspension of declaration activities; withdrawal of U.S. Air Force detachment from Jordan; UAR-Jordan joint defense agreement; AFL-CIO statement on crisis; importance to Israel of port of Eilat; Israeli oil imports; UAR views on crisis / principal correspondents Deane R. Hinton, Dean Rusk, Robert T. Grey, Lucius D.Battle, [May 30–June 9, 1967]
► 0350 : METF [Middle East task force] : Middle East task force meeting agenda; evacuation of U.S. citizens from Jordan; proposed visit of UAR vice president to U.S.; evacuation of U.S. citizens from Middle East countries; Israeli objectives; structure of Middle East control group and task force / principal correspondents Lannon Walker, Lucius D. Battle, Eugene V. Rostow, [May 31–June 9, 1967]
► 0366 : Situation reports : U.S.-USSR cooperation on crisis; U.S.-USSR summit meeting; communist Chinese propaganda on Arab defeat; USSR views on crisis; Norwegian shipping in Middle East; U.S. policy in Middle East; travel restrictions on U.S. citizens; Sudanese views on crisis; Sudanese internal situation; anticipated reaction of Western Europe and Canada to outbreak of Arab-Israeli war; pressure from Gamal Abdel Nasser on Libya to close Wheelus Air Base; charges that Wheelus Air Base is being used to airlift weapons and ammunition to Israel; effect of closure of Suez Canal on Indian food imports; charges of U.S.- UK involvement in war on behalf of Israel; UAR retaliation against U.S. and UK; freedom of passage through Gulf of Aqaba; Syrian-supported terrorism; demilitarized zones; map of Jerusalem; status of Jerusalem; refugees; arms limitation; Nasser’s resignation and its withdrawal; position and tactics of Saudi Arabian King Faisal; effects of oil crisis on Latin America; USSR propaganda / principal correspondents Deane R. Hinton, Thomas L. Hughes, [June 5–10, 1967]
► 0429 : Middle East—general [May 29–June 3, 1967] : Freedom of passage through Gulf of Aqaba; legal status of Gulf of Aqaba; UAR legal arguments in UN Security Council; status of Eilat; Gulf of Fonseca in Central America; Cuban missile crisis; structure of Middle East control group and task force; past statements on Middle East by U.S. senators; procedures for meetings of Middle East task force / principal correspondents Leonard C. Meeker, Richard A. Frank, Edith Waskewich, Lucius D. Battle, [June 5–10, 1967]
► 0484 : Miscellaneous documents : Syrian-supported terrorism; UN role in crisis; Syria-Israel tensions; withdrawal of UNEF from UAR; Iranian views on crisis; bibliography on 1956 Suez Canal crisis; UK application to join European Economic Community; French views on crisis; naval peacekeeping; lack of USSR cooperation; USSR policy in Middle East; four-power consultation proposal of Charles de Gaulle; NATO ministerial meeting; 1956 proposals concerning Suez Canal; withdrawal of Israeli troops from Egypt in 1957; tripartite declaration of 1950; map of deployment of Arab forces; chronology of USSR-Israel relations / principal correspondents Lyndon Baines Johnson, Anthony Cuomo, [September 1, 1956; February 26–27, 1957; and May 9– November 27, 1967]
► 0590 : Misc. documents (Mid-East) : Captured UAR battle order; agenda for Middle East control group meeting; U.S. arms supply policy for Middle East countries; emergency relief contributions for Middle East from U.S. and other countries; UNRWA problems in areas in which hostilities occurred; proposal to establish Palestinian state; U.S. security guarantees for Israel and 1955 Arab-Israeli settlement; U.S. policy in Middle East; U.S. economic aid to Jordan, Israel, UAR, and Lebanon; European political implications of oil crisis; vulnerabilities and opportunities for U.S. in Syria,Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, UAR, Sudan, Morocco, Libya, Algeria, and Tunisia; effect of closure of Suez Canal on Indian food imports; food supply situation in Middle East, North Africa, and South Asia; arms limitations in Middle East; U.S. public opinion mail on crisis; proposals for administration of Jerusalem; appointment of new cabinet in UAR; proposals for settlement; lifting of travel restrictions for U.S. citizens; Libyan request that U.S. withdraw from Wheelus Air Base; probable meeting of Arab foreign ministers in Kuwait; Somali Republic representing Yemeni and Sudanese interests in U.S.; Jordanian request that U.S. send tents for refugee relief; attack on USS Liberty; UN role in crisis; Israeli political objectives; U.S. role in settlement; U.S. opportunity in Vietnam offered by Middle East crisis; actions of oil-exporting countries during crisis; Iranian role in settlement; USSR policy in Middle East; Jordanian observance of UN cease-fire; U.S.-UAR debt discussions; legal status of Gulf of Aqaba; withdrawal of Israeli troops from Egypt in 1957 / principal correspondents Eugene V. Rostow, Nadav Safran, John Foster Dulles, Henry Owen, Lucius D. Battle, Adrian S. Fisher, Dixon Donnelley, Leonard C. Meeker, Barbara M. Watson, James W. Symington, McGeorge Bundy, James Wine, Walt W. Rostow, Benjamin H. Read, Joseph J. Sisco, Chester L. Cooper, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Alan Novak, Stuart W. Rockwell, William J. Handley, [August 13 and 30, 1954; April 14 and 19, 1955; February 6, 1956; February 11, 1957; August 5, 1958; and April 28–June 23, 1967]
► 0888 : Misc. documents—Mid-East : Congressional record entries on crisis; need for U.S. to resist reducing tensions with USSR at Israel’s expense; USSR role in crisis; USSR arms shipments to Arab countries; oil; freedom of passage through Gulf of Aqaba; U.S. commitments to Israel; UN role in Middle East; UNEF; U.S.–Saudi Arabia relations; U.S. economic and military aid to Middle East; security of Israel; legal status of Gulf of Aqaba; withdrawal of Israeli forces from Egypt in 1957; U.S. policy in Middle East; tripartite declaration of 1950; NATO; Palestine partition issue, [1948; 1956–1957; and May 22–June 29, 1967]
► 0193 : History of MADEC [maritime declaration] : Guatemalan views on crisis; Costa Rican position on maritime declaration; freedom of passage through Gulf of Aqaba; UN role in crisis; activities of task force subcommittee on the maritime declaration; chronology of events concerning draft declaration; question whether Israel should sign declaration; tally of countries asked to sign declaration; assessment of reactions to proposed declaration; positions on declaration of countries approached; activities of Eugene V. Rostow in support of declaration; U.S. objectives; draft declaration; position on declaration of Australia and Spain; importance of secrecy about specifics of declaration and countries approached; contingency planning; NATO and declaration; differences between U.S. and UK approaches to potential declaration signers; New Zealand position on declaration; suspension of declaration activities; withdrawal of U.S. Air Force detachment from Jordan; UAR-Jordan joint defense agreement; AFL-CIO statement on crisis; importance to Israel of port of Eilat; Israeli oil imports; UAR views on crisis / principal correspondents Deane R. Hinton, Dean Rusk, Robert T. Grey, Lucius D.Battle, [May 30–June 9, 1967]
► 0350 : METF [Middle East task force] : Middle East task force meeting agenda; evacuation of U.S. citizens from Jordan; proposed visit of UAR vice president to U.S.; evacuation of U.S. citizens from Middle East countries; Israeli objectives; structure of Middle East control group and task force / principal correspondents Lannon Walker, Lucius D. Battle, Eugene V. Rostow, [May 31–June 9, 1967]
► 0366 : Situation reports : U.S.-USSR cooperation on crisis; U.S.-USSR summit meeting; communist Chinese propaganda on Arab defeat; USSR views on crisis; Norwegian shipping in Middle East; U.S. policy in Middle East; travel restrictions on U.S. citizens; Sudanese views on crisis; Sudanese internal situation; anticipated reaction of Western Europe and Canada to outbreak of Arab-Israeli war; pressure from Gamal Abdel Nasser on Libya to close Wheelus Air Base; charges that Wheelus Air Base is being used to airlift weapons and ammunition to Israel; effect of closure of Suez Canal on Indian food imports; charges of U.S.- UK involvement in war on behalf of Israel; UAR retaliation against U.S. and UK; freedom of passage through Gulf of Aqaba; Syrian-supported terrorism; demilitarized zones; map of Jerusalem; status of Jerusalem; refugees; arms limitation; Nasser’s resignation and its withdrawal; position and tactics of Saudi Arabian King Faisal; effects of oil crisis on Latin America; USSR propaganda / principal correspondents Deane R. Hinton, Thomas L. Hughes, [June 5–10, 1967]
► 0429 : Middle East—general [May 29–June 3, 1967] : Freedom of passage through Gulf of Aqaba; legal status of Gulf of Aqaba; UAR legal arguments in UN Security Council; status of Eilat; Gulf of Fonseca in Central America; Cuban missile crisis; structure of Middle East control group and task force; past statements on Middle East by U.S. senators; procedures for meetings of Middle East task force / principal correspondents Leonard C. Meeker, Richard A. Frank, Edith Waskewich, Lucius D. Battle, [June 5–10, 1967]
► 0484 : Miscellaneous documents : Syrian-supported terrorism; UN role in crisis; Syria-Israel tensions; withdrawal of UNEF from UAR; Iranian views on crisis; bibliography on 1956 Suez Canal crisis; UK application to join European Economic Community; French views on crisis; naval peacekeeping; lack of USSR cooperation; USSR policy in Middle East; four-power consultation proposal of Charles de Gaulle; NATO ministerial meeting; 1956 proposals concerning Suez Canal; withdrawal of Israeli troops from Egypt in 1957; tripartite declaration of 1950; map of deployment of Arab forces; chronology of USSR-Israel relations / principal correspondents Lyndon Baines Johnson, Anthony Cuomo, [September 1, 1956; February 26–27, 1957; and May 9– November 27, 1967]
► 0590 : Misc. documents (Mid-East) : Captured UAR battle order; agenda for Middle East control group meeting; U.S. arms supply policy for Middle East countries; emergency relief contributions for Middle East from U.S. and other countries; UNRWA problems in areas in which hostilities occurred; proposal to establish Palestinian state; U.S. security guarantees for Israel and 1955 Arab-Israeli settlement; U.S. policy in Middle East; U.S. economic aid to Jordan, Israel, UAR, and Lebanon; European political implications of oil crisis; vulnerabilities and opportunities for U.S. in Syria,Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, UAR, Sudan, Morocco, Libya, Algeria, and Tunisia; effect of closure of Suez Canal on Indian food imports; food supply situation in Middle East, North Africa, and South Asia; arms limitations in Middle East; U.S. public opinion mail on crisis; proposals for administration of Jerusalem; appointment of new cabinet in UAR; proposals for settlement; lifting of travel restrictions for U.S. citizens; Libyan request that U.S. withdraw from Wheelus Air Base; probable meeting of Arab foreign ministers in Kuwait; Somali Republic representing Yemeni and Sudanese interests in U.S.; Jordanian request that U.S. send tents for refugee relief; attack on USS Liberty; UN role in crisis; Israeli political objectives; U.S. role in settlement; U.S. opportunity in Vietnam offered by Middle East crisis; actions of oil-exporting countries during crisis; Iranian role in settlement; USSR policy in Middle East; Jordanian observance of UN cease-fire; U.S.-UAR debt discussions; legal status of Gulf of Aqaba; withdrawal of Israeli troops from Egypt in 1957 / principal correspondents Eugene V. Rostow, Nadav Safran, John Foster Dulles, Henry Owen, Lucius D. Battle, Adrian S. Fisher, Dixon Donnelley, Leonard C. Meeker, Barbara M. Watson, James W. Symington, McGeorge Bundy, James Wine, Walt W. Rostow, Benjamin H. Read, Joseph J. Sisco, Chester L. Cooper, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Alan Novak, Stuart W. Rockwell, William J. Handley, [August 13 and 30, 1954; April 14 and 19, 1955; February 6, 1956; February 11, 1957; August 5, 1958; and April 28–June 23, 1967]
► 0888 : Misc. documents—Mid-East : Congressional record entries on crisis; need for U.S. to resist reducing tensions with USSR at Israel’s expense; USSR role in crisis; USSR arms shipments to Arab countries; oil; freedom of passage through Gulf of Aqaba; U.S. commitments to Israel; UN role in Middle East; UNEF; U.S.–Saudi Arabia relations; U.S. economic and military aid to Middle East; security of Israel; legal status of Gulf of Aqaba; withdrawal of Israeli forces from Egypt in 1957; U.S. policy in Middle East; tripartite declaration of 1950; NATO; Palestine partition issue, [1948; 1956–1957; and May 22–June 29, 1967]
Reprodüksiyon Notu
Mikrofilm. Bethesda, MD : University Puclications of America (UPA), [t.y.]. 1 mikrofilm makarası : pozitif ; 35 mm. 1967
Emeği Geçenler
Lester, Robert E., prj. ed.
Kurum Adı
United States. Department of State.
University Puclications of America (UPA)
University Puclications of America (UPA)